(2008/06) June 2008

I think I'm the worst mummy here, always trying diff brands of diapers. Athan has used Nepia/Pureen Red & Blue/MP/Pampers Yellow & Orange/EQ/Huggies Dry & Ultra. Funny lor, he use Nepia NB no prob that's y I ordered S/M/L sekali kana rash. Lucky got Desitin, really my saviour otherwise my mum is going to f me upside down.

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jesslyn... how heavy is ur boy? i oso scared my boy cannot fit.. maybe bring him to kiddy place n try.. hee...

veniz.. yup yup.. in fact our generation already a lot of "yue guang zu".. think their generation will be "ri guang zu" liao.. ha ha.. </font></font>
tks for the infor...so need to feed everyday?

So meaning after steaming, those juices, u will add to the puree?Cos i bot a handheld Braun blender so if i blend, then can add the juices to it hor?
ioio, Crystal, ya lor, kids nowadays very smart. Boy told me he want hp (must be my dearest sil teach one lar) then I said no, wait till he primary sch then I consider. He is only in nursery now leh...faint.

Janiviy, your gal really looks like Tulip's lar. Need to sms her tell her liao, hee.

Jesslyn, aiyo, where did you gone to. Must be wash bottles, clean table for more than 1 hour rite? and sparkling, squeaky clean hor.

Mag, no lar, I know there is another mummie who bought lots of brands of diaper for her baby to try so you are not the only one leh.

Feifei, your gals tighs big huh? mine also, but still can wear S lar, maybe she small build and weight very light.

Many thks! wow i didn't know so many malls have. I tink i must go and print the list out then keep in the car.


I read tat its always 6mths if total bf.
Feed pear for 3-4 days before intro new fruit..to monitor for any allergy. I feed everyday, but up to you lor. You can mix the pear puree into the Frisocrem. Yupz..add the juices or not the vitamins wasted.

where do u get the blender?

Ya my bb got upper teeth ored, can feel it but can't feel any lower teeth yet.
Really ah? ask her to post her bb pic here leh.

I don't think you are the only one that uses a variety of diapers....hehehe..person is not me..but somebody else..
Puree Away
Once cereal is going well, try offering your baby small amounts of purees vegetables and fruit. Start with small quantities and gradually increase the amount up to 2 tablespoons. One study has found that vegetables were liked better by babies who were introduced to them before fruit. There is no need to add salt to vegetables or sugar to fruit, when preparing them for your baby.
ya lor...now she wearing L size liao *faintz*

tks ya...Tink i will feed her for 3days before changing new fruits lor =)..How abt vegetables?when to we intro to them?

I bot the blender frm Best denki at Compass pt lor..$49...u tinking of getting too?

ya lor, exciting..hee..
Veg also can intro liao..
Types of veg that can intro now...
-sweet potato

She started carrot this week...Pear was intro last week...
hey bf mummies, any of u had your menses yet? I want to try 2nd one but still want to bf so dun know whether will b able to get pregnant or not.

I have menses since confinement month, even though i breastfeed 6-8 times a day.

I know even if bf, can still get preggy one. But once preggy, may have to give up bf cos the milk content will change.
will still able to preg.. jus tat u duno when u ovuluate.. so cant pin pt.. gd luck!

me oso not starting early.. cos pd said he growing n drinking milk well.. starts 6mth.. but see the mummies here so enjoying leh.. nw i sourcing for recipes lor.. kekeke

ohhh.. electric plug hur.. kekeke.. u use see gd bo hor.. kekeke..
i koe milk den cereal.. fruit puree not sure leh.. kekeke..

when intro cereal hor.. the milk volume remains same? meaning say nw my boy drinking 180ml.. so after finish i feed cereal.. den nex feed is milk.. 180ml oso? or reduce ar?
thks for sharing on using vodafone

i think i might try fruit n vege puree 1st

my jared is 4 months today, my menses have not come yet, i am total breastfeeding, but during the 1st month, my baby was on 5 full days of FM, due to jaundice, but I expressed out during those days

i trying cereal first cos least allegy food.

But i may ask PD for advice, see whether he can give a list.
yes.. rice cereal.. pd will haf a chart.. my pd gave me 1.. wat to start 1st wat to start the latest..
heee thx v much wor... my boy too skinny liao. need to beef him up in watever ways i can! hahaha

oh ya, i hvn scan those tummy exercises for u girls. i'll try to get it done by tonite. sorry folks!
So many mummies here starting/planning to start semi-solid food already?

I'm still waiting for Athan to lose interest in his milk b4 I start.
Area / Shopping mall / Location
1. BHG Bugis L3,next to customer service counter
2. Centrepoint L3 (next to Cargo); L6 (next to toilet)
3. Paragon L3 one cubicle with lock
4. Scotts Isetan L4 (kids section) no lock but with curtains
5. Suntec
- L3 Family Link (beside kids mall)
- Les Enphant #02-006 single cubicle with lock
6. City Link Near Godiva Shop
7. Great World City L1 and L2
8. Tanglin Mall L3 Single cubicle. Changing table outside toilet)
9. Forum Galleria L1 (next to Watsons &amp; toilet) two breastfeeding rooms but feel abit unsafe as the room is very open and curtains doesn't cover the cubicle.
10. Raffles City L3 near Robinsons only one bf room with lock
11. Takashimaya L3 next to Thyme Maternity Enough to sit about 3-4 mothers. Well maintained.
12. Swiss O'tel Stamford and Plaza F&amp;B Convention Services F&amp;B and Convention Services milk storage services is available upon request; private room is subject to availability)
13. Tangs L3 (next to Postal Services)
14. Esplanade Mezzanine Level (near box office)
15. Borders (Wheelock's Place) ground floor,Near Office Tower entrance
16. Liang Court L1 and B1 (in toilet)
17. Scotts Shopping centre L1 (next to toilet)
18. United Square L1

1. Junction 8 Basement 1, next to toilet
2. Isetan Katong Level 2, children's department

1. Parkway Isetan L2 (kids section)
2. Compass Point (Sengkang) Cold stroage &amp;
Level 4 next to foodcourt
3. Isetan Tampines Level 2, near the toilets
4. Tampines Mall all levels next to toilet

1. Jurong Point L3 (near toilet)
2. Ikea Level 2 opposite the Cafeteria
3. causeway point L3 (near toilet)

1. Mothercare:
- Centrepoint L1(#01-34/39)
- Marina square L1(#02-100)
- Parkway Parade L2(#02-34B)
- Causeway Point L3(#03-14/15)
- No Bf room at Suntec mothercare

2. Singapore Changi Airport
- Terminals 1 near gate D46, near Delifrance at the Arrival Hall (non-restricted area).
- Terminal 2 (near Transfer E) Transit section

3. Isetan:
- Scotts Road Level 4, children's department
- Katong Level 2, children's department
- Tampines Level 2, near the toilets

4. SIR Building L2-6 &amp; 10
5. Gleneagles Hospital L5 &amp; 6
6. KK Hospital L1 women's and children's specialist clinics
7. Mt. Alvernia Hospital In Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic
8. Mt Elizabeth Hospital L4
hello huggy,
long time no hear from u..

wow, ur DD is very adorable n chubby..

my gal is coming to 4 mths but weighing slightly over 6kg only..
If any mummies interested to buy Nepia M or L, just SMS/call me @ 90073277. Seals have been removed &amp; selling @ $14/pack. Collection @ AMK Ave 4/Kaki Bukit.
What camera you using? I very fed up with my camera...wanna throw inside the dustbin liao..see other people pics so clear...mine like..urghhhhhh...

Yupz...those from NTUC can.

Mine milk volume is same..but reduce 1 feed. She only wants 5 feeds of milk now...that day I dreamfeed her at 12...she don't want..so I woke her to feed her..she cry...opps...guess she telling me she very full liao. hahahaha
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">huggy,, ur ger ger n my boi boi looks a bit alike leh... not saying tt ur ger ger look like boi boi but they look alike in their gender lo..</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">veniz,
Goodness. Your SIL reai one-kind sia…ridiculous.

Wow, u good ley, brave to try for 2nd one so soon. I salute u. I dare not lar unless reai accident but I on pills now oreadi. Anyway, my ger is now natural contraceptive cos hb &amp; me too tired to do anything liao after putting my ger to bed. LOL!
In answer to your qn, my menses not here yet since delivery.

Your ger very adorable ley.</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">janiviy... u are still having prob with camera ah?</font></font>
ellysia, not that i believe food will help him put on more wt. but i was only hoping he eats more after various intro of foods. i just hoping only la

doc told me this morning that his watery stool may be due to the weaker enzymes in his intestines, like slower absorption.. maybe that's oso y he's not putting on wt as fast.

huggy, ur girl is soooo adorable!!!!!
hey crystal, since I'm A SAHM now, might as well try 2nd one or else once i finish my studies in June 2010 &amp; get back to workforce then mayb no time to make bb unless "accident". Haha..

Think I need to buy a camera...for idiots
...like moi. Those that just shoot...nice liao..no need fancy function.

Ya..I also wannt try..hope to try soon..then can close factory liao..
