(2008/06) June 2008

Hi Ellysia,
Maybe that the reason too. Mostly girls are also more sticky to mummy than to daddy too.
Btw, i received my sandwitch cutter liao..yeh... going to try it tomorrow.
Charlotte is o nthe neublisher again..hiaz..She has her cough and flu on going for a month before we decided to give her western medicine again...All the while we brought her to YuGuo for tuina and chinese med, but i guess the virus is getting stronger and I can't bear to see her cough her lungs out...

PD says she has wheezing and then since she has history of brochitis, its better to let her use the neublisher. Rented the machine home for these few days and to be returned on tmr...

Nowadays, PD bills are bery EX! Costed us $200+ for the visit on sat..hubby almost fainted...hiaz...Well no choice, as long as char recovers soon, the $$ will be well spent..hiaz..

I paid $23+ for the chen pi mo cos bot from eys roadshow at compasspoint...

hows things?

yo ger, all prepared for no 2?
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

Saw ur FB's post.Hope that Char's will recover soon. My gers oso hvin cough on and off like tat.
Even myself oso still hv mild coughing.
Pray hard our kids will fully recover soon.</font>
Look like all bb in cc having this issue. WEnt for Meet parent section last sat, the teacher say many children having cough now. When I ask how many, she say about 2-3. Sound like a fake answer to me, suspect figure should be higher based on her 1st hint. haha.

My cough still not recover too. My son bring back more disease and my hb kanna. haha, the cough family now.

I go to another doc as I cannot tahan my co doc liao, he ask me to give vit C powder with raw honey to my kid in the morning. 2 kids consumption is half of mine. I testin it on my boy since my gal can't take honey till she turn one next month.

The doc draw a curve to highlight that 80% on medi and balance 20% on own. So stressing that he ever told me to bring them to swim in public pool. Time frame must stick to 30 min and not exceed too much. Now have to discipline to bring them swimming.

How much is the neuberaliser?

KKH charge us around $100++ i tink, but its for purchase not on rental.

Cos my boy is referred from the KKH 24hrs clinic to see the specialist in their allergy dept, he is now considered subsidized. so when we see the specialist PD at KKH, the cost is only around $50-60 including medicine &amp; consultation.
Hi all,
this is from MAG last night.
Dear all,
I've safely delivered my gal at 10.42pm.
We're at Mt Alvernia,
Thanks to all wishes.
Hello Mummies! been awhile since i last log in here.

Just to share, Mag has delivered her baby gal on 29 Aug!!!

Re: Coughing
Jayden has also been coughing for a long time for like coming to 2 months. Recover then a few days later start again. Haiz... have to forbid him eating/drinking sweet/cold stuff.

PD says it's easy to catch virus from cc. Last visit asked me to stop for 2 weeks. I stopped him on Thurs and fri to have a 4 days straight off from school cos worried will have difficulty adjusting back. He seemed better with the phlegm gone and minimal cough by Sunday. Then next day started coughing again.

Today's visit, he suggested me to stop him gg to school for ONE MONTH! but i explained to him it's no use cos he will see my 2 nieces daily who also goes to the CC. The PD explained to me that our 2 yr old kids immunity are not that strong yet. It will get better as they get older. And there isn't any medicine to boost immunity. Guess I will hang in there for now. What I have learnt from my #1 is to send my #2 to CC later at 3 yr old when their immunity is better.

Just to share.

I also having cough family here. My cough also haven't fully recovered since end July till now. HB also having slight cough. HATE the virus.

Feifei, I contemplated bringing J to Yu Guo n checked with Felicia whether it is effective few days back. But brought J see PD in the end cos my #2 also have quite bad cough so both see PD today. You mean with the medication and tuina fm Yu Guo, Char's cough went on for 1 month? Did she get well and then started coughing again?
Hope Char gets well soon.
Same here. I also thinking sending my gal to CC when she turn 3. So fustrated with the cough virus.

My cough already 6 months. Eversince my son have the cough from CC, I also kanna and on off till now become brochitis.
Congrads MAG! Leng - help to pass message.. thks to her advice on taking Echinacea. It helps.

My boy has been wheezing slightly these few days which i suspect is due to the weather.

Recently when he had cough, i also caught the virus and cough for 1 week. I took echinacea myself (bot from GNC) halfday during cough.
Yest my boy refused to take dinner..
i tink yest meal not v nice..
End up i cook another meal crash course and he manage to took 3/4 of his normal portion in total.

last weekend i cook radish soup with soft pork ribs (luan gu), he took double portion. I tink he doesn't like to eat minced meat but prefer more complicated meal nowadays.
Mine tend to take soup wif rice rather than rice with vege. I let him dine wif us by himself and later put soup into his rice and feed him.

He don't take much at nite, due to those rojar stuff I gave him before dinner.
I still feed him although he prefer to feed himself.. and he feed himself in sch. Cos whenever i let him to feed himself, he ended up eating those fav vegs &amp; eating less in total. I dun mind the mess but need to ensure tat he get his nutrients lor. Esp when he is not taking any milk too.
Sorry for the late reply. I cannot remember extactly how much it is. The table is around $39.90 and the chair is $25. I think..

I am in shock when u say your girl still wakes up for night feeds. Think its more of a habit then hunger..OR ...she is not eating enough during the day.

MLP, Feifei,
Hope both young and old get well soon.
Janivy... yes still wakes up in the nite at times twice hor....i tot was habit..but now tat i add oatmeal into her last milk feed..she slept fm 10pm+ tp abt 5-6am..so i tink she is hungry lor..
actually my mum stayed wif me over the past weeks..she told me maid is not feeding her enuf....very little and no patience...she will throw the rice away once my girl say dun wan ...haiiiiii..so sian...
now i hv to get a webcam to fix at home..monitor wat they do...cos everitime i call she wil say oh Andrea ate alot...but why still wake up leh..?!!

Thanks to Mag's advice on adding oatmeal lor...

No wonder.. maybe she is really not eating well.

When my boy say dun wan.. i will still try to squeeze in food or give him some finger food at least. My hb also not much patience will give up once he doesn't want to eat.

wat time do u reach home?

If she said yr gal eat v full ored, u try to give some finger food and see if yr gal still eat? Cos if she is full, she won't want to eat.
No wonder. Haiz, sometimes its hard to monitor when you are not physically around.

Your mum shld have told the maid off!say how can like that? Now my girl also eats very slowly...sometimes can take up to 45min. So the person feeding gotta be very patient.
My boy also..
especially if he is watching his cartoons or playing with toys, he tend to eat slow.
But if dun let him watch cartoon or play toys, he will fidget and want to get out of the chair.

He learn how to say 'dun want' in chinese and English.. most of the time shake his head and can even push the food out etc... really have to be v patient. I even have to re-cook another meal just to make sure he eats well.
<font color="aa00aa">Connie, Yes me oso a cough family. I think is hard to stop the cough totally since my #1 still in CC. Someone oso told me to bring my ger for swimming as say can help to improve the lung system. (as my ger have mild bronchitis prob). But i was so lazy.

echinacea can take daily or just when hvin cough? I saw Sambucus got echinacea. Now i'm giving my gers sambucol daily. Not yet finish one bottle. I was considering between sambucol or sambucus, but not sure which one is more suitable.


I tink this young age still v hard to bring to swim cos they dunno how to swim yet.. i tink age 3 and above then easier.

Echinacea can take daily, but its best to take for 10 days then stop 10 days, then repeat the cycle again. It also depend on the brand u bot. The Yummi bear echinacea which i bot for my boy, the salesperson recommend took on alternate week. The GNC echinacea which i bot for myself (adult) suggest to take for 2 weeks then stop 2 weeks.
e doc say let them play at swimming pool at tis age, no need swim.

U really v gd, still cook another meal. When my boy refuse to eat I stop feed n throw. I don have e patient. My mAid is e one who force him to eat, if she can't get him to eat then she give up.

r u giving e quak cereal into e fm? Myboy takin 2 feed at nite. 3 n 6 am.

can't really force to eat.. usu i try to give him some fav food then sneak in some of the meal in between.

My boy always catch cold when he go swimming pool.. i tot is better to let him go when he is older.
Hi ladies..


hihi...hmm, char cough went on for abt 1 mth, cos 1st week, we gave her the balance med from the previos visits to the PD, then 2nd and 3rd week she ate med from yuguo and we brot her for tuinai once a wk, she recover abit liao then cc has some BD party and she ate some cake, then come bk with LOTS of phelgm again...hiaz...End up last sat she has to be on neublisher again!

Haiz, i really din wan to let her go bk to cc today but really no choice as nobody to look aft her, i was already on leave for past 3 days..hiaz...

Tks ger...how u doing? Gettign ready? ;p

we spent abt $200+ at SBCC amk on sat, cos PD gave us the zaditen which is supposed for lungs tonic, then we rented e neublisher, and some med etc, so all adds up to $200+...hiaz...Told hb I wan char to be a PD next time..haha, earn big BUCKs sia... =)..
Ellysia, Janivy,

Mum did tell maid to feed more and don kp throwing food..but she kp saying my girl don wan already...I usually reach home abt 6.30pm and everitime i ask her she said oh ate dinner already..then i ask her wat time she said 5pm++..
I told her why gif dinner so early...drink milk at 3pm ...5pm still can eat meh?!! so now i ask her to feed at 7pm no choice...u r rite lor..we r not home to monitor its difficult..and its everitime i call after breakfast, lunch she say Oh Andrea eat liao ..and ate alot ...when i am hme its te opposite...PD oso told me if she is not eatg well she will not sleep well oso...haizzzzzzz....so tomoro i will go comex get a webcam...boh pian..at least i know wats goin on at hme lor...

Yes the Quaker Oats..it does help lor
good morning mummies

it's avril's 2nd day in school today and she's crying big big time leh...i'm at work already and i can't do anything but feel my heart pain pain...i feel like just throwing down everything and go running to her now leh


me too i have no patience one, if i feed avril and she dun eat then i also will give up so its either my maid or my mil who feeds her

If too many times of wheezing not so good..

I oso heard of this lung tonic but the specialist at KKH did not want to recommend any supplement.


That is bec u have maid or MIL..
at home is only me or hb, so usu is i will try.

My boy has been crying on some mornings even though he attended CC for 6 months, but i know after i left he usu will stop crying esp when activities is ongoing.. so dun worry abt the crying. after awhile or few weeks, she will settle down le.

Most impt is u dun linger too long in the morning. Tell her tat u will be back to fetch her (or who will be fetching her), give her a kiss or hug as assurance then quickly left.
Jia you. My boy cry for 2 weeks then ok already.
Now is maid to take him to cc, he seem to enjoy now. Will kiss MIL and mei mei before leaving the house every morning.

Maid complaint that my boy like fried food which is not good. but don't give him he eat even lesser.
ND girl,

Hang in there - I can understand that feeling. *Hugs* So who brought your girl to school today? Yourself or your maid?
Give her some time to adapt..it may take a few days or a few weeks, really up to the child’s temperament. But eventually, most kids will, so jia you ok?

The thing is also to be prepared that after she has adapted, there will be days that she might regress like after long weekends, or long period away from school.

Cos after I took my boy out for a month, he started to cry like the first day despite attending cc for close to 7 mths by then. But by the 2nd week, he has stopped crying and now he’s happy to go school again, will wave bye bye to me when i leave him at school.
But then again, all kids are different so Avril might adjust alot better. ;)

Mine still cry in the morning when i drop him off to school. He oso didn't want to wave me goodbye.. sigh.
Dun sigh. At least u know he stops crying after you leave right?
My boy on some days will also be a bit sian, then will not really wave to me. See his mood also lah. ;)
Sometimes he is still crying when i went downstairs. Sometimes he stop crying when i went downstairs ored. I can see from the balcony tat the teacher is carrying him to listen to music/look at flash cards etc (she is trying to entertain him so tat he will stop crying).

Teacher say sometimes he will cry for dunno wat reason but usually he can be distracted by activities.

I saw one of his classmate usually will guai guai kiss her mum goodbye, or continue to sleep on mat in the morn..

My boy still want me to carry him and pass to teacher (while carrying). if i put down he will make noise ored.
ya i know got this phase, just that i was caught unprepared cos all say she was there yday she was fine until end of the day which i attributed to her being sleepy. i was not prepared for her crying at all, really caught me off guard.
i think i actually left too quickly today probably leading her to think that i forsake her though i left the maid behind to keep watch on her...

aiyo i can't bear the thought of 2 weeks of crying...she cry for the first time i already secretly cry in office cos too heart pain after hearing my mil call me and tell me she was crying at the door until her eyes red red...i cannot imagine for 2 weeks leh

i brought her down myself with my maid cos i was so confident she would be ok, but i was totally wrong so was not prepared for her crying at all.
hearing u girls say that will take 1 week or more makes me really scared...
2 weeks will pass very fast. I went peek at him almost everyday when he started the CC. CAn hear him cry everyday. I always mixed methods so not sure workable or not. I told him every nite that he will have friends in school that can play wif him etc. Furthermore, my maid is the one who walk him to CC as I need to take co transport before 7am and the teacher cannot allow me to send him before 7am. So far, seldom heard them say he cry in the morning even if it is long weekend or a long break.
My boy's teacher told me tat sometimes his gal classmates will oso suddenly cry and say "i want mommy" or "mommy", then the teachers will tell them tat "mommy go work". Got 1 instance, there is this gal classmate who cry beside my boy and he told this gal "mommy go work".. end up all the teachers laugh.

Yest n today school close due to teachers retreat, we put ah boy at MIL house half day then rotate take half day leave to fetch him back. Even though he used to be taken care by MIL before he went CC, now he will oso stick to us when we put him at MIL house. My hb said sometimes he put ah boy at MIL house and go out to fetch the car/buy dinner, my boy will cry and want him to carry.

I remember my boy also seem ok on 1st or 2nd day but subsquently he oso cried for 3 weeks before he start to settle down.

Dun worry too much, we have to learn to let go, just tink its for their good.
Hi Mummies,

Advices needed. My girl recently after her porridge will have a berp and vomitting all her porridge out. Any ideas why she vomit? do i need to bring her see doctor, my hubby suspect i give her too much porridge, but that the usual amount i gave her. Anyone can advice me what shld i do?
Many thanks
e teacher just SMS me center have 11 cases of chicken box. Request us to stop sch for a few days. Any idea how many cases must e center declare to stop entire sch for cleaning?
HI Janiviy,
Thanks for the reply.Noted with thanks.

Hi TanLengleng,
Ya, today gave her half a portion only,keke..so far touch wood, no more vomit from her.
but just curious why her appetipte reduce liao. try gave her abit more she like wanna vomit lol.
I check like no wind lay.(is it tap on her tummy, hear any pong pong sound)?

I heard for HM, it is around 25% then center has to close. Not sure abt chicken pox.


can be due to wind. My boy also experienced same before. Apply 'ru yi' oil and see if its better.

I find not so accurate to test by checking the stomach.. just apply the oil n see how?

I let my MIL take over to send Avril to school now and the last time I called to check,she's adapting, not crying anymore. They think that it's becos she's too sticky to me so if I bring her she will cry. I do hope she will like school and look forward to it.

I remember there is some guideline on closing the center, maybe can check from the child care link website?

i remember reading something about the center closing from this handbook the center gave me, you have that handbook?
Goods news to know she is adapting now. Ya, maybe my maid is the one who send him daily so he adapt very fast.

all handbook not sure dump to where liao.
NVM, will check website. Thanks

i found this from the handbook, hth!

Q5. My child’s child care centre has an outbreak of
HFMD. At which point will the centre be instructed to
close so that the outbreak can be stopped?
Child care centres are required to inform MCYS and the
Ministry of Health (MOH), once there are two or more cases
of HFMD. Both Ministries monitor the outbreak of HFMD
and other infectious diseases in child care centres closely.
There are 2 possible types of closure of centres during an
HFMD outbreak.
1. Mandatory Closure
Where the situation warrants a closure of a child care
centre based on the strain of viruses and the number of
cases, MOH will advise MCYS that the affected centre
be closed to stop further transmission of the disease.
Upon the advice of MOH, the Director of Family
Services at MCYS will order the closure of the child care
centre under the provisions of the Child Care Centres
Frequently Asked Questions
2. Voluntary Closure
Child care centres may consider voluntary closure if they
perceive a need to do so. However, this is subject to
all the parents’ consent and the clearance from MCYS.
MOH has advised that for a transmission to be stopped
completely, the minimum closure period is 5 to 7 days.
In view of this, some
parents may not be
able to find alternative
care arrangements for
their children. Child
care centres are
strongly encouraged
to work with parents
who may not be able
to find alternative care
arrangements. MCYS
does not interfere on
monetary issues such
as refund of child care
fees during a centre’s
Centres which choose voluntary closure would do
thorough cleaning and disinfecting of their premises,
equipment, materials and toys during the closure period.
