(2008/06) June 2008

iamsnow, pm U and updated the database. CWP gelare: I will be bringing bb Jaret, keeping my fingers and toes crossed that he behave himself.

Baby cry during bath: Mine used to cry when I bathe him before feeding him, like being ill-treated
Now, bathe him half hour after feed. During bathing, I hold him firmfirm and also let him hold on to my blouse as he feel insecure. Now he dont cry during bath, but only frowns

Sterilised items: I assemble them, put them in clean plastic bag and store in the fridge until usage. Bacteria if any won't grow in low temp.

Baby cry and kick during latch: Any mommies encounter this? I think maybe becos the letdown gush too fast for my baby. He gulps in a lot of air too. My #1 used to take forever to suckle but this #2 will chop chop finish in less than 5 min

Jurong Point/IMM: Any one know whether there are any nursing rooms there?

Holidays with babies: Really wanted to go somewhere but no confidence to fly with infant. But will be flying to Hong Kong next March when bb is 9 months old and can take solid, yeah!

Mei/Star: Envious leh, wish I could tender too, but need my job security and sanity from SAHM.

Hello, I am back from my day at zoo (tiring) and MIL's house.

Roooller, thanks for the link to yahoo group.

I am also game for gathering in West. IMM is not a bad choice, quite 'centralised west'. Who is organising this gathering?

TF, my #1 also always cried during bath time since his day 1 bathing by us last time. Till now, sometimes wash hair also cry (gosh, he is already 4 yrs old for goodness sake), we call him a 'girl'. #2 also like frog style leh, she enjoyed it. You free to join us for gatherings, eg. CWP and/or Carousel?

Crystal, you mean you can or cannot attend the buffet? In fact, i think after the buffet, we will be going back leh, not going asia new bar (thats for Cynthia going with her hb) coz by then will be late. I will be going for my gym sessions at Raffles Place the last two weeks of Aug, we meet out for lunch then ok?

Jenny, I will collect the tea from you next week. If the shawl and fenugreek arrive by then, do pass to me as well and let me know how much balance I have to pay you hor. Thanks.
nss, JP nursing room if not wrong is at the 3rd level toilet near foodcourt. As for IMM, they do have nursing rooms also, coz my manager's wife always go there when she was on ML and she TF baby and came visit us at office that time, so I know, but actual locations I am not sure, have to check it out.
veniz: ok.. if its no trouble, you r welcome to come visit me then i can see cute cute vivi too.. heehee..

jenny: thanks.. huh? i thot they say #2 will be easier? then you oso take care, k? you oso stay in senja area ah? so qiao.. me staying in blk 625..

tinyfeet: oh no.. seems like you oso have difficult baby.. sigh.. lucky i come forum to talk to all of you.. then i know i'm not the only one with difficult baby.. i keep thinking must be my baby dun like me so keep making things difficult for me.. i didn't think tat she could be insecured.. but i carried her alot aledi.. thot it would be comforting for her.. sigh..

my baby only likes the prone position when she is in a good mood..
1) Samsoon

Item #1 Ameda White Valve (for HygieniKit, and Manual Pump)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=5
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2 = USD4.40

Item#2 Ameda Silicone Diaphragm (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=5
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 X 2 = USD4.40

Item#3 Ameda Insulated Lunch-Style Tote
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=2
Qty: 1
Price: USD9.99

Total: USD18.79 - PAID

2) Jenny (myself)

Item #1 Ameda Custom Breast Flange with Inserts Set (1 Pair):
url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Custom-Breast-Flange-with-Inserts-Set-1-Pair-p-16189.html
qty: 1
price: USD$12.75

Item #2 Ameda White Valve (for HygieniKit, and Manual Pump)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=5
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2 = USD4.40

Total: USD$17.15 - PAID

3) Huggy

Item #1 Ameda White Valve (for HygieniKit, and Manual Pump)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-White-Valve-for-HygieniKit-and-Manual-Pump-p-16180.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2 = USD4.40

Item #2 Ameda Custom Breast Flange with Inserts Set (1 Pair)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Custom-Breast-Flange-with-Inserts-Set-1-Pair-p-16189.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD12.75

Item #3 Ameda Insulated Lunch-Style Tote
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Insulated-Lunch-Style-Tote-p-16193.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD9.99

Total: USD27.14 PAID

4) Shern

Item #1 Ameda Custom Breast Flange with Inserts Set (1 Pair):
url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Custom-Breast-Flange-with-Inserts-Set-1-Pair-p-16189.html
qty: 1
price: USD$12.75

Item #2 Ameda White Valve (for HygieniKit, and Manual Pump)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-White-Valve-for-HygieniKit-and-Manual-Pump-p-16180.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 x 2 = USD4.40

Item#3 Ameda Silicone Diaphragm (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=5
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 X 2 = USD4.40

Item #4 Ameda 4oz. Clear Milk Collection Bottles(2 ea.)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-mid-6-p-6.html
Qty: 1
Price: USD$4.56

Total: USD$26.11 PAID

5) bizznow

Item #1 Ameda Insulated Lunch style tote
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=2
Qty: 1
Price: USD$9.99

Item #2 Ameda Locking Discs (Collection Bottles)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=2
Qty: 5
Price: USD$1.25

Item #3 Ameda Locking Ring (Collection Bottles)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=2
Qty: 5
Price: USD$2.75

Total Price: USD$13.99 PAID

6) roooller

Item #1 Ameda Locking Discs (Collection Bottles)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Locking-Discs-Collection-Bottles-p-16182.html
Qty: 10
Unit Price: US$0.25
Price: US$2.50

Item #2 Ameda Locking Ring (Collection Bottles)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Locking-Ring-Collection-Bottles-p-16183.html
Qty: 10
Unit Price: US$0.50
Price: US$5.00

item #3 Ameda Custom Breast Flange with Inserts Set (1 Pair):
url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-Custom-Breast-Flange-with-Inserts-Set-1-Pair-p-16189.html
qty: 1
price: us$12.75

Total Price: US$20.25 PAID

7) Angel_z

Item #1
Ameda White Valve (for Hygienekit, and Manual Pump)
URL: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/Ameda-White-Valve-for-HygieniKit-and-Manual-Pump-p-16180.html
Qty: 2
Price: USD 2.20 x 4 = USD 8.80

Item #2
Ameda Silicone Diaphragm (HygieniKit)
Url: http://www.mommysown.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=5
Qty: 2
Price: USD2.20 X 2 = USD4.40

Total Price: USD $13.20
hi jenny,

have updated the list.. but think you have to verify whether i have made the transfer to your account..

thanks.. ^_^
jesslyn,jenny,nicole and the mummy with 2kids(did not get your name) kekeke..

nice meeting u ladies this noon at swensens CP..

i will trfs u the $$ tml.. unable to do it now..
I also hope and counting down 90days = 3mths.. as my bb always standard timing 10pm-12am crying... must keep carry. When sleep put her down she cry again!

Horns? I cant imagine it as now already...
hi mummies, got this from one of the website

Min. Qty : 3 packets
Selling at $13 each packets for ANY TYPE and ANY SIZES as below,

Size M (84 pcs)
Size L (72 pcs)
Size XL (60 pcs)
Size XXL (48 pcs)

Size M (66 pcs)
Size L (60 pcs)
Size XL (54 pcs)

Also available :-
Size M (42 pcs)
Size L (36 pcs)
Size XL (30 pcs)
Size XXL (24 pcs)

Pls call Ah Guek @ 9757 2843 for orders or enquiries.
** Do mention that NOR recommended you, k. **
Cynthia - Har, same like my girl. She has begun to show her horns too...like your baby, she drinks every 2 hours or so. Then must carry and rock her to sleep. When you put her down (coz thinking she is in dreamland), she will open her eyes and cry till you carry and rock her again.

As for my #1...aiyoh, he is always testing his boundaries....sometimes, I can just jump into the lake...ha!ha!
Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia - not bringing bb
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) nss
7) Jessica
8) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
9) Jenny - not bringing bb
10) Linda
11) Roooller

Any more ladies joining us? Pls let me know if u are coming. Coz I will try to reach there slightly earlier to 'chop' seat. The outlet pretty small....

Also, pls update if u bringing bb. I will add in the headcount so that we can have more space for our precious ones....

Linda & Jessica, I realised your HP nos are not in yahoo also. Dun mind can pm me your no? Thanks!!
iamsnow, Jessica's HP was listed in one of the earlier posts. Its 9127 1942, she mentioned once confirmed then sms her the confirmation of details as she seldom log in here.

Me and nss sure bring babies there, you can update,
hi mummies who order tea and staying in the west. i will be going to a friend's house tmr, this sunday afternoon around 4pm at bukit batok. if can, you may sms or call me so that i can try to arrange to pass to you tmr. my hp 91813861. thanks.
♥*morraine*♥ (morraine),

I have been emailing u alot of times.. can you reply.. where is the shoes that i ordered from u? u claim that you sent out but it been almost 2wks..i still have not received.. pls revert urgently

Thanks for the update Veniz

Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz - bringing bb
2) Fennie
3) Cynthia - not bringing bb
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) nss - bringing bb
7) Jessica
8) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
9) Jenny - not bringing bb
10) Linda
11) Roooller
Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz - bringing bb
2) Fennie -bringing bb
3) Cynthia - not bringing bb
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) nss - bringing bb
7) Jessica
8) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
9) Jenny - not bringing bb
10) Linda
11) Roooller
Gathering @ CWP Gelare. 29 Jul (tue), 11.30am.

1) Veniz - bringing bb
2) Fennie -bringing bb
3) Cynthia - not bringing bb
4) iamsnow - not bringing bb
5) morraine
6) nss - bringing bb
7) Jessica
8) Fei Fei - not bringing bb
9) Jenny - not bringing bb
10) Linda
11) Roooller (bringing #2)
<font color="aa00aa">Riz, thanks for the info on cheerfulmama, but i was in msia thsi week leh. I plan to ctc tat lady when i'm goin back; tats after Spore national day. Have you visit the prods at her house?

Ladies, can advise wat kind of foods shld we avoid when we are breastfeeding? I know we are not supposed to take caffeine, but can we take 3 in 1 coffee? I'm a coffee lover, a torture for me not to take any coffee.</font>
i trfs the $$ to u le.. pls check.. as for the foto.. nice anot? if not nice dun post here la..

oh!! so the mummy with 2 kids is leng leng.. kekeke.. nice to meet u.. experienced mummy! hahaha..

I read somewhere that if we were to consume caffeine during BF, it will be passed on to the child. This will make the baby "more alert" due to the caffeine intake.
hi felicia

coffee does have caffeine, but not a lot, so if u take one-two cups a day, it's alright. i have read in book and from doctors. even if u like to drink tea which have higher caffeine, it's also alright. also one-two cups a day, but avoid nite time, cos later u will know y....haha
in actual fact, during bf, everything you can take, but take minimal:-

raw food
fried stuff
cold stuff
drinks with caffeine (coke, coffee, tea)
Hmm, can we eat durian? Tml I'm going malaysia to have durian buffet. Wonder to throw my BM or is okay for bb.

I hope I can reached s'pore in time. What time will you be leaving ur friend place?
<font color="blue">hey ah morr..u staying in jw huh??can i trouble u to collect my tea from jenny during the gathering in CWP?? then i meet u in jp to collect from u can anot??cos currently i staying in my mum's place in boon lay till end of next week.. let me noe can?? thks..
hi sharon, i just ate durian...from m'sia very nice.

can eat, but only take very little. u call or sms me loh. i think i will leave around 5:30pm.

hi bizz, tmr i will be at bukit batok from 4 -5:30pm, u want to collect from me?
cynthia: can help me collect my tea when u go for the gathering?

re: west gathering, JP la! easier..haha..but hor, me gg back to work on aug 4 liao, so if it's this coming wk i still can do...
Roooller, jus a joke, of worst, you get milk bath only..keke

Angelz, recently aft reading all the advice, we make sure but the RuYi diligently every morning aft bath n eveng b4 slp. Nw much better. Less cry unless burp. I was like u, at one stage feel so detach fr the bb cos mind too occupied to find out why he cry.

My mum lagi funny. Cos bb slp betw us in nite, each time bb cry she stretch out her hand to pat him. Once, i was carryg bb to bf n she tot she heard bb cry in middle of nite n i saw her patting the bed wif eyes close nt knwg bb nt there. We hv grown so use to imagine his cry..haha

Veniz, CWP is causeway pt rite? Too far for me. Also guilty when i go out n mother have to take care bb leh. Bring him out, i no confidence cos he cry bb. Where Carousel?

Once, mum n me went AMK n mum went toilet in the mall n i say i walk 1st n meet her at the Guardian, guess wat, halfway pushing the pram wif him, he cry. Aiyo, jus less than 5 mins away fr my mum, i cant handle him liao. Hv to stop outside Taka jewel shop, pick him n pacify him dwn but he refuse. I feel so tense when passer by start looking at me wif the crying bb. So malu. Then i tried to push the pram wif him crying on my arms n struggling until the traffic light. He still struggling n i dare nt cross. Lucky 1 Indian lady offer to help me push the pram n tat's where i manage to Guardian to meet my mum.
Hi Veniz, count me in for the Carousel hi-tea buffet. Won't be bringing bb along... need a break.

TF, Carousel is last time Royal Parkroyal...besides DFS...
Hiya, TF and MLP, you both been semi-missing from this forum hor.....

TF, ya, as MLP said, carousel is the buffet restaurant at Royal scotts hotel opps Far East Plaza. Not very far lar, you go ok? Ask your mum along so you can have easier time to makan, otherwise there will be other mummies without their babies helping us to take care our little ones, what do you think?

MLP, I know you wont give this buffet a miss, hee. Ok, will add you in. I hope to get more mummies so tat I can try to nego for private room. Been calling their phoneline to check on actual price and private room matters but always nobody pick up, will try again next few days.
feel like joining your ladies n bb for the Carousel Buffet, just not sure if I can manage bb on my own,and if i should take mrt with bb on pram, think nowadays all mrt stations got lift right?think pram is easier, cos can put everything into the pram, if sling, then hv to squeeze things into my handbag, btw, which day have we decided?what day is it?thought i can go there by mrt, then finish that time ask hb to go and fetch us cos it will end ard after work timing, then not so siong
