(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="blue">morn all,
feifei..the bday bash was fun..n very tiring for us parents..haha..

how's yujie now??she feeling better??try giving her jing feng san to calm her down..i think might help since she's being "scared" by the nurses n docs..</font>
Bday Bash - Floyce and whole family enjoyed to the fullest.. Thanks for organizing.. We went for a 2nd round BBQ organized by Woodlands thread mummies.. It's great too!! Tired but fulfilling day..


hi morning...

can u believe it? celebrateexpress up till now have not replied me on the missing items? I hv chased them a few times already. i just sent out an angry email to them this morning.


This is totally absurd. I have not received a response to my email for nearly a month already.

I am really disappointed at how Celebrateexpress has handled this. I doubt I will ever be confident again to order again. So much for customer service... "

btw saw the pics for the bdae bash! looks sooo fun...

the bash was great... good to see so many other mummies and babies, tho many are still ünidentified"...
Lucas enjoyed the bash so much, when we reach the car he doze off immediately.

Agreee, Can't identify most of the mummies. But most importantly, everyone had fun.
Morning all

How was the bash on Sat? Seems like everyone had fun which is good to hear.. the cake is so cute

Just to update.. its great to have an helper, our entire family is not so exhausted... this helper is super on, everyday she wake upa t 7am and she auto go and clean and clear my storeroom, wipe windows etc. I have not seen my storeroom floor in 3 yrs cause its so cluttered but duno how long her on-ness will last. :p Isaiah finally took his first few steps unaided yesterday... the way he walked so funny, too bad we din have a video cam on hand to video it down...
When Lucas as having fever the previous wk, I refuse to send him to hospital. Cause a few months ago when I admit him, he got scared by the nurse, coming to measure the temp, wipe him with cold cloth etc. He couldn't slp well. I discharge him the next day. Fed him the med the doc instructed and let him hv a proper rest, he recovered faster.
Never teach him much, but he like to explore himself. I read through some forum that brown rice with Si Sen is good for babies leg, makes them stronger. He's been taking everday since 6 months old. This might be one of the reason.

The clinic is healthway clinic. It close at 10pm i tink.

I dun see any clinic here open after office hrs.

My bb had fever on Saturday night at 39.5 degrees. we didn't bring him to KKH as worry abt the long queue as well as the recent 'mask' and step up controls. only bring him to see GP at Healthway. He was given antibiotics. GP is worried got urine infection as he only has fever (like yr bb) but we do not notice any pungent urine smell. Anyway GP say only hospital can check the urine.

Yesterday his fever has reduce to 37 to 38.5 degrees. Today continue to monitor and continue with medicine.

Did KKH ask u to monitor the fever until how many days?
<font color="blue">soyabean,
no worries lah..i wait lor..if not how?? u juz update me hor.. thks ah..

wah..u so onz ah..i was like super tired dat day liao..admire u leh..still hv energy to go another bbq..hehe..btw floyce so pretty..so sweet looking..hehe..

i liked the way dat lucas smile..so cute leh..hehe..

i oso worried like u..
and we checked with our doc fren (my hb fren).. he advise to monitor.. suspect is viral fever.. our doc fren say this kind have to cure on its own.. take a few days. panadol only temporay reduce temp.

On sat night we have lost sleep bec his fever escalate to 39.5 degrees.. we r v worried n scared.. he cannot sleep also.. middle of night we sponge him, feed him water. I keep feeding him water besides BM.
Thanks. He like to smile at girls, esp pretty ones. And let the pretty ones carry him. When I go shopping, he'll smile and wave at those young sales girls. (As if he knows, but hard to say)
keke.. thanks for the compliment.. din rili have a chance to sit down &amp; talk w all mummies, though. I know there're some mummies who r still new to me.. I think i'll post the pics &amp; let u all identified yrself, ok??

keke, not onz lah.. hardly a chance to get together, so I'll try to attend the gatherings.. it's fun to meet up..
mine too last week. I lost slp.. No choice.. when baby is sick.. mum suffer the most.
Buy a cooling pad. It helps, this is what they do at Raffles Hospital. Let your baby slp on it. I remove his pampers, cause scared too warm.
But at night i don sponge him. I just a plastic bag to wrap ice. then with another layer of cloth and place it on the armpit or forehead.
good morning everyone, hope u all had a great time at the bday bash!!!

tks bleh, i m quite lucky, got back to pre pregnancy weight after one month.

oh dear felicia, hope yujie recover soon. agree with bizznow, try gvg her jing feng san, it helps.

warrior, tks for posting e pics, looks fun!!!

bleh, didnt e nametag work? i think we shd upload pics here every now n then, looking at pics can definately register better. i can roughly remember those bb face i hv in fb oredi. just not familiar w the nick. shall we do a chart with nick, mummy n bb name here?

kris, i used to give bb brown rice until last mth when i visited this TCM w my mum n was told tt brown rice should't b given to bb cause its difficult to digest. not good for their digestive system. she says even adult hv pblm digesting not to mention bb. do u think its true? e funny part is everywhere is selling brown rice for bb hor? dun know who to listen leh.
<font color="aa00aa">bizznow/ Kris,

This is the 3rd time, i brought YuJie to KKH. The 1st 2 times she's quite ok and can smile at the doc and nurses despite being sick. 2nd time was bit unpleasant as need to take blood test, but everything still ok.
Then this round, she was scared from start to end, coz she saw all the nurses and doc is wearing mask.
In fact is out of no choice only i brought her to KKH coz the paracetamol we given seems like no effect on her, so drag till nite only bring her there as most of the clinic is closed by then. Now i need to source where got oth 24hr clinic nearby coz waiting time in KKH is quite tiring.</font>
FYI, some clinic stated 24hrs are NOT 24hrs.. they might only open till 11pm or 12am, the most.. Call and check before you make yr trip down..

My hb encountered this once he was having a high fever..
hi ellysia
If your bb is having high fever, kkh will give u priority at a&amp;e.. dat was wat happened when we brought isaiah down at kk a&amp;e.. we told them keep vomitting and he saw doc within 10 min. For tmc 24hrs.. its only one PD on duty n u duno whether this pd is good or not, if u want ur regular pd back to tmc, they will charge u another $200. And if your bb is hospitalised at tmc, tmc procedure is that your normal PD must be called back, which means another $200. And you also need to check whether there's bb beds at tmc, last time we called, there's no beds and only left suites which is $900 a nite!! So do consider all the additional tmc costs...
hi mummies,

was lost a few day, as i was also sick after bb recover. hai...

The bb bash look so fun, ur must have enjoys till the whole event. great.
I went Raffles Hospital that time, it was quite fast, cause bb got fever they put you under A&amp;E. Some recommeded Mount Alvernia, saying quite fast too and cheaper then Raffles.
Yummy Pie,
Don think will be a problem cause its in powdered form, not in grain so should not be a problem to digest. And SiSen include barley etc so should be gd for babies.
I've tried green bean soup + brown sugar.. din let Floyce take the green bean cos I scare indigestion.. Just let her drink the soup using her milk bottle..

Both barley and green bean makes her pee tons..
good for cooling down during these crazy weather..
Hi mummies,

have mummies bought those staff for baby to choose during their birthday. Like what there futhure will be, as now craking head what to buy..haha... i read some say drumstick, but i wonder drumstick stand for what? does that mean she like to eat if she choose that???haha
hi kris, din know theres a diff bet powder n grain. u r right, powder shd b easy to digest. i ever ask my pd abt barley n he say wait til bb is 1 yr old. i think my pd is very careful cause when i ask him abt e med to increase bm, he ask me not to take too. he says its more for adoptive mum to stimulate milk supply. he says its contain 'something'which i cant remember wat, n it can cause cancer. so i listen n nvr take lor. better b safe than sorry.

anyway, did u give egg to bb? i din know cant n gave bb those heinz bottle food egg custard cause its written frm 6mth. then pd told me not to give egg until after the measles/pumps/rubella jab. but those few times i give bb nothing happen leh.
<font color="aa00aa">Kris,
Wat kind of cooling pad? Where can i buy it?

Re: A&amp;E
So, TMC and Mt Alvernia oso have PD to attend to our kids even at midnite? Any idea what is the waiting time?</font>
hi warrior, tks for uploading e pics. just finished viewing. can tell e babies n mummies enjoyed themselves so much. so envy... such a waste my ger ger missed it. do organise more of this gathering. i will definately fly back to attend.
U got a very careful PD. But when you go to supermarket they hv the Moon Rabit brand which is a mixture of brown rice and SiSen which include Barley. And its writen, thats its suitable from 4 months onwards. I let my bb drink barley those few days when he hving fever.
Baby can eat Egg Yolk not Egg White. And its very gd for brain developement. I gave him egg yolk a few times a wk. The vitamin tt I mentioned that day also contain egg yolk.

Felicia, following is the Aqua Cool pad
hi felicia
I bought the cooling pad at $20 and pillow at $7 at those baby shop same as what kris posted above.. it is indeed very very cold, i tried sleeping on it and gave up after a while
<font color="blue">wah warrior_angel, a lot leh ur photos..haha..i finally managed to tag most of them..hehe..some i nvr tag cos not in my fb..hehe.. </font>
Hi Felicia...my kids sleeps on the cooling pad when they have fever...normal days not advisable...

Wah..i oso wanto see the bb bash pictures...
hi mummies,

was busy searching for the items just for fun!

hope this is helpful


Shoes - represents a Traveller
Paint Brush - represents an Artist or Writer
Spring Onion - represents a Lawyer (or someone clever and adept in speaking)
Orange - represents someone with Good Luck - or getting things with little effort
Software CD - represents Computers (eg. programming, computer engineering, etc)
Book - represents a Scholar or Teacher
Chopsticks - represents Epicure and also the Food or Restaurant Industry
Calculator - represents a Scientist or Engineer
Money - represents an Entrepenaur or Stock Broker
Rubber Stamp - represents a Politician or association with the Government
Mobile Phone - represents the Telecommunications industry or an Electrical Engineer
Pocket Knife - represents a Strong Body (eg. Sportsman, the Army or Police Force)
Tape Measure - represents an Architect
BP Monitor - represents a Doctor or Medical related field
Sunglasses - represents a Movie Star or Celebrity

hi jenny
So cute! But how come calculator dun represent accountant/banker? And there's no accountant inside....

Btw, just want to say congrats to Grace. She just discovered she's pregnant and she's expecting twins!!! CONGRATS!!!!
