(2008/06) June 2008

Talking abt Matthew. I just realised I've never seen any pics of him. Cactus, care to share some?

Krispy, we got him into a swimsuit, then put him a towel/hood.. haha. but we've not broughth im swimming yet. we dressed him up cos my hb was anxious to find out if the swimsuit we bought fitted him. We went shopping without him... so just guessed his size cos never buy swimsuit before. going to go swimming this Sunday.
Cactus, would it be his first time swimming? Let me know how it goes k. Interested to find out.

He looks so happy in the chuckling pic. Definitely one happy baby. :D
Boy with little hair, ok lar. My girl, still not much hair.. haiz. And whatever hair she has is on the top of her head only. Everybody's first comment is, look like boy hor? Then 2nd comment is, you cut her hair like that one ah? Paiseh...
yup yup! First time swimming! will definately let you know! We have been slowly letting him get used to colder water when bathing.. we used to give him rather warm water (like water heater water, erm hotter than body temp) during this bathes. but past week, we added more cold water, so it's more like a bit warmer than room temp. Just in case he rejects swimming pool water cos too cold. We're bringing him in the late afternoon when the water is not that cold.
Krispy, just to share ah.. I was boh tak until I was 18 months leh... that time, my poor mom had to buy soft hats from Japan (damn expensive loh) cos they coudlnt' be bought in Singapore or China.. never sell. Cos she said girl with hair very ugly so must hide the boh tak head! I think now, there are so many pretty hats for girls... baby girls have hair, no hair, wear already so cute and pretty! Boh tak boy cannot wear hat... and caps don't hide the lack of hair.. so boys always lose out!
Her hair is natural hor. Not I cut one. Hair grow also grow on top only. Feel like putting hair gel on it, then style like elvis. Hahaha...
omgosh so cute !!! did you shave his head ? heeheee

BTW, anyone keen on baby yoga or gym ? am going to check out the JWT or the MyGym at Parkway parade - i used to go to babies and cream 2 yrs ago, but i cant seem to find their website now, did they move or did they shut down ?
ai yoh! SO MUCH HAIR!!!! KRispy, what you complain about ah??? (Cactus blur!)

Matthew is really boh tak loh! His is like perpetually NS cut leh.
There you go!! K Ong just asked if I shaved Matthew's hair! Haha!

No, K Ong. My boy boy is bald.. like me when I was baby... haha.. but I have lots of hair now. so Matthew has hope! I always tell my hb that!
k ong,
dun go mygym...i went for the trial and it was disappointing...the class only had 1 kid and the whole session seems boring to my gal...or maybe my gal just dun like it! lol

me might try JWT seems more westernised and interesting!
LOL !!! i do apologize, if i had seen your ealier post, i wld have edited mine !! keekeee
anyhows, am busy today, so just briefly looking thru the old posts - California Baby is popular on this thread eh ?!!!
cactus, got golfer hats for boys etc lar. Still can hide.

Yeah. She got hair, it's not entirely no hair. But, hair only grow on top, so looks like I intentionally cut it to look like boy. That's why everyone comment she looks like boy. My mil bought lots of hair clips to clip and make sure everyone know she's a girl and an auntie at the market still ask if she's a boy. Faintz...
Esther (tinyfeet) - So cute! What a lovely family pix...its a keeper!

Tan Leng Leng - Ha!Ha! Thanks!

MLP - Tried cooking this once, DH flipped...he said I am a meat-eater....so, deleted from recipe book...
How's your precious? Sending over lots of quick healing vibes!!!

bleh - Oh dear, sending over lots of quick healing vibes!!!

Mag - That's awesome!

Bbcupid - Glad you had a wonderful time!
Sooooo cute!!

cactus - So cute...with the hood!!!

Re: Barney
My #1 loves Barney. He knows all the songs and their actions. Its quite good coz they do teach quite alot.
K Ong,
for the CB BP, remove the additional "w" in the URL.

Felicia and bbcupid,
Oh, so yu jie and kyan also dun like avocado that much.

aiyo, bblove tho' nice (she allowed me to change my tiger food jar to foogo) is quite CMI when it comes to BP. she's too slow to respond.
and i din even opt for reg mail, she happily update chart as me opting for reg mail, haha.
shycloud : ahhh ok ok , JWT is at East Gate - u interested ??

i did the baby yoga session with my #1 at babies and cream 2 yrs ago, I loved it, bonding session wiht the baby, and a bit of work out - though she was really fat then, and so it was a tiring workout :pPP
KrispyKreme - Wah, so much hair. My #2 is still botak-botak. As for the hair standing up, my #1's hair was also like that. However, the more we cut it, the better it got. So, now, his hair will fall nicely into place
shycloud & K Ong,
how abt JWT at kallang leisure park??
i'm quite keen to go again cos Lucas is starting to crawl (bb leopard crawl only, hehe), i think he'll enjoy more now.

speaking of cutting hair. my DH brought my boy for his haircut yest and he told me that my boy was wailing throughout the entire session. oh dear, dunno how to soothe him leh. any ideas? or its something they will grow out of? is ur #1 ok with cutting hair?
k ong,
Gymboree used to be @ PP but apparently closed down liao..i dun mind JWT...when? after CNY then decide haha my hb already grumble i waste money @ mygym so i doubt he will let me go again to trial

KLP doesn't have class for our bb's age grp only east gate niah
sorry for posting so many pics of Matthew... just wanted to make clear he is boh tak!

JP, thanks. I foresee I may have probs with girls in the future...
K Ong, I'm used California Baby's lotion and sunscreen, but find GAIA much more moisturising. It smells really good too. I just started using Cetaphil's moisturizer. not bad too. Thick like GAIA but GAIA smells much better.
Tera - Same with my #1. He will wail, cry, kick, etc. But my DH very smart. He brought #1 to Baby and Kids Hair Cut. Check out this site:
#1 was sitting in a firetruck and watching Barney Fire House or something (can't remember title) and forgot all about the aunty cutting his hair...that was super easy!
cactus - Ha!Ha!...we are already trying to handle our #1. Somehow, he loves girls and girls love him (at this age) and they will be hand-in-hand...aiyoh!!! Then, we parents always have a hard time when they say their good-byes...charm!!!
... makes me feel sad... but parents always have the strength to love their children unconditionally yeah? I hope to have a gal in the future, cos it's like, a missing piece of me if I don't have a girl, after having had a boy.
June Mummies on FB
Chloe Law = belsi
Jovie Yong = bleh
morraine = morraine
felicia = felicia
Pauline = soyabean
eileen = ioio [email protected]
Leo Carolyn = Mylittleprince
Margaret Ng = teragram
Mag Kline = Mag/liteonmag
Eileen K = Krispy
Janice Koh = shycloud
Christina Thng = ChloeMummy
Geri = JP
cactus - IMHO, its great to have 1 boy and 1 girl. When I had my #1, I was always so envious when others go shopping coz even shopping centres target on girls. Check out the rows dedicated for girls...aiyoh. And now that I have a girl for #2...even my DH commented...its a complete family. CLOSE SHOP!!! Ha!Ha!
cactus, I matchmake my girl to your boy lar. No worries then. ;)

Tera, I heard that kids always makes lots of noise when they cut hair. Why don't you try bringing your boy to one of those places which specialise in giving haircuts to kids? I saw kids getting their hair cut at Toys'r'us and they enjoyed it. There's a small tv for them to watch, and if they're scared, they can even sit on their mummies' lap. Got big cover to cover the mummy, and another small one for the baby.

Is Gymboree good? There's one at Vivo. Still considering whether to let her try it.
JP, some things can only hope.
When I was preggie with Matthew, my hb chose out names for a boy and a girl. both chinese and english. Then when Matthew was born, he said to try for a girl next.. so that we can complete the family and use the name... I asked him what if #2 is a boy, he said try for a girl.. but I don't know if I can cope with 3 boys.. hehe.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">cactus,
Matthew's hair can still be seen, Jared's hair cannot be seen in pictures, looks totally bald, i got proof</font></font>
KOng - Cuuuutee!!! So much hair too!!!

cactus - Having said the above post, having a boy also has its joy. DH loves taking #1 to play football, go-cart (hope I got the spelling right) and other boy stuff. They call it "BOYZ time"
nice, K Ong!

Krispy, haha. then we being Qing4 Jia1 liao!
You sure your gal want to marry boh tak boy not??! Haha! Must ask her first leh. haha! Your gal deserves someone better lah.
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">his hair was from the day he was born, never shave, cos nothing to shave</font></font>
I wanted a boy for #1, but got a girl. And now that I know how cuddly girls are, I want a girl for #2. But also want a boy... how?? Haha... Maybe I'll end up with 3. *shudders*
