(2008/06) June 2008


U r not alone. Yesterday i was standing right near the train door and facing all the seats place. The first seat was a lady in her early 40 kua, was so 'engrossed' in reading her book and dare not take up her head. Then next to her is a Bangladesh(maybe) guy, take a look at me and continue chatting with his standing friend. The 3rd seat is a indian lady, keep trying to peek at me, dont dare to do it directly.
In the end i can only wait ppl to go down at CCK only i'm able to get the seat. And the 1st lady actually go down at CCK and is only 3 stations away from JE, but she dont even offer me the seat. Anyhow, i had been expecting this since this is not teh 1st time.

oh... wat u said sounds so familar...
i went thru exactly the same thing. at 1st, my mil insisted i go over to her place for confinement. but i told my hubby a straight no and there will be no grounds for reconsideration.

(1), i hv an elder boy. if i stay at her place, i will not get to see him often, and i do not wan him to feel neglected or create jealousy for the sibling.
(2) i hv to move sooo many things over to her place just for a period of one mth (my clothes and daily stuff, and baby's as well).
(3) i'm the ONE giving birth and not her, so she shld convenient me, and why shld it be the other way around?

let ur hubby know how u feel and convey them to her. worse comes to worse, u can engage a confinement lady, though at this point, it may be tough to find a good one already.
bizz and felicia.. ha.. at least i noe i am not alone... kind of sad tt pp believe in tis way.. think i hv to really teach the little ones since young on these moral values...
felicia and ioio...
i was standing in front of a married couple who was sitting down today. they were so-called sleeping. they did open their eyes once in a while to tok to each other or talk on the hp... and i'm sure they saw me. but neither of them gave up their seats for me. wait till one day the wife gets preg, i hope she suffers. anyway, wat i usu do in such cases is when i squeeze thru to get down the train, i purposely step on their shoes and i dun even bother to say sori... and guess wat... i step on the husband's shoe this morning when getting down, and he can continue to sleep with a 70kg foot on his shoe.
I am still wearning some of the Spring dresses I bought so I believe u should have no problem getting something from there.
However, some of the Spring tops are getting too tight for me. In fact, it's the Perfect Mum clothes which have lasted me till today.
My MIL is also doing confinement for me...she also insisted to do it @ her place...her rationale: she has to cook dinner for whole family...so i reckon its easier for me to shift over...my place has bare min essentials for cooking...

it's better this way...cos i dun want their whole family to come over my place every night and mess everything up...heh
soyabean, u r so funny! hahaha....
i was laughing when i saw u wrote ' he can continue to sleep with a 70kg foot on his shoe'. muahaha......
dont be too upset, there are all kinds of ppl, and i believe , if ladies, maybe they are not married or not a mummy yet, so she will nvr understand or let you have her seat, if men, they can nvr understand, unless their wife is pregnant or pregnant b4. just to cheer you up, there are also very nice ppl ard, i was in mrt once lately, and a young couple actually "reserve" the seat and ask me to sit down, when someone near them got up the seat
i get used to it liao....have to stand fr admiralty to yiochukang, then can get a seat after the poly students got down....sometimes have to stand till cthall.
U mean my piles? yest I went poo poo, tink got 2piles came out, so me cannot sit lor, hv to lie down...today still abit pain..

True hor, hmm..initinally i was tinking of asking my MIL to feed bb with EBM at nite...

cool down ger, me also will get upset de..and angry..hee

ya lor, constipation..been having constipation even b4 preggi..but now everyday i will go toilet but scare piles come out..

wats the duphalac?my gynae gave me those like fibregel type of fibre drink only wor...
is your hb a very light sleeper?cos my hb didnt wake up at all for my 1st confinement, he said my mom was there, so no need to wake up, bb sleep with us at that time, it maybe quite "siong" for you, if bb sleep in another room, if you intend to bf, its better for bb to sleep with you, easier that way

I am the opposite, the tops i got from perfect mum can't last liao, those i get from spring still ok. I tink it is bec' i bot from perfect mum when i am 3-4mths preggy that time, so is an early stage and i dun forsee i will become this big.


Wah u so li hai can step on their feet.. me scare of fall down won't dare to do tat.

this morn on train someone give up her seat to me, heng.

I didn't tell my gynae abt my constipation problem, and she didn't recommend any drink i can take too.

U mean u got 2 piles now? is it big after u go toilet?

I tink if the pile can grow too big to create obstacle to yr big biz.. then it can be quite serious.
my gynae says fybogel type is not strong enough. duphalac is a concentrated liquid form of laxative.

felicia and ioio...
haha... i know i'm very evil... but i reali cant stand pple who obviously know i am there but dun give up their seats. i usu dun blame pple who are reading or sleeping when i board cos i know they reali do not know i am there.

i always make sure i am holding onto a rail or something b4 i step... haha...
tks mummies for sharing all ur experience on buses n train ;p

fei fei.. think go toilet when u got the feel n dont sit for too long trying hard to squeeze the toothpaste..

ellysia, i am on prenatal vits n extra dosage of iron.. so when my sees my gynae, he will always ask.. can poo poo or not? how many times? what colour.. ha ha...

i am not sure vitagens or milk works for ur gers but it works for me at times... esp i am a little lactose sensitive..

I see, iron tablets is likely to cause constipation.

i am lactose sensitive but milk now dun work for me, wat it will do is to cause gases in my tummy tats all. Now chilli or watever also dun work for me liao. Only vegs work.
What an evening for me yesterday.

We got into an accident while on our way home. A taxi banged into us from behind and the impact caused our car to bang into the car in front of us.

It happened when our cars were stopped for red light lei, donno how come the taxi still can banged into us. Luckily I was belted up but could feel the impact, was a bit painful during the collison. Luckily baby still moving last night.

I so angry with the taxi driver, he refused to say anything after the accident happened. My hubby took photos and take down particulars, our car quite badly damaged and now is in the garage for repair. Arghhh .... takes about 1 week. Stupid taxi driver !!!

Moral of story : I was consider lucky to have belt up coz sometimes I will forget to belt :p
ya lor, i still duno how yet..maybe will try out 1 or 2 days lor

But one of my fren told me, 1st 2 wks, we try to sleep through e nite cos need to let our body rest lor..best not to wake up in the nite to do feeding...

tink my piles can be big at times wor, sometimes small ones,..hiaz..tink will let my gynae know next wk..cos bery disturbing lor..Told my hb yest i wan to get rid of them as soon as my ML ends..hee

Oic..maybe next appt I ask whether she can give me that...But hor, after drinking that, hv laxative effects?
but wont u feel gao wey, uneasy, uncomfy over at mil plc? for my mil plc.. its a 4rm flat (fil, mil, 2 bros) during 1 mth confinement would haf myself, hubby, bb and maid.. 8 of us inside the hse.. without any aircon, internet access, scv, dvd player.. hw to survive when i cant go out.. hubby go to work.. no internet to surf.. post in forum.. chat in msn.. her reasons given are - her plc more convenient for her to get things.. (bishan junction 8 has everything).. she working parttime and relunctant to take leave for that whole mth.. (10mins walk workplce to home)..

same tot here.. i told my hubby already.. i asked him to tell his mum i feel more comfy to haf confinement at home.. if she finds it troublesome i will get my mum help.. worse come to worse train the maid and ask her cook for me..

I dun like to belt up but recently i also belt up cos due to the recent accident too.

Do you want to let dr wong check on u?


I see.. for me if dun go toilet i can forget abt the piles..
last week even when i have normal bowels, the piles still cause pain then i apply medicine, later i can't sit straight until 20min when it become smaller.
no laxative effect... but passing stools was much smoother. and hv to take everyday one... and it may take a couple of days b4 u see effect.

frankly... do as wat u wan... cos u will be the one going thru the post-natal blues, and to me, it wldnt help if i'm doing confinement in a place where i am not comfy in. we women will go thru alot of emotions adjustments after giving birth.

Yr MIL is doing confinement for u?


My mum said 1st mth try not to rest as much as possible.

If u sleep with yr bb, u need to check on yr bb often even when not feeding?

Cos my mum said when bb is in 1st mth, need to check often on bb even when bb is not crying.

think in wk 34 can drink coconut drinks liao
.. my first preg. also i started in wk 34.. then in wk 39 i gave birth my elder girl
So this time, the same too. I start drinking it again.

if you wanna BF your bb hor.. better bb sleeps with you, is easier for night bfing. just will be a bit "xiong" cos night time you need to wake up.

Confinement lady & Bfing
I only ask a CL for 2 weeks nia. Cos i dun have good experience for my 1st pregnancy with confinement lady. So, this time, i only get a CL for 2 weeks.. if she's not good, just 2 weeks, i still can "ren"..
then i'll req. her to sleep with me. My hb and my elder girl will sleep in next room. At night, if bb wanna milk, i'll feed her, but if bb poo poo or wee wee, she needs to wake up. At least, i just wake up and concentrate in Bfing!
and oh feifei...
dun need to ask gynae for it... cos it can be bgt off the shelves... guardian having promo for it now oso... $10.30 per bottle. if u get from gynae, it may be more ex.

my fingers today ok le.. hehee.. mayb yesterday i complainted to you all,so today my fingers "sayang" me a bit.. no pain or numb
aprilmummy.... u sleep with ur confronmtment lady ah? i still can't decided whether to let bb sleep with her or sleep with us... but i think i will still prefer to sleep with husband as not used to sleep with stranger..;p
Luckily u belt up and bb's ok.
Yah, it is good to belt up, tho' I usu dun when I take cab but in hubby's car, I will. Need to make it a habit from now.
Tera, yah. Coz initially I didn't belt up, oni after he drives for 10 mins then I suddenly remember to belt up, and the accident happened less than 5 mins after I belted up.
same here, i am still working out the arrangement cos not sure if bb will sleep with us or with CL. i'm guessing prob with me in my room cos i need to BF?
ya lor, so i always bery scare if in office, aft poo, cannot sit down...now at home not so bad, can lie down lor..

Massage ur fingers, it reall yhelps..
cos my mil will be sleeping with bb in another room lor..

i see...but if dun take, poo poo will becomes soft?tks for the lobang =D

lucky both u and bb is okie =D..
got! my MIL is like yurs lor....very similiar until i kenna slight pre-natal depression...but stand my ground. she wans me to move over her place which is like a few blks away from my for "HER CONVENIENCE" (quoted in her own words). i was real pissed off cos like soyabean, we r the ones giving birth NOT them, y for THEIR convenience when it shd be for OURS? now toking abt it still makes me mad! moreover, she refuses to let hb n me hire CL using our own $, says we spendthrift! DAMN!!! so now, my confinement i do my own wif hb's help cos my MIL's idea of confinement since i dun wan to move over n stay at her place is (again quoted in her own words): -
not to stay with me to help jagan my bb gal. She will just be rushing to my house with the cooked food, rushed to bathe my gal whether anot she be sleeping, wash my bb gal's clothes and rushed home to look after her 2 other precious grandsons (from her own daughter) who are already now 8yrs old & 6 yrs old respectively. not to mention tat as if the maid back at her place cant look after cos my FIL is at home as well. ARGGGGGG.....
i guess if your piles really very bad, can go for op to remove right? but maybe after preg, they will go away?
u must rem to bring swimming float to hosp hor.

i am also having piles now, almost after every time i go to the toilet but it is still bearable, a bit uncomfortable at times but it does go away sometimes.

my first preg. bb slept with CL.. ended up, she always feed my girl with milk powder and never wake me up to feed my girl also. My friend said 1st month is very important if wanna success in bfing... must feed during night time. Cos night feeding will stimulate next day milk supply. That's why i plan to sleep with CL. Anyway, just 2 weeks
ok lah.. not too long and not too short period.
oh dear, do remember to monitor yur bb's movements n if possible, visit for gynae for a check lar...assurances lor...tat's the reason y i hate to drive in front or behind taxi drivers if possible. they r real reckless....
hi aprilmum,

we r having e same problem on where/who to look after our older child when we r in hospital e 3days 2 nites..... i also never let my boy sleep without me by his side since he is born so now i'm also worried tat maid cant handle him in e middle of e nite when he is looking for me. Just like u, my maid is e main caregiver when i go to work in e day n she can handle my boy very well with my MIL supervising e maid but my MIL also cant help in taking care of my boy. I still have 2 SIL staying with me. Recently me n hubby start going out at nite n let maid put my boy to sleep in our room but we will get back home ard 12-1am n take over from e maid, but to let my boy sleep with e maid throughout e whole nite I really "bu she de" but I think during my stay in hospital I really got no choice but ask maid to sleep in my room for 2 nites cos hubby will be staying in e hospital with me, i cant have my boy in e hospital with me as he is super sticky to me when i'm ard so it is not easy for me to carry him especially when e "V" part still very pain. Hopefully e 2 nites he will be alright n can sleep throughout e nite without me.
Hi everybody here,yday went for my blood test for the sugar level haven get my results yet nw i so sacre....i am in 32 wks 3 days my baby is 2.1 kg liao..Gynae sae baby is average..myself overweight again..mi nw 88kg ..jailat....
ya more or less will feel uncomfortable..but cos her place only MIL and FIL...somemore FIL works in the day only come back in the nite so quite ok lah...my HB will take leave to acc me for confinement...so anything i can still ask HB to support.. heh
april mum... my CL tt time says she may gives bb EBM at nite when i am sleeping.. think shall c how ba.. as i oso hope to hv bb beside me.. ;p

muffin.. i am a coconut lover, i drink it as and when i like it.. even at 1st n 2nd tri..;p but normally i only take young coconut n eat the flesh together.. it's ok for me but if u cant take "liang" food.. think not more than twice a week...

call her lor. If i am not wrong tat time when i fall down i also email her to ask her for advice.

ioio and aprilmum and feifei,

I intend to nap during the day so hopefully night time not so siong.

actually if u are sleeping in the day, u may not be so tired if u need to walk to another room for bf during the night.
Is that the only breathing exercise? Deep breathing?

34weeks liao.. So fast..

I think you might not be able to remove the piles after delivery wor. Cos might interfere with BFg? I just went to the dentist 2 weeks ago and he commented that I have to remove my wisdom tooth but have to wait cos painkiller cannot take now and will be passed on to bb thru' BM.

I am doing confinement at my mum's place. My mum will be bb's main caregiver in the future. My mum is living with my bro's family and needs to help out with his 2 kids, so cant come over to my place. I actually felt abit awkward to have to intrude on their space, but want to make things easier for my mum.

Heng ah. You & bb fine is the most important. My hb is a hell driver. I always warned him to drive carefully. Even though belted up, major accident/ impact will still hurt bb (& me too lah).
