(2008/08) Aug 2008

sorry, "trapped" at home with 2 energetic gals so no chance to log in just now.
i've replied ur sms le. =)

cos i've been waiting, so can remember lor...hee hee....

cos i thought most mummies here has that aug mummies excel sheet, so i din post me email addy here.
had replied ur pm le....pai seh har, pardon my slowness.
i gotta wait for 3 babies nap liao then got chance to log in de, but they wun nap long usually. =(
yes, today is the last day of the 7th month. could have some burning again leh. My boyJ seem to like animals leh...
clever gal....u see lah, now all 3 wakes up liao....thx to the lift upgrading outside, knock till like i owe them $ like that.
send to me, fast! =P
i usually spend half a day in the zoo and tour about 1/2 or less of the place. cos yu ze won't nap with all the exciting animals though he might not be able to see all especially those not moving or same colour as background one (eg. giraffe, orang utan, etc). he loves the water play area. when we bought him there that time, he can't walk also. so he crawl around to play with the water loh. enjoying himself very much.

usually i will try to go as early as possible but still reach zoo around 10+ or 11am. before we enter, i will feed him porridge first then we started touring. around 2 or 3pm, feed him milk again and by then he is too tired liao. will almost fall asleep in the stroller and that's when we headed home and he will sleep in the car.

i think now they will be able to see more animals compare to last time so it will be quite fun for them.

the canvas things look good leh, very tempting to do but must control. intend to do only when we really have a 'complete' family photo and the kids. maybe 1 or 2 years later.

i'm planning to go after lunch, say reach there ard 2pm, then walk the place until 6pm. morning i will try to let him sleep as much as poss.

when yu ze went to play park, did you put him in swim gear? after that how u bathe him? i'm thinking of letting J play that when he can walk, then bathing won't be so difficult since we can get him to stand then shower him.
Uploaded liao

Only 8 pics nia...dun wana pay $250 extra as the PS is already ex at $188 + $25 (#1)...and 1 thing I dun like is their location, so out of the way lor so hb not free, I have to take cab...opt for courier services for the hardcopy pics delivery!

Understd your theory of "complete" family.
that day when we let him play at the water area, we go un-prepare, i only got 1 extra top with me. so what i did is remove his clothes leaving only diaper and let him play. after that use his dirty clothes to wipe him clean, come back then bathe. actually you can bathe there too cos they got area for bathing.

whoever is going to follow j, better bring clothes to change loh. cos yu ze can only crawl then so he can't go too far and we only limit him to a small area. so hubby didn't really get wet. but now if we go again, really need to prepare clothes to change or even bathe.

j still bathe in bath tub? we have stop using bath tub for about 1-2 months liao. we ask him to hold on to toilet wall, stand and bathe him. in fact, we are slow in doing that at home. he stands and bathe at babysitter for very long liao since he knows how to stand up with support. babysitter already make him hold on to a chair in the bathroom to bathe.

yah loh. like you can have nice family photo done up.

J still bathe in tub but he's moving around so much we end up getting wet with him. we intend to let him bathe yu ze style when he can walk. now i think get him to stand he'll probably sit down and play with water. plus we're scared the floor is slippery also. i'm hoping my MIL will let him bathe in adult bath tub since her room got one. there can put the non-slip mat and will be more fun for J to bathe and play with his toys.
when you let him stand up to bathe, don't use bath tub liao. just get him to stand on the floor with hand to support on wall or a stool. in this case, there is no water for him to play in a way. usually, they will scare that they will slip and will hold on and not move so much.

actually now that he can walk, its more difficult to bathe him. sometimes, he will hold on the wall and try to walk around the bathroom. hahah....
<font color="aa00aa">dongle\babyemma</font>
hi mummies, your creams are here... do drop me an email if you didnt receive mine previously yeah?
i maybe going to punggol tomorrow, is that near your place? i'll have no access to computer, could you sms me your address etc? my no can be found on the contact list.

my MIL will never allow J to stand in the shower stand and hold the wall. she's the very careful kind. but if i were her and have an adult bath tub at home, i would put jonah in there and let him play bubble bath. so fun! then later play finish can stand up and use shower head to bathe him. the bath tub can put those rubber mat so he won't slip lor.

if at my place, then i'm hoping to bathe him in shower stand but may consider laying the floor with those non-slip mats in case it gets slippery.
you can also consider getting a stool and asking him to sit down while taking shower, if you mil is worried that he may fall...
Don't think babies will guai guai stay inside the adult bathtub and bathe ley..I'm bathing K inside his bath tub, placed inside our bath tub. He will always climb out of his bath tub into the adult bath tub, cruise around the whole bath tub then try to climb out of the bath tub..

Non slip mat no use cos can only cover a small portion.
hi mommies..

me so sianzz.. Hubby jus left for work overseas. Be back only next Sat!! im left with baby alone.. how to cope?? xianz.. =( Dont know where to go also...how to i spend the whole week? =(
Von: Thanks for the collage. I can see Amber's face so clearly.

NiNi: My hubby had left last Mon but be back tomorrow (Sat) but I'm staying with inlaws so not so bored. Need to get out sometimes to get a breather. I brought my 4 yr old son to the beach yesterday to see Polliwogs but he was not keen as he preferred to play at the beach. Before that, I had brought him for an art class.

Going for a Genting trip this Tue to avoid the public holiday crowd. With 2 children in tow, hope everything goes well :)

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
gd news, hb told me today safra here has RH mooncake on sale for safra member...hee hee...
must grab fast fast liao.

i suggest u wait lor, i also wait till zynn 1yr ol le then take "complete" family photo de....hee hee....yes, later #2 or #3 also demand the same thing then u faint lor.

before i send for that canvas print, u wanna decide if u want a sq or rectangle canvas?
they are same price, just that i think ur pcs is more towards the "long" type? =P

got it, had replied u.

the pics are very nice.
at least worth ur effort lah. =)

thx for the nice collage.
I replied your mail. Something wrong, so sent you the mail twice. Thanks again.

You mentioned RH got mooncake discount for SAFRA members ? RH is raffles hotel ? Nice ah? Have to go to the hotel to buy is it ?

thanks for the collage !

Have a great weekend everyone ! Hari Raya, busy day for me =) but at least fasting has ended !
morning mummies

like yurri, i also think non slip mat is not going to be very useful. unless you are going to cover the whole toilet or jonah is so guai that he won't move when he bathe. i guess its does take some time for the baby to learn to stand up and bathe, the care giver to learn to let baby stand to bathe. they can't be in the bath tub forever. i have been nagging hubby to let yu ze bathe standing instead of bath tub for a long time too. it only take him last 1-2 months to get the idea that its ok for yu ze to stand to bathe.

in most cases, i try to be consistent with what babysitter did with him. or inform babysitter what i have teach him so that she can be consistent and follows too (eg, when i started training yu ze to hold his own bottle, i told babysitter not to hold for him too. if he refuse to hold, then don't drink milk). of course, there are still some things that are different (eg. babysitter already try to toilet train yu ze and let him go with diaper at home but i still can't do that with him)

anyway, i guess all babies are different. you see what works well for jonah, you and your mil loh.

yah loh. i think so too. if i don't do for #2 or #3, then they will complaint say i bias. hahaha.... better wait and spend at 1 shot.
yes! zynn nap liao! >D

got ur mail, will see what magic i can do...hee hee....

ya, thats what my hb told me.
RH = raffles hotel, they got roadshow in safra this evening.
will go down see see later, yes!

no problem. =)

ha ha....i feel the pain when i need to do the foot imprezzion thingy for zynn that time, just cos i did 1 for #1. =P
so if its something that u dun think u wanna do repeatly, dun start it.
*dun let yu ze see this* =X
hahah.... yah yah. i wanted to do that for yu ze too but decide not to in the end. so for this, i better not start now and do it together later.
think today everyone go enjoy their long wkend liao ya? =)

ya ya ya....and if u took photo too early, their face features will change when they are lightly older liao also lor.
Halo Mommies!
Brgt both gals for a dip in the pool today so Mae wsa tired out...

Ya, then beta do together

Tiring to spend 2hrs PS leh...think will only consider again when Mae is bigger

Mooncakes - yummy, i like!
oophs, just saw yr email at my spam mailbox... will let u know asap...

re: baby bathing
cayla still in her bathtub placed on the floor... she likes to stand up inside her own bathtub to bathe.... my bathroom floor is granite so extremely slippery so scared that both fall down together... duno how too...

re:raffles hotel mooncakes
i used to buy their baked ones &amp; for 2 years in a row, kena moldy even before mooncake festival, somemore i usually collect a few days b4 mooncake festival... buy their snowskin will be better...this year ordered from park hotel and sheraton hotel aledi...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to linx, medusa, happy mummy &amp; huichin...
selamat hari raya aidilfitri to all our muslim friends here. =)

agree leh, its so tiring till i gotta tight up my hair half way thru....ha ha....

ya, i only like the snowskin from RH.
its a 25% disc yesterday, so i think its around $37 like that lor.
got sharaton hotel's latest cranberry mooncake for my mum also, which flavour u ordered?
sze chuan court will be coming to my co canteen to participate in a mooncak bazzar, think will only look at it then. =P
morning mummies

selamat hari raya to all muslims friends. enjoy!!!

yah loh. even just about 1 year apart, i already think yu ze look different liao. haha....
hi hi - Am from Sept thread. Wonder if anyone is keen.
I have a brand new tin unopened. Expiry 20 April 2011. Selling at $52 (non negotiable). Pick up in tampines.

Baby don't like the tatse after sampling from samples.PM me.
<font color="#CD3278">NiNi</font>
Ur niang jia good to drop in? Shopping is gd to past time...

Hang in there!! Hope little Braiden is a gd boy this week!

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
You did the editting yourself for the 6in1 or you got the BP org to do it? I'm going tagging on snow's lobang, and I can't make up my mind which pix to choose.. Maybe I shd do my own collage for the 12"x12"

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
When you bathe YZ while he stands, do you use shower head to bathe him or pour from a pail/tub?
ha ha....ya lor.
i look back at our bb calendar done last yr, and those bb photos taken during aug bb bash.
all of them really look so diff liao leh.

diy pics is always more unique, but make sure the resolution allow the pics to print 12"x12" lor. =)
hi mommies...

my son now already 13mths plus liao...bt he only got half a tooth out leh...now the top gum only shows just a little bit out..aiyo..dunno what happened...Till now, he's still dun even know how to talk...only talk baby language, doesn't even know how to stand on his own...HAIZZZ...just dun understand...VERY XIN FAN!

ya....... I also think not to do things that only one kid gets to have. so I din do n got scolded by my frds so nt in! hahaha!!!

GOO.N has Clearance sales leh!
&amp; new packaging is arriving.

This is what I rcv:
We are clearing stocks of current packaging. All GOO.N diapers and pull-up pants will be going at discounted price of $19.90 per pack, while stocks last.

Rest assured that all our current stocks are only a few months old as stock are moving fast due to popular demand.

During the discount period, "10% discount for order over $120" will be suspended.

Is the pull up pants worth buying? Anyone tried?
morning mummies, guess everyone is enjoying the long weekend. FYI, i have emailed out the bb collage. please check ur mails.
morning mommies

trying to finish up reading Forum posts... We r back fm Penang, exhausted.. not bad though just hb has to leave again for his biz trip directly !! Crazy tiring for him... came back home, unpack, pack again n get thing ready n iron cos got flight at midnite !! Now tired me has to handle bb totally myself.... Scare man... will I survive at least 2 weeks since hb cant confirm the duration ?
thinking shall I Import my mum again or I go back there ? hehehehe... but the feeling I hv to pack myself while looking after N is really horrendous...

Can type this a while cos she's still sleeping.. :p too tired from the travel also... wanna leave her so I can bath scare she fell down..

we can shake hands liao... mayb we visit n play each other ? hehehehe

hihihi, I dont celebrate Aidil fitri lehhh :p

thank u for the beautiful collage....

Seen I missed the canvas deal :p well... nvm

mind me if I'm missing missing n suddenly pop in here hor.. bit hands full
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Ah, i see.. Ur place &amp; ur bb sitter's place using instant heater right?

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Did the org of the BP specify a min resolution?

<font color="#CD3278">Pinky</font>
Think some bb are just late developers.. Don't worry, all the physical milestones wld be reached in good time..
