(2008/06) June 2008


Actually i am the one who is scared to bathe my bb.. hee. Esp after bathing, he gets slippery to hold and i am scared to drop him. My hb always complained bec i have to wait for him to bathe my bb. Seems like i am the only mother who is afraid to bathe bb.

actually it is impt tat father take care of bb to improve bonding. Cos if small they dun take care, then bb will keep looking for mother.. then next time grow up bonding may not be as strong.


My ah boy although not expose to adult food, but he also cry when he see us eat leh.


previously i order a mickey mouse candle though online spree, but the 'ears' dropped when i open the package. Now a bit late for me to join new spree again. Shops i saw only sell 'happy birthday' candles.

I trained myself to be alert too but recently i have been trained not alert so i just sleep until hb wake me up.. both of us working so we have to take turns lah bo pian.

No. Is he and his mther refuse to help me take care of baby. His mother got no experience so dno how to take care.

Mother is the greatest person on Earth. We're not born perfect mothers, but we all try to be perfect. Just don understand y can't Man try to be perfect father too.. As mentioned. my MIL don't take care of my baby. Lucky my mum helped out. But she do work in the morning, so most of the things still go back to me.

Put me in charge of the trash bag first. Cause Lucas is still having slight flu and cough since last wk. Cause he don fully recover, I might not go cause I don't wan to spread to rest of the baby. Any changes I'll let you know.
If I'm confirm going, I'll go buy the drink if no one volunteer by tomw.
U can't believe what my husband tell me before. He said baby will not know who is nice to him or who buy toys for him when he is young. So he don need to buy toys or care abt him. When he grow older then he take care of him.
Its madness, right.
My SIL say I've the most patient person to endure his nonsense.
<font color="blue">hey kris,
thks..i'll pm my hp no..anything juz let me know..

to all those going to bday bash,
pls be there by 415pm..cos i think it's gd to let ur babies juz get comfortable wif the place b4 we start the event.. </font>
ellysia, maybe u try google search n see if can find nice candles? i ever saw pics of nice candles on plain cakes n e effect is vry gd but no idea where to buy.

if both of u working, hv to take turns liao. bo pian. i oso bo pian cause i m a sahm so better b alert. haha...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">sharon... oops i forgot about it after ordering.. ha ha.. i am fine with the actual amt cos it's jux opp my blk so save on transport.. btw.. if u want to order, we can combine and u take the discount if it's convenient for you to collect from her ;p.. jux let me know lor..;p</font></font>
ur hubby is real funny leh, hahaha...good mah, can keep u entertained. its fun to hv humourous guy ard...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi yummy pie, what kind of candles you are looking for.. i hv a few partyware shop ard..so maybe able to help to look up.. btw..i oso realised some sell more ex..than the other..hee..

fenny.. then i must salute to my hb liao..cos he really hand on 100% lor.. though when asking him to pack, he always dump lots of rubbish into the bag then required, the rest are just fine..from changing diaper, bath, feeding...etc..</font></font>
confirm i will bring 1 tablecloth, think i have another one hiding in house, will go back search and let u know tomorrow..but the tablecloth is those simple ones leh, like the checkered design, i think, ok?
Ya lor.. Yue bang yue mang.

Ic... haha ur hb so funny.

We combine then can save $. Hehe. R u in facebook? we communicate there or PM me ur HP?
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">ioio,
you have a very understanding husband who knows how to treasure &amp; show that he cares, i think my hubby think that i am capable &amp; independent, so bo chap</font></font>

why i say so is bec' real life example. I tink i said b4 in this forum. my bro and my dad rs not good. i tink partly bec my dad didn't take care of him much since young as he is v sticky to my mum. But my dad got play, care for me when i am young. So i can remember a bit. But my bro can rem my dad didn't take care much. Then when teenage yrs they quarrel v bad, so now no tokking liao. I tink its v impt to foster father rs with son from young.
thks for the ideas on candles..

i was demoralised bec i feel sad for my bb who can't eat normal cakes. Then today my colleague told me got special cake so i feel a ray of hope and more excitement.. then a bit sian cos the cake like no design type.. thks for the candle idea tink if find a nice one will be good.
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">ioio,
you have a very understanding husband who knows how to treasure &amp; show that he cares, i think my hubby think that i am capable &amp; independent, so bo chap</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. may i know which type u r looking for? cos a lot of shops hv but may not be what you want.. to my surprise.. bakery shop like phoon huat also sells cake figurine and candles..etc... there is another shop at people's park centre 1st floor near the overhead bridge which sells partyware like pooh, dora..etc.. the verge, previously known as tekka mall 5th floor also have quite a lot of partyware but not much on disney character.. however can find disney characters candles and hor there's another small shop beside that you can find tom and jerry party supplies...etc..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fenny.. both of us can take care of bb alone but in term of character, we are with the opp body.. ha ha..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia you got call dongshan? it's a famous cake shop for vegetarian.. their cakes are nice.. trust me..;p most pp cant find the diff.. they can customised design for you also.. you can buy a small one and try.. they also have quite a number of flavour...</font></font>
ND, yummy, sharon, Ellysia
If you'll were me mayb already stranggled him. He is sturborn person. The more you pressure him, the more he not willing to do. So I gave up, I just do wat I like, if he wan to join in is a bonus to me.

I did not receive ur PM. Please send to my email at [email protected].

Please add me in ur facebook too. [email protected]
hi ladies, been long time since i pop in :p

so damn tired from work, log on can only check work stuff, do work stuff

anyone buying the packet drinks? if not i can buy for this sat, jus let me know quantity

bizznow, soya, will transfer $$ now sorry ah took so long...
hello mummies, long time didn't log in liao due to work + baby sleeping later.

Wanna get some advice from u ladies...
My boy keeps biting anything and everything lei. even coffee table. Anyone encountering this as well? how to stop this?
hi MLP,
maybe your boi is having itchy gums due to his teething....u got sufficient teethers for him to chew? or pacifier where he can chew on to relieve his itch, swelling gums etc

i used to give my boy teething rings which has been cooled in the fridge
For me, when she chew on the thing that she was not suppose to, I raise my voice and say: Da Da and hit the item and make a loud noise. For eg she likes to lick the floor, and I will bang on the floor and say: DIRTY!!! MAMA DA DA!!! It does stop her for a while, just need to repeat it to her.
Hi Fiona

Halo MLP,
Same here, my little boy try bitting on everything he see. I use the same method as Huggy. Teach him that he cannot bit or you can try divert his attention with other toys.
Cornelius is bitting EVERYTHING,
including shoes if he get hold of one...
When there's nothing to bite on, he'll bite me!!!

He doesn't like his teethers.

I gave him ice packs, he loves them.
Those ice packs that comes with birthday cakes.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies! Is Friday!!!!!

MLP, my ger oso the same! She'll bites on everything she's able to grab. Even we bring her out to eat, she can bites on the high chair. We try to give her something else like teething or even soft toy, she wont bite, coz she likes to bites on 'new' things!

Leng Leng,
I try ice packs before and i find it does work compare to oth items, but once the coolness gone, my ger will look for oth new thing to bite. Btw, my ger super like tiny tiny thing like thread, hair and she even chase the ant!!!</font>
Morning Ladies,
Anyone interested in Gain IQ stage 3 for 1yrs onwards. I'm getting my SIL to check for me the price for either half or one dozen 900g. As she is a nurse, might be able to get direct from supplier.
Hello mummies,

SOrry I have to be MIA for sometime..
My #1 is sick and having high fever... me &amp; HB also sick... Now isolate BB nicole at MIL house hoping she wont kenna.

Also don't know what virus is it attack all of us....
Kris.. I am oso interested but want to let him try the sample first before order in bulk... Scared later order a lot and he dun drink... Kekeke...
hi MLP,

my ger same too. she bites everything including tables n chairs.she eats paper too. she ever swallowed paper. when i saw, i forced open her mouth to remove n she quickly swallow it. SIGH!!! she is hving rashes on her chin n apparently its spreading. one dot appears on her face n eye area yday. those on her chin has become one big patch n contain pus. i m so worried. dun know what to do
applied med but doesnt seem to help. i m so sad n while looking at her wound yday, i was tearing n she quickly use her finger to catch my tears n put in her mouth. can die right? i read somewhere when mummy cry, bb will cry too but mine nvr, she can still smile at me while sucking her finger n at e same time aiming for tears to catch. dun know to cry or to laugh man!!!
War_angel &amp; ioio,
Will not be so soon cause i just got her to check yesterday. when she get back to me i'll let you know. Cause I wan to see if more are interested, so can see the diff price of half and a dozen.

Thats so cute of ur daughter.
<font color="blue">hallo ladies,
yeah!!finally fri liao..1 day to the bday bash!!!hehe..so happy..

i receive ur payment liao.. i let u noe later whether got anyone buying the drinks or not..thks for volunteering..

u cant accept pm leh..dat's y i nvr pm u..but i sent to ur email add liao..can u sms me so dat i can hv ur hp also??thks ah..

zry's mummy,
ok..thks ah..cheapo also can lah..best is those type used liao can juz throw way type..hehe.. if ur mum interested in going juz bring her along lor..dun need to pay lah..since all the $$ collected liao.. </font>
i am not buy a new activity table i tink.. seems tat the fisher price discovery table my boy seems to enjoy so hb say no need another table.


thks for yr recommendation

so tat means for candles tekka mall have 2 shops selling? and chinatown people park have 1 shop? I looking for either disney candles or no 1 candles.

The veg cake shop Dongshan u recommend, where is it?


the patch with pus seems to be eczema rash. My boy when he has flare up, will also have patch rashes. when it get serious the pus means is infection ored. better get medicine from pd and dun let it worsen.

mine also will eat paper. just now he is eating tissue paper, i manage to stop him.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. jus opp the temp hwaker center next to bugis mrt.. its rochor center.. ;p i chk liao their cake got no egg and dairy.. u can get ur design n see whether they can do for u.. they can hand draw one.. ;p their cake quite healthy n nice... taste good oso..</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Morning Mummies!

I know that most of you will be at the Baby 1 yr old Birthday Bash this sat, but just for your info because I am a great supporter of breastfeeding:-

Happy Breastfeeding Mothers' Day@Jurong Point

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">yummy.. urs similar to mine during chinese new year.. start with one then pop one or two each day and got pus.. might be due to food oso.. better to see doc else it will worsen.. my son got it last two week on mouth oso.. and someone kiss that spot and he ended with with herpes.. very bad lor, it became a whole patch with the skin tearing, pus..etc..and takes 2 weeks to recover, i see liao so heartache.. and brought him to genting and strangers keep touches his face to play with him....sld hv brought him once see the spot..</font></font>
Thanks for adding me at Facebook. Ur babies are so cute, not forgetting all the pretty mama. Look forward to seeing everyone tomw.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. people park that one got nicer theme and variety but they oni hv 2 type of candle, one is the one with red edge one and the other one is with the aeroplane one.. the price quite ex lor.. the shop at bugis street..mcdonald that side also hv a shop that sell party supplies but limited variety.. the one at tekka mall got quite a lot but i dun find them very nice.. but they oso hv lots of balloons... there are another 1 at rochor centre.. i think average average oni.. but quite a lot of variety..</font></font>

the location all dispersed! Ok i try to look at 1 location tis weekend. no time to reckee as its only 2 weeks.

The cake shop i found online, dun have trial sample. can only order 1 whole cake lor. $50 for 23cm.

some people hor see baby v cute will keep playing.. then didn't watch their hygiene. i always try not to let strangers touch my bb.. but sometimes v hard to avoid. like last weekend i go supermarket, was looking at things intented and didn't notice 2 ang mohs playing with bb.
