(2008/08) Aug 2008

my job hopeless de, juz wasting time here till my aws cos team members suck, boss same gang de, big boss aso same gang de... yucks
Thanks Sylvia for highlighting.

Here's the correct list.

let me do a roll call, if i missed out yours, please let me know. here's the photos i have received.

1. April's Denzel
2. balugu's gerlene
3. Catherine's C&C
4. celyn's yu ze
5. cocomo's shervalle
6. Dongle's cayla
7. earnestmum's amber
8. fairybees' kynan
9. karen's Jonah
10. kat's adel
11. Linx's Nandini
12. M2B's Maegan
13. Melissa's Allivier
14. mouse's baby K
15. mulberry's Jasmine
16. MummyNana's Anvelle
17. Rata's Jacinta
18. rona's jerold
19. ruixuan's siong lok
20. Shint's Kai
21. snow74's Zynn
22. UmiZora's Meredith
23. valnsw's Chevelle
24. vern's Izzy
25. yuuri's Keston
26. von's Janelle

huh? what do u do?


we're not early birds anymore mah. anw, szechuan court one is quite comparable and they're having 20% now. can consider. yest i went raffles xchange to buy double yolk baked mooncake from holiday inn. 30% off so i paid only $35 for a box of 4! i'm contemplating marriot snow skin coz' HSBC got $1 offer. hmmm...
i have emailed u the pic for the canvas...thanks
Prob cos tmrw Fri liao, and plus with PH maybe many mummies on leave for the long weekend?

I'm about to go off to the airport.. Won't be here for the next few days unless I get access to internet.
morning mummies. =)
dunno why i cannot post yesterday, hopefully today its ok.

yln & ruixuan
received ur pics liao, very nice.

can send me ur pics pls?

hmm....unless got 1 more mummy here wanna print, else the 4 canvas slots fully taken liao lor.
so sorry about it. =(
morning! yeah, yesterday i also cannot post.

will send you the pic this afternoon. can you ask the organizer if they can accept 5 canvas at $25 each? then happy_mum can join us lor...
Mrs Teng,
which one is mine?? think you got no excuse to say you need more practice before sharing with me liao...
morning mummies

yeah!!! another day that i manage to wake up so early. i think i'm more or less prepare and ready for work next week.
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
When's the BP till ah? The canvas thing looks quite nice.. I need to confirm if hb wld like one in our place.. And also dig out a nice pix of Ashley..
morning mummies
finally can post. yesterday isetan pte sale.. anyone went ? nothing much lei.. but still manage to spend quite abit .. haha. bought polo for bernice and me. Also FINALLY bought my loewe Amazon bag. haha. And very extravagantly..went Taka LV and bought bernice a mini papillon hahaha. she was so cute carrying it
morning everyone,

today office so quiet...everyone on leave. dun feel like working also...maybe can have long lunch later, haha.
dun worry, happy_mummy can just send her pics to me and i TRY TO make thing happen...ha ha... =P

ok, will log in again this afternoon to download ur pic. =)

print lah, u are the last person i accept liao....come on baby. >D
its ok lah, let me noe by tmr?
Good Morning Mommies!

Enjoy your trip!

Thanks for coordinating the canvas prints.

Yes, print print...I have 1 of family pic and another 1 of the gals' 6-in-1 and doing 1 B&amp;W of Mae...now thinking my new place got space for me to hang all or not...hahaha
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
I think shdn't be a problem with the CFO.. hahah, coz not expensive (i hope!)
But I try to find nicenice pix k?

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
What do u mean by a 6in1?
The BW is the one u showed here?? Very nice!

hahah.. New place will def have the space.. Esp the gers' room ;)
sure, no problem.
since that is a sept promo, think should not end so fast bah....hee hee....

oh ya hor, u haven post ur sean lau's pics in fb leh. =P
Hi Mummies.

Haven't had time to log in since the day the server went down. How's everyone?

Mrs Teng,
the mooncakes are making me drool. I wan one too!

Tats really an extravagant buy. Any pics of bernice wif her new bag?
mommies who went to the zoo:

how long did u spend there? did u visit the water park? thinking of going on mon but dunno whether to make it a full day outing or half day outing. hopefully it's not too crowded. else will contemplate polliwogs since haven't been there also.

it is vvvvvvvery humid n hot when i went. took the boat ride n sat on the tram for 45mins to let gg sleep. haha.
didn;t go to the waterpark as we were so hot n tired n at this age, doubt gg can play. the boat ride is great to relax after walking n it;s cooling :p will def go there again. didn;t see much animals tho. gg got tan after tat cos i never put sunbloc for her but i deck out with anti mozzie patches n we didn;t get a bite
Mrs Teng,
Your mooncake very droolicious ley!

Personally I feel the zoo deserves a full day outing cos there's so much to see! Previously, went for about 4hrs and I think covered less than half of the place. Didn't play at the waterpark cos K can't walk yet and also hb keep insisting too many kids = hfmd :p
twin stars/ yuuri,

the last time i went to the zoo in 2006 i felt so bored. toured the place in 1-2 hours. but that's prob coz i didn't have a kid in tow :p i think the water park and boat ride is new? dun remember any boat ride when i went there. i managed to tour bird park in 4 hours when i went last month. a bit hesitant to do full day outing coz' J will be cranky if he does not get enough sleep. outside he only has cat naps of about 1/2 an hour. if i'm lucky, he'll sleep for 1 hour!
I dunno if it's because we have a kid in tow, but both me and hb were very impressed with the zoo. Just introducing new animals to bb K took quite some time, and we'd made an effort to read about where the animals are from...I'd recommend you set aside the whole day but let J take it at his own pace. See how long he can 'tong' then take it from there. K also doesn't sleep outside that's why we decided to leave after 4 hrs...
Mrs Teng,
On, next thurs or fri? let me know so i can arrange on the time. i will have to climb with jerold already. how are the gals? sleeping better or not? today last day liao!!!

today last day of 7th month meh? are they going to burn again? better let J sleep aircon tonite.


haha last time i went birdpark J was only impressed with the bird show and lorry loft. the rest of the exhibits were so-so only. i think if i go with him i will just point out the animals to him but won't really spend time reading the info boards. so tempted to go to the water park but J can't really walk yet and i don't feel like getting wet, heh heh.

I chose 6 pics of the two gals together and combined into 1 canvas so it is rather big...thinking to display in the living area...

Yup, the B&amp;W pic of Mae that I posted here...cannot resist printing it into canvas

Oh yahor...ok, will go post soon

thanks for reminding
