zuen and connie, ive reserved a slot for him under Mon class. But I am very reluctant to pay cause want to save $$ haha. Am sending him to a few lessons now. Was thinking can save some $$ by cutting yamaha.
bonjovi, i try to make it into a game with him. Eg, right now he just attended his first English lesson and he has to memorise 8 sight words per week eg its grandpa, grandma, father, mother now. What I do is I lay the flashcards on the floor and try to make it a game with him and his sis (still trying to teach her ABCs now) and whoever can get all 8 words correct will get a reward from me eg chocolate/sweet. He is very enthu and every night pester me to play because of the sweet cause I do not give him sweet normally. But its been only 2 nites so far, we'll see how far his enthu lasts haha. I borrow from library too. My no2 also very little attention scan, much lesser than no1. So getting abit worried on that.