(2008/06) June 2008

Thanks felicia and fennie for the confirmation

Perhaps I go buy 1 or 2 pcs, just in case...

I find the watsons one ok hmm.. last time pre-preggy i wear size s already find it too big liao... now actually im still wearing pre-preggy panties too... after delivery, stomach should be smaller so better? :p

Hello Fennie, I also 32 weeks as of yesterday! haha.. think ZuEN, u and me around the same period lei. So exciting... esp. this is my first one. keke... But last Sat got abit of slight depression. Abit worried about life after bb is born and abit lost. But I know I must be strong and stay positive no matter wat!

How was the Cordlife promotion last Sat at Suntec? I signed up at TMC at $300 off +$50 referral = $1050. I also took the yearly plan for now. I don't find the savings very enticing lei so prob will stick to yrly payment.=)

I actually went Suntec on Sat night after my hubby knocks off. Saw lotsa parents with prams n kids in tow. U were right... must b super crowded at the fair.

Roxy>> Woah! TMC FBI seems good lei. Can have a great discount for Cordlife! Keke... if I gg to have a 2nd one, maybe will deliver it at TMC. seems the savings alot. I will go get some packs of disposable panties fm Watsons too. 2 packs of Impressions fm Giant and the rest fm Watsons.=)

Can feel baby movement really getting stronger especially if I lie sideways.
The nurse didn't teach anything on swaddle and napkin. The whole bathing demo was over in like 20min and she had 45min to spare so she asked us if there's anything we want to revise on then she just talked to us and shared with us her experience. Also, not many ppl bought the stuff cos she didn't really explain much what they were for.

Take care ya!
Tera, the 7pm class bought quite a lot, I wanna get 2 pack of disposable wash cloth which can be used for cleaning, wiping and bathing baby, but was sold out ! End up I only get 1 pack, then the funnel wrap is for you to swaddle the baby, can be used as towel or blanket too. The towel also multi purpose la, Mrs Wong didn't explain the usage of the towel, only the funnel wrap and the wash cloth. Both can be machine wash except the disposable wash cloth must be hand wash.
I can't recall who asking for the Star shaped or Flower shaped thermometer from Philips, Mrs Wong said currently no stock and the stock will be coming in about 5 to 6 weeks time. Costs about $40+.
glad that you are feeling better today.is anyone helping you with your confinement?I remembered during the 1st month, after bb was born, i was frustrated, and quarrel with hb, eventhough my mum was staying at my place for that month, i wish hb can also wake up at night, to help sometimes, to change diaper, and sometimes bb cried, and we are at a lost, dont noe what he wants, and partly also because i lost the sleep which i always had when still pregnant, now have to wake up several times in the night for the new bb, have to be mentally prepared, i heard talking to bb, asking bb to be a good bb, and not a cry bb will work.

Now I also wakes up in the night to pee, so maybe its to prepare me

I only get the $300 off, didnt ask for more discount, eventhough i know the boss of cordlife, what a waste!

Actually I was thinking of the 10yrs plan, cos 21yrs is abit too long, and we do not know what is going to happen to this company as it is only abt 7yrs in SG, but still take up the yearly 1 1st.
so PISSED off by my MIL.... wanted so so much to tell her OFF!!!

history-- me n hubby bought a 5rm flat n happily invite his whole family(MIL n 2 SIL) to move in 5 yrs old.
currently-me, hubby n my elder boy sharing 1 rm
younger SIL n maid in 1 rm, MIL n older SIL in 1 rm. All my boy's thgs in my room with toys n e living room.
recently- my girl arriving soon so told hubby to move some of our boy's thgs over to younger SIL room cos if not where is my newborn going to sleep???? 4 of us sharing a room is already very cramp still got all e barang barang.
Hubby told MIL n SIL abt it, guess wat SIL tell him then maid going to sleep where... instead of arranging her thgs n let us put our thgs she thought we going to put on maid's current sleeping place which is at a corner of her room. Yesterday MIL told hubby to put e thgs into e living room!!! wat e hell is this...!!! Just now my MIL came into my room n ask me can put those thgs in her room cos there are spaces!!!! COME ON!!!!!! WAT E HELL IS THIS!!!!!!! I"M SUPER ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOULD I TELL HER OFF!!!!!!!!!! MY SIL's ROOM is my CHILDREN's ROOM okie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW WE are kind enough to let SIL stay there till her wedding which is dont know when........ yet y cant we moved our children's thgs over?????????? I bought a five room flat where my WHOLE FAMILY is squeezing into 1 bedroom with all e baby's stuff & we are PAYING FOR EVERYTHG except food which MIL cooks!!!
I really REGret for not thinking about my future 5 yrs ago... I LOVE MY HUBBY BUT I REGRET MARRYING INTO THIS FAMILY!!!

if my words are too harsh so sorri.... i'm so angry now!! I want to tell her off !!!!!!!!!!!

U know, everytime go out i need to shout at my ger i oso paiseh. Looking at ppl's kid can quietly sat there and eat but my ger will stand on chair or walk around while we eat, i'm so envy for those parent. My ger was not afraid of stranger (as long as she know we are nearby) tats why she dare to walk and run around.

Btw, i'm opposite from you. I'm bit tan whereas my ger is fair. haha.....
I had long hair and always tied up.
mrswrx, thanks gal. looking forward to your update. I'm seeing my doctor only next monday... and not sure if it warrants anything else which can be done cos hb told me there's nothing else I can do apart from ice and heat packs since medication and gels are unsafe... but in pain loh..
all these while watever i'm not happy hubby will stand by my side therefore i've never tell her off directly..... i'm never happy after moving in together except those times i'm in my our room!!!! I seldom talk to my MIL since marrying in e family cos i dont want her words to piss me off n make me talk back to her!!! our relationship in e house is just u dont provoke me i dont provoke u.... u dont care abt my life n dont disturb ur life!!!!! now i just want some space for my children isit WRONG???? I'm good enough tat i never ask my SIL to move out of e room to sleep with MIL then make her room my CHILDRENs' rOOM immediately!!!! like tat u all still not satisfied isit!!!! if i'm going to talk back to her..... i know i will flap up e whole silent relationship between e whole family n I!!!!!!
hi mummies,
I'm from Feb 2008 thread.
I've the following to sell:

(1) Chinese Herbs for bathing (Da Feng Cao/Da Feng Ai) - 29 packets. $0.70 per packet
(2) Medela PureLan 100 nipple cream, 37 grams - $13
(3) Pigeon Milkbag, 20 pcs - $13
(4) Lansinoh Milkbag, 25 pcs - $11

Pls PM me or email to {[email protected]} for fast deal.
Elaine, Wah!! It's really nice of you to let your MIL and 2 SILs to move in to your home leh... what happened to their own home? they sold it and moved in with your hb and you ah? Did they contribute to your present home? Or your hb is paying mostly for your present home is it? What does your hb think about it?

I think if your hb is paying mostly for your present home, there's little you can say lah.. but if you are also contributing financially to the home, then better make your stand. But maybe before you do anything, discuss and find out how your hb feels. cos after all, it's his mom and sisters....

Why you link ur joint pain as arthiritis? Your gynae told you tat?
Coz during my 1st pregnancy i had joint pain oso, but it was due to too much swelling. Sometimes, my finger will jam halfway i'm typing on keyboard. But then all the pain gone after my delivery.
Hi Fennie, these days I also need to pee more in the night. especially before I sleep. Then the little one will be super active as I'm lying to sleep. Dud! So i have to do smtg else till it gets more tired so finally i can sleep. haha... I was just telling my husband the little one is preparing me wor. After it comes out, mummy cannot sleep as and when she likes. haha... but luckily wkend still can take naps so still not too bad. Ok, i will try talking to baby...

I'm actually staying with my in-laws. so my MIL will help me do confinement. I hope there wouldn't be too much conflicts. I really feel suppport by MIL and hubby will be very impt then. *Crossing my fingers*

Alamak, u never get referral B4 signing up. If u tell them i refer u, u can get $50 off... I tot u already got referral liao, so never ask u. But at least signed-up liao, 1 item off ur checklist!

Any of u got buy those pillows for preggy ladies? to help u better with ur sleep at night huh?
i rem tat we stayed quite close...me in blk 339...do u recall?

i empathise with ur situation. although u are married into their family...but this house is owned by u and ur HB...seriously...if theres any conflict, they shld LISTEN to both of you ...

so there's a great difference in they staying in YOUR house rather than THEIR house...get ur HB to talk to them instead?
elaine, can understand your frustation here. However, taking a step back, try to relax first. Don't be so angry, will affect baby one. Just discuss over the issue with your hubby again, I'm sure something can be worked out. It's just not worth to get angry over something like this and end up affect baby.
Xiao Yun,

How come you didnt use the Chinese Herbs?Do they have a expiry date btw?cos my edd only on 15th June, was thinking of buying, did you buy from Fu Hua?

yalor, didnt even know about the referral thing, there was a column to indicate who referred me, then that GM was joking say so its Steven Fang who referred you la, and didnt tell me about the $50 discount, maybe i should call up and ask them.

you need even more support if you plan to bf your bb, and dont let negative words affect you
hi cactus,
5yrs ago.... i nv thk of a room for my own children... really it didnt cross my mind at all...i just thought bigger family my crowded since hubby is e only son so he must look after his mother n since we have 3 bedrm so e arrangement was just nice....
MIL rented her house out now but me n hubby had never taken any money from e rental!! SIL nv contribute anythg to e hse except giving monthly $$ to MIL. I'm currently working but not earning much, hubby is e main person contributing to e family. My hubby is good enough tat he always stand on my side n tell MIL off on thgs i'm not happy, this time round hubby also stand on my side tat some of baby's stuff tat we are not using should go to SIL's rm cos her room is as big as our room n there is plenty of space moreover tat's our children's rm. Hubby already scolded MIL when she mention to put those thgs in e living room!!! MIL very scared of hubby one therefore taking e opportunity tat i'm at home today to ask me whether can put inside her room!!!! SHE IS ALWAYS LIKE TAT, watever she dont dare to tell hubby she come n tell me cos she knows only i can talk round my hubby tat's y i NEVER want to talk to her cos even i'm pissed off by her words i'll try to "REN REN REN" then complaint to hubby.... then by e time hubby come back to talk to her at least he wont scold her cos she didnt tell him across his face.

SO far my relationship with my SILs are alrite cos like wat i say i dont provoke u, u dont provoke me then thgs will be fine..... but wat I"M not happy now is tat they never thought of US(me, hubby n my 2 children) squeeze in one bedroom!!! n they are still thinking of themselves as in why our thgs must put inside their room!!!
Hi felicia, I've not seen my gynae about the pain yet. My hb is a doctor and he specialises in joints. He told me it's arthiritis. And it will only go away after pregnancy....
Hi Mogudog,

I was in the 7pm Mrs Wong class also..
... Abt Mrs wong baby powder.. She dun encourage us to apply powder on baby bottoms, just the cream will do.. But as for baby body, may u can buy organic powder(my personal thinking) as it does not contains TALC....

When is your EDD??

Elaine, your inlaws side are very "guo fen"... Can ask them to move out? They should be automatic lor.. Did they pay for any rental??
hi Mogudog,

hubby is standing at my side to put thgs into my SIL's room n no other places but wat i'm not happy is WHY WHY WHY they still thought those are their ROOMS n we shouldnt be puting OUR THINGS into THIER ROOMs despite we having to sleep with 2 children. IF their rooms are very small or all of them staying in 1 room then i got nothing to say but all e 3 bedrooms are as big. n MOREOVER is ME N HUBBY's HOUSE not MIL's HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could it be insufficient Calcium, tho i knw you dun eat supplements?

Yaloh, the session was so so bored n demo finish within 20 mins. The rest of time was like she trying to talk and buy time till end. During demo, seems more like she's like a child playing wif baby doll then really seriously demo. Cos nw n then keep saying, have i miss out anything and oh ya! Feifei is the one who wanted the Flower thermometer. It's so sweet.
Elaine, honestly speaking, a 5 room HDB flat is just enough for a young couple with 2 kids, and a maid. Perhaps also can take in an eldery person. Your hb is fillial so need to look after your MIL but surely that fillial piety doesn't extend to looking after his unmarried sisters too??
Hi TF, I don't think it's lack of calcium. I drink enough milk and soy milk to make up 1200mg calcium every day. I also eat fruit and get in the sun to help absorb calcium. besides liquids, I definately do get clacium from green leafy vegs and other food like fish on a daily basis. I ton't ihnk it's lack of calcium, cos I have swelling at the joints, my joints are warm and a bit red. THey are stiff and they hurt. classic signs of arthiritis loh...
hi icegal,

Like wat ppl always says...... INVITE EASY!!! SEND AWAY DIFFICULT!!!!! they will never moved out la... unless i really go quarrel with them lor... somemore hubby already stated before our marriage tat he has to look after his mum. Both SILs are working n in their early 30s but they nv contribute to OUR current hse.
emotionally i'm so so angry until my baby inside keeps moving now..... hai~~~~ i just cant swallow my anger in, i dont expect them to move out but just hope they can be more "zi dong" instead of thinking those are they SPACE n is normal that me, hubby n 2 children should be staying in one room with all our things inside.
Looks like u need to PM or email Xiao Yun cos nt sure if she is return to this thread to read.

Its gd to knw least your MIL is afraid of your hubby so subtly trying her luck asking you. This is also very common for one to approach the nt so fierce person n tat's u. Why nt your dun get angry and just take it tat your MIL is just trying her luck to make the first suggestion. Then few hours later, you revert her tat you appreciate her SUGGESTION and after discussion wif your hubby, your hubby still suggests (update your hubby).. or if u really dun wnt to get involve, let your hubby do the talking.
Elaine, Wow so old liao then should maybe move out or wat.. Cause your house seems like 7 adults and 2 kids staying ah?? Its very cramp lor... Mine also worse, me stay in 3 rm flat.. Me and my hubby one rm, and my mil and sil one room.. Cant wait to see sil moving out as she getting married on this year june.. But she mentioned that she will come back and sleep.. *faint*, i intend to put baby wardrobe in my mil room...So got to shift one single bed away.. Currently their room got one queen size and one super single bed.... BUt my mil like dun wan...

I told my hubby no matter what, i will shift to bigger house before my son turns 3yrs old.. Cause i wan him to have his own bed room... I so vexed with my house also.. As hubby name is in the house, we cant apply for new flat at all....

oic.I nvr know is arthritis and my gynae just told me because my finger is swelling and will go away after give birth. So i oso 'bo chap'.

So, do u mean that we had symptom of arthritis? and when we get older we tend to feel it more? Does you hubby told you how we can prevent?

Me also having joints pain at the fingers and wrist. Dunno who from this thread suggested doing the "twinkle twinkle little star" action.

She said our fingers experiencing Water Retention, poor blood circulation. Thats why pain. Try doing that twinkle star movements, I find that it helps abit.

Relax relax, what you said is true, invite early, send away difficult. Have you ever spoken to your hubby and tell him the situation?

Maybe tell your hubby to suggest to his mum to stop renting out the place and ask your SILs to move over?
hi icegal,
my hse got 6 adults n 2 kids.... FIL passed away long ago. At least ur SIL going to marry liao n u can move to a bigger hse few yrs later. For my case this is already my new hse...so unless my SIL get married if not 4 of us still has to squeeze inside our room....

my mum will do the confinement with me.. yeah.. happy happy.. but hubby havent tell mil abt it.. he will call her today.. hope she is open to this,.. haiz..
Felicia, actually I don't know if it is really arthritis.... I want my gynae to confirm it.it's just that my hb is quite certain that it is. My understanding is it doesn't mean that we will feel it more when we grow old. arthritis in pregnancy is caused by hormonal change and is quite common. There's no way to prevent it.

Kelcqi, I can't do twinkle twinkle little star action... too painful.. but the good thing is the pain goes away a bit during the day. the pain is worst in the morning (but that's also a sign of arthiritis).
hi ladies

Anyone experiencing giddy spells during this period?
My goodness, I feel so giddy all the time and its getting more difficult for me to come to work.
Hi Elaine, think can understand as maintaining relationship with PIL takes effort and maintaining relationship with SILs takes even more effort.. but at the age of 30+ sld be more "zhi dong" a bit...

I'm the 'Twinkle twinkle little star' owner lah. hahaha....
When i saw ur post, i was smiling at myself, coz even now though i dont had this joint pain (*touch wood*) but i'm still doing twinkle twinkle star action every nite, coz my #1 insist i sing the song with her.
Elaine, i also agree with Kelcqi to suggest to ask ur SIL to move to ur MIL house. I think ur bedroom will be super-croweded with your #2 coming. It's like a matter of time before ur 2 kids grow up. Maybe ur two SIL can share one room in ur MIL house and rent out the other rooms there lor.

Then ur MIL and the maid can share one room in ur hse. At least can reclaim the children bedroom back.
Hi elaine, your SIL are simply taking advantage of your kindness. Somemore they don't contribute to the household, and now you only want to put things into their rooms which is meant for your children, they can also reject. What I can say is simply they are 'buay zi dong 'or plain selfish. Can your hubby talk to them about this too ?
TF, next week can ask Mrs Wong to demo the swaddle or how to fold the napkin for you girls, I did ask her abt the goodie bag but she said once give finish is finish, no more already. She said she try to bring more this coming Sat if the supplier give, but I doubt will have it loh.
Nt sure hw your hubby relationship wif yr SILs. Maybe ask him to discuss wif 2 Sisters directly and dun get your MIL involved at all. They shd be big enuf to co-operate wif your hubby n have more senses than get the older folk involve in betwn. I'm sure your MIL just dun want to hurt either party cos all are her children, so if your hubby n SIL can settle amicably with the plan stages, will be great. Maybe also to incorporate timeline for them to get married or move out by whichever year in preparation for your kids when older, to avoid future no warnings. Nw is just to put things in room. Tell them u r nt being difficult wif them by chasing them out immediately already. So better start planning b4 another big story down the road.

Actually the book i read on bb care also says swaddle must put the hands inside on chest so that bb feel more secure. as the book i have is written by ang moh so i dun tink it is a chinese saying lah.

I also hold my tummy when i walk sometimes, esp when the bb exert pressure on bottom and bottom feel painful. by holding the tummy with hand i feel easier to walk.


Yesh i have pain at my finger joints. i dunno is it the same problem as yours. if like this, will the pain go away after giving birth?


I have ored taken out all my rings as advised by hb, he told me to take off bec it is causing me more pain.


I went to the lesson few mths ago by is by another instructor. from wat i remember, there is no need for baby powder generally.

my instructor does not recommend any cream for bb buttock. for bathing, i cannot remember to bathe buttock first or back first liao.


Pre-pregnancy i ored wear watson L size or XL size. So now i need maternity disposable types, i cannot wear the normal ones.
Ellysia, what my hb said is if it is arthritis during pregnancy, it's caused by hormones, so after pregnancy, the pain will go away... My fingers themselves are not swollen cos I can wear the rings .. but the joints hurt, are red, and are very stiff and warm...

Felicia, I agree with Ellysia. Swaddling with bb's limbs inside the cloth is more restful for bb (esp at night) cos newborns tend to jerk their limbs uncontrollably esp when they sleep. It's recommended to swaddle bbs tightly for the first couple of weeks. up to 6 weeks, if I read correctly, but I think just use our discretion cos every bb is different lah.

No probm. Actually want to knw where she stay s i dun mind getting fr her. But nt sure if the herb still effective aft so many months n is it the same herb we all talking abt. 28 pkts is alot. I may consider maybe 7 pkts first.
