(2008/06) June 2008

I using a Panasonic FX01. Think i better dig out the manual and read again...
what's the reason for shaving at age 4 months?
Many traditions on baby 4th month hor? Lick drumstick lah...shave lah..ask my MIL about drumstick she also not very sure leh. Anyway, lick or no lick also over her 4 months liao...too late.

Haha, mag, Athan shave and no shave about same lor, coz he has fine hair. His prospective bride's mum still thinking if she should shave her baby's. The one with also fine hair lor (you should know who lar, the gal your mum loves best).
Aiyo... Ur bb like mine wor. chubby chubby... but yours 3mth + already 8.4kg! Mine 4mths 2wk 8.5kg. Hee... Cute!!! Aiyo I feel like squeeze her arms.
<font color="aa00aa">Huggy, your baby is soooo... cute! If i remember correctly, your ger was 1 or 2 days younger than my ger. My ger only 6.35kg, but urs oredy 8.4kg leh!</font>
Anybody know where to buy nice baby clothes? I can't find any I like at Tangs though I got few hundred vouchers given by friends on my bb full month celebration.End up bought digital scale &amp; ulike blender :p
hehe..my ger fat fat lor =).

Wow, ur ger soooo cute leh....muscular leh...how much milk is she drinking now?

u samh?wat course u studying now?Me also wan to try for 2nd one next yr, but now studying so got to delay for 3yrs..hiaz..

Wow, my ger onli 7.1kg now at 4mths3wks...wor..

wow, ur boy 9kg liao??!!1...wow...
Hi Fen,

How much is the ulike blender?? Think of getting one... can pay with vouchers?? hehe, then must source for some at discounted price le, hehe...
Hi gers,
had been busy the whole day. Today bb never come home cos I working late. Sob, I miss her.

I work at Pioneer Sector. Tuas ulu, ulu one, but I stay JW, so not too bad. No wonder you oso start work so early. people in Tuas all start work very early de.

Lee May,
In current job for 4+years. Previously in HR policy for about 2+ years. wah, didnt noe I come out to work for so long liao. Almost 7 years wor. Hehe.

Wah, like need to spent alot of efforts to make the puree. I am one lazy mummy wor.

Re: Weight
I tot my ger already caught up her peers in terms of weight &amp; height but I guessed I am so wrong. She's only 6.5kg at 4 months 2 weeks wor. -.o"
ya lor, cos tuas is industrial area lor...all start work early de..Good also cos start early, go home early =)..hee..

If i rem correctly the ulike blender is $60+ wor..
<font color="aa00aa">feifei, i find you very on on BP and spree leh. hehe....
You must be looking at the thread everyday. Last time me oso everyday look at the BP &amp; oversea thread, now dare not coz got big big hole in pocket. haha....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">jesslyn, 9kg??!!! Wow, wonder how you manage to carry ur boy. My ger only 6.35kg, me oredy cannot carry her for long else arm very 'suan'.</font>
Morning ladies..

Nobody moomoo yest? ;p

hehe...Cos soemtimes me wan to check on my items so will go into the BP threads to see see lor..hee..True lor, really burnt a big big hole liao =)...hee...Hows ur bb?
<font color="aa00aa">feifei, me not only join the BP and oversea thread but oso buying online myself. I think my disney purcahse shld arrive next week. Wait my hubby see the big box, sure he want to faint liao. haha....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Aiya, about my ger. Not yet fully recovered coz still can her occassionally she'll be cough a bit, but definately much much better liao.

Since wednesday, me and hubby had to sleep in separate room coz i'm sleeping with my #2 and my hubby with #1. As my mil just done her ops so we wanna her to rest more , plus her vision still quite blur. The doc said must wait 6 mths for my mil to fully recovered her vision. 6mths, tat very long leh! Now me and hubby oso had to take up all houseworks, so had been a very very tiring week for both of us.</font>
u bot alto of thigns frm disney?

at least she is recovering well lor, dun worry ya..Oh dear...poor u...really not easy to be a mummy hor..
Good Morning Ladies!

your MIL is the only one who take care of your kids? No maid? Then she nid how long to recover? U must be very tired now coz hav to take care of kids and MIL.

how old is your BB?

you ger so cute leh. Wat is her height? My boy 7.6kg, consider quite heavy liao.

wow, homemade fruit puree more cheaper hor. Thanks for teaching us on how to make puree.
wow, u in HR line for so long liao. I think me abt the same ba but me more on the payroll area. Tuas very far lor. If not, I will ask whether u got any job lobang. kekeke.. Thought of switching job but recession coming leh. haiz..
<font color="aa00aa">feifei, consider a lot kua. Total i spend is US$170. Mostly is my 2 gers clothing, some is for CNY one.

Lee May,
No maid. My mil used to take care of my #1, then after #2 is born, we enrol our #1 into childcare. Then mil mainly take care of my #2 , bring my #1 to childcare and some houseworks.
so, now all things fall under me and hubby. But now as my mil just ops, so cannot take outside food, then i had to cooked for her as well.
Just hope by next week, my mil will be much better.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies,

anyone looking for walker. Saw in Today's paper, Metro is having sale. Got walker sold at $49.90 with free baby potty worth $12.90.</font>
morning ladies...
i'm going for dinner and a short karaoke session (hv to leave early and go home to pump!) wif my colleagues tonite... i'm so looking forward.

ur ger is very chubby and cute!!!
i wanna pinch her... hehe...

dun intend to pierce her ears... will leave it until she is older. my mum never pierced me and sis' ears oso. i oni got them pierced when i was 18, and my sis did it 3 yrs back.

must control spending leh... recession coming... i'm very proud to say that i hv not shopped or bgt anything this week so far... keke... i'm trying to see how long i can last...

few days ago weighed my ger on my home weighing scale... she's estimated to be 8kg now... she's 4 mths and 1 week old.

wa happening nite huh...

my thots too...same lor i also pierced while i was much older..my mum used to say ears so nice y go and pierce? got hole not pretty liao!

but my stupid MIL insists to bring my gal to pierce when she turns 1...i gave her a firm NO. she testing water to see if i agree anot..so she unhappy lor...but who cares! its my daughter i say no means no...she better respect the fact tat im the MOTHER lolz!
tell ur mil lah... so young pierce for wat... so dangerous to be wearing earring when they are young... though wld wear studs... accidents can happen. and if leave the hole it will close up so wat for? then next time go to school wat if the school forbid wearing of jewellery?
I see..tks yas..hee...Metrco having sales? mayb me go take a look tmr cos wan to get a cheap high chair and walker..

Ya lor, must save liao, cannot anyhow spend lor..hiaz...Wow, ur ger also bery muscline wor =)..Got latest pic to share?hehe..My ger still bery skinny, 7.1kg and now she 4mths 3wks liao..coming to 5mths next wk...Tink me going to let her eat brown rice cereal next mth =)..
<font color="aa00aa">Re: walker
Last time i bought one walker from kiddy palace for my #1. It had a train toy which can move. My ger loves it very very much, but now spoilt liao. Not sure where can get the replacement parts. Maybe will go bak to kiddy palace to ask.

Btw, just to share. You can buy extra walker seat padding from kiddy palace. Last time my ger walker seat padding was torn so we got the extra one from there.</font>

my MIL old thinking...no pt talk so much. cos she will sure have reasons saying my husband's niece also pierce nothing happen and she wore earrings so nice! *i rolled my eyes* but i must say she means no harm lah just tat i disagree with her thinking lor...then my stupid hb remain neutral abt it.

i have been tolerant towards her but tat does not mean she can put ideas/thots into my mind...
Happy moomooing =)...The walker sounds so nice wor..

haiz, old ple hor, likes to yi lao mai lao lor...sometimes they feel they are more senior than us and we shd listen to them etc...hiaz..
its like tat lor...we can't please everyone..she finds it nice while i dun...

u bringing ur gal to pierce where? jewellery shop or?
hiya!!! TGIF!!

my boy didnt sleep well last nite after his jab. woke up an hr after his feed at 4am and regurgitated quite a bit of milk. all over me...
then he didnt slp well thereafter.. he wasnt running a fever but his body felt warmer than usual. shd give him the panadol? finally sleeping now. hope he gets more rest. poor baby.

re: playmat
mommies, the playmat really useful ah? i am still pondering whether to get him one or not... no space la..
jus stand ur ground... like wat u say, she's ur daughter and u r the mother...

here's her latest pic... took it last weekend... oh... so u hv started semi-solids for C? i dun intend to start yet... will do it when she turns 6 mths...

and oh Mummies who are bfg...
any idea whether bb will need more BM after starting semi-solids e.g. mix EBM into cereal? i wanna find out to prepare myself... at same time, i'm trying to see if i can drop 1-2 pumps after 6 mths... getting v tiring...


i ordered the bumper mat! kekeke..
at 1st duno shld order anot.. but yd went my mil plc.. my mil complaining.. my boy grow up liao the mattress she bot too small.. den the one i bring there too soft and small oso.. but put him on flr too dangerous cos flring is marble.. so decided to buy the bumper mat for him.. let him crawl, slp, flip, tummytime, play on it~ $160 poorer~
Nope, not bringing her to pierce her ears yet cos so young, abit dangerous lor...Intend to bring her there maybe after 2yrs old..

Yup, started her on rice cereals liao..This wkend going let her try apple puree =)..Your ger cute cute leh =)...looks abit diff frm the previous pic wor..

Good choice leh..u bot the yellow bear mat?

i see....

im contemplating to buy the playmat anot cos so nice leh...quite ex too then house also not enuff space to put..later hb sure grumble one...lolz
