(2008/06) June 2008

I used to be like u also, must entertain her until she fell asleep and I was so exhausted by the time she slept. Not long ago, maybe 2 mnths back, i will have to spend 1-2hrs on the bed with her to make her sleep (when she has a sleepy look on her, i will try to let her sleep, normally start from 8-9pm).

But now much better already. Got a bit of routine already. I follow the book one, it says babies love routine, so I created one for her.

Before u have a routine successfully, must limit his day nap to 2-3hrs. Let him play and crawl or cruise as much as possible. Then bath him at 8pm, follow by milk feed, if he still dun fall asleep or only sleep for 1 hr, nvm, what i do is to let her play hey toys again in the living room for another 1-2hrs. Then i will bring her to the bed again, read story book, sing songs for her until she fall asleep. At 1st, take a looong time for me to repeat all the songs, but now the routine has been built and i found that she fell asleep very quickly now, less than or equal to 30mins (consider fast for me

I bought a baby board book: Night Night Baby. About baby going to sleep, I will read it to her while she turn the pages for me, got a few times, she turn and turn and fell asleep accidentally. But most of the time, need to follow by singing some simple baby songs like: twinkle little stars (this is to entertain her), little indians, mary had a little lamb. She will fall asleep when I repeat the counting of little indians from fast to slow. Or now she can fall asleep hearing me singing mary had a little lamb i a soft and very slow tune.

Remembered when I was so frustrated back then and dunno how to make her sleep, I even just count the number plainly to her, from 1 up to 1000++ only she fell asleep

You can create your bedtime game with your son too. But must do it on the bed he is going to sleep at night and let him fall asleep there.

Your method sounds good leh, 30 min is very good to me, haha. I also tried singing songs to him but it doesn't seem to work. I will try the board books. Thanks for sharing!
good morning girls!

huggy, saw ur comment yest. yes, most ppl would say my boy is a photocopy of me!

u oso v v skinny lor. but ur June is so huggable. i cant deny that i cant carry her long enough.
crystal, he's too noisy compared to other kids... will keep "ah and uh-ing" whenever he sees something he wants, this morn, my mum took teng tiao to spank his hand, surprisingly it work and he kept quiet for 1 hr after that... when i was there this morn, he was super noisy and i spanked his hand also, he actually took his palm up n put to his mouth after that, keke and he also kept quiet after that... guess its true, spare the rod and spoil the child...

hi ioio
I put on 3kg le, haiz, was hoping to put on less, but i keep eating aiyoh... tink will be same as no 1, when i balloon n put on 16kg
MS symptoms like subsiding so duno good or bad....

hi kris
I only put him to sleep when i see him rubbing his eyes.. if not, he wun want to sleep... how we do it is let him hug his bolster to sleep and pat his shoulder and buttock and hum the "orh orh koon, qik me tua qik cun.... " the hokkien nursery rhyme :p he normally falls asleep in 10 - 30 min... if not, let them drink water/milk before sleeping and they will normally suckle on bottle and fall asleep
<font color="aa00aa">good morning ladies!

mine will jus keep nagging me wif "mum mum" if she sees us eating till we give her something from our plates even though having feed her before we ourselves eat.

he still so young, dun spank him lar. i feel so heartpain for him ley. mine also make lots of noise - at least at home. outside she is quieter cos i think strange envt &amp; all, so she tend to mellow a bit. but IMHO bbs are still bbs, i will let mine do watever she wans, so long it doesnt endanger herself. will discipline her wif cane later on when she is older. if i can, i rather do w/o cane cos will be very heartpain to cane her....

i also feel no point in getting the tub now. my tots are similar to tat of tera &amp; kris. i also had one bought previously but after 6 mths, mine ger dun wan the tub &amp; neck float anymore, so we bring her to bb pool instead. + water consumption reai high &amp; need a few days to recycle the water. my tub is now a white elephant sitting somewhere in my hse liao.

mine will auto ask for milk ard 7.30-7.45pm, then will wave nite nite to everyone &amp; signal to go bedroom. once she finish her milk in bedroom, i will pat pat her to bed wif songs, sometime she herself too tired, while drinking will fall asleep. all in all, she is asleep by 8.15pm during wkdays. wkdays will be earlier, ard 7.30pm. </font>
I'm always amaze by baby that slps at 7-8pm. Does she take naps and wat time she wakes up?

When I see him rub his eyes then I try putting him on the bed, but he can rub and rub for 3hrs till 11.30 then he decided to slp.

So all lucas is like tt? haha.. then got to check the meaning of the name again. Cheers!

I just bought a few board books too. So that I can count till he fall asleep. At times I succeed, at time don;t. He lay there and see me counting the pictures. Then half way he felt thats boring and turn and crawl away.
I don't hv to limit his slp cause the max is 3 hrs for him. He is a light sleeper, a bit of sound he's awake. Mayb I shld get the bk too.

My husband say his son is a VARTA BATTERY. (its a battery brand which is QUICK CHARGE. Charge for a short period and has very high energy power.)
<font color="aa00aa">kris,
wkdays i m told she takes 2 naps - once at 8.30am to 10am &amp; another at ard 1.30pm to 3.30pm. wkends she does oni 1 nap - at ard 1pm to 1.45pm max.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">kris,
u meant</font> <font color="000000">"if she take nap at 8.PM then wat time she wakes up?"</font> <font color="aa00aa">instead of 8am rite?

she will be awake by 6am on wkdays &amp; 7.30-8am on wkends. wkdays she is awake earlier cos she always wan to follow her gor gors to take school bus. she needs to c them off to school type - being kpo lar... wkends, she is back home wif us, we always tell her wkends, no school, no need wake up early, so she will laze in wif us lor till later time.</font>
good morning ladies!

kris, mine sleep abt 11-12hrs at nite n 2-3hrs afternoon nap during wkdays. she sleeps lesser during wkend cause we r out n she is e type whom don't sleep when shopping. she will endure all e way from morning to nite. at most take a 10-15mins power nap. went for jab yday,she is 8.45kg, 75cm now, 3.39kg,50cm at birth. pd say its normal weight.

ioio n huggy, tks for infor. what if they poo poo, sure messy right? cannot imagine washing. Eeee... the weather is so hot now so tt day i tried not wearing pants for bb n guess what? i saw her without her diaper standing at the cot. lucky she nvr pee, if not, i wil hv to wash the whole cot. now i know e purpose of the pants, din cross my mind tt she wil remove her diapers.

yes huggy, ampang is a chinese area... i think we same age lah. where got so young...my fren bgt the tub, she hardly use cause ned to use a lot of water. she say she recycle the water n took her 3 days to finish using it. moreover not sure if bb pee in e pool so cant use water for bathing. btw, they hv a new version of the pool now. its square shape but i think need to inflate the whole pool unlike the normal round one, only need to inflate the rim, the body is supported by pole. i m addicted to bulk purchase. checking everyday n buying nonsense for bb. haha...i tried the neck float on my bb n she hates it.keep trying to pull out n cry. i think its not very comfy.

kris, i use 'smelly' on my girl. whenever i throw her the smelly, she will grap, put e corner part into her mouth, suck til she fall asleep. at e same time, can keep her quiet too. e down part is u hv to wash every alternate day n ned to buy 2-3 jus in case not in time to dry. my ger wil suck straight after milk so kana all e milk stain n real smelly but no choice, if not, she dun sleep.
yummy, u got a very tall baby leh! 50cm at birth seems quite tall.

mine still cant sleep thru the nite. how how how???
Mine can't slp through too. He got to wake up at least once for milk, usually abt 3am or 4. I've tried not to give him milk and gave water. But he'll cry at 6 wanting milk. If i give at 6 then it'll disturb his morning milk and the rest of the meal.

Lucas will not play any toy more then 10 mins. So "smelly' will not work on him. Moreover, I'm a forgetful mum. I don wan end up forgetting his "smelly" and he can't slp for the night.

6am is early. Wouldn't you be tired? When lucas wake up at 6am, the whole day I'm like zombie. Cause he wake up at 3 or 4am. So i kept hving broken up slp.
leng and kris, are u worried that it will become a habit for them to wake up at nite?

mine wakes at 3-4am as well.. doesnt help at all to give him water.. cos he'll be up shortly after that.
<font color="aa00aa">Crystal,
Gwen sleep so early and only wake up at 6am? U know my YuJie sleep at 9-10pm, but oso wake up at 6am. Weekdays, weekends the same.
Weekdays still ok, coz my MIL is taking care of her and my MIL is an early bird.
Then weekend, i really feel like feeding YuJie sleeping pill to make her sleep longer coz i normally sleep late during weekend. Super bad mom!</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">crystal..gwen so "wen rou" only say mumm mumm.. mine will yell till all look at us.. so i always quickly put some food into his mouth to shut him out..else so paisey.. ;p

tub.. i am going to sell it away..now like a white elephant, really use up lots of water.. and we got to use it to mop the floor, wash leg, wash cloth, wash car...etc.. ha ha... planning to bring him to pool soon..

leng leng.. mine yest drink at 9.45pm, wake up at 1+ so we feed him and he fall asleep, ard 4+ he make noise again and i give him plain water and at 6am he make noise again.. so another round of milk... *faint* as he below average weight so we try to let him drink whenever he wants it.. think recently he wakes up more times.. think i nid a bigger bottle..
<font color="aa00aa">feli,
aiyo, still oni? i wish she would do a 8pm to 8am type but she wun. so i also bo bian. LOL. u r not alone, wkends i also feel like doing the same thing abt the sleeping pills to gwen so i can laze in longer. hahahaha...u r not bad mummy, just being practical. i like!

"wen rou"???!!! hahahhahaha...i wish. she is so tom-boyish &amp; rough tat we treat her as 1/2 boy liao. wait till u c her in person &amp; u tell me she "wen rou" or not. mine use different tactics for different situations on us de. wait till u take away her toy, c how she react. she will scream &amp; yell the roof down.
how much does he drink each time? These days i try to minimise cause i hope by reducing then slowly he can stop waking up for milk. Lucas used to be like this, wake up every few hrs, thats very tiring.

ya ur right. water help only for a while, then he'll wake up shortly. But i just try my luck hoping he'll stop waking up at night.

Don't feel bad, cause this is what I'm think for a long time. Cause ever since birth, I've not slp more then 4 hrs straight.
kris, i only keep praying hard that the day for him to sleep thru will come soon. i stopped the "water treatment" as it causes me more disturbance..
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">kris ard 150ml to 180ml.. i nid to increase more as he manage to finish all every time at nite.. but daytime he can rarely finish 150ml..

crystal.. ha ha.. ;p mine oso shout and throw tantrum when he cant get things he want.. </font></font>
I use to give him 150ml at 3am. Now I reduce to 120ml. Will try to reduce slowly. Through at times he cry when i remove the bottle, telling me its not enf, I try to pat him to slp instead. Cause I got the same prob that I stuggle to feed him with 150ml everytime. So after reducing, He finish his milk faster in the morning at 8am.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">leng leng... rececntly weather quite hot so we do on the air con.. on and off.. any link.. if dun on.. sometimes, his back all sweat.. </font></font>

tks for adding me in facebook.

bleh, yes, she is quite tall. hopefully she will cont to grow tall. heard people saying those who r born tall will b short when they grow up. dun know how true.

ioio, my ger oso perspire a lot. i keep her in aircon rm day n nite. the only time she leaves e aircon rm is during lunch n dinner afterwhich i hv to bath her cause she will b all wet. its really bad as in her hair is wet(like jus came out frm shower). can see sweat dripping kind. it only takes 15mins out of the aircon rm to see that. my hubby is vry worried cause she is a ger n next time grow up oso perspire like this how??
hi kris
wow, rub for 3 hrs ah? maybe let him play a while first then try again?

hi crystal
Yeah loh, hit le, also pain in my heart, but he really too naughty le, make so much noise, actually babies from 6 mths old onwards can start to discipline le... so we trying to do it, scared next time he become spolit brat...
crystal, sama but sometimes no choice ah
anyway its spank lightly only and they will surely forget it very fast de..

btw, wat FM are u all giving after 1 year old? Im now giving Isaiah Pediasure... but not sure whether its most suitable for him or not...
ya he will rub while playing.. then I keep trying and trying.... for hrs.

My son too, keep sweating.. If i don on the aircon, his hair is always wet. But i try to on the fan. Cuase i'm worry too much aircon is not gd for them.
I'm giving Similac. Will stay with the same brand cause they say its better not to keep changing FM. But i add vitamin into the milk.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">kris.. the next stage of similac follow up is gain rite? i got the sample but hv not tried as Enfalac is until 1 yr old, I just called up Abbot to ask for GAIN IQ sample and instruction in switching.. making the switch cos cant cont. with Enfapro as it contains fish oil and we are all vegetarian...Abbot is quite good as in always send me sample, voucher and a little gift, so mummy thinking of asking for sample, can call them directly.. ;p </font></font>
hi kris and crystal, i se... cause in the past i used to give him isomil but they dun have stage 3.. so i switched to pediasure n my mum just called and told me it's giving him LS... duno how now also... maybe monitor and see how...

Dun tink so. I am tall in schooling days and still considered tall now i tink.. being 1.68.


My boy also perspire a lot, i have to give him air-con often as his eczema rashes will flare up if too hot.
Re: timing wake up

My boy recently is probably undergoing growth spurt. So middle of night need to wake up for night feed. Previously he can sleep from 10pm to 6am without extra feed. He also wake up at 6 to 7am, regardless weekday or weekend. Now i stressed because he suddenly demand for more milk and my ss is tapering off.. i worried not enuff for his consumption. Yest my hb take leave to take care alone, he keep calling for "neh neh" and hug my hb's leg even after one feed.
Yes I'm looking for voucher

I'm considering to install a wall fan. Cause they say it'll cool the room easily.
Ur hb take care of baby alone. I've not left my baby with hb alone before. I scare baby will drive my hb crazy.

Do monitor as baby has weak stomach, and can't adapt to change easily. If you're changing milk, you got to start by trying another brand once a day then increase to see if baby has any reaction to it.

Gain IQ is the next stage. Maybe I should call them fro sample for Gain IQ too.

When i came back to work from maternity leave, my hb took leave for 2 days to help out my MIL who took over care of bb. My MIL not staying with me and doesn't take care of bb during my materity leave. So my hb took 2 days leave as 'refresher course'. As such, i make sure hb is trained in all aspects so tat he can 'impart' the skills to my MIL who has forgotten a lot of bb stuff. Then we took leave in turns so that my MIL take care of bb on a '4-day week' instead of 5 days so that its not so stress for her. Then subsquently after 1.5mths we stop the 4-day week and become 5-day week for MIL.

Occasionally my hb will choose to take leave whenever he see tat my MIL is too stressed up or tired, or sick. When my hb is sick with mc but small illness, he will take care of bb alone also. The only thing is he doesn't know how to cook solid food, so initally he has been feeding cereals with baby jar to my boy for 3 meals. Later my MIL suggest tat i cook using slow cooker in the early morning before i go to work. So whenever my hb took leave to take care alone, i will have to wake up at 6.30am to cook bb food in the slow cooker, then leave instruction for my hb to switch it off/check contents whether ok (need to add water or not etc)/ feeding instructions.

He sometimes will scold bb too, lose patience etc. I always have to remind him not to scold bb too much. There one time he scold too much, my bb dun want him. When i go back home, can always find some things not in order, for example he forget to clean the bb chair after bb makan, forget to wipe the kitchen table after preparing cereal etc, floor untidy with toys littering on the floor etc. Have to close one eye at times. Regardless, i still complain on him at times. MY MIL told me cannot complain on him bec a lot of men cannot take care of bb alone. Though i tink its true but i oso tink is MIL side with him hee.

I have tall fan at living room which i find ok. Bedrooms have air-con. Sometimes too hot, we go bedroom to blow air-con hee.
I think that u've a great husband. Not that mine is not great but my hubby feels that taking care of baby is a woman job (kinda of MCP) . So he doesn't help out most of the time. Only help me to pat the baby if he move around at night when slping.
Your hb consider very good liao. My hb says that he will die if he has to take care of bb alone. Haha.
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies,

Can i know roughly how much to paint the whole house of a 5 room flat? Any recommendation of what type of paint is good?</font>
hi kris
yes, he has very weak stomach, hence i thot pediasure should be ok for him as its for weak stomach.. mei xiang dao.. now we are back to feeding him soy milk and slowly change over instead...

hi felicia
It will cost abt $1.5 - $2k including paint... My sis painter was able to do it for abt $800 - $1k if you buy your own paint

it's abt 1.5k to 2k... we use ICI... even the contractor we hired said he wld strongly recommend ICI and not nippon.

good to know u hv found ur maid... no matter wat, do rembr that u hv to give her time to adjust to your household and lifestyle. be tolerant of little errors at the beginning.
