(2008/08) Aug 2008

hi 2008 mummies, im new here . hope to know more mummies with kids of dsame age as mine , can plan outings n playdates .

morning mummies. =)
how u spent ur long weekend?

u went hort park?
i haven been there before, have a kids play ground there ah?
i went to botanic gdn on fri instead, both gals play till rain then willing to go home. =P

welcome aboard. ;)
playdates? u mean the kiddos or mummies? hee hee..
morning mummies

yu ze was rejected by cc yesterday due to ulcers. so now have to keep him at home to confirm if he is really having hfmd. bring him to pd and was given 10 days mc but he can't confirm too. just say most likely it is since there are cases in cc. like that also can leh. sigh......

so poor yu xi can't have her birthday celebration in cc today. told hubby to bring the cake that we order to cc cos we can't finish the 1.5kg cake ourselves. not sure if she knows her birthday is today, she took a toy and sing happy birthday song to herself yesterday night before she sleep. look so poor thing.
hi mummies, its been a long time since I came in here. My daughter is born in Aug 2008 and im currently preggy with my boy and due in mid June. Currently a SAHM cos i got laid off by my stupiak company in March. Can't seem to find any job now...sigh...so looking for something to do during the day time when my gal goes to childcare.
I took circle line mrt till botanical gdn main door, they have sign board there to lead u in de lor. ;)

Preg liao company still can lay u off de meh?
I thought preg women and women doing confinement are very well protected in sg de? -_-"
Snow: Ya I thought so too at first. The reason they cited was that I did not meet up to company's expectations but the funny thing was all these while I was working there, they had all along said I was doing a good job and had not given me any negative feedback. So its obvious they are just making use of me. I was still under probation and they did not confirm me, terminating my service. I have to work for minimum 90 days with the company otherwise its not mandatory for the company to pay me my maternity benefits. There's a loophole in the system and the company is making use of it so that they wun be liable. I have went to MOM and will be meeting my ex-employer tomorrow for a mediation session with MOM. So I'm hoping for the best.
Sylvia: Thanks for the welcome note and encouragement!

So how's life like for all of you mummies? Seems to be pretty quiet. I'm moving to Bishan area in June/July should be after my confinement. Quite excited that so many things going to happen in June/July.
Morning mummies!

Dun think too much. Happy mummy = happy baby!

Snow, Jacob Ballas fun? Very convenient via Circle line ah? I am looking for places to bring Velle too. Must burn her energy off.
morning mummies. =)

ai yo...but if ur ex-employer is those kind that will do "anything" that only favourable to them, u still wanna go back to work for them ah?
hopefully mom can help u to do something.

sylvia & nana
ya, its easier to walk in from circle line stn.
but hor, that entrance has tons of worms on the floor de wor....dunno why also, but walk a distance inside its ok liao.
my advise is let them eat 1st, cos once they started playing its hard to stop them.
its a big area to explore u see... -_-"
Thanks MummyNana for the encouragement!

Snow74: I of course dun want to go back to work for them...just want them to still pay my 16 weeks of maternity benefits. Anyway they offered to pay 1 month but I don't think I will take it...will still fight for my 16 weeks cos Im entitled to it.

Feeling very down after the session just now at MOM...sigh plus the weather today also so gloomy...
dun feel so down lah, outcome not finalized yet mah. =)
can imagine next time ur bb will be a brave "fighter" also...hee hee...
snow74, hehe dun worry...i'll be fine la...whatever the outcome is...just feel sad that such companies exist. One side govt encouraging ladies to give birth, the other side companies are not supporting the notion. Wat to do...

Looking for a school for my girl now...any good childcares to recommend?
worms? hahaha! ok note. wait for good weather, will bring. actually cloudy day without rain is fine with me. :p

Yes... what mum did during preg will somehow affect bb.

Snowhamster, quite common, always hear such cases here and there.
must fight for 16 wks!
Morning mummies...going to collect my Myanmar maid in a few hours time...hope she will be good...

I'm currently staying in Yishun but will be moving to Bishan in June so am looking for a good school near Bishan/TP/Novena/Thomson area. Any recommendations?
Good morning mummies...its a new week! I went to bring my Myanmar maid back home last Friday and she's been with us for 3 days...so far so good just that need to spend time to train her.
Snowhamster, think Myanmar maid is more naive and better as maid.

Childcare in bishan/TPY........ fairprice 1st sch?
Afternoon mummies....finally have found a school for my daughter. Enrolling her at Red Schoolhouse at Midview City. Went this morning and decided le...hope my gal will enjoy attending school there.
hi mummies. =)
finally can come in here liao...hee hee... =P

after u went, u tell me lor...ha ha... >D
alot crawling on the floor of that new entrance.

looks like everything else looks gd for u ya?
Snow74, ya everything ok except for the fact that I don't think I can be a tai tai...haha...i hate all the free time and I don't know what to do with it. Sigh...now that my gal has found a school, Im gonna be even more 'lonely'...waiting for time to pass till June when my bb pops out. I wonder what do homemakers do everyday with all the time? Other than housework which my Myanmar maid is helping me with now.
A real tai tai go pre pregnant yoga and massage lor, eng eng go shopping to make sure they look their best infront of their 'boss'..ha ha.. :p
Run some household errands also bah, there must be things that someone at home lack of?
I better stop before killed by anyone. =X
morning mummies. =)
today is simply a walking zombie...
zynn stuffy nose last nite, so she no sleep i no sleep also lor. =(
Morning mummies.

Sorry for disappearing after asking. Been busy.

Strange thing is hb can slp thru while mummy keeps waking up rite? Or maybe ur hb did wake up too? =P
Afternoon mummies...busy morning....my daughter today first day at school so stayed back for awhile to observe the class. Seems to be good so far.

Snow, use Vicks to rub her chest, back and soles of feet before she sleeps. And abit on her nose. I realise this helps with my gal when she has runny nose/cough. Hope you'll be able to get some rest today.

MummyNana, no worries!
ya...sweetdream some more...so this wicked mummy here dicided that he should share some load...ha ha...kicked him up to do shift work, else i sure die. =P

thx for the suggestion, i try tonite.
she has been falling sick very easily since changing into this PCF, her 1.5yrs in talent plus quite ok leh...funny... -_-"
Snow, new children, new environment, new germs. It's like this...takes some time for their bodies to get used to it. Just take more Vit C/cod liver oil ba. Take care!
hi mummies. =)

seldom let them take supplement lah, i started to doubt the school's cleanlines now anyway.
cos my this rat almost eat everything, so its easier for me to feed her the natural vitamin lor.
ha ha...after eating so much, pd still said she underweight. -_-"
to me, she looks quite fat leh. =P
Snow74, i see...hehe maybe i more kiasu than you. It's good that your dd eat almost everything. My gal only takes broccoli and doesnt like other vege...then for fruits sometimes give her, then she start coughing so the easier way out for me is to give Vit C supplements lor. I withdrew my gal from her previous school as she fell sick after just 4 days of starting. The school din check her temperature in the morning and the classrooms and toilets were not exactly very clean everyday. I guess thats how she fell sick. So I took her out after just 1 week there. And to think the school fees are more than $1K over there.
ok. i go then i tell u. hahahaha!!

sahm... super busy loh. so dunno whether u will get killed or nt if u continue? wahahaha!!
morning mummies. =)
was just complaining about zynn's weight yesterday, then last nite received a letter from MOH thru school that #1 is underweight (3 percentile). -_-"
overweight mummy with 2 underweight gals, heaven is really joking man! ha ha... >D

so ur gal better in new school?
my gal in school 2hrs nia, so i din really do a check inside the school lah. =P
just find that she has been falling sick since starting this yr, which she does not when she was in playgroup lor.

now i was planning to go hort park liao, live so near there but never go before lor...heard there is a children playground inside also.

ha ha...pai seh har, i was talking about tai tai.
everything also got ppl help them do that type, not really so busy lah. =X
i was underweight since i start p1 all the way to preggy loh. i still grow right. all other people in my family are fat loh.
Good leh, u easier to find nice clothing to wear..hee hee..
I also dunno why both gals underwent till I gotta receive letter from moh..but like what u said, healthy is the main key point. ;)
If u gals has the chance to see zynn, think u all also wun understand why is she underwent lor..ha ha..
heard is a gd place to go. but v far for me.. n hard to go.

For me... I underweight all the way till age 17 pah. like 1 stick loh.

so healthy is impt.

hahahahaha!! taitai diff mah. that one nt SAHM leh. that one is taitai. qiao ka n shake leg type. hahahaha!!
morning mummies. =)

ya...for me is, its so near yet i never go before...ha ha... >D

Healthy is more important lah, so now they trying to eat more variety of food after listen to what nurse jie jie told them lor. =X
this ma ma said till die also they never listen before... -_-"

no leh, they very busy de...they gotta keep themself looking the best to wait for their boss to come home, make sure the food on their boss's table is fresh and to their boss's liking.
gotta go fitness center to keep very fit, got lotsa lunch dates to attend.
must keep track of fashion, clear off their wardrobe every change of season.
gotta remove makeup everyday before they sleep, even when their only outdoor activities is going downstair for a cup of coffee. (this 1 i dun understand why also, no makeup boss no face.)
their job as tai tai no easy ok?...ha ha..
