(2008/06) June 2008

KrispyKreme & Cactus - You guys are so cute! One of my cousins is boy crazy (maybe due to her old folks) and she kept trying. Till date, 5 girls liao
actually ah Krispy, I think 1 boy, 1 gal is good. Cos the treatment you give a boy need not be the treatment you give a gal. Also, it means you will have only 1 son in law, and 1 daughter in law. It's easier than having 2 gals, and 2 son in laws. There will always be a favourite girl, and a favourite son in law. some pple may perceive it not to be fair. My friends who are the 2nd of the same gender in their family tell me they feel marginalised sometimes.. cos their other sibling is more loved. It's like, if there are 2 boys, parents are unlikely to buy the 2 of the same toy for both boys yeah? but if 1 girl, 1 boy, it's more likely that each child has their own toy. My hb is the middle of 3 kids, and the younger son. He felt disadvantaged when growing up. His older bro was very loved cos he was older and the firstborn. He had his bro's hand me downs. but his younger sister had every thing new.
Fennie, your botakhead is so cute. Especially on his bumbo. Hahaha..

Cactus, I have complete faith your boy will have hair in future.
So no worries.
JP, you dun need to think liao lah. 1 boy 1 gal already mah!
unless you like big families lah.
The other day, at Giant, I saw a family of 4 kids walk past me!! girl, boy, girl, boy. in this order leh! amazing hor. chinese family.
Cactus, true lar. But now that I have a girl, I find girls are so so cute. She can be so affectionate and cuddly. And quiet. Maybe I'll feel differently when I have a boy. Hahaha... We'll see. I'm not particular about my #2. Boy also good, girl also good.
K Ong,
That's your mini-me eh? Looks a lot like u, nice!

Thanks for the suggestion. I did that.
He was ok with his 1st hair-cut cos was captivated by the Tom & Jerry cartoon that was showing. Then for 2nd haircut, halfway thru he started to struggle. So yest, his 3rd haircut, he started wailing from the beginning. Uh-oh, dunno next hair cut how. :p

Some of us had went for a trial class at gymboree (harbourfront - u work there right?)
last month. for me, i felt my boy was too young to aprpeciate it plus some of the props? (can't find a better word) was meant for slightly older babies who can crawl around and explore. so for lucas, we had to carry him through, quite siong!

hehe, the photo of Isabel is cute, she's got big eyes leh. Saw that in FB. Was she trying to walk?
Cactus, Wah. The family must have extremely good family planning... else... I also dunno how they do it. I've always liked the idea of twins playing together. So cute. But, the thought of 2 screaming at night, crying etc is enough to give me the shivers.

Matthew, Can. Anytime. Don't need hair to ask. No hair also can.
Go playground together lor. Both mummies will be around to supervise. Hehe...
Tera, Yup. My office is in Hbf. Now stationed in the West till mid next week. So sianz. Are you working at Hbf as well?

Haha. Thanks for the compliment on Isabel. In the pic she's in her Jumperoo. Jumping here and everywhere. She can't walk yet. Not stable.
Krispy - hehe!

on the topic of boys, they are sooo active!! We needs 3 pple to bathe Matthew. One to bathe him, another to hold him (support him so he doesn't drink dirty bathe water, and prevent him from trying to stand up), and the third to help us take stuff like bathe towel, lotion, cotton wool, etc. It takes 2 pple to change his diaper - one to hold him down (his chest so he doesn't flip) and the 2nd to change the diaper for him. He flips in a split second. sometimes 3 people are needed.. the 3rd person to talk to him to distract him when the other 2 are "working" on him. scary.
Krispy (can call u KK?)

Me working at Millenia Tower, but i rem Veniz mentioned u are at HBF. Oh so u are only stationed there for a while, where will u be posted to next? any idea? if near city hall, can meet for lunch.
Cactus, Talking about bathing. Haha... Isabel loves to stick out her tongue to taste the water. And there was once she 'accidentally' drank some of the soapy water. She promptly kept her tongue in after that. But will still stick out her tongue when we bring her swimming.

I understand about the diapers. I have so much difficulty putting diapers on her. No idea how the centre does it. Now I try to wear it on her while she's on her tummy. Gave up on flipping her over on the right side. She'll squirm and wriggle her way through everything.
Sounds like little gals can be up to the same tricks as little boys yah?! :p Matthew likes to splash his hands on surface of water.. haha.. he likes to drink dirty water too. more so than milk.
Tera, sure. Call me KK also can lar. I ok one.
Not stationed at hbf a while lar. My permanent office is in Hbf, but I'm in audit, so I travel to my auditee's premises when I audit them. Not much audits at the start of the year, but got some follow ups to do. That's why in the West now. Will definitely give you a call if I'm ever in City Hall area.
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean, where r u? wanna thanks you coz you make me go and dig out the big box of clothing and to my surprised i find some of the cloths size just nice for my girls to wear now. If i only go and dig after another few more mths, sure all cannot fit liao. Mucks!!!!! hehe....

Btw, found one pair of new knee protector with velcro! I couldnt even remember i bought tat.
Fennie, was it you asking me where i saw the protector with velcro? Now i remember i bought it from a BP in this forum during we were still preggie tat time. I still tot i saw somewhere in shop. So 'pai seh'!</font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Krispy,
i take that as a compliment ok, only see the nice things you said "cute" not the " botakhead", sounds like the tv commercial for the radio station hor

thanks for your consolation, in fact, i am ok with Jared being botak, its just that people who saw him kept commenting why is he still botak at 7 months(today), thats why i also wonder, his big brother had much more hair than him at his age, and #1 has very thick hair, like me, now, he may gotten the gene from his daddy, but he has my looks lor, so i am confused</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Krispy,
mine also kept turning when changing his diaper &amp; putting on clothes, aiyo, in fact, he moves alot, non stop one, when carried, he will keep jumping, and wriggling about, my mum commented his big brother was much easier to handle

no worries. but hor, i am just like you, sometimes will forget that i have that particular item, then when realise, it maybe too small liao, think memory not as good as before liao, sigh..</font></font>
Fennie, my grandma told me (if that's any consolation), that smart bbs are not easy to handle when they are young. Sounds like June bbs are all very smart!
Hi girls,
No time to login. Sob! Busy, busy day.

I am oso trying to look for vege tales. I cant seem to find it anywhere in Sgp. The VCD and CD that I have got were ordered from overseas. Not cheap. Do tell me too if you manage to find lobang.

Matthew has got big eyes.

I do hope that the saying is true, then I will try harder to tahan all my bb's wriggling and squirmy and screaming and shouting. Haha.

Re: Hair
Lil ZuEn's hair has grown too but still very sparse, making her look like a boy. Clips do not stay long on her head too bcos her hair is too short. I was hoping that her hair will grow longer for CNY, but no such luck. However, it has grown quite a fair bit as compared to when she was a baby. Then, she really = botak.
I found mine at Kiddy palace. It comes in a pack of 2. I saw some really sweet ones at taka before. Always very tempted to buy. Hehe.
Cactus - Welcome to my club!
My 2 kids very hard to handle...so, whatever tricks I used on #1, I am using for #2.

For bathing, I no longer use the bathtub coz sure die one, I alone. So, I will bathe her while she is sitting/laying on my lap. Its easier and faster. Some more, her hands like octopus. So, have to watch...will grab shower hose, shampoo, etc.

For Diaper Change - I will "kiap" (lay my legs on her hands) her hands with my legs and change her diaper fast-fast. Sometimes, her hands can escape and then....*headache*

shycloud - Wrist rattles can be found at kiddy Palace. Bought mine there but #2 hates it.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">JP,
your description of octopus,sounds like my jared leh, he can be grabbing anything that he sees, and put them into his bogeh mouth, i just started to put him in walker, and he will grab everything he sees, and push them onto the floor, then yesterday his finger got stucked in my powerpac fan, but thank God, it was not turn on, i desperately looking for netted fan cover, i went to diaso at sembawang, it was oos last sat, anyone know where i can get at $2?, i live in woodlands btw</font></font>
ZuEn, strangely, I think we will miss those naughty antics of our little ones when they blossom into toddlers! (then maybe different set of probs then!)

JP, That's a good idea!! Bathe the baby on our laps yah?! Also the "kiap" hands idea when diaper changing!!
Zuen, you also looking for Veggie Tales? You and me both lor. So difficult to find in Singapore. I love watching it also, that's why I thought can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. My girl can watch, and I can also enjoy. I saw it selling on amazon before. Super exp. Can't believe it. And not even dvds lor. Just vcds. If I find any lobang, I'll be sure to inform you.

Fennie, got Daiso at Vivo. If you got pic of what it looks like, I can go look see for you next week. See available or not. Then can pass to you if you happen to be around town area.

JP, wah. You sound pro lor. How exactly do you 'kiap' her hands with your legs? Sounds difficult. Hahaha...
My girl now very hiong. She just spoilt one of her pacifiers. Handle part broke off. At first I thought it was cos the pacifier wasn't very well made to begin with. It's those Avent type. But now I know it's all because of her.

She got this habit of taking whatever she can grab in her hands, then it's bang bang bang on the floor. Then the poor pacifier kena bang on the floor till she thinks it's enough, then put in mouth. Haiyoh... no wonder lar break. Wonder when she'll break the next one.
K Ong, so so cute. So puppy face. Makes me wanna squeeze her cheeks.

Cactus, are you starting to regret matchmaking your boy to my girl? Hahahaha
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Krispy,
thanks for offering to help, will also ask hb to look around, i work from home &amp; will only go out during weekends, so i will go hunt for it tomorrow

K Ong,
Photo so cute</font></font>
Huh? I confused.... I got matchmake KOng's girl to Matthew? Blur liau.

Haha... I was asking Cactus if she regret agreeing to matchmake my girl to her boy cos my girl is super hiong. Sorry if wrong signals. Hahaha...
But ok, back to that. 3 years older ok lar. Now even got couple where the girl is 20 years older than the guy.
Ahem ahem... I'm just sayin. :p
thanks for the compliments

i will ask the photographer Ben,about his rates.

coz he is my cousin, so he did it for us as a gift for Gwenneth.

do email me if u are interested to do one too. coz the thread simply move too fast!

will upload the rest of the pictures for the photoshoot on Gwen's blog


im on facebook too and sometimes i accept request without knowing who is the mommy of the cute baby profile picture...i accept so long i see a baby about Gwen's size...hahah

<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">feifei,
i always buy 金品香, they have pineapple added into it ones, i find very nice, for ppl who like leaner meat, and not mixed minced meat, as it tend to be harder, more things to chew, that day i was browsing the link given by someone here, on baking cookies, Peng actually baked her own bak gua</font></font>
