(2008/08) Aug 2008

Catherine, Valnsw,
Thanks gals! my sil said she has some bb winter clothes for char..but dunno can wear anot..
meantime if u haf ready pics of those u wanna sell, can jus email me..thks!

I thot u still wanted to go ahead with your trip w/o hb? or u said dat in a fit of anger? :p
If hb dun wanna go, mayb can go wif ur parents?

Seriously they dun feel hot one meh? Or 'ai sui mai mia' haha..
My hb's jap colleague went to singapore bird park on a hot hot day...wearing a short-sleeve tee wif a short-sleeve shirt and jeans....piangz!
yah, cannot over exert on my hand. i carry some light weight stuff on my left hand, therapist already say cannot. ask me to go slow.
oops, fb got problem and I was seeing posts from 7 Sep ... anyway, i did not receive the collage from Von leh ... anyone has can send me? i PM her but not sure went through not ... hehe.
Shint/ Celyn,
I have got the file from Von. But sadly, Anvelle is not inside although I sent her the pic. Wat's ur email add? I send to you now.
wah .... all the discussion abt maids oso made me a little more wary of my maid, though she is still ok so far but still, I guess must be more alert and not to leave valuables, money around to tempt them. My hubby will leave things everywhere .... despite me keep telling him not to try to give opportunities to the maid to do wrong. Can only pray she will be good.
really no 1 noe if the free transport from clementi mrt station still going to turf city anot ah? =P
thiking of going to fidgets, but public bus will only stop outside along the main road leh. =(
celyn, she oso cced you leh. go check.
I emailed her to see if she has a higher resolution one .. cos this one if print out not nice, too pixilated.
thanks. i have received it.

thanks. i received from you too.

the collage:
the file i received is quite small hoh, can it be printed out? or just to view with pc?
mel, thanks for the offer. i hve lots of voucher now... hee

snow74, can't help u leh. i only know TPY has the bus to turf city...
don't have leh. the email i received from both mummynana and melissa, my email is not in the original email leh. i just check also, don't have.
shint & celyn
yes, the file i received also quite small. =)
was thinking maybe her mail server got filesize restriction. =P

ya, that lady in fidgets also only noe TPY has shutter bus.
but hor, it was written on their webby that clementi also got wor...
thx anyway...hee hee...at least someone replied. -_-"
tat one better dun print .. cos will be pixilated one ... u zoom in and see can tell liao.
maybe mummynana or melissa can help to try to ask her for the better resolution one? i dun have her email.

That's the revised version received from Von, isn't High Resolution enough. May be u can ask the high resolution from Von.
thx, i saw that and called to ask just to double cfm lor.
but that lady in fidgets confused me even further, she said only TPY has.
was wondering is that webby outdated leh, u have any idea? =(

i try ask von and see if she has a higher res ver okie? u gals wait awhile. =)
You looking for 12-18M old winterwear right? I go back and check.

This Thur trip was pre-arrangeed already, just hb and me.

The HK trip which I proposed is canned by my hb. He thinks that Chevelle is too young to go. Hmmph! I was quite angry and argued with him on this.

If just myself go with Chevelle, think I will die manz, cos she's so active. I need another pair of hands to help to take care of her.

snow / celyn/ mummynana,

Can either of you send the collage to me? I never received it leh...
I called Turf City Management liao. The lady confirmed tat there's shuttle bus from Clementi as well.

Krex/ celyn,
You are most welcomed!
<font color="aa00aa"><blink>Calendula/Desitin Creams</blink></font>
Mummies who ordered, creams have arrived, please check your email for more details please.

u can take ur time.

for me, just 'pai ba jiu'. hahaha!!

i saw the winter coat so sweet. but i got liao loh. hahaha!! wait til got good offer n discount pah.

technically, jap or ppl with 4 season hv very sensitive temp feel, once wind blow, they feel cold. so they will wear very thick to keep warm.

for us, our body generate heat more, so when in cold place, our body will work hard to maintain.

if we feel cold, they will feel colder. but they r used to cold esp the nite. we r nt.

n then the 'ai sui mai mie' is also another prob. some die die mid winter still wanna wear mini skirt, while some wear til like snowman.

for tokyo, the wind is the essential part. can be very cold one day, hot another. in train n mall, got heater, so they will jus take out coat. for us who r sensitive to heat will feel uncomfortable n sweat loh.


hahaha!! i brought jap frd to nite safari, they wore evening gown there ar. they said is courtesy. imagine i wear bermuda. :p
Evening gown go safari? Got people stare at them or not? Die, can imagine how they dress for formal occasion then?
morning mommies. =)

thx very much, at least i can take public transport there this fri le.

ya, she is always very helpful.
oct lah, wait too long i hand itchy leh...ha ha...
buy a size bigger lah, got nice 1 must stock up 1st mah. =P

thx for the effort in making collage, pls take ur time...at least dun let this collage affect ur normal work.
