(2008/06) June 2008

fenugreek, try 3 caps, 3 times a day,
& drink lots of water.

<font color="aa00aa">hi gers,

just to share...
i used medala duel electric pumps since delivery till couple of weeks back, didnt realised tat breasts r not really emptied out, hence constant engorge feeling but i also didnt realise.

however, due to wk necessity, my hb bought me a off-e-rack pigeon single pump (which is simple, light-wtg &amp; not as expensive as medale) which i bring to wk daily &amp; surprisingly my breasts r always emptied. think partially tat's y i can tahan for 6-hrs stretch or more. each pump (from both sides) when i emptied them thrice daily will yield me abt 200ml...

the amt of EBM derive is not lots, max is 600ml daily, slightly more on wkends cos i ve the luxury to pump ad-hoc at hm, but i m satisfy as of now...</font>
Hi Leng Leng, thanks for the tips on the fenugreek! Will try it out. When my hb went to buy this, the GNC pple say take 2pills twice a day so I don dare to anyhow take too much then.

Piyo, the interval is around 3hrs to express that amt. how abt u? U feeding bb EBM?

Crystal, so each time u can get 200ml when u pump using the Pigeon one?
Its the nursing tea tat can help increase or maintain BM. I tik taste just like lipton/earlgrey type. Since we also need more water for the BM so why not try..

YES! JIA YOU! JIA NAI! kekeke..

I only hear the Medele gd range is the PIS but no gd for the $$. Next option is the Ameda.

U want order the nursing tea also??
hi MLP,
I latch on hourly basis most of the time, at times topping up with EBM. I will express out at 3 hr interval, which at times will be after latching or when bb din ask for milk. After latching, I express about 60 - 130ml depending on how much bb drinks directly from me.
any idea how soon we can get the items if lets say order within these 2 days?

who is consolidating the order?do we email to jenny?
<font color="blue">hey mlp,
u r not alone hor..my ss also not a lot..every 3 or 4hrs my expressed milk only around 80 - 90ml.. my bb drinks 100ml ok..supply always not enough..but i still pump out lah..bo bian.. only the 1st pump in the morn can go up to 150 or 170ml cos i dun wake up @ nite to pump out..

i also wanna order the tea leh.. help me buy 2boxes of traditional mother's milk tea n 2 boxes of yogi woman's tea nursing mum.. how to collect fr u huh??
<font color="aa00aa">hi gers,

juz back from being a cow...

yes, i oni got tat amt when i use the pigeon pump. when i use my medala pump, i oni got max of 100-140ml if i m lucky. so i attribute it to the pumps for the increased amt cos i guess whether we emptied or breasts or not prob make a diff in the amt we pump out. so now, i give up my medala pump oreadi, stick to my pigeon pump, a bit of a hassle of having to switch breasts but worth it cos i can last longer w/o engorgement which is reai impt since i m wking...</font>
I also waiting for her respond as to post here or PM. Shipping shld be abt 3wks but i saw some spree item arrived within 10days of order. Tat is by ordering frm vitacost &amp; ship by broderlinx
<font color="blue">samsoon, i dun mind lah..anyway i think if buy yogi n traditional milk tea together fr vitacost got discount..only @ $6.69..</font>
Need to admit ur baby?
My PD asked me to stop the flu medi drop "iladin" (something like that) and just let her auto recover.

If u bring to hospital, need to be warded in for the condition? Better check carefully first.

My baby was previously warded in to KKH for reflux and under observation for 3 days. Which I felt was totally unnecessarily.
Fenugreek also available at vitacost &amp; vitaglo.

Okie later i set up thread to consolidate to make it easy for Jenny
ya lor.. she told me my bb is not serious BUT.. too young.. no medi for him at all.. she did not gif any flu medi.. only give cough syrup for cough n phlegm..
i asked her abt the neubaliser which my frend's both kids oso took when they haf flu,cough n phlegm.. she said she dun do for such young bbs.. only willing to do for 6mth old n above.. i told her my frend's pd did for her son who is 2mth plus.. den she said.. some pds do.. but not her.. so she ask me to seek other pd who do or admit kk/tmc to do it with supervision.. so now i goin to my frend's PD to seek for his opinion..

ur bb hw old? got medi ar?
think should be ok to order from the faster one ba.

tan leng leng,
I ordered fenugreek from drugstore on 7th july, just received email from vpost to pay shipping charges last night, 15th July, not sure when the items will arrive at my address, think its quite fast, not sure other company take how long

according to jenny, fenugreek cost abt $23/bottle of 200capsules, so it is definitely cheaper than GNC,if we are ordering from vitacost or vitaglo for the nursing tea, you can order the fenugreek as well, since samsoon said fenugreek also available there
Hi babycupid
Did PD says nebuliser is a must? If not, maybe can try to let him be on cough syrup first? So young better try to reduce medication.... Is he coughing badly? Try putting vicks on his feet then wear socks... It warms up the body. Or you might wish to seek TCM, they have some tui-na thingy for babies...

hi star,
It is not recommended that babies sleep on their stomachs. Higher risks of SIDS. But for short while ok lah, I rest mine on my chest after milk.. he also likes it.

Anyone with babies always having milk come out from the nose? Mine does on and off and today was more frequent, abt 3x liao. We always burp him after milk and elevate him for at least half hour... Hmmm....
1. bizz - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
2. samsoon - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
3. fennie - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38

1. bizz - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
2. samsoon - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
3. fennie - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6

Also for those who need Fenugreek
cos he has been coughing n phlegm for 6days liao.. and its congested lor.. so PD said admit to put him on neubaliser.. so i asked y mus admit.. my frend did it in clinic n rent machine back home.. so she gave me her reasons lor..

my mil bought the vicks.. will try on him today n see hw.. haiz.. bery chamz..
my bb also cry for milk every hour last nite and make me and hb so tired and dun know wat she wants cos she only drink abt 20-40ml then asleep again then another hour cry again for milk. For yaolan, my mil 1 my bb to sleep in tat so start from last week my bb have been sleeping in yaolan even at nite. But me totally dun like bb to sleep in tat cos next time hard to bring bb out so me 1 2 convert bb sleep back to bb cot tonite onwards.

RE: BB weight
My bb is 5 wks old and is 4.27kg, she is only 2.72kg at birth. Is her weight ok for her? She is drinking 60-80ml at 2hrs intervel but if 100ml, can last her 2.5hrs. is tat ok?
My bb also 5wks old drinking 130ml at 3.5hr interval. Last time when she slept after drinking 70-80ml, i took off her blanket &amp; open up her diaper to make her stay awake &amp; finish it. If not jialat la, sure wake up 1hr later &amp; cry for milk again
ya very tired, I will try yr method of taking off her diaper. She also have a bad habit of pooing ard 4-5am. Me now try to adjust her pooing time to morning time if not everynite me have to wake up and clean her poo.
hi samsoon
Can I check how to collect from you if we order the fenugreek? Coz item too bulky to be posted by mail
Im pretty keen to order the Fenugreek 180 capsules...

Re: mother's milk tea n bm ss
Im taking 1 packet a day now, sometimes 1 pkt every alternate day (coz I forget hee) I will actually use e packet twice... after i finish drinking e first brew.. I will use hot water again and drink 2nd cup. Havent try Fenugreek yet

So far, my ss is average 30ml per hr... doesnt really matter how long i stretch, maximum i have gone is 11hrs without pump.. so dat time pump had abt 300+ml. Find that pumping at least once in middle of night really helps.. so we must wake up at least once from 11pm - 6am to pump, coz that is the time hormones send signals to brain to produce more milk and also night time is the time when there is more prolactin in our milk, prolactin helps to build up bb immunity.
Im using PIS and I find it's good enough for me... however, after pumping 10-15min, ss actually dwindles n become quite little, so I hand express for about 5min(can help to produce another 10-30ml)After that, sometimes I pump for another 5min to continue clearing breasts. I find that hand express really helps to clear breasts better than pump coz it's like massaging breasts. Hope this helps ^^
I also dont knw where the collection as Jenny will be placing the order. I only help out wif the consolidation.

Anybody know where Jenny stay??
Last time i also kan cheong when bb poo, must change straight away. Now hor, lazy liao. Will change 30min aft each feeding...
hi mummies

i am back. sorry these 2 afternoons very busy cos my mum is in hospital but discharging today.

hi samsoon
thanks for heping to consolidate. ok. let me know once the order is ready and i will place order for u.

btw, anyone know how much is it selling in singapore so that at least we know if it's worthwhile to ship from overseas including the shipping cost. definitely more order will reduce the shipping cost.

if any mummies want gnc fenugreek soon, i do have extra bottles ordered for my future consumption, if want, i can give to you first cos i may be ordering more items from drugstore in times to come. should be cheaper than $23 for 200 capsules. i go calculate and let u all know again for those who have placed order.
hi i am staying at hougang. maybe we can do a consolidation of where the mummies are staying, then i will see how i can arrange to pass to you all. maybe we can have a meet up or i can get my hubby to pass to you all if possible or have few collections points.
so it has work well for u?
me thinking of getting 1 cos me i can't pump in office using power and manual pumps take longer time...

how long will the battery lasts?
No problem, just helping out. Most probaly will closed the order by 2molo nite so tat can order fast as we cun wait to drink the 'teh' hehe..
Hi there, was MIA almost whole day coz noti Vivienne didn't sleep till 10mins ago.

Samsoon and Jenny, I also want 2packs of mother's milk tea. I went to the nearby organic store couldn't find it. The store owner still can ask me its for baby huh? I was like, no, its for mummies. Anyway, I think not easy to find. In fact, saw a mummy selling her BN ones in one of the sale/buy thread.

Felicia, I still thinking of should get the nursing wear from maternalove, will make up my mind by friday coz GSS ends this coming Sunday.
Samsoon, its like Roxy said, taste like earl grey tea, so we can go get a set of english china tea set to use to drink it, plus have Marks and Spencer biscuits to go with it, haha, make it more english style.

Just make me think of this, not all english likes to drink tea. My english director does not even drink teh terik even though he loves all indian and asian food, coz he is non-tea drinker. Oh no, I keep thinking of office stuff when on ML, hate myself for this
I usually use vpost too,
takes about 3 weeks or so,
unless you are waiting for more merchants shipment to consolidate shipping,
then may take longer.
1. bizz - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
2. samsoon - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
3. fennie - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
4. jenny - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38

1. bizz - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
2. samsoon - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
3. fennie - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
4. jenny - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6

Also for those who need Fenugreek
hi samsoon

hi jenny
Think hougang too far for me... will give it a miss.. thanks for organising

hi fenny
Usually I use CGW, very cheap shipping charges and items reach within 2 weeks... think shouldnt be too expensive to ship mother milk's tea as it's very light, I paid abt S$21 for 3 pkts including local postage n shipping... prob more exp to ship fenugreek as it's bulky n much heavier...

hi veniz
Hee, you very cute... yeah, we should organise a tea sipping session :p

I havent gone to GNC yet... so any mommies want fenugreek can still buy.. S$19.15 for 200 capsules after 35% discount
Leng Leng, that time kan chiong so just went to GNC n buy first. hehe....

Samsoon, can help me add for the Fenugreek seed 610mg (180capsules) 2 bottles? Thanks!

Roxy, ur bb on TBF?
Thanks all for sharing ur experiences. Makes me feel that I'm not alone.... and thanks for all the advise cos I feel like giving up BF... esp. when I see bb not contented after drinking fm both breasts. then I have to give some FM as well.
hi roxy
i have tried comgateway a few times, but i find it much expensive leh.

maybe it depends on the items. so far, the shipment varies from 2 weeks to 3weeks. for both cgw and vpost.
<font color="aa00aa">roxy, u can go w/o pumping for 11hrs? wont u feel engorgement?
For me, i must pump every 3-4 hrs. If exceed 4 hrs, my breast start to feel engorged, very very hard like rock.

ladies, how we know we had empty our breasts? I had been pumping 3-4hrs and each sessions took about 15mins (i'm using PIS). Sometimes towards end of the pumping, i noticed there's still few drops of milk flow out. Is it we can only stop pumping when totally no milk drop? My average BM for each pumping is around 180-200ml, so far still able to meet my ger demand.

btw, saw there's a BP for medela PIS selling at $500+. Those interested can go to BP section to take a look.</font>
wow felicia...that's a lot. the most i pump is only 150ml, that's becos the interval was much longer.

usually on average abt 80ml.

1. bizz - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
2. samsoon - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
3. fennie - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38
4. jenny - 2box USD3.69 X 2 = USD7.38

1. bizz - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
2. samsoon - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
3. fennie - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
4. jenny - 2box USD3 X 2 = USD6
Also for those who need Fenugreek
1. mylittleprince - Nature's Way Fenugreek Seed -- 610 mg - 180 Capsules x 2bot = USD5.59 x 2 = USD11.18
