(2008/06) June 2008

Yay, great to hear that bb has gained weight and is heads-down!
Must praise bb liao and tell bb to carry on the good job of putting on wt, keke.

Sorry to hear about your dog. *Hug Hug* Recently, one of my dog's eyes was injured and the vet said most likely it's permanent (partial loss of sight) and that made me very upset. So I can understand how you feel. I also dread the day she will leave us.

Morning ladies..

yup, the Impression panties 1 size onli, bery comfy and soft lor =)..

bery fast half day gone lor..after that going out? me going vivo walk walk lor, =)..

thats great!

cheerup ger...13years..long time hor..
Thanks for sharing the link, very informative.
Din have time to look at it yesterday and just read it this morning.

I think swimming does help cos I have been swimming every week (breastroke, cos that's the only stroke I know :p) since starting of 2nd trim. At my prev check-up, I think my bb is in OA position, based on doc's description. But I am not sure if he will turn to OP or not so will continue with the swimming plus take note of the other activities like kneeling, sleeping on side etc.

Going vivo later ah? Be careful of the crowds hor.
Me going for antenatal class later.
Postnatal massage n jamu wrap by experience Indo massage lady

package: $400 for 10sessions (one hr each session)
every session inclusive jamu wrap to slim down ur tummy n support ur back.

PM me if interested.
Babyjo, sorry to hear that ur dog has passed away. =( Be strong okay? There's the little one inside u that needs u.

Tera, I also know breaststroke only. haha... i didn't swim for the past 1 month due to some family issues. Yesterday went n swim. Phew, now got aching legs. Btw, can we swim till we deliver huh? I forgot to ask my gynae tat but he encourage preggie ladies to swim as it's the best form of exercise. =)

Feifei, u used Impressions brand throughout the confinement period also? I feel it's quite ex so bought 2 packs onli. want to see if got other more economical ones bo. hehe...

U can give away after u give birth mah, in case not enuff. But i tink once open, people won't like to take those open ones and madame brand dun have individual packets for individual pads.
Yest after i went to traffic police, dunno is it bec too stress up or wat, when me and hb took cab to another place, i realise that my pants are all wet! and its quite wet

Me and hb had a scare, we tot waterbag burst liao cos i dun recall i sit anywhere with water. We quickly called up my gynae and my gynae told me if waterbag really burst, i must be hospitalise immediately and she ask me have i pack my hospital bag or not. I really panick then my gynae told me to monitor for awhile if water cont to leak out means is waterbag burst, if not means i really sit on water liao.

Luckily yest was discussing with cactus so i put a pad in my bag, then i put on the pad so tat i can test whether the water got cont to leak or not.. end up nothing PHEW so its a scare afterall, dun tink is waterbag.

But give me a scare so yest after me and hb book our car, we went to Kiddy and i purchase maternity disposable panties and other stuff for hospital bag so that my packing is almost complete except for impt docs which i haven't make copies.

So ladies, i guess its better tat we start to pack bec' we won't know when we will need it.
Tera/ feifei,
Thanks. Me was praising my bb for eating well on my way home after gynae's visit yesterday. Must praise bb a bit to let her feel the encouragement as well. hehe....

Is must really a shock for you! Yest my gynae told me if i had contractions, bleeding or water bag burst, must immediately call him, then suddenly i had a feeling tat the times is becoming nearer and nearer. And i plan to start packing my bag by tomolo.
This morning bring my ger to the zoo and come back only at around 3pm. Now my leg feel very very tired and oredy book leg massage with hubby tonight. hehe....

It was very crowded and in fact i'm bit surprised as i saw lot of preggie women there too. There's one pregie lady whom tummy is much much bigger than mine and look like is going to give birth at anytime was there too. I really 'pei fu' her still can walk around with her so big tummy.
Tks ger..how was ur class? Vivo today not as crowded as previously wor...hmm...ate Carl's Junior burger there, yummy =).

Yup, me bot 7packs of the Impressions panties cos find them bery comfy...Can't get others at watsons so might as well used this lor =D..

oh dea, rosund scary leh..sometimes i also feel my below wet wet de...tink sometimes its e discharge or sweat wor...

Good lor, really must get packed now cos we 34wks liao...anything can happen de..

ya lor, must praise bb de =D..
Ellysia/ feifei,

Juz back from my pasar mlm trip, got the pic of the swimming float with the help of my hubby. hehehe....

You can see 2 types. Small one is $2 and big one is $3. The material look bit thin leh, not too sure if is ok for us to sit on it.

Sorry, the pic not very clear coz bit anxious when taking the pix.

Aiya, not able to upload coz the dimension too big.I didnt noe how to reduce the size leh so i add that photo into our yahoo group. U can take a look at there.

aiyo, u r online har! I din noe my message was oredy posted w/o the photos. haha...
Anyhow, u can view at yahoo group, okie?
Class was a little disappointing cos it wasn't conducted by Mrs Wong. The nurse who held the class was a nice lady who shared with us her experience but still feel Mrs Wong was more engaging. :p Also, she did show us how to bathe the baby but there was not much hands-on for us, so felt today's class a bit wasted esp when I know TMC conducts such classes after we have delivered.

Oh, I like Carl's Jr too, esp the Portebello Mushroom burger and criss-cross fries. I find their burgers very juicy and tasty, hehe!

The Day is really drawing nearer. Nowadays, I also keep checking when I go toilet in case got show or something. Ok, tomorrow I am going to get my remaining items and start packing my bag, mai tu liao!

My gynae's advice was to stop at 34th week cos her concern was that in case our water bag burst when we are swimming, we will not be able to tell. Hope that helps.

I saw the Impressions disposable panties selling at BHG for 4 bucks/pack.

Ellysia, U stay in AMK rite? I went to Bishan one, so u can go there n get the panties.

I'm also trying to pack my hospital bag, ask u all hor, can I just bring photocopies of married cert, cos if put inside e bag, I scare the softness make my cert becomes very "Ko Yak".

For the married cert, is better to bring original copy. Why dont u go and laminate ur married cert & then put all neccessary doc into one folder?

aiyo, thinking to pack my bag today feel bit 'sian' leh. But no choice leh.

I forget to tell u tat i gotten swimming float from KIddy Palace, cost $3.50. I bot the smallest size as i tink its easier to sit, and the cashier also know i want to use to sit cos she say that size is more suitable for sitting.


I ored bot my disposable panties (maternity) from Kiddy Palace, tink cost $4.50 per packet of 5 panties.

Saw this tip on a book, so thinking to share it here:-

A quick and easy trick to chck if you're experiecing contractions.
- with ur fingertips, touch your cheek and then forehead. Finally touch the top part of ur uterus. A relaxed uterus feels soft, like ur cheek and a contraction uterus feels hard, like ur forehead.
Hi Felicia,

Thanks for sharing,
Uterus is known as our womb. So where is the portion that consider top part to touch? pls advice, i'm not sure lay...
Hi moms
I wanna give away 35 glass bottles and caps. Good for storing ebm. Pls PM me if keen, otherwise, will throw away liao.
Morning ladies!

Is another week towards our EDD!!!

I'm not too sure where exactly is top of our uterus oso but i assume is juz the top our of 'balloon' tummy. Coz if you feel ur lower part of tummy, you'll realised teh part is more harden, so i think the exact place is on top of our tummy kua.
Hi felicia,
Good morning.. Saw your post that your bb is growing well.
Jia you, jia you.
I am gg for my apptm tomolo. Will be doing a doppler test to check the blood flow. I feel myself getting worried. Sob!
Yeah, a new week. I am starting my 32 weeks today.
Good morning gals. I am on mc today. Last friday after my photoshoot I ate something not right (hot cum cold) and also with the aircon so cold, I got stomach infection. Had diahrrea and always nauseal (feel as if back to when I had MS) Went GP but the medics did not help me, so on and off my tummy churned and twisted whenever I eat food and shift my positions. I will be trying to make appt with my stand-in gynae later this morning.

Dont worry so much, it'll be allright! Talk to you bb and let ur bb feel ur love.
Actually thou my bb is gaining weight but i hope she be able to wait till at least 2 kg or wk37 to deliver. Coz when Aunty Su massage for me previously, she told me my bb might come out early as she realised my bb like to push herself to the bottom.
And my gynae oso mentioned bb was low during the last check up, but gynae din said anything aft that. So, sometime when i'm walking, i try to hold my tummy, look bit ugly. haha...

Ok, update us after ur check tmr, okie?

Take care and rest more.
Morning Mums..

Wah felicia u good..3rd trim just put on 6+kg...and bb's weight is increasing...
So did Doc Ang say anytin abt growth scan? when will u see him again?
Sometimes when i see preg moms at khatib ..i wonder if its u...hahahah
Morning Ladies!

when is your edd?i was 32 weeks as of yesterday, so I guess yours is 16th June?

how are you feeling now?i went to suntec on sat to enrol with Cordlife already, told them i will take the yearly pla, but have the option to change to either 10yrs or 21yrs, have to tell them b4 i gave birth

No, he din mentioned about growth scan with me and i oso forgot as Dr Ang is discussing with me about my plan for VBAC.

Same as you, next visit is 4 weeks leh. Mine is at 16 May but thinking to change to 15 May as din realised the following Mon is a PH, not so nice to take MC b4 a PH.

hehe... i had the same feeling as you leh, especially now our area got pasar malam, so i'll look longer whenever saw a preggie lady. haha....
hi babyjo
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. We have a little maltese too and we love him to bits so I can imagine how grieved you must be feeling now... stay strong for your bb k?

hi veniz
hope you are feeling better...

hi fennie
Im also getting a cordlife person to come to my place to enrol.. hee lazy to go all the way down to suntec, they come to our place easier... the suntec talk is $300 off but if you have FBI card, overall is $450 + $50(referred by a friend) = $500 off, more worth it...

hi zuen
Yeah, wk 32 already hor! It's worth the wait! I'm 34 weeks today also... keep counting down... update us after your scan tmr, im also having the growth n doppler scan next mon, but mine is coz gynae scared bb head will turn out too big for natural birth...

hi ladies
I went to a shop at bt batok that sells all baby stuff, they sell nursing bra also.. I bought one at $8.90, ok quite comfortable, no wire. Disposable panties no need to buy maternity ones, can just buy the $1.95 for pack of 7 from watsons...
Btw my MIL bought alot of homewear bb clothes for me, each piece only $2.50 but she didnt buy any pants at all! Is it coz NB no need to wear pants coz there's diapers? Sorry me suaku... then when bring bb home from hospital..top is enuff also and no need pants? then swaddle him with blanket can liao?
Yesterday evening i went to pasar malam oso..i was at the atm machine at NTUC..i saw a lady wif her daughter..hahah..i was tinkin..maybe tis gal is Felicia...

yup, you can juz swaddle ur bb with the cloth diaper or blanket, so dont really need pant. Even wear pant, we still wrap bb up with the cloth diaper.
And chinese ppl tends to swaddle bb hand inside as well, coz believe with this bb wont get frightened easily and some believe, when bb grow up they wont be 'many hands'.
wow, thats good hor,actually the CEO Mr Steven Fang is our church mate, but i didnt check with him, if we can get discount or not, paiseh leh

when i bought those 4or 5 pcs for $10, they also have long pants, or shorts, its up to you if you wanna get , cos at night, if sleep in aircon, will be too cold for bb, when i had my #1, he cried when its too cold as well

heard that the watson ones, size too small, thats why most ladies get maternity ones, but i bought XXL from Giant, $2.60 for 7 pcs, also quite reasonable price, can fit 48"

Luckily you din called out my name coz that lady is not me. haha...
Normally i'll be at khatib central during Sat morning. Occasionally Sun morning if hubby is not working.
But if you saw a preggie lady with a daughter whom keep running and this lady keep shouting ' dont run around, stand here, dont move!" then is me liao. haha....
Hello Hello..

May i know if you have attended the parentcraft session on last Saturday?
[1] How many wash cloth, towels and wraps did you buy?
[2] Do you remember the name of the baby cream where it applies on bb buttock?
[3] Did you realized that Mrs Wong did not mention anything on using baby powder.. Does that mean we should not use?
[4] Do you rem if Mrs Wong used the wash cloth to wash bb buttocks? Do we first wash bb buttocks or back first?
Morning ladies!

Just want to find out, do any of you have painful joints? Like in the fingers? hands? Wrists? It was suggested I may have arthiritis ... it's known to happen in pregnancy... feel quite helpless about it cos it gets in the way of my everyday life yet I can't take any medication or apply any gel cos unsafe for bb. ice and heat packs don't work anymore for me.
ZuEn, don't worry about the test tomorrow. Talk to baby and she will know too, just relax and everything will be fine okie *Hugz*

Veniz, take care ! Me also feel like puking nowadays, it's like going back to the 1st trimster period. Haiz ...
Felicia...hahah...pls la i am another one who kps shoutin at my boy..come here...don play..don touch...actualli many preg woman ard...i go to the market on sat mornings at times...i got shoulder length hair..and wearing glasses..if u see a fair preg aunty wif a very tanned skinned boy..tats me ....kekek
Tera, I went for the 7pm class on last Sat but was late for 30 mins, so I didn't really catch the beginning. What Mrs Wong taught was to bath the baby, but not much hands-on also. Can only hold the doll and follow the actions nia. Then she showed us how to change the diapers, clothes but was a quick one also. Only the swaddle part and fold napkin part she spend a bit longer time.
my right knee is stil swollen, 2wks liao. e swell is gettin bigger n pose difficulties to walk liao. wil be goin to gynae tdy for walk-in consultation cos it might be inflammation (warm n swollen). cold pack aso cant help for me. now e pain stretch to calve area liao. sob...sob..

Hi Lala, I attended the 7pm class.

Bought 1 pack of towel at $9, 1 pack of disposable wash cloth at $3.80 and 1 pack of funnel wrap at $13. The baby cream she use to apply I think is Avent Bottom Bum or something like that, that one costs $17+ which I didn't buy. I didn't catch the part when she say about the baby powder. As for using the wash cloth on bb buttocks, I also not sure lei, maybe can check with her during next lesson.
