(2008/06) June 2008

hi sharon
is ur bb on fm? according to doc, it's normal for bb not to poo so often. however if condition persist for one week, pls immediately seek doc's help.

initially b4 my breastmilk came, i fed my bb fm, he didnt poo for 5 days...doc say ok np ( from both polyclinic and kk)
<font color="aa00aa">good am ladies!!!
it's monday again...

here's pics of my ger enjoying her swim in her personal pool @ hm...
btw, any of u gers whose bb @ 10-11wks old still need feeds @ abt 2hrly interval now? cos my bb is still asking for feeds at 2hrly intervals on FM &amp; 1.5hrly on BM. she has now decrease her feedings from 160ml to abt 120ml for the last 1wk liao...</font>
my orders as follows (baby center store):-


Item #1 Kensington Diaper Bag
url: http://store.babycenter.com/product/diaper+bags/kensington+diaper+bag.do?asc=false
qty: 1
price: USD$27.96

Item #2 Floral Dress &amp; Bloomer
Url: http://store.babycenter.com/product/on+sale/baby+clothing+on+sale/outfits%2C+overalls+-+dresses/floral+dress+-+bloomer.do?asc=false
Qty: 1
Size: 6 month
Price: USD11.20

Item #3 Love to Mommy Bodysuit
Url: http://store.babycenter.com/product/on+sale/baby+clothing+on+sale/layette/love+to+mommy+bodysuit.do?asc=false
Qty: 1
Size: 6month
Price: USD2.99

Item #4 I Love Daddy Bodysuit
Url: http://store.babycenter.com/product/on+sale/baby+clothing+on+sale/layette/i+love+daddy+bodysuit.do?asc=false
Qty: 1
Size: 6month
Price: USD2.99

Item #5 Mommy's Girl Cute &amp; Comfy Pant Set
Url: http://store.babycenter.com/product/on+sale/baby+clothing+on+sale/tops+-+bottoms/mommy%27s+girl+cute+-+comfy+pant+set.do?asc=false
Qty: 1
Size: 3month
Price: USD6.80

Total: USD$51.94

my ger also decrease her FM from 100ml to 60ml and 1.5-2hrs for last week then yesterday go back to 80ml-100ml feed for 2-3hrs. My ger is 8weeks now.

my ger use to poo everyday and she is on FM but last week she only poo once every 2 days onli tink the FM heaty.
hi crystal,

so cute your bb...how much did u get the pool? i wanna buy too...cos expensive go to hua xia. wanna buy one after package ends.

btw, is the water really a lot?
jenny, only nite is on FM(NAN) 3 times. thinking of changing milk powder. shall wait a few more days ba.

christina, she's feeding more BM then FM leh. furthermore FM I add more water. dunno issit because I nv eat fruits n veg causes bb not pooing.

crystal, so cute! how much u bought the tub n where? it can be use up to how many mths?
Thanks. If me no reply here you can sms or call me at 97437859 cos my wed start work liao.

but if doc say ok, should be alright. Maybe can let bb drink abit water.
<font color="aa00aa">Ritzy,
Hihi…me @ blk625, across the road from NTUC…:p

No choice…wish to go for the gatherings cos I been missing the last one @ merchant court. But u gers be finishing off by 5.30pm &amp; I m officially not off wk till 6pm…
tat’s y tot can join u gers at NAB after wk if everyone is adjourning there.
Yes, let’s do lunch then on last 2 wks of aug. can u sms me a day in advance so I can schedule my stuff for the day cos if not by default I lunch wif my colleagues &amp; boss, so ve to tat them know lar + also to schedule any calls b4 or after lunch to leave ample time for ourselves mah…</font>
hi any mummies interested in fitti nb52,s48, m44

i realise i have a voucher where i can buy up to 3 cartons. each carton got 6packs. selling at $60 per carton. so each pack is only $10.

any mummies want to share?

i think worthwhile for m only cos s and nb can get at 17cents or so if buy 2 get 1 free at polyclinics promo if still available.

collection point preferably at hougang area.

do let me know. u may sms me at 91813861
<font color="aa00aa">christina,
thanks! now i feel more relief knowing tat bb is "normal" &amp; tis is jus a phase tat they r going thru. cos i was thinking tat it seems "weird" tat the older they r, the lesser they drink...so was kinda concern...

jenny / sharon,
i got it (the bigger tub 90cm by 80cm) for $84 @ AMK. yes, quite a fair bit of water is needed. i use the water tat bb swim in to wash my 2 toilets floorings / bowls, floor mats &amp; mopping of floor...the pamplet mentioned tat bb can swim in the tub from 6wks old to up to 18mths.</font>
Hi mommies,
I am from Aug thread. I am doing a C-sect and wondering if it's ok to do it like in week 37+ or should I do it after week 38+ or 39+.

Question is for those whose baby is born in week 37+, are they generally lower in their immunity and falls sick easier?
I think it's safe after week 37 but hubby thinks otherwise. Any comments from those mommies who's baby is born in week 37+?

Thanks for comments.
<font color="aa00aa">shint, i agreed with roooller, the longer baby stayed in mummy's womb the better. Can i know why you choose to c-sec?

But fyi, my #1 was c-sec at exactly wk37 due to low placenta, but was taken out according to my gynae's advise. She's 2 yrs plus now, and i can said she's just like oth baby born aft wk37.
But is better to heed ur gynae's advise as diff ppl, got diff case.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">crystal, your baby, Gwen is so cute. The 2nd pix was really a nice pix! She seems to enjoying herself in the tub!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">felicia,
she does enjoy herself. she dun wan to be pull out from her tub!!!

nope, she cries oni when she take her out of it...LOL!!! tis lil hammy of mine luv water. the neck float is inclusive in the package of $84 + a lil pump for the float &amp; a water drainage tubing. when hb n me nowsaday tell her we bringing her swimming, she will grin very widely n cooperate quietly to remove her clothes n put on her float. seems like she knows wat is next...
Babycupid, can help to order the baby nose clear nasal aspirator? I'm currently using the Pigeon bulb type to suck out his mucus and he always cries...

Prisc, if got maid, bring la... if u bringing bb. then she can help to take care while u enjoy the buffet mah! just need to pay for her also. When date gets nearer then u let me know if u bringing bb n we see how. I got ur hp no...
<font color="aa00aa">fennie,
she is cooperative (not crying) oni when abt to bath or swim. these r her 2 oni fav activities rite now...
hi shint
My bb was delivered at 37wk2d.. based on gynae's advice viz csect. Actually at 37 weeks, babies are already considered full term n do not need NICU as their lungs are mature. So far, praise God, baby is fine except he doesnt like to drink much but that could be just him. Best to listen to your gynae's advice.
<font color="ff0000">Btw any mummies keen to get replacement parts for PIS or any things from hackleyhme.com?

I realised my tubing has vapors stuck inside (white in color) at many parts as I stupidly went to wash my tubes without realising that they should not be washed! Now so afraid the tubing will grow mould.. so am going to buy new pair of tubings... anyone keen to get anything?


It's free shipping to local US address and I will be shipping via CGW. Will prob arrive in 2-3 weeks once we place orders and I dun think the shipping will be very expensive as it's not heavy. Hope to hit US$50 to get free shipping
Hi shint,
my bb delivered at 37.5weeks cos me high blood so doc suggest to induce me but me did not dilate after 20+hrs so epi c-sec. Think if doc say ok should be alright.
christina, mylittleprince, jenny,

the nose clear i not sure whether is good.. but frm the feedbacks like its better than the bulb one.. i tink so too.. cos it has a tube for the carer to suck it so can ctrl the sucking duration n power..

you guys can access to the link? if can u can order frm there and they will send it to your hse.. if you guys cant den i can help to order.. i already ordered the nose clear care set (Free delivery) last nite.. but i tink it will takes ard 1-2wks to arrive leh..

they dun sell membrane hor? i can't find... i wanna get membrane.

last week in office accidentally washed my membrane down the drain.... need to buy and keep, just in case butter fingers again...
iamsnow... i tried all sorts of ways n means to clear e white patches inside tubing such as leaving the pump on and pumping it out... and also blowdry with hairdryer.. also doesnt work haiz...


Think they only sell the membrane with the valve... all this while, I have never taken out my membrane to wash and just dump it together with the valve into steriliser to sterilise, so far, luckily nothing happened :p
ur bb is nose blocked due to flu or issit allergy? mine initially is due to flu.. den recovered a wk ltr blocked nose again.. but i guess this time is the air..
ur bb cough n phlegm? how much they charge for sucking the mucus? tat time i was referred to Mt A.. cos he got lots of phlegm and affecting his lungs.. so can only do it there.. $28 for the suction..
i found this website that has the membranes. :p

i am looking for medela parts this morning s well... i wanna buy a bigger size funnel... cos i realise that the prob of my sore/bleeding nipples cld be cause of the funnel size not big enuf for me...
<font color="aa00aa">roxy / iamsnow,
actually i ve bought the 'spare parts' - membranes, valves, bottles &amp; the tubings for my Medala pumps just a wk before i delivered from Mothercare @ AMK. they were meant as replacements cos my Medala was 2nd-hand &amp; being concern abt the hygiene of the old tubings, etc, i changed all the parts diligently. wat i failed to take into consideration though is tat the motor of the pump failed. so now my tubings / membranes / valves all attached to the motor but un-usable cos no motor liao. m willing to let go at token prices separately cos i ve no use for the 'spare parts' oreadi since i m nowing using Pigeon's pump instead. let me know if u gers interested so no need to order from overseas site...</font>
the membranes u having is it new? coz i buy to keep nia... in case i wash my membrane down the sink again...how many do u have?
if your tubes is wet now, how u pump? better change quickly. coz if the water gets into the motor, motor will spoil.
ya bb nose block due to flu but now recover liao but more sometimes still can hear tat is mucus inside but me use the pump cannot come out. Me went kinder clinic at parkway, suck out mucus is $10. Then for the cough and phlegm the doc tell us to use the nebuliser so tat she is able to cough out the phlegm, my ger will vomit the phlegm out. Now she is better liao can sleep better and drink better.
nose blocked
my bb girl now much better....stop using aircon already for 2 weeks....don't wash or wet yr bb top head only the back coz bb easily catch a cold...everyday clear the muscus using the NUBY Nose Aspirator.

Urine Infection
Already been 3 days on oral medication of antibiotic but pity bb cannot BF keep crying.....and have to pump BM every 5 hrs.
crystal, Little Gwen growing to look like dad!

Veniz, Ya lah, so sponge up wif the little one n catching my slp. Nw slowly warming back in forum. Depend on when the hi-tea is, cos bb will be scheduled for his 2nd operation in Aug then i will be busy liao agn.

MLP, hi hi.

Ladies, anyone using Carpella Model S228 and if so, hw is it? Where to source the cheapest deal? John Little sale? I saw so far was $223 at BHG.

Also,do your bb has warm body (compare to forehead) whenever we pick them up for feeds? I just wnt to knw if its normal?
TF, my bb's body is also warm when i pick him up for feeds at times. THen my next move will be touching his forehead which is normal temperature... Think they keep lying down thats why body temp slightly higher ba.

Danryan, noted not to wash bb's top part of head. but will smelly or not huh? hehe....

BBcupid, it's me who tot of getting humidifier. But my hb says will make the room very wet and our flooring is parquet so that is OUT. I just cleaned my aircon today. Which AIR PURIFIER u getting? Actually I tot of getting humidifier cos it helps to purify the air. Blur me don't know there is solely air purifier.
Fennie Tay

Item #1 Avent Infant Feeding Set
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Avent-Infant-Feeding-Set-p-16142.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD15.00

Item#2 Ameda 4oz. Clear Milk Collection Bottles(2 ea.)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-4oz.-Clear-Milk-Collection-Bottles-2-ea.-p-16179.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD4.56

Item#3 Ameda Adapter Cap
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Adapter-Cap-p-16191.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD0.90 x 2pcs = USD1.80

Item#4 Ameda White Valve (for HygieniKit, and Manual Pump)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-White-Valve-for-HygieniKit-and-Manual-Pump-p-16180.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2pcs = USD4.40

Item#5 Ameda Silicone Diaphragm (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Silicone-Diaphragm-HygieniKit-p-16181.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2pcs = USD4.40

Item#6 Ameda Silicone Tubing (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Silicone-Tubing-HygieniKit-p-16186.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD4.29 x 2 = USD8.58

Item#7 Ameda Tubing Adapter (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Tubing-Adapter-HygieniKit-p-16187.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD0.60

Total: USD$39.34
Total SGD55.08

Transaction Reference :1817460316
Date Transferred :28th July 2008
From Fennie Tay's posb savings account to Jenny Chua's posb savings account
Baby smell its ok lah still can tahan mah........can wash lah but must wipe quickly after washed the head then wet the body......my 3 bedrooms parquet leh

hi mommies
long time didnt log in liao...busy with the little one. he is now drinking 6-8oz...very chubby.
me stopped breastfeeding liao cos he has reflux.

btw, i have a brand new avent manual pump to let go. anyone keen? it includes two 125ml bottles inside the box (this is the avent packaging...the new avent-philips packaging only comes with one 125ml milk bottle, hence i bought the old avent packaging since same price but can get more milk bottles). the box is still sealed.

got to go...baby crying liao...will be back again when i have time.
