(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">bonjovi, me oso keep losing weight thou i ate a lot. Btw, i find tat whenever i take more food, my ss will be more after that.
I dont purposely eat more, just tat keep feeling hungry.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jessica, u stop BF liao? Saw tat u r giving away the glass bottles. Can reserve for me 1st coz i'm doing confinement now, not convenient to go to collect leh.
felicia, initially i feel very hungry. now, no longer. i will try to eat and drink more then.maybe will increase breastmilk. hope to stop losing weight cos im only 45kg. dun look good.

long time no login forum, i was busy with bb and playing games at home. Got my mum and bro to extend their stay at my house to help out.

won't be joining the gathering, cos lunch time quite difficult to go out.

my bb still require to carry most of the time, occasionally we let him lie down to play with the musical mobile. He taken his Hep B jab, will be taking 5-in-1 jab after he turn 3 mths old.
Hi Ladies
Been long since i login. Loose track already. Finally able to spare time for online.

Masean is 4.38kg and 60.6cm at 5 weeks. Find him heavy n tall. Carry until hand shivers. Usu feed at 3 hour interval, with 1-2 hrs playing time twice a day. Wonder if any of you experience times when baby drink halfway, then pull out the nipple n cry frantically?? I get lost on whether he wnts to burp, dun wnt to drink or wnt to slp back. Or is he angry wif me for the disturbance ard when he feeding??

Yes, i also find difficulty wiping the Desitin cream away. Nw change to Drapolene.
oh.. u oso find desitin difficult to wipe hor.. me too..

my boy 4.8kg at 5wks..

as for pull out half way during feeding and cry.. is a sign of colic.. my boy always when he has colic.. but nw ok le.. if not is becos the flow too fast..
I just received Vpost's notification to pay shipping charges for my order from drugstore, just to let you know that if pay by UOB credit card, there is a 12% off on vpost payment, the promotion code is 083TN39, in case you didnt know the promotion, my things total weight 3kg, so the shipping is abt $40+, after less $35+, can i ask if lets say you purchase other items with the fenugreek, how do you determine the shipping charges for each item then?not sure if i pay more now that shipping charges is $35+, i got 6 items i think
my bb have been passing soft motion like Lao sai for weeks is it normal? she's now 7wks. been drinking BM n FM (NAN). I notice this changes after she 1mth old.
hi mummies, yest is a busy day for me, havent got time to log in...

finally now...able to log in

thread seems moving really fast. haha...that's great!
hi fennie

yest there's discount but can only used once. so if u intending to order more items during this period which will cost more, then u dont use now. i didn't know so happen that i used it on 3 july, now i m no longer entitled.

if u purchased other items, then u do a estimate based on the weight and the size.

if u purchase more items or larger quantity, u can actually save more money on shipping.
hi fennie

some suggestion for you.

you can divide the items equally so shipping cost will be abt $6 for each item.


you may calculate as a % of the price. E.G. item price $4, total items price $50. then u use 4/50 * shipping cost.
Felicia, thanks for the info. Hee, at least your bust size increases, mine still the same as pre preggie, only when milk kicks in, then looks very rocky, or silicon filled look.

bizznow, ya, it should be like teh-o, not teh, hee.

Samsoon, I dunno how to order from those overseas webbies. I very computer/internet non savvy one. I am thinking of getting from local store to try first before checking if Jenny can help to order or not.

Bon Jovi, I wanted to sms you but been biz adjusting to taking care my little one at home and not sure if you goes at your mum's hse or stay at home. My confinement was over liao, so you can come to my hse anytime. I am going to market later today so will sms you again when I am going, to see if you want to go as well.
hi mummies

Antenatal Workshop on Successful Breastfeeding – It can be a Breeze!

Breast milk is the best gift a mother can give to her baby. With proper knowledge and professional guidance, breastfeeding can be a breeze! This 2-hours workshop is specially tailored for expectant mothers and includes a live demonstration on relaxed and handsfree pumping.

Date : 1 August 2008, Friday
Time : 7pm to 9pm
Venue : 90B Circular Road (Raffles Place MRT /Clarke Quay MRT)
Fee : $20 per participant (inclusive of light refreshment) *

Trainer : Sister Kang Phaik Gaik
Senior Parentcraft / Lactation Consultant
Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore

To register, simply furnish us your full name, mobile number, EDD, how you get to know about the workshop via email to [email protected].

Seats are confirmed only upon receipt of payment via inter-bank fund transfer to POSB Savings 010738318 or UOB Current 3243018577. Alternatively, you may also send us a crossed cheque (bearer “Mumsfairy”) by snail mail to 101 Gangsa Road #12-03 Singapore 670101.

Limited slots based on availability. Early registration is encouraged. For more information, please contact Valerie at 8157 5780 or Juliet at 9800 4598.

* Fully redeemable with any purchase of special bundle deals.
morning ladies...
haizz...its been a long while since i log in...

those on bf...how much milk do u pump out and the interval?
thks so much for how to calculate shipping charges, 1st time ordering from overseas, so quite blur, not sure will end up paying too much or not
Btw, the nasal decongestion I have checked with PD. He said bb nose a lot of noise is normal, and better dun use the nasal tube to clear.
me too also realised my bb will pass soft bowels (like lao sai) when feed her with water...have stopped since.
hi fennie
it's ok. cos i also make mistakes here and there when i first order. so got some items ended up paying more.
hi shycloud
i read from newspaper abt one or two months back that not advisable to give bb drink water. but if little bit ok.
Been a tiring nite last nite. Baby woke up almost every hour. and sometimes twice/trice in an hour. Either want milk, or diaper change or spit out milk....

Almost each hour, he wants milk. I latch him one side and he will doze off.... after a while, wake up cry for milk again. Think tonight will give him FM during nite time. then I pump out BM. Argh! Sianz... At least he can drink full full and sleep for longer interval.

Just want to let out my frustrations.
hi MLP
same as my boy...very tiring...
he cries every time he wants to poo too

almost every one, two hr he will wake up.
my bb doesnt seems to fall into deep sleep

already trying to let him take more milk b4 he sleep.

now he wants to be carried...sometimes, put him down, he cry and wake up....especially nite time

dont know what to do. mayb should get a yaolan
hi MLP

that i am not sure. but i guess they encourage bf for 1st 6 months. if really on full fm, then have to check with doc.
Hi Jenny, ya same here! My boy cries when he wants to poo poo also. Then poo poo not one shot all come out. must wait...

U on TBF?

My boy also wants to be carried. When he seems to sleep liao, put hiim then down he will wake up and cry.

I haven't tot of yaolan yet...My hse like no tradition of using yaolan.

Btw, u steady lei... still can have time to participate actively... or ur boy day-time guai guai one? =)
i am on tbf, but i expressed out the milk. so day time, my mil helps to take care...

if take care full day i will go crazy...the most is continously 3hrs taking care, then must rest liao...for me

so we take turn, if not really cant do much thing.

luckily i have a good mil, and she staying with us.
ya even PD has said to minimise the water intake. but my mil insists tat bb shld drink water...everytime claim she has been doing this for their other grand children...

but i have told her NO...so she has not bugged me since but occasionally will say must drink water...but i just ignore her..

my gal doing well with just breastmilk...
Pd told me that do not overdrink on water (not more then 60ml per day). As their kidney is still immature and cant process the water. Also, if they drink too much water, the brain will be "loaded" with water.
My bb also laosai leh.. From pasty texture to now watery texture. My PD said that her condition is due to her flu virus..
Very sad to see her like that.
Hi jenny and MLP,
How much BM is your boys drinking? My ger also same like yours, must carry all the time. When she slept in the arms, put her down, her eyes big big looked at me. At night, I latch her most of the time, wakes up like hourly plus too, drinks liao also still eyes big big, wants to be carried.. think tonight may wanna try gif her EBM in bottle and monitor if she sleeps longer..
<font color="aa00aa">ladies, i found that most of our babies same same leh. Must carry especially at nite. My mil had been calling my lil ger 'lil rat', coz only active at nite. haha.....
My ger not only cry when wanna poo poo, even let out wind, she oso must cry 1st.

veniz, so had decide to buy from materna liao? Actually yest i just realised that they had this GSS promo where got free delivery upon $100 purchase leh. But not sure is norm postage or wat lah.</font>
For my case, when I lay my ger to sleep on her stomach or rest on me chest to chest, she seems to be more calm and sleep longer like an hour plus during day.
If I lay her on her back, she can only sleep less then half hour and easily woken up.
Re : Nursing Milk Tea
Vitacost seems to shipped much much faster then vitaglo (read from some thread), so shall we order frm them? The price diff is 58cents abt a dollar sin.

Thanks for helping to organising...

Not sure mommies want to order frm which site?
Here my order...(Do i need to PM u or u be creating a list here?)
Traditional Medicinals Organic Tea - 2 boxes
Yogi Woman's Tea Nursing Mom - 1 box
Try not to let bb sleep on her stomach till thy grow older, its kinda dangerous. For better sleep, maybe can try swaddle them up so that thy feel secured.

Me too not PC saavy.. only looking for gd buy then i am... keke... Think the nursing tea shld be gd just like English tea. Can drink &amp; eat cookie just like having hi-tea.
hey mummies..
anyone using medela mini electric pumps here?
heard tat its not very efficient in emptying the breasts,...is tat true?
ur bb oso flu?

i went to pd again today for my bb flu, cough n phlegm.. she ask me to admit bb.. aiyo.. she said cos she not comfortable to gif him neutraliser when no doc supervise at home.. but my frends pds will gif lor.. i seeking 2nd opinion.. she said my boy not serious but cos he too young no medi for him.. so she suggest i go to hosp or seek other pd who willing to do neutraliser for him.. haiz..

Hi piyo, if I feed FM, I make 90ml-100ml for him. But I latch on so don noe how much he drinks fm the breasts.

Jenny, u lucky lor! Got MIL to take turn look after for u. Btw, how old is ur bb? As for me, I'm like super busy n tired. After a tiring nite, morning wake up feed him cos he cries for milk. Then I quickly eat my bf then go bath bb liao. Then rest of day, feed him, change his diaper n tend to him whenever he cry. Tiring... maybe that's why not enuf rest. BM supply may reduce.

Btw, what tea r u all ordering?
So far, I'm taking fenugreek 2pills twice a day to see if my BM supply will increase.

Tonight, I will try give bb FM while express BM out. Then I will see if my supply got increase since taking fenugreek. Last time when I express, it ranges from50ml to 80ml... mostly 60ml.

Shycloud, I got use medela mini electric before. I find it not very good in emptying the breasts. Just sharing my experience. Then I'm using Avent manual ISIS pump if I express now.
