(2008/06) June 2008


OIC my joints are not red and look ok, but i dun see much swell also however there is pain at the joints and it plague me since last week, i type also feel pain sometimes. have to bear with it.

Ellysia, maybe you want to ask your doctor if the pain continues for another week.... if it's arthritis, then, very little we can do... cos oral medication unsafe during pregnancy (except panadol, but panadol doesn't remove the pain for me), and those gels contain salicayte, which may be unsafe for bb. the last resort is ice or heat pack which didn't work well for me. I was just told to bear with the pain... but will check with my doctor next week.
Actually is for the baby to feel secure as if they are in our womb. Cos they've been inside for past 9 mths n so the swaddling act as warmth n confining them to the space inside the cloth. So their arms n legs reflex is comfortable in that curl position than freely expose, to reduce crying.

Oh, one tip that the instructress taught on bathing baby is to place the baby foot to touch the end of the tub surface so tat baby will be quieter n feel more secure when bathing. If there's space betwn the foot n tub, baby tend to kick/jerk. Hmm.. nt sure those attend other session heard abt this?
ya, thats my concern also, not sure if they are still "fresh", not sure if there are different kind of herbs in the market, but i heard that the medical shop at causeway point is selling at only $1 per pack, have not gone to check yet, i checked the same medical hall in toa payoh, was told its $2 per pack, not sure why
ellysia/ cactus,

I had this mindset for swaddling with bb's limbs as chinese belief coz my mom and mil at tat point keep telling me so that bb wont be 'too many hand' in future. (beside feel more secure lah.) Anyhow, my #1 was been 'released' of her hands when she's about 3-4 weeks old, as she keep struggling till the wrap become loose and her hand can come out.

did yr MIL and SIL know that the house is also under your name? Maybe they tot yr hb is paying and you are not paying for the flat or wat..

But looks like yr MIL is willing to help and quiet the matter, at least she offer her room although her room is not for bb stuff. Likely yr SIL has some problems which probably u dunno (maybe your MIL knows or wat).
Ellysia, I think it's common sense that the house has to be under Elaine's name too. cos HDB flat mah.... since Elaine's SILs are not over 35 yet, and Elaine's MIL still owns the other flat, this flat must be under Elaine and her hb's name for them to own it.. unless MIL and SIL play stupid lah.

Importnat is for MIL and SIL know that Elaine is also paying towards the house mah.
Morning ladies...

I hv painful wrists lor...gynae says its due to poor blood circulation wor...

The swaddles which Mrs Wong selling is bery soft, i bot 2 packs the other time...also bot the towel, soft too =D...I was asking abt the thermometer lor...no stock huh? hmm...but 40+, too ex wor, somemore its just to test e water temp onli..hmm..

yup, thats me..hee

when is ur next appt with Dr Wong?
Thanks for the reminder.
Yup, see u gals tomorrow. The talk's from 7-9pm, think I better have an early dinner.

When I saw ur description on sat's class, I almost burst out laughing. Told my hubby he did not miss much (he was recalled by the army (mobilisation) just at start of the class). And it's quite strange, cos she seem to be targetting the whole bathing thing for the fathers, when we mothers, are also new to it.

I think quite a bit of advice has been given.
But I think TF's one is something I will also advocate. Can have hubby talk to your SILs to explain the situation and get their understanding? And also, it's really a matter of time they will have to shift out right? Your kids are going to need more space in a couple of years. If possible, it might be good to have some kind of discussion with them on the housing plan 2-3 years down the road.

I tink swaddling is only required around 2-3 weeks, according to my book. Then 2nd mth can do half swadding, i.e. leave the hands free.

even after attending the class, i still not sure how to swaddle. My mum also dunno too. So i told hb he has to do it cos he seems more confident than me.
feifei, maybe what I have is diff from urs... cos my hb thinks it's arthritis and he specialises in joints and stuff like that, so I dun think he's wrong about it. what he's not sure is what treatment I can go for.. so if my pains don't go away by next Monday, my hb will ask my doctor about it during the checkup. It's better that way cos my hb doesn't do O&G. He don't know enough of drug safety issues.
I oso like to hold my tummy when I walk. It just makes me feel more preggy. Haha.

Yup, EDD on 16 June.

Wow, week 34 liao. Super fast hor. Your bb too big, mine too small. Actually I dun mind/ care whether by natural birth or C-sect. So long as bb healthy can liao.

I got painful hip joints in the morning once in a while. It is quite bad such that getting out of the bed is difficult but it goes off after I started moving around. Not too sure if it is bcos of my sleeping position.

Thanks. Hb & I talked to bb everyday, asking her to eat more and grow big & healthy. Hb will wish her happy bday on every Monday oso. Haha.

I get giddy spells. They were especially bad towards the end of 2nd & starting of 3rd trimester. Not sure if it is bcos of my low iron..

maybe mrs wong dun want mummies to bathe the bb during confinement cos of water..


i agree with tera, have a good talk with yr hb outside your house (i.e. w/o yr MIL and SIL around) and tell him tat he is sacrificing the children for his sisters. He has to prioritise afterall. Most impt is u cannot have a bb with an older kid in the same room bec' the bb will disturb everyone sleep including yr older kid.

I still recall i ask for a separate room when my younger bro is born bec' i can't study with him crying inside my room and although we stay in a 3 room flat and house is v cramp my parents are good enuff to give me one room for use and my bro cramp up with them. However cos we stay in 3 room flat and my bro sleep with my parents for too long, it prob affect my parents rs too (cos they can't tok in private with my bro around etc) and my bro become v dependent, he can't sleep alone outside even when we suggest he sleep in living room when he grow older.. though nowadays he sleep half living room half in bedroom.

However i tink it is really good for have separate room for kids and parents, kids shouldn't sleep with parents cos it will make them dependent on parents.
Tok abt today, my temper level increase i tink.

Morn at toilet, cleaning auntie again ask me why i haven't deliver yet.. so piss off bec she has been repeating this many times ored.. then i ask her why she keep saying this, she said bec my tummy look v big and she always tot i am to deliver v soon..

then i told her my tummy is not big yet, she shd have seen other colleagues at other floors, theirs are even bigger..

so piss off at her remark dunno why.. tummy small also people say, tummy big also people say.. cannot tahan.

better to ask yr gynae.

I have emailed my gynae on my joint pain and today appt i hope to discuss with her.
Cool it..I have gotten similar remarks from my cleaner auntie like 2 mths ago. Keep saying "wah, stomach very big already hor?". Worse, she keeps comparing me to another coll who's due in July.

Then when I told some of my colls who asked when I am due and I said, 1 more month, some will say "huh, still so long ah?" Then I just smile and say, "ya loh". As for the cleaner auntie, I usu avoid tokking to her too much. Some ppl just dunno what/how to say/react appropriately. Don't let them affect you, ok?

I dunno, some old folks tend to dunno such regulations one.. they keep tinking everyting is from their son lah. maybe they know elaine name is in the house but won't know tat HDB is deducting frm elaine's CPF all along..

I still dun tink my tummy is enormous though it is big yes but not extra big for this stage lor. i got colleagues who tummy is even enormous than mine.

I am piss bec' also got 1-2 colleagues also mention same thing, though also got 1-2 colleagues tot my EDD is so far also.
hi mylittleprince
You dun have to deliver at tmc to get the fbi.. can still apply for the discounts but card is 148 (regardless of whether you deliver at tmc or not)

hi zuen
no ah.. baby is considered average size.. not big, only his head is big, but this 1 week, he's not moving much, duno whether to be worried or not haiz

ellysia and tera
Just ignore these people lah, as long as bb healthy dun bother.. mine is opposite, i saw hubby relative ydae, they ask me when deliver, i said early june, then they told me your stomach still very small hor?
Ellysia, yeah.. just ignore the cleaner auntie lah. I also just smile and walk away whenever i hear things i dun like. they don't really think before htey speak and they may not be aware of the sensitivities that we face.

I guess i got easily irritable nowadays.
got piss off with my mum again last weekend though it is not her fault.


this weekend my mum said she can help lor and my brother said he also can. then i told them my temper level may be bad during tat time so have to bear with me temp..

i tink my bro cannot tahan stay too long at my house, he want to use my pc and watch soccer at my tv, i guess i have to subscribe to soccer channel for him just for tat mth.. entertain him lor so my mum will help me gladly.
Ellysia, yeah.. some old pple tend to think that guys earn more also.. and that guys support their wifes so house must be their sons completely...

my MIL used to think that I earned very little... haha. until my hb told her I earned more than him ...

tats why i say small, also say. big also say.

Previously 2 mths ago my tummy is still v small, and many people said why so small is it i eat too little, bb enuff nutrition or not, etc etc.

I ored piss liao.

then the same people can tell me now, why your tummy so big, is it u deliver this mth liao, why? next mth har, is it bb overweight lah etc etc etc.

piss again.
feifei, ya the thermometer no stock for now. Can use to measure room temperature also, according to Mrs Wong.

ZuEn, me too. I also talk to baby everyday ask her to eat more and grow !
Ellysia, at least yours still not so bad. Yesterday my MIL can tell me why my tummy so BIG and baby so SMALL !!! I tell her beccause my tummy inside a lot of water mah, tummy big doesn't equate to baby big, arghhh.
cool down ger...dun care abt wat they say...everythng also they say one lor, big or small...as long as we know bb's is doing well, its good enough liao =).

ya lor, i see cos i find the thermometer bery sweet lor...but wait for 5-6wks, tink i delivered by then liao...hee

Yes tat is precisely. My PIL dun even know tat i contribute for our wedding banquet out of my frens and colleagues' AP. They tot everything from my hb. Still complain tat the venue is not posh enuff, but they never consider that we have to settle on 4 star bec' 5 star and above hotels need min of 40 or above and we dun have so many guests lah.

Then i tink once, MIL ask my hb my salary whether is more or less than hb.. i dunno wat hb told her lah.. but she v scared i "win" over my hb one.. and when my FIL dun want to buy cordyceps for me cos of $$, i purposely buy in front of them lor..
then when i got promoted i treat my ILs and whole family.. so my parents in law knew my salary also not peanuts lah.

Every year CNY i will buy stuff from my own pocket and give to them.. for my SIL birthday, i gave her shasha bear and another year i gave her a diamond necklace from sookee. all from my own pocket and presents are separate from my hb..

but then last year i share those presents with my hb liao, i just contribute $$ and he will buy watever suitable, i dun give separate present liao. cos i realise they didn't really appreciate those i gave, maybe they didn't know i pay using my own $$ and tat i usu dun give such expensive presents. Then also cos my parents in law are rich, they are used to giving such expensive presents liao.
relax lor....me also sometimes easily have a bad temper....after thinking dat i am preg....i just told myself....alamak mood swing change again so better be cool a bit hehehehe....
Ellysia, recently, my SIL asked me why my mom dun want to look after our bb (my MIL will be looking after her bb when her bb is born so can't look after mine). I told her honestly that my mom's salary is higher than mine... now thinking back, I dun know what she thinks about my salary... maybe think it's peanuts, cos compare with my mom although it is really wrong to think that older women can't earn as much as younger women. there are always exceptions. Anyway, my MIL knows I used to earn 20% more than my hb and now, I earn a couple of hundreds less than him cos change job since was pregnant with bb.
Aiyo, you are really in a difficult situation. Hmm.. I tot I provide a little perspective on your SIL's behlaf.
My entire family shifted in with my bro & his wife after they got married. I duno wat kind of arrangement he had with my parents. I think my parents helped him financially then, but I always tot that it was a wrong choice. Conflicts bound to arise de and there had been so many since. Anyway, my dad passed away 2+ years ago and all the more he cannot shake away his responsibilities to take care of my mum, me & my sis. My mum & sis are still staying with him. Thought the flat belongs to him & SIL, in our perspective, he has a responsibility to take care of us. I mean we have no other place to go to/ stay le mah. My sis who is still staying with them tries to spend as little time at home as possible and feels very oppressed at times too. Then again, she is oso struck and often feels likel a parasite. Even though flat under their name, but we oso need a decent space to stay mah. Anyway wrong choice to let us move in in the 1st place. Haiz..
hey mog,tera n tf
i went to the 430pm class..as usual..i was a bit late..so missed the video on the bathing of bb by a few mins.. mrs wong said the nurse who conducted the class for 2pm didnt managed to show the video cos she claimed dat it was spoilt..mrs wong so angry..then said she teach class liao n nvr put things properly..haha..actually quite lucky dat we went to the 430pm class cos me n hubby went out to buy things then cant make it to the 2pm class..basically like wat mog said, she taught us the bathing, diaper change as well as the swaddle part..she also made used of the break time to show us the proper way to put the bb to ur nipple when feeding..

i bought 2 sets of funnel wrap, the towels and the wipes..

i asked mrs wong leh..she said everything cant machine wash leh..all must hand wash..

i think u got to use baby wipes to clean the private parts, then the groin area then follow by the bottoms..dat's how mrs wong demonstrated..after that then put bb to water..clean the front 1st then the back..
hey mog,
my fren told me dat she also cant get some of the stuffs dat mrs wong was selling dat day during the class..so she went to parentcraft @ tmc n buy..she said she got 10% disc using the FBI card leh..so maybe u can go there n buy..
bizznow, do you know when we need to handwash bb's stuff till? Also, why must handwash? Scared contaminate with adult viruses (in sweat)? Or is it the normal laundry powder issue? I'm just wondering if it makes a difference if the washing machine kills germs (infra light/hot water). I plan to get the maid to handwash everything but just want more info.
hi shycloud,
ya we are staying nearby, i stay at BLK 336, n MIL's hse is at BLK 341 so ur hse is in between us.. heheeee

regards abt e flat,
my SILs will never moved back la unless like wat i says i really go quarrel with them lor... then it will be i moved out with my boy or they moved out or everybody black face at home lor... cos so far i'm not close to them too, everythg tat i'm not happy will be settle by my hubby.

i have already told my hubby before tat if SIL dont intend to get married then she got to apply her own flat latest when she turn 40yrs old... at 1st i say 35yo but seems like is coming soon so my elder SIL is quite dependent on her mum so i dont thk tis will happen so i told hubby 40yo is e longest i can wait cos i dont want her to stay with us forever even though she sleep with my MIL but i find tat i'll nv have my own place in this case

I dont really handwash my bb's clothing leh. Only scrub off stain and soak then everything will be done by washing machine. But i separate my bb clothing with adult clothing till my ger is 2 yrs old.
And before she's 2 yrs, i brought the bb laundry detergent juz for her usage coz afraid adult detergent is too harsh on bb skin in case my ger is those sensitive type.

Some ppl will handwash bb clothing as their afraid washing machine will damaged bb cloths as the material is quite thin. For me, i'll dump my bb clothings into the laundry bag before throw into washing machine.
Felicia, thanks for sharing. I still dump my hb's tailor made clothes and my more delicate blouses into laundry bag before letting washing machine wash. I'm planning to do what you are presently doing with your #1's clothes, but plan to have the maid wash the cloth diapers....
ladies, have a question about amnio. Does anyone know what else it checks for, apart from sex of baby and whether bb has downs syndrome? I recall that amnio also checks for other chromosomal abnormalities but cannot be sure and want to know if it also checks for anything else.. thanks in advance.
hi ZuEn,
i thk u r in my SILs shoes once before, in e 1st place i let them moved in with us becos i dont have children at tat time..... But now i'm not happy becos this is not e 1st time they mention abt e unhappiness of us putting baby's thgs inside their room especially SIL's room. MIL always offer her room when she knows tat we want to put thgs inside SIL's room but i dont like to put thgs inside her room cos her room very damp(dont know y) is very moisty inside with ceiling changing colours..... so far we did place baby's walker(folded in a box) in SIL's room then my elder SIL already commented tat we are treating e younger SIL's room like a store room n say y cant we just leave everythg in e living room but store it in SIL's room. To add on, we bought a old 5 room flat which all e 3 bedrooms are almost equal size n not tat SIL's room is smaller n before having a maid she stays in e room alone (I have never have a bedroom of my own since birth cos i come from a big family).
Since my boy is born n i went back to work, he always got to sleep in e living room during his nap time with my MIL watching tv cos i dont like my MIL step into my bedroom when i'm not ard so i lock it when i go to work, but my maid did tell me many times tat MIL watch TV until many occasion my boy wakes up cos e volume is too loud, sometimes maid will ask mil to lower e volume n MIL will give her black face... but pls la...e maid is not wrong u know... she wants my boy to have a better sleep neh.... few months back i decided to open my bedroom for my boy nap time cos i know this cant carry on with my boy sleep in e centre of e living room n my MIL happily watching TV n sometimes SIL not working or off from work they can still talk n laugh there even my boy is sleeping there....
feifei, i've not bought the disposable diapers!! (BLUSH!!!) I know I've been saying I've put it off for too long and did say I'd be getting it a couple of weekends ago... !!!! But just didn't! I think I may end up buying from hospital pharmacy when bb is discharged ... too big a procastinater! Me!!
feifei, C-section with epidural means generally hb can be with us during OT, we are awake during OT. C-section with GA means our tummies must not have food or liquids at all before the c-section, we will be completely knocked out, a tube will be placed down our throat into our airways to help us breathe mechanically.It's a much deeper form of "sleep" and I think there are more side effects.
Elaine, I think ZuEn brought up an interesting perspective with the sharing of her story. Maybe you can try to understand from your hb how the situation ended up both SILs and your MIL in your 5 room HDB flat. Is it your hb's fillial piety? What is your hb going to do about it? Surely your hb and you planned that kids will one day come along? Possbile to come to a compromise?
i think i already very good cos my boy's toys n study table already all put in e living room, my boy books are all in my room with his cabinet. me n hubby sleep squeeze with our boy in a queen size bed then baby's cot is also inside our room all this while and all my boy's stuff which we are not using are all kept nicely in those pamper's boxes n store in my room, we nv think of moving into their room until this 2nd preg. hai~~~~
heehee =D..

Tks for the explanation..hnmm..meaning c-sect with epidural, we are half awake hor?Duno will feel e pain anot...

read frm other thread that Metro having sales this fri til sun...so maybe I will go grab some bigge size bras..
hi cactus,
IS all my fault n my STUPID goodwill tat is playing me out 5yrs ago.....
hubby told me tat SILs did mention tat we move but they stay in their own flat but NOBODY ever tell me this!!!!!!!!! so now i cant blame tat they move in cos i offer them...
hubby say can only wait till sils get marry.... cos i know is impossible to ask them moved out now when already ask them move in......
feifei, no pain lah.
it is the same type of epidural that we may take during labour/contractions, but it will be topped up (a new dose will be given) to ensure the medication will not run out during labour. it numbs our bodies from breasts downwards to legs.
