(2008/06) June 2008


Yummi bear series all come in "sweet" form. It is shape like bear gummies sweet.

I still giving cereal + raisins during weekdays in CC. I pass to teacher to give him.

My boy usually poo daily. During our Desaru trip where he ate a lot of fruits, he actually poo twice a day.

Ya i agree tat men tend to take things more relax.
sometimes is fine if nothing happen. if someting happen then too late to prevent.

actually i read somewhere tat if poo not a lot but as long as its not hard, its fine bec it means tat his body absorb well. cos poo is waste and so if poo a lot it oso mean the body doesn't absorb as much.


Lucky your boy poo daily, Athan was pooing every 1-2 days when he started CC until last mth, dun know wat happened, he started to poo barely twice a wk & that's y i got worried especially when I saw his poo is pebble-like. So stressed to be a mummy. Haiz...

Now then I know Yummi bear is actually in sweet form. Interesting & good that YuZhe is comfy wif that. Shld get him started on Echinacea one soon & hopefully it works for him.
Hi Mag.. Great to know u'll delivering soon...
U always have good tips ...

My oni concern is after getting alll this suppl and gd food...will my gal open her golden mouth to eat anot..sigh....
even fruits..i gif her she will reject...
Pebble like is constipation le. have to increase fibre.Possible is bec of the CC diet. Check wat he ate in CC.

Got sometimes, my boy also poo pebble type. he cried and refuse to change diapers. Whole bum all red.

Ya Yummi bear is sweet form so i can use to 'trick' my boy to take. he dislike liquid form, only Cod liver oil he took in liquid.

I recently bot a more expensive grade of Cordycep n grind into powder, he doesn't like. maybe bec the smell too strong. so i reduce the amt given n put in soup so tat its not v obvious.

Hey long time no chat. Ya, my king kong gal will be popping soon & I mean King Kong cos she's 3kg wif a 34cm head & I still have 3wks to go.

Actually giving all the additionals I mentioned shouldn't affect your gal's appetite cos it's all added into meals or milk, maybe she won't even know the difference, that's wat I'm doing to Athan. He doesn't even taste the difference. Maybe u try the seeds first lor, at this age 1 tbsp a day is sufficient.

I oso wasted some money.. sometimes buy liao then he doesn't want to take the supplement. no matter how i coax.

Try to mix into his favourite drink.

I resort to mixing in fruit juice when he refuse to take this powder medicine for cough previously. And we told him it is orange juice.

That's y I'm adding Oatmeal powder to his nite feed & so far his poo is regular for past 3 days. Diet in school still same leh but principal said maybe due to weather cos she said a few other children also having same problem.

We mummies must always think of ways to camouflage food our todds dislike. Mummy is really the toughest job in the world lor. Always thinking of ways to counter our todds rejections.

That's y gynae told me this is definitely going to be another 4kg baby but head may end up bigger than Athan's 36.5cm & if head really that big, I may have to C-sec. He's not so concerned abt this king kong's weight, he's more worried abt the head cos if too big, then I might not be able to push it out. Sian lor....

If it is my hb feeding him, my hb will always say "he dun want to eat leh.." and put aside.. dunno why he cannot tink of ways to camflourage lor.

Yes head size is more critical.

Tat time during scanning it show my boy head size is 34cm and weight is 3.1KG but end up actual head size is 35cm & weight 3.6KG, which is just a few days from scan. So sometimes scan not so acurate. Gynae keep telling me i can go natural given my height/build, but i oso end up having assisted natural lor. Cos of the head size, gynae has to cut all the way to anus!.. so stitch is v long. took 6 weeks for the pain to go away. so if head size really big i suggest u go C-sect probbaly better than natural.
Hi Mag, where to get the seed? flax seed rite??

hehe...not king kong la...healthy and absorbing well in ur tummy mah...my girl was born 3.84kg at 38weeks...big head .my doc oso worry and ask me to op c sect.doc is afraid bbs head out and body stuck...but i refuse...so i push till i siao...but can wan la...u can do it!!.

Ellysia, especially now she refuse food..makes it harder to feed any ting...

Most supermarket has. Look for the brand origins.
Sometimes is at the organic/health section.

U probably have to change yr cooking or the food u give. wat do u usually give?
can I have e link to e cutter too?

Now my boy hardly take dinner, play w food then 8+ take milk n sleep. At nite drink 2x. faints
Lil zuen kena throat infection. Crazy fever, cranky mood coupled with terrible two. She almost killed me.

My girl is a self declared vegetarian. Only want to eat cai. -.o" she will pui if she taste meat.

Wah, u give so much supplement ah. I m one lazy mummy.
Thanks Ellysia..I'll probably go try and get the Flax seed..soon..
My helper is the one tat prepares her meal..so i guess i nd to go find new recipes liao..

Connie, same here...don wanto eat ...then drink milk b4 sleep..i hv no choice but to add cereal in the milk...nite oso still wake up at least once...haiii

Zuen...i am oso Lazy... so far oni gif the white cod liver oil...
mine also vegetarian. Pui meat out n feed dog. sometimes turn e whole bowl n pour on e flr. Make me so angry n beat his hand n push him oneside. Envy my brother 's one, love to eat n only 1 mth junior. Hai

I have being addng cereal to his milk since 6 mth till now. My frien told me cannot rely on milk must make him eat cos eating will strengthen e jaw so tt e speech is clear. Now she has to bring her gal to speech theraphy. V x

I gave cod liver oil, Scott vit c gummy n sambucol. Cordcep always forget. Huajiao occassionaly.
Can we put cordep. Into his milk?
My girl rejected cod liver oil suddenly some time ago. So difficult to make her eat, like forcing her to eat medicine, so I gave up.

Now, I am only giving her Scott Vatamin C, Sambucol and colustrum. Even Sambucol I have problem at times, have to see her mood. Colustrum is easier cos put inside her milk.

He pui and feed the dog? Hohoho. I have no dog at home. She will pui back into her bowl or into our hands. But sometimes she will want meat leh. I really cant read her mind.

Re: Tantrum throwing
My girl horrible recently and she threw a mega tantrum yday. Stressed up my mum and maid. She's rejecting my maid so badly whenever there is someone else other than the maid. My maid just came and got so stressed that she cried together with my girl who was crying during tantrum. Haiz.. Duno what to do.
At least u all still taking milk..
mine can't take formula so solid food is v impt lor.

Yest maybe is due to the stock he doesn't like, whole dinner only eat a few spoon. wasted the cordycep too. In the end, he is hungry and he ended up eating rice cakes (which i bot from vitakids).

I bot Echinacea Yummi bear series from nature farm yest, left only 1 last packet. Let him try 1 'bear'.

Yah yr fren is correct. eating solid food helps in speech, but it is the act of munching and chewing tat helps cos it helps to exercise the muscles.

The specialist whom my boy visited told us that cannot give too much milk bec solid food is more impt at this age.
Rizty & Ellysia,

Thanks for your advice on my king kong, really appreciate. Tomorrow going for my next checkup, dun know this time wat's her head size again.
I'm giving Childlife Echinacea http://www.childlife.net/node/59/, liquid form so each time 10 drops for 10days for maintenance, then stop for 4 days to complete 1 cycle & if symptoms start, then I up to 20drops for 4 consecutive days, then 10 drops for 6 days & stop for 4 days for 1 cycle. I normally give twice a day into his milk.

Yes, it's to boost immune system & works even better wif Vit C. http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/t081900.asp

BTW, Sambucus already contains Echinacea so if u r already giving Sambucus, then no need to buy Echinacea separately.

I also feel I give machiam alot of things to Athan but no choice, better than I keep giving him medication which only weakens his system so I everything also try as long as it works lor.

It'll b best if u can combine all the 4 seeds I've mentioned cos this way, your child's nutrition is basically very well covered. These r the benefits of the individual seeds:

Flax Seed http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=81

Pumpkin Seed http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82

Black Sesame Seed http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=84

Sunflower Seed http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=57

Black Sesame Seeds r better than white ones cos contains more calcium so very good for our growing todds.

If u decide to give combination of the above, then I advice u to try individual seeds first, just in case your gal gets any allergy. I normally grind Pumpkin & Sunflower together first cos they r bigger, followed by black sesame, then lastly flax seed. Flax I grind last cos the oil comes out very fast so if grind too long then the whole mix becomes very clumpy.
When i am giving him, he is still eating his Yummi bear multi-vit sweet. Didn't have chance to see his reaction bec after tat i walk away for some other chore. But he ate it up i tink.
Before u grind the seeds, do u wash them? Or just grind dry (straight from the packet)?

U sprinkle these seeds paste on the meal or put in together with other food while cooking (i.e. need to cook)?

No I dun wash, that's y buy organic & grind straight.

No need to cook, just sprinkle 1 tablespoon into dinner. If u think 1 tablespoon too much for YuZhe, then maybe u can ask childcare to help give half tablespoon during lunch & the other half u give during dinner. Daily only 1 tablespoon needed niah.
Thanks Mag for the links..

Ellysia, Mag..i bought the flaxseed meal (origin) ler...did i get the correct one?? can tis flaxseed be added into their milk??can jus consume anytime wan rite? heheh ..soli ah..i blur blur

Actually u should get this http://www.originshealth.com.sg/index.php?target=products&product_id=29864 or this http://www.originshealth.com.sg/index.php?target=products&product_id=29866 cos these seeds can store longer.

I presume u bot this http://www.originshealth.com.sg/index.php?target=products&product_id=29844 & u can choose to add into milk but remember that this flaxseed meal will change colour easily cos of the oil so try not to keep too long. Yes consume 1 tbsp anytime of the day but now u just start so advisable to give in morning so in case any allergy, u have time to react.
Hi mommies,

Like to know for those who use the cutter, will it turn worst when you are eating outside and u can't make the cute stuff for him thus he refuse to eat?
Leng leng,
Let me try purple milk tonight. Hehe. Just worried tat it would change e milk taste and end up having an angry toddler. She's so difficult recently. I need more colostrum, joining ur spree soon.

Ah, ok. So I will continue with wat I have then.

Re: terrible two
Lil zuen just threw another mega tantrum. She's so rejecting my maid when ah mah is around. Ah mah helpless at her screams. But she's ok when there's only maid and her leh. I also helpless in office.

Sambucol got no echinacea, it's Sambucus that has so u better double check which one u have. Hopefully this will benefit your gal.
Mag, u are so resourceful..yeah i bought the flaxseed meal...noted i will buy the other one when tis finish...then the oatmeal powder oso frm origin?? actualli Andrea is not eating well..but i am not sure wat to gif her tat can be put into her milk for the night feed to make her fuller..will oatmeal help?


aiya our own kids sure bully us mummy..hb says aiya when u not around at home she is not like tis..u come home she start liao...sigh...does it mean i cant go home? hahhaha

Oatmeal I'm currently giving the Quaker Instant Oats(red packing). I just grind into powder & put 1 scoop into Athan's nite milk feed + 1scoop of Sishen brown rice. Actually the Quaker Quick Cooking Oats r better cos it's rolled oats so more nutrients retained as less processing but disadvantage is must cook lor so if u dun mind the hassle, better to buy blue one.

Oatmeal will definitely make Andrea fuller so u just add 1-2 scoops + whatever amt of FM she's taking. May need to add more water so it's not too thick for her to swallow.
Mag, thanks for sharing...I am goin to try out tonite...hehe....will update to see if she willing to open her golden mouth to eat anot..hehe
Hi Mag... Great news...have added the grinded oatmeal into Andreas milk yesterday....drank at abt 10.30pm.....she woke up oni at 5am for milk....will continue tryin .....

I only make the bento once a week, not everyday. Sole purpose is for her to try out new food. Making it cute is to "attract" her to at least try the new food.

I was surprised that she loves edamame. I saw many mummies packing them in their kids bento boxes, so i decided to try it out on her too. FYI edamame are green soybeans which are rich in proteins and vitamins A, B, and C.

So far she is ok with egg with mayo sandwich, pork floss with mayo sandwich, corn bits, etc I am still trying to make her like cherry tomatoes, but at least she took one the other day. Just try and try...for fussy kids like them, when they finally willing to try something new, it will make us mummies happy.
Hi Jan,

Oic, did u still rem how much u bought it?
As was thinking buy a table and chair for her to do some writing and drawing lol, else always sit on the floor.

That's great. Yes, do continue giving if your gal is alright wif it so at least u can have more rest & she can have more sleep too.

Only after seeing your post then i realise edamame is soy bean. I didn't know abt it. no wonder got once my boy went to ajisen and has an allergic reaction. I tink i fed him edamame.


I bot the table n chair from Ikea. My boy use it for reading his books.

Morning ladies..

I bot hte edamane frm NTUC yest..char love it wor, tell u something funny, i put the bowl of the edamamae in a bowl on a table for her she somehow overturn the bowl, then started screaming and crying, and shouted "ball ball no more", she tot her peas drop onto the floor and no more liao...She likes the beans alot alot leh... =)...

hihi, I just bot the sambucol but not yet let char try out cos she is taking e hou zhao powder frm eys now due to phelgm lor..
