(2008/06) June 2008

hi all,

for this saturday's birthday bash, can someone volunteer to buy some packet drinks? Bizznow will reimburse you for the expenses.

Thanks much!!!!!


bizznow busy at work, cant come online... but Yes, we still need the tablecover for the bash. Think it'll be good if u can sponsor this?? kekeke...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">yes ICI.. but i forgot why.. strongly recommended by contractor oso</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">I am trying to look for egg and diary free cake for my boy bday. Anyone who know which bakery got sell can let me know. </font>

Kris and Zu En,

If he dun help me out, i tink i cannot sustain alone!
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia... dong shan at bugis.. the cake is quite nice despite it's without egg..not sure about dairy.. u can call 1 Rochor Road #01-510 ☎ 6294 6932.</font></font>
ok will bring the tablecloth then, will search around house to see if there are more, ya?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. another one that you can check it out is Blk 8A Biomedical Grove, #01-17/18 Immunos
Tel: 6464 2007 they handle special need for pp who cant take egg and dairy ..etc..)</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">huggy.. i think ntuc jumbo pack cheaper oso.. tis one is just ard our place so convenient lor.. i did stockup some from ntuc promo oso.. ;p</font></font>
OH yah, i forget to tell u all. Recently i just read an article on newspaper saying that many baby food such as heniz rusks are found to contain sugar much higher than adult junk food. Maybe shd try to give natural snacks rather than those commercialised baby snacks.
<font color="aa00aa">bleh,
I think is 123sqm.
I'm doing some financial planning and research 1st.
Was wondering if buy own paint and engaged someone else to do will be cheaper or go for those package type will be cheaper.

Pediasure is mostly recommended by PD especially for those underweight babies. Coz i had few friends, whom kids is underweight and their PD recommend Pediasure to them.

Any idea can i mix soy based milk with normal FM?</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cheerios.. i nv buy as contains lanolin derived from wool..it's not stated on box but the support replied my email and told me..</font></font>
I didn't buy cheerios in the end bec my hb said contain many ingredients inside so not sure if my allergic bb can take or not.
hi soyabean
thanks for your advice, will remember it whenever she do any mistake and im down with exasperation
she's coming tmr, hope will be fine...

hi felicia
Ic... I didnt know that.. just thought it was more for bb with sensitive stomach as their labels put so.. then its good as isaiah is underweight, 25th percentile, hope eat le will put on more...
can mix soy based milk with cow based, its ok.. now we are giving isaiah isomil mixed with pediasure to get him used to the change...
Oh yes, yest was my ger's lunar birthday, I took 8 items for her to choose....pen,dictionary,drumsticks,ruler,hp,calculator,credit card,cash for her to chhoose...The 1st time, she choose the pen 1st, then dictionary,credit card and and drumstick.For e 2nd time,she choose the pen 1st out of the 4 items she choose earlier on..hehe..so funny and cute to see her dash across to chooose lor..hee
wow congrats on charlotte being 1!!!

btw pen represent? and the rest? i know only:
drumsticks = enuff to eat
calculator = calculative
tks ger...celebrating her bd next sat lor =).

Pen = Blue collar job, work in office wor..
Drumstick = greedy..haha..
calculator = Knows how to calculate next time..hee
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Afternoon Mummies!

I didnt really give Jared alot, hope its alright, i was still munching away this morning as my breakfast, any idea what exactly happened?</font></font>
good afternoon, woke up late today. poor mayya has to skip bf. very lazy mummy hor??? my mum say i m e laziest mummy she has ever seen. haha...

i m sticking to the next stage of enfa too.. mayya has been taking enfa since birth...

kris, wat vitamin do u add to e milk?

ellysia, my ger also vry funny. she wil try to suck my hubby nipple if he is not wearing tshirt. haha...

kris, u shd train hubby to take care of bb too. my hubby has been taking care of bb since birth during wkend cause wkend is my off day. so now i can go wherever i want. dun hv to worry abt bb. mummy need off days too...
ever since my confinement lady left, my hubby has been cooking my lunch before he goes to work in e morning cause i usually wake up bet 10.30-11am n too late to cook lunch. no choice since i need to wake up at nite to feed bb. too tired. hv to share e work load lor. tell him hv to train for rainy day mah. what if u hv something urgent to attend to n cant take care of bb? bb belongs to both parents leh.
nicer put;
pen = boss, all she does is to sign her signature
drumsticks = have lots to eat
calculator = have lots of money to count

<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">yummy pie,
you sound like got a good life leh, so sweet your hubby cook lunch for you everyday &amp; you get off during weekends.

its so hard to even get hubby to change Jared's diaper, but i managed to get him &amp; my #1 to bath Jared last sunday

but i see there is improvement this time round as compared to #1 time, at least he wakes up at night if bb cries, and he will try to pacify him, sleep with him in living room, when bb has stuffy nose, i see the change in him, but he still hasnt change Jared's diaper since he was born, and its almost a year now</font></font>
Aiyo... I didn't know yesterday was Ivory's lunar birthday too. I will do it on the actual day then.
Btw, what other things need to prepare?

Haha! your ger so cute!

Re: Hubby
Mummies with hubby taking care of baby really very lucky. Mine... haiz. Up till today he never bath my ger before lor. And when I need to do something while ask him to look after, after awhile ask me hurry up (angry!). Always like that! So disappointed.

at least he improved! Being able to wake up at night to help out is v impt.


Mine hb dunno how to cook. He only cook porridge for me to eat using rice cooker when i had wisdom tooth surgery last time.

During the 1st 6 months, i have been waking up in middle of night to latch and he get to sleep through. So he will take care of bb in the early morning until 9plus or 10plus for me to catch up my lost sleep. Now i refuse to wake up at night to feed, so he has been waking up to pat if bb cry.. thus he tasting the medicine of disrupted sleep haa.
I just emailed to consciouscake for egg and diary free cake. though it look simple but at least i tink my boy can enjoy it vs a nicely decorated cake but he can't eat it. But i will envy u all nice cartoon decorated cakes!
hehe...dats a gd one..

hmm...u can prepare :-

1) Pen
2) ruler
3) book
4) Dictionary
5) screwdriver
6) drumstick
7) credit card
8) money
9) lipstick

Me going bk to my studies liao...chat with u all again hor =)..tata..
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Sharon,
hubby excuse is there are already so many hands(helper/mum/myself) so no need him, i think these husbands will only realise how important the wives are, if the wives get away from the house for 2 full days(saw the tv program whereby the wife goes out to enjoy for 2 whole days, and hubby stay home to look after kids , housework &amp; cook for the kids, they always realised how capable their wives are after the hard work they have to put in these 2 days</font></font>

must it be done on lunar birthday?


if u have other helpers, generally hb will be more laidback. My hb was also quite laidback when my mother is helping me during maternity leave. But nowadays weekend only 2 of us, so he has no choice but to help out.
Although I didn't buy but I think there is nothing serious, only that the label a bit exaggerated - claiming that eating cheerios can cure heart disease and thus work like a drug (medicine) and this is against the US law i think.
As what Fennie say, too much helper so don't need him. He always cmplain that he is tired after work, having headache etc. All the excuses he can think of. Seems that my bb like my brother more than his daddy. Cause my bro and SIL spend more time with bb.
The vitamin is call:
Galactis + is rich source of LCPUFA’s like in human milk and formulated in line with international recommendation for infant feeding. It is recommended to babies at weaning, who are no longer breast-fed (particularly small for gestational age).

Mayb what you say is through, when we're always there they'll not cherish the things we do. But I really scare by leaving them alone. With my mum around still fine. But my hb and his mother NO WAY.
My HB scare to bath her. But now should be more easy to bath. Just let her sit on floor n wash up. Ask him help to bath will die lor... He will say ok, end up still I bath. =/

Weekends usually don't have helpers. MIL/Mother go back on Friday night. So I'm all alone looking after.

Can see ur HB n mine same pattern (Da Shao Ye). But mine at least got change diaper a few times. But... that was when she guai guai lay on bed. Now ask him do he will get very piss off.

How come need screwdriver?

Agree with u. They think got helper so no need him. haha. Sometime I feel like letting him look after alone lor. But.. wait i do it he sure &amp;*^*&amp; at me. So better not. Haha

HB n his mother = HB shake leg, his mother look after right?

P.S today I talk so much.
fei fei, r u 8 items standard for bb to choose or up to u to choose?

fennie, at least there's improvement. take it slowly. my hb scared of changing bb poo poo too. whenever he chg, he wil keep saying 'wah vry smelly, very smelly' for e whole duration. haha so funny... then i wil sit beside him n tell him i hv to do this all e time. make him realised mah...

ellysia, my hubby is a better cook than me so he wil cook whenever he is free. really tired to wake up at nite right? good that ur hb is taking over now. i always ask my hb to sleep when bb cry cause he need to work e next day but my hb is a light sleeper n he always wake up. so no choice, i start training myself to b very alert, e moment bb make noise, i quickly wake up. last time i cannot hear one leh. its always hb who wake up first. then slowly i trained myself n now i m always e first one to wake up. no choice lah, hv to 'fen gong he zuo', if not, he wil be exhausted. actually, u can buy nice candles n deco ur cake. will turn out nice oso..

sharon, i cant comment on that cause i dun hv boy, so far, one n only girl. but girl or boy is still our child mah. got diff one meh???
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Kris,
i think we women are more capable in that sense, having to work for most mothers, and also have to do house work &amp; taking care of baby at the same time, and husband will just say stressed at work, &amp; thats it!we are also working, but can do other things, but for them, work is all!

I also 不放心 to leave Jared at home with hubby, i cannot imagine what my house will be like after i return home at the end of the day, the mess is needless to say, and then maybe i will find more bruises on Jared

For parents &amp; in laws, they will just stuff anything they eat into Jared's mouth, and didnt think if its too salty/sweet etc, thus far, i have only cooked porriage for less than 5 times, and he refused to eat, because he was exposed to adult food too early &amp; he will be crying when he sees us eat, but just awhile before that, he didnt want his nestle cereal anymore!</font></font>
<font color="blue">hey ladies,
finally managed to logon now..super duper bz..whole day meeting until i going crazy liao..hehe..

thks for posting on behalf..

i think we need to bring those black thrash bags for throwing things leh..do u hv??

zry's mummy,
thks for ur contribution on the tablecloth..we need 3..how many u hv??

to the rest going to the bday bash,
jwt informed yday dat if i make payment by citibank credit card, i can get 5% discount..so with the extra $$ dat i've collected, i will use it to buy packet drinks..but i need some of u to help me get cos i dun think i hv hands to buy so many.. i am looking for VOLUNTEERS.. the drinks dun need to be chilled..i have abt $30 to spare.. pls can I get some of u to VOLUNTEER?? TIA
Looking for ioio...
I saw your order for the diaper. I can add 3pks to ur order to make up to 6pk to entitle the special price. Let me know.

my hubby not only da shao ye, he also da nan ren. but he dun help better also otherwise make me even more busy haha yue bang yue mang
