(2008/06) June 2008

feifei, bizznow, ya loh. Initially I got a shock, but after that I think no one injured lucky liao.

ZuEn, ya loh. Heng man, now then I start to appreciate the belt more

how many pack u bought? one pack got 20pcs rite? did you bought the baby liner? i forgot what brand i saw last nite. one pack baby liner total got 100pcs.
Ellysia, I called the clinic at 12+pm, they ask me go down before 1pm coz today Dr Wong afternoon no see patient. So I rush down. Lucky bb okay, no blood clot or internal bleeding.
felicia, I just came back from her clinic. So far everything ok with bb

muffin, thanks. I do agree taxi drivers sometimes very reckless. Somemore is our car are stopped at the red light, how can the stupid taxi still banged into us. The more I think, the more angry I am.
Sharon, we will claim the taxi insurance. I already took the receipt + hospitalisation leave from gynae to claim against the taxi company.

you can get from watson.. i bought mine from watson for my 1st pregnancy.. but not sure they're still selling or not.. cos that day i never pay attention in searching for maternity disposable panties.. i only grab the normal one and go cashier liao
My little one is 1.5kg at Week 32. Although still small size, at least gynae says she is growing and still ask me to eat more.
Hi ladies!! SO BUSY TODAY!!!

Just have some time to come in look see in the forum.

Mog!! Very good to know u and bb are okay. stupid taxi driver!

Good to hear everything is ok.

Btw, let me share one of my traffic encountered here.It happened about a mth ago, near my house. I was crossing the road when the pedestrian light is in green colour. And out of the sudden a car just dashed pass in front of me. I think the distant is less than 1 metre. I got a shocked and mind went blank for few seconds. Another guy walking beside me oso got a shocked. Luckily i din walk fast else, 'siau' liao.

So, now whenever i'm crossing road even with the green light i still look left and right in case any car jus dashed out.
Glad everythg is fine. Gd, claim the taxi driver. Cant stand their reckless. I kenna one at 20 weeks n yet the driver initially still wnt to deny his fault. Thinking back nw, shd have see doc n claim against him.

where is pretty international?


Hope u are ok.


watson dun have maternity ones. only normal ones.


i got bot baby liner but i also buy 1 box bec' i dun intend to use cloth unless bb got sensitive skin.
mogu, have more rest and glad to hear both bb n u r fine....
think so long bb is healthy, small doesn't mean no good... easier to deliver and can always catch up with the weight later..

heng u manage to grab dr wong. oic she is off this noon. I just send her an email, tink she will reply tmr or monday ba.


What is the branch at AMK? i stay at amk.

I'm ok and it oredy passed. But at tat point, i was quite shocked and then when i'm home, i keep complaining tat reckless driver to my hubby, maybe tats how i 'recover' from my shockness. haha....
this is the add: blk 702 #01-2507 hope it still there as it's stated on the plastic bag.. ;p if it's near u.. maybe u can give it a try.. for me i bought at bugis.. near the temple..

I bot mine from NTUC, XL size suppose for 40" waist but yest i open up, may be squeezy.

so i tink i need to buy maternity types. My buttock a lot of "meat" lah, then thigh ored bloated with water.
TF, wah piang, shld taken his car plate and make a complaint to the taxi company. The taxi driver simply refused to say a single word at the scene of the accident. Because the impact was so great, our car hit the car in front of us, then kerna his bumper a bit. At least got another driver to say it's the taxi's fault if he deny.

I think some departmental stores carrying XXL size also. I don't remember which one but that time I remember seeing it.

Gosh, cannot take out the ring now??? Have you tried it with soap yet? Better take out now than later it start to hurt.

I know some mummies saw open the rings or go for day surgery to drain the water on hand, to take it out cos the water retention is really bad and the finger with the ring hurts... U try to get it out now while u can...
ioio, ya. That's what my gynae says so too. So long as bb is fine, it's alright.

Ellysia, yeah loh, luckily I can still catch her coz I reached only at 1.10pm.
Mine was on ECP from Changi Airport n i slow down to prevent another taxi cuming fr side to hit me. I can even see from the rear mirror that his speed super high, n still dun slow, and i say liao to myself. True enuf, when he hit me, i let go the brake so the car roll forward a little, else impact worst. Someone i have to get dwn to settle wif him at expressway n yet i was trembling fr the shock.

Which street or ave at amk?


yah heng u take our advice and call dr wong early.


yah cannot take out liao. nevermind, let it stay there lor, until really v pain then see how. i really dun like to remove both rings bec they have great significance value.

i hope i can dong another 7 weeks more.
TF, wah piang, then really is the taxi driver fault. Stupid taxi driver also. Yesterday I also got a shock, I think my bb also. So sianz one lei, nowadays the stupid taxi driver, so reckless. I make sure I claim every cent I spent at the clinic back.

Actually my mum been complaining on doing confinement for me.. hope she can manage to do it bec' old folks sometimes dun know wat is promise..promise liao then always change their mind.

i tink if my mum can't do confinement for me, i will try to do on my own with hb help, rather than get MIL. i really dun feel comfy communicating with MIL on such matters.
i think if do confinement on ur own super shiong leh..i've got a fren who did confinement on her own..n it's so shiong to her dat hor she was in depression during dat period of time lor..so better not lah..

babyliner is used if u intend to use cloth diaper for ur newborn cos it can help to prevent baby's poo poo to stick to ur cloth diaper. I used to throw away whenever i change e cloth diaper for baby regardless of poo poo or urine but in e end i try to use again if baby only urine n not poo.

if u intend to total bf n use cloth diaper only then i thk 30pcs is just enough for 1.5days usage cos baby tends to poo many times if they r on total bf, n everytime they urine we also got to change them but cloth diaper tend to dry very very fast so u just need to wash every morn when u wake up n at nite b4 u go sleep then i think should be enough.
i intend to totally bf is possible lah..cos more $$ saving mah..hehe..but if cannot then also bo bian..
dont try to do own confinement, is going to be a bad choice. During my #1,I did my own confinement for 2 weeks only and i suffered for it.
Is not easy and is going to affect ur health as well.
Ellysia, better not do confinement esp if this is your #1 kid. Cos you may not be able to cope, even with hb's help. Unless you and/or your hb have some experience with baby care. Also, after delivery, esp if it is a difficult delivery, you may suffer from post natal blues and will need alot of support. If you really plan to not to get help for confinement, it may a good idea to ask your hb to take leave for the period of your confinement, to help you during the day with the bb.

I get what you mean. I also feel very weird not wearing my wedding band. But to me, I rather force it out than later having to saw it, I'll feel very heartpain.


It's really gonna be very siong if you do confinement alone. How abt ordering confinement food tingkat and hiring a part time cleaner to help out?

Yah i will try to persuade my mum lah.

she has the habit when she is frustrated or she quarrel with me, she will throw temper and say she dun want to help me liao etc.

last time when for my customary we also argue argue one. used to it liao. but i tot i tink of someting as back up le.
Ellysia, what about just not relying on your mom altogether? Just get outside help like ordering confinement food?As for part time maid, I dun know. cos I think part time maid just clean the house and do the laundry... (which your hb can help you after work).

To me, during confinement period, most important is to have someone experienced in baby care help me and teach me how to care for bb cos honestly, no matter what we learn from classes and books, cannot prepare us totally for dealing with our own bb esp when they vomit/choke on milk, bath times, cry and cannot seem to stop. If we are left alone at home, we may feel very very helpless whenver these things happen.
try the ones at Giant, really super big size,i also very fleshy, big butt, and need big ones, the XXL is like maternity ones, somemore, there is samples for you to gauge the size b4 you buy
Y nt ask yr mum how willing is she in doing the confinement in 1st place. And also tell her u scared if she change her mood, u r the one suffer under her promise. See wat she say. At least if later she really change mood, she remember your words to her.
Was advice tat even if we are so free n no pain, we still have to lie on bed and nt move around to much. So pls dun do yr own hsehold matters during confinement. Else next time suffer person is ourselves
Ellysia, if your mom don't want to do confinement for you, my suggestion is don't force her to do it cos you don't want her to next time in the future point her finger at you and say she xin xin ku ku look after your son who doesn't even bear your dad's surname. you never know what our moms can say when they are anger loh. It will be a blow to your hb's ego also. It's better to get your hb to take leave to help you with the bb, esp if your MIL is not int he position to help out, but I feel you shouldn't be left alone with the bb during the day and night. should have someone, preferably experienced to help out with the bb, if not then your hb.
ask ur mum at least help u cook lor...for my case during my 1st confinement i ask my mum to come over my place during e day to cook for me although i'm staying with my MIL cos e food tat MIL cooks dont suit my taste..heehee then my mum sometimes help me to bath e baby other than tat i do my own washing of baby's stuff using e washing machine n hubby do help with e hanging. i remember tat time my boy cant latch on my breast at all cos of short nipple so i got to pump out e milk n feed him. although is more tendious but at least i manage to pull through until my boy turns 1 month old then he manage to latch on my breast..... Wat i feel is tat at least u get someone u like to accompany u during e first 1 month whether how much e person can help doesnt really matter cos she already can give u e mental n moral support unlike having someone who will only pour COLD water on u tat will make us feel more stress up.....
tis time round my mum will also be coming to cook for me at e same time i have a maid who can look after my boy so i hope life will be better....

Hmm.. if need to do c-sect hor, lets say emergency c-sect, we need to remove the rings right?

Then if the ring stuck then jiat lat..

Btw, do the swell reduce after giving birth? if so i ren since its only 7 weeks more to EDD?
dont worry too much.... taking care of a baby is not really so so difficult, try to enjoy those special moments if need any help/enquiry can always log in here n we will share our experiences.... actually looking after a newborn is much easier than looking after a toddler cos newborns tend to sleep most of e time.


I think is not good for ur blood circulation oso if your ring is too tight on ur finger leh. Is better to out now while still can.
I remember the swelling will take times to reduce oso.
