(2008/06) June 2008

I think their enrichment is focus on Chinese bcos many kids r jiat kang dang now. Lol.
I still think that it is impt to have fun in pre-sch studies now. I found ichiban too crowded, as if they r trying to pack as many kids as possible into their small compound to max profits. If I really have to choose a cc, ichiban not on my top list.

Will let u know if mrs chong replies. I might call her too when school reopens.

My last phl maid decided that she wanted to go home after working for 1 year.

Agreed that the other ichiban is worse. I visited them and saw that they have phl teachers. Kids are like stray, standing at the door.
Shauna is in LCentral for 1+ term and can hear the first sound now. she will progress next year. I fount LC not too bad.
Lucky I did not enrol him into ICR JE. I went for trial but not impressed with what they said.

If they are stong in chinese, I quite ok as he will continue with summer montessori enrichment. The only problem now is they shifted the older kids to boon lay so need to take bus.

How is your Meet the parent session? Mrs Teo propose to engage zac into numbers related enrichment so I enrol him into Yamaha starting Jan'12. For the CIM, yet to check them out. Have you visited them?
Shauna just told me yday that she's an English bcos she cannot rem Chinese. Faint.
I also went icr je assessment and wasn't impressed. Hehe.
Hb went for the meet parents session. Nothing that we do not know of. Mrs teo generally has good thing to say abt shauna, which I suppose is the case for most students.

I haven't explore CIM, only intending to sign her up later cos I tink it is pretty academic. I dun want to kill her interest now.
Yahama teaches maths?
I am also looking at the music wonderland by yamaha for shauna. I might sign her up soon.

U already signed up isaiah for the music class with yamaha?
Yamaha is e music wonderland. Mrs teo recommend cos her gal is there. Z is Starting on 3 jan

Haha. Sure faint. Did u speak mandarin to her?
Did u go to e concert at Cnl? Is shuana e gal that being turn by a boy? My boy says tt shuana.
No wor. Only my mum speaks mandarin to her. S' mandarin has an ang mo slang. Lol.
Oh, I m looking at wonderland music too. Maybe I will sign up for e tue class. Will let u know if I sign up.

Yes, I was at the concert. Did u buy e cd? S is in the middle, the one who kept flipping her hair off the face. Lol.

Oh, I manage to speak with e principal yday when I sent s to school for her enrichment. She received my email lor but claimed that too busy to reply.
Cnl's syllabus quite standard leh, phonics starting in pre-nursery, nursery start to learn blending. K1 will start spelling, k2 will start ting sie and hanyu pingying. K2 will also learn to write in sentences and learn additions and subtractions.
Then again, some other more academically driven schools might do more tough spelling and ting sie, etc lah.
S should be staying put in cnl unless if I switch her to cc. How abt z?
connie, berries is at the bt batok cc.. so far, some of my friends whose older children go there for primary school chinese enrichment find them not bad.. im hoping to improve their chinese cause really cannot make it!! like S, they speak chinese with an ang moh slang. Im making an effort to speak chinese to them at home but its tough cause my chinese is also CMI

Connie and Zuen, yeah loh, im not very impressed with ICR, save money and withdraw him better...hopefully ICL will be better. Yes, I signed Isaiah up for yamaha at frontier cc, near JP.. every tues 745.. want to go together?
Mummies, you are so wonderful had the plan for your kids already.

Don't like me, dun know what should do for my boy. Everyday let him play and play.

Till now, he still can't hold the pen properly and dun know how to colour. Feel upset when sawing others kids can write and colouring at the same age.
Kids process differently. Mine go sch but also can't hold pen / cayon properly. His teacher advise me to buy the thicker type so that they can have a better grip. They should not be using the normal thin pencil.

745? I better go check mine again. Going to buy books this few days.

I have a feel that my maid might not cont after 2013. If MIL still stay wif me then I cont to engage a maid n they go K1. If MIL decided to move to SIL place, then I will put both to CC.

Pre-nursery phonics? I doubt so. Mrs Teo only said she did let them expose to phonics sound but not in details as letting them pronounce. She said will be in it next year. They have spelling but I fadely remember I saw Bag, cat, bat as spelling. Not sure K1/K2.

No time table for them? Only plus n minus?? Oh

My boy chinese are better now although English are stronger. He switch between languages when talk to me. I usually speak mandarin to him.

You engage bus or drive them daily? Sound far for me.
When I try to speak in Mandarin to S, she replies me in English. She only attempts to speak in Mandarin to my mum.

Jia you. Dun compare, only end up getting upset. There will always be somebody who is better. Maybe boys are slower? My no. 2 is already 14 months, still not walking or talking. Faint.

I will laugh if any of my maids can finish their 2-year contract lor. I really hope to go maidless one day just that my mum cannot handle 2 kids now. Bcos hb and I worked long hours, the kids will have to stay full 12 hours in CC if we really decide to send them there. And we will still end up having to rush to put them there and pick them up so that we will be on time for work. They will probably end up being the earliest to reach the CC and latest to be picked up.
On top of that, I will have to handle them alone on weekends and PH bcos hb tends to work. And the housework after the kids sleep.
The tot itself is daunting enuff. I will probably have a maid until S goes into primary school.

Time table? Must learn time table in Kindergarten? I remember learning that only in P3 wor. Faint.
Like I say lor, the syllabus seem normal but I suppose the more aggreesive pre-schools do more difficult stuff.

Will let you all know if I sign up wonderland. I am lazy and havent move my butt to register S.
Hi mummies,

Ask for help.
My boy still cannot sit down properly and concenrate study (at least 2 mins, he also dun want). Everytime asked him to read the book (we let him choose the book his like), he will keep on complaint eg: eye pain, tired, want to sleep and etc. Asked him question, he never think and straight tell you he dun know. He keep on looking around, the eye doesn't look at book at all.

Till now, he dun know how to hold pencil, dun know colouring (just colour all over the paper and draw a circle) and can't recognice alphabet.

What can I do?
How do build up his interest?
Merry Christmas.

Roxy, Connie,
I signed up for Music Wonderful. See you all pm 3rd Jan.
I have never met Connie before but I think S should recognise Z.

Your boy can read? Or you to read for him?
For Shauna, it will be dependent on her mood too. Sometimes, she also does exactly what you mentioned. Asked her to practice her alphabet, she decided that she wants to do something else when we barely start. I just tot that it is most important for them to be interested and enjoy what they are doing now. They are afterall just 3 yo.
Which month is your boy born in?
My boy born in Jun.

Usually we let him play and play. Not sure am I right or not to give him play and play without learning.
Shauna is a May baby. We also let her play niah. Maybe Connie and roxy can advise better. They have boys too.
Yeh, Then we can meet up. Mine is 8pm but Roxy said hers is 745pm.

AT this age, they learn thru play. My boy's peer can write and do homework on his own. He is in Ichiban kiddy and there's good n bad feedback on this sch. This sch is very focus on studies. At 3 yrs already have homework.

My boy still can't hold a pencil properly. Maybe u want to buy the thicker type so that he can have a better grip, This is wat his teacher told me to do. For reading, you just have to be patient. My friend told me to read a loud and even if he is running around, he will still be listening. So I just follow but now can see improvement. Don give him books with all words or little picture, they are not patient. Other than thomas books that he choose, the rest of the books that I bought have little words so they are more keen to listen. My initial mistake is fairy tales with no 1-2 pictures so now those books are kept in carboard for future.
zuen, connie, then it should be 8pm. I probably got the timing wrong. Was going to call yamaha up tomorrow to check ... cya gals tomorrow!!

piyo, if you are really worried abt his concentration, you can ask GP to refer you to KK specialist. Last time when I brought isaiah for speech therapy, within the same place, they also have other therapies and when i checked with the parents, its for kids who cannot concentrate and the therapist teach the parents how to guide the kids to focus etc.

I think boys at their age don't concentrate... even when I show flashcards to my boy, he is still playing cars. But surprisingly he can recognise some of the words le.. so connie is correct... even if u think they are not paying attention, they actually are. Ive been letting them play with pens and pencil since 1.5 year old so both of them can hold quite ok.
He also not very interested in reading so i try to borrow cars books see picture only
connie, planning every morning either me or my MIL drive him to JCCK then afternoon he take bus to CC and my MIL wait there for him to bring him in. Starting school dis thur le, hope he dun cry too much!! And somemore within the same week he will be starting to attend music wonderland and berries. Hope he dun cry. Luckily ICL is in Mar.... I got suan by my maid y my boy never go enrichment classes etc when she says all kids go.. faints

Btw, my husband has signed up for rulang alumni already... we got worried when it produced the top student... displaying our KS syndrome now haha!
Its good that you start planning now. I will either do PV at west groove or register in the new Pri near Gek Poh. West groove CCA not good so many said is disadvantage. Think their standard also drop after the principle change.

If zac cough get serious today, will have to miss class. Hopes he get better, he slept for 15hrs from 330pm to this morning 630am.
You are igniting that KS-ism in me again. Haiz, RL is way beyond us. I must start doing homework again to decide which school to PV.

Wah, 15 hrs!
connie, ZuEn, nice meeting you all just now. shaine is so tall and pretty! And Zac has such big eyes, next time charm all the gals keke. Sorry couldnt stay to talk just now, no 2 super grouchy so must quickly rush home....

zuen, haha yeah loh... my friend immediately whatsapp me after the psle results were announced and told me quickly sign up...in case they start to impose restrictions on alumni... her gal is in Aitong cause she old gal
How about frontier primary? It's a bn school and near my house.. my neighbour got in and she told me though its a brand new school, she still got to go for balloting!
So sorry my boy was coughing in class. Mil say he didn't cough much, not sure y worsen after e swim.

Zune, is ur hb v tall? Taller by half head at least
Happy new year mommies

Very exciting reading the threads.....

Anyone knows how to get rid of phlegm? My girl can cough in sleep and wake up vomitting!!!
Ur no 2 was waiting for gorgor thru e 45 mins lesson?
Frontial is in my consideration. One part of me says thar neighbourhood schools are all abt e same, the other part says that I shld do homework, do PV + send S to the better one. LOL.

Hb is abt 1.85m.
To think that S is a preemie and only 1.9kg at birth. There goes the hope of being petite. The male species always have a soft spot for petite girls. ;p
Wow. Mine 2.86kg at birth but now v short lor. He was v noisy in class, wonder is he like that in CNL.

By the way, have to consider the cca in the pri sch too. CCA is imp for sec sch. whichever sch, the PSLE allocation is 100 for chinese n English, 50 for math n science. add up 300. So language now is imp. Heard west groove CCA sucks, pioneer are better than them. Ruland is gd but no chance.
zuen, shauna now very tall, i told my helper last time shauna was born premmie, she dun believe! no 2 was in library creating nuisance of herself so for second trip we dun bring her already...

connie, zac and isaiah abt same height, both equally short! haiz
Will try west grove. But their cca not strong lei. Recent yes marks also not hitting high. Only ad is near to me n they don have to wake up so early. E other one is e new sch near gek pok. A traffic away from me. But open 2013.

I told hb his boy kept looking at gals in class again. Have to keep pushing his head to see teCher.

Both parents short so my boy follow. Daddy promise to bring them play basketball when they grow older, hope they will jump taller.
I wanted to b petite all my life wor. Maybe not good for her to b so tall? Muahahaha..

I am also wondering if I shld try west grove. I m just worried that they take in too many pvs and have to turn away, like wat they did for last year's intake.
I am thinking of xingnan too, just that hb hates the name of it. Lol. He has his eyes on frontier. He likes new school, new building.
me and hubby also both short short de... hope our kids can jump more and be taller!

zuen... all my life, i want to be tall but no matter how i jump also no use !! i think gals tall is so nice! can be model hee
my neighbour boy is in frontier now..she says they have the whole school to themselves now
then u might want to try the new one at Gek Poh that will start 2013. Hope the teacher can concentrate more since it is new sch. and they will strive for higher score to build up reputation. Maybe I go ask PV in Jan 2013 when the sch start. Most likely they will have soft launch this yr as what frontier did. My plc sucks, west groove n the new pri under diff RC and my plc a road away is also under diff RC. My friend said can only do RC at own area. My RC and the 2 pri sch less than a km.

Not sure have i told you that Rulang took in many PRC. My friend area many from Rulang and according to her, they bring in PRC so that their chinese standard can maintain n PRC CCA very good. Now Rulang top are maj PRC.

My friend's son also in frontier. they don take in higher pri.

Me too, want to be tall but at least I'm the tallest gal at home. So my gal should be taller than me. Must push HB train them basketball. Jump jump jump.
Haha, e grass is always greener on e other side!

Any idea of e race of e students? Oops...

WG is actually out of e way for me. Frontier is better. Gek poh also need to take bus.

I have to agree on the Prc thing. Jw is invaded by them? They are everywhere I go and very kiasu. I see so many prc in s ballet and phonics class.
Frontier is too new to take in pv. No pv for jan 2013 intake too. So I am thinking of pv-ing at gw or xn. Secure a place until p2b 1st, then decide whether to fight for a place in frontier in p2c. I duno if my weak heart can take balloting. Hahaha.

I supposed the new school at gek poh will not take in pv so soon too. So can only apply under p2c. If cannot get in at p2c, will be distribute to whichever school in your vicinity with vacancy wor. Very risky.
Frontier is too new to take in pv. No pv for jan 2013 intake too. So I am thinking of pv-ing at gw or xn. Secure a place until p2b 1st, then decide whether to fight for a place in frontier in p2c. I duno if my weak heart can take balloting. Hahaha.

I supposed the new school at gek poh will not take in pv so soon too. So can only apply under p2c. If cannot get in at p2c, will be distribute to whichever school in your vicinity with vacancy wor. Very risky.
I don wan they allocate lei, Heard corporation pri not good. Will try PV at WG first. then see how ba. hopefully can get into the PV.

My friend work as grassroot so under 2b but cannot work grass root opp my block since diff div
zuen, connie.. I duno abt the races... but JW is PRC invaded everywhere! so dun be surprised if the JW school is full of them too...

can PV at more than 1 school? then can PV at WG, JWPS, Rulang etc then see which one strike jackpot?
connie, are u going to try sending no2 to JCK? The balloting/registration starts on 16 Feb.. can go and try. Then maybe no1 can get priority because of no2? can it work this way?
Ya lor. That is why must do proper planning. That is also why parents go crazy when their kids are due for p1 registration. I am also thinking about pv-ing at WG. Let's keep each other updated lah.

Ur no 2 is starting nursery next year? So age gap is 1 yo?

No restriction to how many schools but need 40hrs per school wor. We are working mummies, why to find so many hours to spare for pv? Unless there are big school events, otherwise, have to slowly accumulate the 40 hrs wor.
My friend hb clock those long hrs eg camp etc. v fast 40hrs up. But again depend on sch, they take parents for granted. Called in last yr, confirmed Jan 2013 open for PV registration.

Yes, diff by 15 mths. Accident during BF. Who says BF won't get pregnant? Sabo by my gynae.

What fee to pay if have the slot? Just walk in to ballot? Might try and get both to take bus together. My friend told me approx 45mins bus journey n all kids enjoy that rid. Maybe I go ballot for both.

If ballot fail, don know will I cry or not. haha. My Gal still refuse to talk to teacher. Make me v Gang jong.
Oooo, jan 2013. Must jio me then ya.
I am also aiming those big events but how many are there to go around? I hope WG doesn't oversubscribed and ended up requiring balloting for phase 2b.
Haha, ur gynea really sabo. Now that we already have 2, I suPer worried abt accidents. :p

I am distressed mother of 3.5 years old boy. I am facing serious issue regarding my son's social behavior. He is quite talkative n active at home and comfortable with elders.

The moment he is in company of similar age group kids he just don't utter a single word and literally becomes dumb. He started a year ago with playgroup where he never interacted with other kids and never answered any of questions of teacher. Nor he participated in any kind of activity and just sits idle. He was never comfortable with other kids. Once came out of his school he is fine.

I thought he will be fine over the period of time and I need to be patient. With this hope I enrolled him in nursery in an international school. Shocked to see symptoms just continue.

Teachers try to encourage him to participate but with no results. Lately I got him enrolled in a dance class but for complete 1 hour he just stand in class watching other kids and not uttering a single word. On the contrary he is talkative at home and dances well.

Problem from my angle is he is just not comfortable with other kids.

Been advised that solution is socializing which I am trying hard but with no results. He is not ready to mingle with other kids. Otherwise he is intelligent, talkative at home, quite active.

Can some suggest me how to deal with this problem? Or is there any such school who deals specifically with such personality(socialization disorder)?

Any help or pointers will be of great help.

Will appreciate if anyone can suggest way to move forward.


aarti like wat leng leng has recommended, maybe can go to kkh to seek specialist help

connie, just have to pay $50 deposit if you get the place. If you don't get it, no need to pay anything. I don't think balloting is available for no1 le.. they have a waiting list... maybe no2 can get in and no1 can get priority? I know it works the other way round.. not sure this way works or not...
