(2008/06) June 2008


I have pulled Reanne out already.
1.too many crying kids that disrupt the class.
2.when I check the workbook, the teacher marks Reanne correct for the wrong answer! (i don't think she have enough time to guide each kid!)

She is now attending Mastard Seed. After just 4 lessons she has so much improvement in handwritting, phonics etc.
Haha. So I am not the only one who is pissed. I am thinking of trying Lcentral but they only take in 3.5 years old. There's Allen morris in jp too. Might explore that.
<font color="aa00aa">Halo mummies,

Long long time din come in. And the thread seems very quiet too.

Are you preggie with #2? coz saw ur post that u join another mummy thread? Sorry bit outdated as disappear from here too long.

My eldest girl ever attended LCentral@ khatib branch before. She does not show any improvement after finishing 2 term course. After that i realized that the reason is because her teacher is was an ang moh and she cannot understand him as our family member are mandarin speaking group.
Then now she was in I Can Read for almost a year. And her english improved a lot. The teacher did feedback to me when initially my girl is in her class, she was quite shy and no confident to speak english, but after that the teacher actually spoke to her few words in mandarin she was more 'open up' to her class. So is was quite depend on the kids and their language environment.
I'm going to enrol my no.2 to I Can Read in the coming July as well. </font>
Morning ladies..

Hihi..Read abt ur reviews of zoophonics lor..really bad of the administrator and the teacher..hiaz... i will be discontiuning char frm zoophonics aft this term cos reason is, i can't see wat they hv done in class and hence duno how to do e animal sign to revise with char at home..I am looking at morris allen and tien hsia now...

Jp has these 2 branches wor, maybe you will be keen to go there to take a look =D.

I am looking at I can Read also lor...Hmm, is it an independent class?
Shauna speaks English well. I should be more worrid about her mandarin. She speaks mandarin with an ang mo accent. But I wanted her to start phonics young. I think phonics will help greatly with her reading and spelling in the future. I will also be exploring I Can Read. There is also a branch in JE. Called and spoke with the administrator and she was so assuring as compared to the Zoophonics person. Give me alot more confident too. See, the importance of the front staff person.

Morris Allen veru expensive leh. I tot of Morris Allen too. Tien Hsia not for mandarin meh. Hehehe.
Like wat janiviy says, from 3 YO onwards, all independent classes liao. I Can Read is also an independent class. It is impossible to find out what they learn (or not learn) behind the close doors. For many language schools, they dun start with phonics for 3 YO, usually story telling, songs &amp; movement. So I think it will take a while for them to show results.
Hihi...hows things? =)...

True lor...Morris allen ex ? Hv u tried asking before? hehe, me also curious abt their price..shall call them now to ask =D.

Oh ya, forgot to update, took char for eye test last fri at Gleneagles, cfm she is shortsighted of 350 degree and had to wear specs =(...
Their weekend class is almost $50 per hour!

Is char used to glasses? So long as she's ok with it, I supposed it's fine.
I just called yday. They still have slot on Sat, 2pm.
I will wait until shauna is less traumatize, then I try to bring her there again.
So fast full ah? I just checked a few days ago wor.
Let me know when you start your boy and if u have any feedback.
Yup, went for the soft launch yday and heard the p's speech. E only attractive thing is the distance to my home and the new facilities. Other than that, tough to tell if it is good and even more difficult to tell how it is 4 years down the road. But for some really good schools, we can start asking to be pv Liao. We can join e mad race soon/
When must we start the PV? I'm keen for west groove. Go together la.

Saw ur blog, ur dark ring also quite dark but not v obvious. Is it because u r tan? Maybe I should go tan so that I don look like panda.
For very good schools, 2 years before the year your child starts primary one. For most schools, the year that the child turns 5. If I am not wrong, most school in JW should be the following year.
I am eyeing Xingnan more than WG leh. WG is over popular and hostory shows that they usually take in more PV and ended up requiring balloting. So serving as PV does not guarantee a space in WG. I might also be interested in the new Frontier Pri.

My blog? You mean the heading banner ah? That was taken a long time ago when Shauna was still our only child leh. Add 1+ year + a new baby + many more sleepless nights... do you realise that I seldom put my pix in my blog liao? Hohoho.
But it has to be true that I m tan.
WG, heard now is half filled. Not opened for 2B yet? My neighbour in 2C, 1km. Thought within 1km is phrase 2B. Ya, they take in as many PV as possible so some how v unfair. They r not as popular as Rulang yet make use of PV.

XN looks like more n more popular but a bit too far for us. they have higher mother tongue n swimming lesson. Jurong west not good? thought much nearer to u. Any idea where to find the school news n curriculum?

I seldom took photo now as my panda look turning to vampire . Maybe I go tan a bit more, won't b so obvious.
I posted about it before.

There is this index in the kiasu parent forum (KSP) on academic results for many primary school. No doubt Rulang is one of the top notch ones. The rest of the primary school not much difference. WG is the best out of the neighbourhood schools and JW actually at the very bottom leh. JW and XN happen to publish their last year's PSLE top result on their website and I think about 10% of their cohort achieve PSLE scores about 250 (about 19 students for JW and 21 for XN). So I think the standard about the same bah. I also heard that actually WG and JW are very popular bcos of their location, surrounded by many HDB flats. Not sure how true.

I am not keen to join class root, cos I heard need alot of committment. Have to be active in order for them to give recognition and some letter for p2b wor. If not active, join also no use. I dun think I have time to attend their regular meeting + actively participate in their activities lor. I have 2 kids to look after leh.
If do PV or grassroot, then have 2 chance lor, p2b and if cannot get, can try in the same school in p2c.

I am looking at WG, XN &amp; Frontier now. Then again, I might change my mind later. ;p

When it comes to p2b, if the number of vancancy is enuff to take all the applicants, then no need to ballot. However, if the not, then balloting will take place. The school will accept those <1km> 1 km <2> 2km. For e.g, 40 vacancies under 2b and total applicants = 60. If 20 applicants are <1> 2 km. All 20 who are < 1 km will be accepted and the 30 who are 1 to 2 km will ballot for the 20 places.
Not open for p2b yet. My SIL is nan hua old girl and is still waiting for p2a2. As I mentioned in my earlier post, p2b is for PV &amp; grassroot leader. Where you stay does not help in putting you in which phase but helps when balloting is required.

I read that RL will control their no. of PV but not for WG, so very risky.

JW is near but academic wise... somehow, I just dun like it. Not in my radar at all.

Go to the school websites or MOE website.
Thanks. Will check them out.
Still got 2 more yrs to decide. Will go for PV even though changes are slim. I fall in the 1km category so PV might have changes for WG.

but I might be moving too. Now situation still unclear. Haiz. anyway, need to do PV when he turn 5.

Yes preggy with no 2, edd end aug.


I am also looking at icanread, my colleague recommend. Intend to wait after no 2 born and home matters more settled before i send no 1 to attend enrichment.

I oso planning abacus for K1 or K2 maybe from CC cos its cheaper. won't be signing up for chinese phonics cos his chinese is so far still ok.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
Congrats to you!

Re: I Can Read
For the early course which start at 2.5yrs old, is not really phonics. I Can Read is using another system to build up the kids speech and language. The teacher will suggest the kid to progress to another step of programme if they find the kids language is ready for the next step. Btw pls take note that for weekend class the fee is more expensive by another $50-$60 per month.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ellysia,

yes my no 1 is with I Can Read. I'm going to enrol YuJie in end of July as well.

Not necessary at 3.5yrs old they will straight go to phonics class as need be accessed by the teacher. 1st trial is FOC.
Their 1st level is called Little Bears Club is for 2.5yrs to 4yrs. And 2nd level is TCS (thinking and creative skills) is for 3.5-4.5yrs old. So if they think the kid language is not so good, they might suggest to enrol the kid at the 1st level. So it depend on the kids. Phonology will introduce in TCS level</font>
Where will you be moving to?
Hb and I were considering too. We dont have concrete plans, just wondering if we should move or renovate our flat.

I will sign Shauna up for ICR when she's a little more stable. I hope she gets less clingy soon. Haiz. Will also sign her up for xin suan next year. My elder niece went for that and her maths did improve a lot.

1st trial is FOC ah. I tot must pay. The administrator rold me that the class is max 6 kids, which I tot is a good ratio.
Hows ur gal in the pm session? Better?

Which Xin Suan is it? Location?

Now still looking at houses but agent told us condo price gg to drop. With the bank increasing interest rate, might drop a bit. My friend's agent told her to start looking from Sep onwards.Now the prices are sky high.
E one at safra.
You are looking an condo? We were browsing too and the prices are really incredibly high. And e thing is that many pple are trying to rent/ sell their condo now. We looked at centris, caspian and lakefront, easily 10% of e total units. It does give e feeling that ss > dd n I suppose price shld indeed come down soon? But also a matter of how much lah.
Shauna is enjoying school now. Willing to wear uniform to school too. Apparently peer pressure from her cousin helps alot. For some reasons, my mum is bringing my 2 kids to my brö's place, so shauna takes school bus together with her cousin to school and alight together too. So far so good. She now skips her afternoon nap but will turn in at 9ish, which is good for us too.
Great tt ur gal enjoy now. See whether will u spot my boy in class. E one wif big eye n big face. Not sure y he always fall down in sch. Last week kanna nose, mouth, knee n e teacher nvr said anything.

I saw 7 unit in centris. Request price too high but can counter offer. For tt location, e fall might not b high since e 2nd CDB is comng. E je is developing so Jp with

thks.. i will have to settle tis after no 2 come out and settle down.


the price is now v high. not likely to come down as wat agent expect and i oso dunno how much will be the reduction, may not be much.
How does he find the place? He is facing morning sun or afternoon sun? I saw the afternoon sun v horrible, all the units close curtain.

Many units are letting go now. more than 10 houses I seem. Wonder y so many are selling?
Duno face wat sun. I can see the library from his balcony. I duno how he find e plc but I found it really small, esp when his was previously living in a executive aptm.
I think many condo owners trying to sell now bcos price is really good. And there r so much rumors that price will drop bcos of oversupply mah, so I supposed many try tosell now lor.

There is 1 new pri school near GEk poh. Starting 2013, now started to build. NOt sure what school is that but your distance might be quite far too.
No, it is near to Gek poh this round.

"new primary school along Jurong West Junction of Jurong West St 73 and Jurong West St 75 starting Jan 2013"

Read your blog just now. Popo refer to MIL? Look like many people face issue with in laws.

You don have to worry about shuana, she will get used soon. My 2 kids will be in the PM session next year.

You saw the outing form? 2nd time to Pollywog.
Hi mummies, I 'm new in this thread

my girl also born in Jun2008. now already 3 year old. can talk alot, even talk back to me...she said u big girl grow up ready, don't need me. she will to hit me sometimes. it make me felt like really don't know how to pareting her...
Connie> now got #2, also don't bother her alot. but she can easy angry n hot temper. she cannot 硬对硬. I span her buttock also not scared.
Also not sure how to discipline my kids so I choose the church kindy, hopefully they can have something out from it.

What do church playgroup do? My SIL kept asking me to send my boy to st francis church on Sun morning. Then her story go ba ba ba.. But I have no clue on what they do, she only tell me good.
Popo refers to my mum wor. I think I am one of the rare gems who has problem with own mum. Lol. I think it is regardless. Conflicts arise when we stay together.
New primary school at geh pok?? Never see anything in e forum leh, usually the thread will buzzle over new schools.
I saw e paper, polliwogs so far. Wondering why they run so far. Haha.
By the way, wat is your boy's name. I see if Shauna knows him.

I guess different churches do different things. Usually the older kids attend Sunday school. Now, when I bring s to church, the playground starts with toys, then worship songs, bible stories, snacks and end off with craft. Just like enrichment classes and s is more than happy to go church with me bcos I stat with her. Now, she refuses to go enrichment classes bcos all are independent classes and I realized that I actually miss going for enrichment classes with her.
Popo refers to my mum wor. I think I am one of the rare gems who has problem with own mum. Lol. I think it is regardless. Conflicts arise when we stay together.
New primary school at geh pok?? Never see anything in e forum leh, usually the thread will buzzle over new schools.
I saw e paper, polliwogs so far. Wondering why they run so far. Haha.
By the way, wat is your boy's name. I see if Shauna knows him.

I guess different churches do different things. Usually the older kids attend Sunday school. Now, when I bring s to church, the playground starts with toys, then worship songs, bible stories, snacks and end off with craft. Just like enrichment classes and s is more than happy to go church with me bcos I stat with her. Now, she refuses to go enrichment classes bcos all are independent classes and I realized that I actually miss going for enrichment classes with her.
My boy Zac. His best friend Jimmy. Yesterday, maid told me jimmy want to follow Z home but his maid don't allowed. Very cute.

They are learning shapes now, so not sure what pollywog have. HB say maybe the tunnel is round, balls are round so go there.

R u letting S attend the national day event at Gek Poh? I let him attend for exposure but worry will run into his enrichment class which start at 10.

If shuana get used to having you in the enrichment class with her, she will have a harder time to attend class by her own. This is wat I personnally think but also depend on character. My boy more outgoing so no issue on enrichment but my gal, can foresee lots of issue.

Else do u want to put S into summer montessori enrichment. If she saw zac, maybe easier cos someone she know. The teacher there are nice and my boy enjoy gg. they teach phonics &amp; maths. Yet to start on the kindy beat.

Wow, the sun school sound nice. Hmm, I see whether hb want to attend with him.
I also discipline my girl more after DS came. More spanking, more scolding. But she's very close to me, so quite alright and she is starting to b able to reason. Then again, tantrums are inevitable. Part of growing up, jia you!
Thank u

my girl also attend Sunday church. at school or sunday class she is good girl but at home totally 2 faces. now due to pregnancy i seldom spend time with her, after work go home sleep. but she still want to stick with me...go in my room disturb me. I ask her look for daddy but she prefer play with me...funny is before that she always like daddy then me.
sometime very fun, I told her got bb in my tummy must "sayang" bb. then she said she want go inside my tummy....haha
I find it true tt younger kids will stick more to mommy when pregnant. My boy also a daddy fellow but during last pregnancy, stick to me n let me happy for a few mths. Haha.

R u neglecting her? Must spend some times wif her daily after work even if u r tired. This is wat a principle told me. 15 min also better than nothing.

I still can't get him understand. I seldom beat him but when i ask him for his hand to beat, he will raise it for us. Not scare at all. He don seem to know y i cane him even after i explain. At times still cry to get wat he want.

I show him a gal photo just now, he say is shuana but was taken end may so I doubt is her.
I try my best to have time with her... sometime she very noughty...make me really don't bother her. must remind myself be loving
Jia you. No matter how tired. must tried.

How? R u continue with CNL next year or change with the cousin?
My gal sch seems to learn more things but they are stronger in English. I'm wondering should I change my gal to CNL next year. CNL seem more exposure as they have outing &amp; performance etc but the current one focus more on learning. No outdoor play and no outing. OVer school holiday, they organise speech &amp; drama. She join in May and now she can master 90% of the A-Z phonic sound. But she is extreme shy so I need her to expose as well. Do u think learning or exposure is more important? The current one will expand to have N2 to K2 starting from next year so both are considered very new.


been busy and recently more in fb cos the forum for my no 2 all move to fb le. those who want to chat via fb can leave yr email, i invite.

My boy learn alphabets now. but since his teacher left, tis new teacher not as caring i tink.

planning to let him start enrichment only next year.
