(2008/06) June 2008

I let ah boy took Flax seed during weekend. I bot sunflower seeds but in keropok form so i just let him eat as snack. Haven't tried giving seasame seed yet. Lazy to grind so i tot of giving the seeds directly.


Sometimes i tink night feed is due to habit rather than hunger. If she eating solids well then wont need night feeds. My boy stop taking night feed since 10 months old.

Some of my colleagues suggest to give water when they wake up during the night.
HI Rizty,

My girl till now also wake up at night for milk, as day time she seldom drink milk de, so night i no choice, i prefer to her milk instead of water loh.

If u read Mag post (few days ago) u will see the link on the benefits of various seeds.

Mag gave organic seeds (grind and put into food). I am lazy so i gave those snack type (honey sunflower seed)
Rizty n shinely

OIC. Mine is on breastmilk even harder to stop night feed.. maybe bec i do it at an early age so probably its easier. I tink the older it is, the harder to kick the habit.
Shinely ,

maybe can try Mag's advice..grind the oatmeal and put into her milk...i tried few days so far she her last feed was abt 10.30pm able to last her till 5-6am..

I read somewhere if can sleep for 6 hrs without getting a feed, it is considered as sleep through for kids.

among the 'sinful' tidbits he eat, i try to get those less 'sinful' type. the sunflower seed is another one which can be considered..

Recently i get this Organix rice cake and its quite nice.
Exactly. My dd also less demanding when I not ard.

My maid quit on me. Looking for a new maid now. Arrghhhh..

Ya i oso remember readin a web abt more than 6 hrs is consider sleep thru...but my girl don leh...

Zuen, maid quit ???what happen?
Hi Feifei,

ya, saw the blog liao, still thinking which to get.

Hi Ellysia,
which want did u choose, care to share? i scare later buy liao dont know how to do.keke
hi mummies, long long time never chat here.

re: snacking
sunflowers seeds they wun get choked meh

mummies who put your children in childcare already, want to ask for your advices/opnions...i just enrolled Avril with this new child care at Sengkang, this is my first experience with child care, is there anything that i should take note or ask? she is starting class (i call it going to school cos the purpose of sending her to cc is for her to learn) on 1 sep and i feel kinda lost...

I forget which one.. so many.

I bot one with car shapes, another is circle, triangle shapes. All bread cutters.


Have u attended the trial class yet? i mean the 1st day for u to attend together with her.
Hi Ellysia,
IC, no problem la. As saw a bread cutter cost $25 that can do it into sandwich type, was thinking of getting that lol.

I spent $30++ to buy around 3 set of cutters.

Not sure eventually will use it so better dun spend too much. Cos my boy is rather tired of eating bread (cos he ate them in school too). Plus he has a limited choice as many type of bread has milk.
no trial class as far as i know, i have no experience leh also never ask and i registered immediately, cos i had been waiting very long for this ccc to open and finally it opened i immediately on the spot signed up!

re: cutters
they look really cute leh but then i dunno how to use them. the pictures shown in the website are so colourful, not sure if i can produce the same thing or not leh...i always headache when bring avril out, she always dun sit and eat properly during mealtimes, always want to get out of the high chair and want to run about instead of eating...

re: teacher's day
happens that is the first day of her cc so should i get anything? hahaha i also dunno who are her teachers...
She's new lor. Only 1 mtg with us. She claim tat she's homesick + stressed tat my dd kept rejecting her. My dd displayed nasty behavior since maid is here.

My boy CC teachers' day is open only half a day. Do check with the CC cos i know some sch are closed on teachers' day.

U can or should insist for at least 1 day trial to attend together with your kid. During tat day u can either choose to attend morn together then u secretly left in the afternoon; or u can attend together n bring her back early (when she seems tired of school). I had 2 days trial for my boy. First day is my hb attend together with him. Second day i accompany him for 2 hours then hide for another 2-3 hrs (to observe whether he got cry when i am not around).

During the trial u can also observe how the teachers conduct the lesson, check with supervisor/teacher what are the items u want to bring/need to bring etc, any admin details.

Get a food menu, a list of items to bring (from CC). Bring few sets of clothes, diapers, milk bottle, milk powder, water bottle, bath lotion( if got eczema or any preference), chou chou (if have), bed sheet (usually buy from school but some sch require u to get yr own).

My CC also request for a photograph of family members, then ask me to fill in MCYS form etc.

thanks for the detailed explanation. this kiasu mummy scared the ccc will be full so went ahead and register without thinking too much hehehe

i'm bot sure if we can stay and see how the class is conducted cos they seem to discourage it though...

They will discourage but u can insist.
Anyway most of the forummers here (i tink in fact all) attended at least 1 day trial.

I tink at least 1st day u accompany her so that she won't be scared or put off by the new environment.

U can also observe how the lessons r conducted.

But when we parents r there, our kids may not be able to concentrate on the lesson which is why the teachers always recommend we dun stay.

i oso ask Q from a few mummies here when my boy start CC.. hee. My boy is now in CC for half a yr ored.
ya i was worried that avril will lose concentration on classes and activities if i am around
i'm gonna have tons and tons of questions when she starts man ;)
I bot the cute cutter with flower, bear, rabbit de,...char likes it alot..always eat the bear the last =)..

i prepared char's teachers gift liao le =)..

I attended 3 days of trial with my ger lor..At least i got to know how their daily activites are conducted , etc...
hahaha i think i am the only one who blur blur never ask for trial then signup liao, i will try to see whether i can take leave to attend at least her first day or not so that can see what their daily activities also
I received the cute cutters yest. Haven't tried yet. showed to hb ored.. cos he always prepare my boy breakfast on weekends.
Hi Ellysia,

wow, that fast. Me just done the fund transfer nia. hopefully by weekend can received.
Ur hubby so good, prepare breakfast for ur boy. Mine never even done a meal lol.
Hi Ndzgirl,
not only u lah, i that time enro my girl in cc also blur blur de. din't even know got trial or half day. just sign up full day loh.
Anyway, now i have already withdrawl my girl from cc liao.

His preparation of Bkfast is only to take out bread, put jam Or give him snacks to eat/steam bao etc.

He used to say he dunno how to cook. But eventually when he has to take care alone without my help, he is oso 'forced' to learn.

Anyway he prepare the bkfast bec when my boy woke up, i always ask my hb to attend to him while i cont to zz for 2 hrs.. then i may took over during noon time to let my hb nap.
wah your hubby so good prepare breakfast for his son, even let u continue to sleep leh

haha me too lah, my hubby also never done anything, not even made a single bottle of milk leh...
ok lah i know got half or full day lah kekeke

Last time i ask him to let me sleep longer bec' v tired due to night feeds (BF). BUt since my boy stop night feeds from 8/9 months old, I am still enjoying the benefit lor.. hee.
ND girl,
Me too. Never ask for trial. But the mommy here say can ask but the teacher told me better don't stay. Me also blur blur. I only visited 1 cc so far n enrol after they called me that there is vacancy. Thought all cc similiar. hha haa.

MIL say another cc look better, cos more spacious and more room to move but my boy now v happy there so can't change. But v piss off with the falling sick issue and the HFMD. Every month also have now even have chicken box.
HOu zhao got 2 types. Which one do you give?
I'm confuse so I give BAo ying dang. Isn't both for cough n phegm?

I bought ZTP hou zhao since only 1 type. I give it to my gal since my boy on antibiotic now. Gal a bit cough.

Teachers day
Do you give present to all teachers or only PG 1?
Morning ladies..

I bot cosmetic pouches for them =).

I gave the one called " chen pi mo"..Now compass point is having the eys roadshow so its abit cheaper lor..I just bot 6 tubes yest....not cheap sia....

I prepared the presents to all teachers lor =)..6 onli =)
<font color="aa00aa">Hi ladies,
Long time no posting here. Have been very very busy since our company plan to move to new place. Then after move, i'm always stucked with mountain of works to do.

Btw, can anyone advise me whats the diff between Sambucol and sambucus? Which one if more suitable to give on daily basic? Thanks</font>
your hubby very sayang you lah and its very good bonding for father and son also. my hubby don't bother then always say my girls want mummy dun wan daddy *faint*

haha we can shake hands...me too only visited one and also because its the nearest one to home, more convenient for sending and picking...
oh veyr dilemma...but i think still can try the other cc if its really better, ultimately their health more important imo lah.

Mine also excuse say my girl only wan me.
But i alway tell him, it becose since birth everything is i am doing, that why now she too used to me liao. hai...

Last time my boy is v sticky to me. But my hb take care until he become sticky to my hb. Now he prefer my hb to me. But when he is sick, he will still prefer me.

Maybe bec my one is boy so my hb more willing. Cos my hb oso said if is gal, he will prefer i take care more. Like for e.g. my hb bathe my boy he dun feel strange. He said if is gal, he bathe will feel strange lor.
