(2008/06) June 2008

Oh ya,

on mon nite my bb dun want to sleep from 1am to 4am. My hb has to carry him throughout and we have poor sleep. result in our anniversary on tue, both of us so sleepy with a sleepy bb too. later we discover is bec' our bb is teething. and he has already teeth on his upper gum. now night we will apply the teething gel so he will feel better.

didn't know tat he is teething and we still somemore scold him. then my bb glare at me lor, dun want to smile to me.. after i scold him
then the waitress smile to him, he smile back. so qi gek.

Btw, i love the united square baby room so much. The breastfeeding cubicle is big and i can push the stroller in, feed bb then put him back to stroller, dress etc. I bot a bf bib recently too, intend to use in car if cannot find nursing room.

his skin eczema i am currently trying mustela brand, see whether got improvement or not.

also tue we went to toy'rus again and let bb try on the fisher price jumpoyee, he is so excited and love it a lot. Then we tot to buy at kiddy palace since have discount card so go to kiddy palace. then let bb try on different similar things, also try walker etc. bb like walker too, and it is not ex, only $60++. But the sales person say better buy when bb is much older and back is more steady cos if not steady then may cause the back not straight so dun let bb sit too early. so in the end didn't buy, but we tink will buy in 2-3 mths time.

i tink if i get walker i must clear my living room space so tat he has more room to play around.. too many furniture.
BabyCupid, isit? I only compare the S size price and not M size. Thanks for informing me. When will you be using Nepia? Coz also considering this brand but not yet try. Maybe should buy one pack to try. I heard Mag's feedback is that it is good. and if cheaper, I will get nepia instead of Goon when my gal reaches M size.

Ioio, ya lor. My gal now has a few 2nd hand stuff waiting for her to use. Even one 4th hand push type walker. Have to teach them how to value their things and not abuse them lor. I am trying very hard in this area with my boy, coz he also been spoilt till thinking money is easy to come by (thanks to my in laws).
Ellysia, if you do come by Great World City, go to their b1 nursing room. The main changing diaper very nice (english style with wallpaper), two nursing rooms. The nursing rooms are not very big but still can push stroller in while you bf baby. They also provide hot water at main area.

wow another place to consider for weekend!

The nursing room at united square also have hot water and 4 large cushions for changing diapers, 4 cubicles for nursing, also large enuff to push stroller in.

maybe i go GWC and try heee.
Hehehe I am using all pass down. Only buy a few whenever there is discount ma. Maybe for me I felt bb still young, most important to wear comfy and do not let them have the thinking that Money is easy come. Must be hard earn. There is alot Below average around us too just that we didnt realise hehehe.

You want to try nepia? Not bad, I been using for both my gals
Ellysia, you can go on weekend lor, coz now they just have Mark and Spencer opened, and more baby clothing shops. I like to dine at the Ichiban at B1 coz their menu is different from other outlets. Not to mention, kenny rogers, country mania, Cedele and foodcourt has lots of good stalls. Its quite children & babies friendly mall.

i usu sit outside at restaurant cos bb will cry v loud if sit inside then need to walk around one. Ichiban will be out for me lor
but country mania n kenny rogers are nice...

u know any other mall got nursing room besides united sq and amk. taka one nice or not?
the older our bb gets, the more ex MP becomes cos the bigger e size, the lesser quantity they hv lor..so kinda of not so worth it...Wondering if any ladies here getting nepia, cos wan to buy afew pcs frm u all to let me ger try out lor..Cos MP getting more ex liao, need to source for other diapers lor..

Once a day onli and its alt day cos now beginning scare she cannot adapt..Last wk she had fever aft taking the heniz cereal..so now we dun let her eat at nite liao..

wat size u ordered?

Ur boy has teeth on his upper gums liao?

I also tinking of changign to nepia leh, but duno how big is the cutting cos my ger now wearing L size for MP and pureen wor...
Ellysia, GWC has lots of outside main area seats for pple to sit on one, so dun worry hor.

Coz I stay in West, so can only state a few lar, paiseh.

Anchorpoint, lvl 1 adjoin with ladies toilet, 1 big nursing room. Mag saw it and say its nice. But only 1 lor.

OG Albert and Chinatown their children section have nursing rooms also.

Causewaypoint level 3, two nursing room and a few diaper changing counter.

Tangs, two private nursing room, very nicely decorated. At level 4 near the children swimwear, gals pj and undies section. Hot water provided.

Taka, children section, there are two. One near Thyme Maternity wear, the other near disney children section.

Raffles City Shp Centre - Level3 near lift, for nursing, i forget 1 or two rooms. But I like this baby nursing and changing diaper place.

Vivo, most diaper changing rooms have a sit for nursing, but lots of pple queuing to use these rooms for changing. Bon JOvi told me outside burgerking (near the outside play area at level 2) there are some nursing rooms. Yet to check it out coz no chance to go yet.

So far only these I know of and can rem now. In fact if you go google nursing rooms under Singapore, you can find out more.
Hi ladies,
Finally can log on to SMH forum, was having internet problem for many days.
just wanted to check does anyone uses M1's broadband and have had problems with browsing, even when the vodafone shows connected?

i also bought a Brandnew Braun IRT 4250 from a mother on SMH at $85,her hubby works in Braun Singapore, thats why he imported from US himself, the only thing is it doesnt have local warranty

anyone on total breastfeeding started baby on semi solid?when did you start?what kind of food did you start with?my baby just turned 4 months today
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei.. i bought 3 pack "M" and a pack of "L".. $60 in total with free delivery..

veniz.. yes, esp for the younger generation.. a lot have become branded kids and only know how to spend, must teach from young, this ethical value is important.. else in future will be very pampered and hard to correct</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">feifei
i gave my gal, morning n at abt 6pm...3scoops of rice cereal n 2 scoops of FM

Causeway Pt have 3 diaper changing counter</font>
hi there..no wonder so long din see u here...

Ya lor, cheap hor =)...Kiddy palace selling the thermometer for $130+..

Tks for the infor..How many pieces are there in the L size pack? How much each pack?
ioio, my boy is not so branded lar, only that he think if he wants to buy anything (esp toys) we sure have a lot money to get for him. If this person dun buy, he will get another to buy, and usually the pple he target are my inlaws lor. hee, very noti boy.

feifei, so fast your gal use L size liao huh?
Hi Fennie, my gal also turning 4 mth today. I had a meal 'opening ceremony' with her just now.

Let her tasted the plain porriage soup cooked in scallops ('Arm' in hokkien) and a chicken drumstick. Symbolise abundance of food for her when she grows up.

As for solids, I intend to start with rice cereal when she is abt 5 mths old.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei.. per pack $15 cant rem how many pcs, go home chk.. when u all mention abt dollar and cents, it's like throwing away $0.30++ into dustbin each time.. ha ha..

danryan, i also tried frisocrem and bought organic rice cereal but yet to give bb.. my advise now is try not to give anything sweet right now else they became sweet tooth then next time they wont take anything plain..</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">feifei
she drink 130ml of FM 2 to 3 hrs sometimes not enough wor.... and give her another scoop of FM then she can fall asleep but she likes to drink plain water also after FM...

Heinz not yet thought of giving her the fruit type for dessert...custard &amp; pudding all contain egg so not the time yet..</font>
ya lor, her tighs are big lor =)..heehee...

Wow, I 1st time hear leh..hehe..so cute hor..

Please check and let me know hor...tks ya =D...
Ya lor, actually trying $$ into dustbin lor..

frisocream abit sweet lor, heniz no taste lor...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">kwrin, actually the frisocrem is just like the thicken version of milk.. my PD say 4 months can give cereal, 5 months fruits and 6 months porridge..

veniz, yup too much DHA liao, now kids very clever and sure know who is the right person to go to.. like my BB, he always know who are the ones that when he "sa jiao" will carry him and can bully.. hee...</font></font>
cute wor...=)..I also hv this bumbo seat lor =).

I see...heinz rice cereal not much taste lor...

U talking abt teh food jars?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei, where u got the bumbo seat leh, i plan to get one..</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">feifei/janiviy

i gave her Nestle rice cereal, diluted ma...3scoops rice cereal/2 scoops FM and 120 of water, drink from bottle just like drinking milk....she poo every day...</font>

Your PD say 5 months start with fruits huh? My PD say start fruits at 4 months, rice cereal at 5 months. Hahaha...books and PD opinion all different. But anyway, I already giving pear puree...just made some last night

nice to know that our baby born on the same day, 16th June 2008
my mum also got a chicken head and marie biscuit, and wipe his mouth, said that way he can talk very well in future,i dont believe such things, but just let her do what she wants as a grandmother,if it is not harmful to my baby
i also plan to start baby on brown rice cereal later about 5 months,maybe will start fruits puree 1st, as I dont want him to be like my #1 , see fruits will run away, when go to supermarket, he will not let us put fruits into same basket with his food.
<font color="aa00aa">veniz,
count me in lar. i also not so-rich folks so my bb has oni limited &amp; small item branded stuff...LOL eg; like the bb-gap &amp; old navy clothings. the rest of her clothes are bought from mkt stall types - 3 for $10 kinda

talk abt hand-me-downs? i also ve lar. like my play-pen, play-gym, PIS, are all purchase off my ex-colleague as 2nd-hand items.

veniz / ioio,
agreed tat we shd start teaching our kids from young to learn tat $$ not easy to come by, must wk hard, save then can buy. &amp; if buy, buy necessity, not luxury! if not everything also stretch out hand or in fact no need to ask, can get branded stuff, sure die liao. i was jus telling hb the other day tat i wun agree to let my ger carry a hp when she goes pri. i know nowsaday it is very common (cos my nephews all carry hps in pri sch) but it is not a necessity!

i use M1 vodamodem at hm for the last 1 yr. no issue at all on the connection nor spd.

yur bb so chubby!
ohhhhhhhhhhh what pear u using? the yellow one? ohh mus sieve hur.. so it would be jus the juice? or there are some fine fleshy?
Hi ioio,do u mind i sell my bumbo seat to u .i bought last 2weeks used only once..very new ..i bought at mothercare at a discount price $69.90.I see my frends told me very gd to use for baby so i bought it.In the end my boy very chubby sit on it cannot come out..hehehe.wanted to go exchange but the sales ger told me is offer price cannot change...
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, i'm at home now! Taking PM leave today.

Lee May, my mil was weak maybe she din eat much. Today afternoon, she'll be bak to clinic for follow up visit. Luckily this few days my hubby is not working so can help to look after my kids.

Ladies, yest at Mt E, hubby and me got a shocked when we exit from the carpark entry coz the board showed the carpark fee was $14!!!! Tats damn ex leh. We actually reached there at 4plus, then left before 7pm. This is really our most expensive parking fee so far.</font>
babycupid i never run lar i walk only ...hehehe.Busy working ..At nite i reach hme very late liao come back must clean the table cum wash my favourite hobbies to wash my boy bottles ley...
My fren gave it to me wor...I ever saw kiddy palace or taka hv wor..hmm...OG also hv wor..Mayb u can try there...

how to make the pera puree leh? i haven start giving yet wor...Wanted to give her this wkend..going to let her try apple puree..hee..Hv to sieve it too?

scary leh, so ex the parking fees..ahyo..

huh, this one i not sure leh...But I believe yi fen qian yi fen huo lor...Its better to get the mats frm BP here wor..
Hi all mummies who are keen to try Nepia. M size has 48pcs &amp; L size has 42pcs. So far Athan has finally met his match, he had diaper rash when he used Nepia. But now better cos using Desitin original wif Nepia diapers. Nepia cutting is bigger than MP cos I've used both S size.
hehe..but hor, is it ok to freeze the puree?how many theres can we freeze it?;p

Me also can't wzit to try my apple puree this wkend..hee
Re: Pear Puree
There is another method. Which is poaching in water..but I find that vitamins will be lost in the water. I reccomend steaming...so you can catch the juices in the bowl and blend together in the blender. When bb 6 month, can omit sieving so that they can learn to chew.
