(2008/06) June 2008

Hi Ellysia, it's normal that our tummies get hard after food. it's probably caused by the intestines and stomach. now our intestines are pushed upwards and after a meal, our stomach and they are filled with food and water so full. but I don't experience any indigestion though.

haha, you are so funny but i kind of understand what you mean. i also usu weigh myself in the morning, after i have gone to the bathroom and before breakfast. hoping that i will be lighter, hehe.
haha..yah..dat's wat i do..mine is the digital type..so quite accurate 1..hehe..
i experienced indigestion in my 1st trimester..now dun hv liao lor..the feeling very uncomfortable 1..i hate it..
yes. i'm now cant take so much food due to my stomach will gets hard and feeling uncomfortable while sit in the office.
now my back pain and abdominal cramp feeling like contraction quite often now....cannot tahan leh....when bb move the pain also came
Think better go gynae and check it out, esp when there's contractions. Is the whole stomach cramping? I was asked that qn yest when I called my gynae. If it's whole stomach cramping, best to go see gynae.
i think i got too much fats lah..i cant feel my baby kicking leh.. i asked the gynae..dat's wat he said to me..haha..he said when the baby grow bigger i shld be able to feel it..wah lau..now i envy u all leh..
when's ur due date? u want to give me your details to update on the chart (EDD, Age, Area Staying, BB#, Gynae, Hosp, BB's gender and wt). Maybe your bb movements still subtle lah. You prob can feel it most while lying down or sitting down. Maybe can try see if can feel something tonite?
Mine wasn't the whole stomach cramping, just the area above the belly button. So the doc told me it's most likely caused by gastric and also cos uterus is expanding.

But I recall that iamsnow had contractions 2 days ago and she said hers was caused by over-exertion. I think her case sounded similar to yours so don't worry too much.

If you happen to read this, please advise Danryan and correct me if I am wrong.
in dat case i not so worried....i've been reading abt these matters at babycenter website just now but too many answer....

my is at below my belly button area....felt like wind comes and go since yesterday nite so uncomfortable to sleep.....back also pain. My sick still not ok when coughing tummy also pain

thanks tera
ok..i give u the details..hehe..

EDD: 23 - 25th June 2008
Age: 29+
Area Staying: Tampines
BB#: 1st child
Gynae: DR KC Yeo
Hosp: TMC
BB's Gender: Boy
Wt: 600+ grams

Hahaha..2nite will reach home late leh..cos going wedding dinner.. but i try n see if i can sense anything over the wkend anot..hehe..

For me i dun have the problem of gaining weight before pregnancy cos usu i burn the food quite fast. So i am not v use to controlling my weight after getting preggy.

eh morning weight is lighter leh. hee, i tink i also will measure in morning too.

As you're 1st time mum, maybe tats why you hvnt be able to feel bb movement yet. Maybe another few weeks later you can start to sense it. Dont worry!
haha, yah give it a try over weekend. btw, bb weighs 600+g at which week?

no worries. yours could also be a case of indigestion. but just monitor and if still dun feel v well tmr, best to go see a doc ok?

I have indigestion in 1st trim and it seems like its coming back recently. So my food diet portion also drop liao. Back to my 1st trim more small meals plan lor.


If yr pain persist despite resting, go see yr gynae soon. At least give him/her a call to ask whether need to go down or not.

I have a colleague who dun feel bb movements much even up to 3rd trim.. also suspect reason is bec' fats too much leh.
Hey Bizznow,

U and I have lots in common!!

EDD: 22 June 2008
Age: 29 (turning in 2008)
Area Staying: Tampines
BB#: 1st child
BB's Gender: Boy

So cool hor!!
ooh..bb 600+ grams @ 22nd week..hehe..

ok..ok..i not worried lah..juz curious mah..cos all of u can feel..n i cant..hehe

yah lor..i think dat cld be the reason lah..cos fats too much liao..the wall too thick..cant feel anything..hehe..
hey cactus_79,

yah..so similar..but i older than u leh..me turning 30 this yr liao lor..but when i give birth dat time still hvnt pass bday..so still consider as 29 lor..hehe.. which part of tampines u staying in?? i stayin in st 22..behind the trinity church..
Hi bizznow, my parents stay at St 21. opposite Gong Shang primary. I used to stay at St 22 (Blk 232)!! I'll be moving back with my parents permenantly in Oct cos need them to help out with the bb.
I'm also going to be 29 years old at EDD so we're the same!!
wow...bb so heavy n healthy...mine was 410gm @ 21wk only.

thanks a lot
anyway my next check up is on 29feb....will let my gynea know abt dat

i am going to b a yr older 2moro hahahhaha...
hi cactus_79,
ooh..so near ah..my in-laws staying in st 23..i staying in st 22 @ blk 277..hehe..then which blk u staying now??
haha..cos i big size mah..although cant really see my tummy..ppl think i fat..not pregnant.. faintz..hehe..but dat's wat the gynae told me lah..i also dunno if it's correct anot..hehe..cos when i went to do my detailed scan on 20th week..baby only 338grams leh..hehe... happy bday to u in advance ah..so how old liao??hehe..
Hi bizznow, hb and I don't have a place of our own yet. still looking for our nest. had our customary wedding Sept 07. at the moment, staying weekends at my parents' place, weekdays at my IL's place.
My tummy also feel abit hard lor...soemtimes like soemthing hard pressin gon my lor..

oh dear...duno how come like that hor..

ask u hor, cos u are like our "doctor" here...hehe...Now our bb growing bigger, where is all our organs placed then? is it behind e womb?
hi cactus_79, ooh..like dat very mah fan rite..shift here shift there..my customary was in Jan 07..initially stayed wif my in-laws in a 3 room flat..but after dat we managed to get a resale in blk 277..so shift in in July 07..hehe..which area u looking @?? stay in tampines lah..gd leh..hehe.. i like although last time i stayed in boon lay wif my parents..

hi danryan,
no paisay lah..hehe..big or small also juz a number mah..wat matters is u r still young @ heart wat.. hehe..
HI Dan,

Happy bday to u!


I guess the intestines are being pushed up instead of behind.

My tummy is ored pressing on my breast area liao.
hi feifei, I don't know where our organs are now leh. but our intestines are now pushed upwards. Definately not behind the womb.

bizznow, it's not really mah fan to shift here and there cos we have spare rooms at both our parents' place - 2 beds, 2 cabinets, 2 computers, 2 of everything. our clothes also 2 sets. it's not too troublesome. After work on Friday, we go to my parents' place. After work on Monday, we go to my ILs' place. Both our parents stay in 5 room flat so there's space for us.

Hb and I are looking at Simei/Tanan Merah area.Nearer to my parents since they will be the main caregivers. Probably private ppty. If cannot afford, then will probably buy Tampines, Simei or Pasir Ris flat. Looking for something within walking distance from MRT cos presently my parentts' place is walkable, not my IL's place, and we prefer that convenience for our children in the future cos dun plan to be their driver forever. :p
me too. sometimes after meals then my stomach directly press up to my breast liao... and while my belly button will sensitive pain too..

My belly button also senstive to touch. If knock it too hard will pain.

Yours protrude out?

When i go back and undress, i feel like my breast sagging due to weight.
My tummy also lor, so feel abit sinku if lie on my back..hiaz..

Happy Birthday to you too! =D

if intestines pushed up, then duno wheres e rest lor..curious..hehe
yes, my belly button already fully protrude. its looks funny and cute.. some of my colleague even want to touch it. but i refuse to let them touch that area cos sensitive..
but i did let them touch my stomach...

Most likely being squashed.


Mine also fully protrude. If i wear light material can see my belly button. Colleagues also make fun.

My bro also want to touch belly button then i stop him cos feel sensitive and sometimes painful also.
Some of my colls also like to touch my tummy, hehe. My hubby loves to touch my belly button cos he finds it v cute!
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes..

since i pregnant my hubby not so loving leh....only ask me how bb....aiyah don't bother lah....anyway i sleep with my 2 boys every nite...

yup my belly button also fully expand n like want to come off...my 2nd son like to touch
wah..so cute..my belly button still normal looking lor..not protruding @ all..n my abdomen n stommach like literally separate into half like dat.. the buldging starts at the stomach area..then subside where the waist n belly button is..then buldging a bit again at the abdomen..so funny man..
ya lor.. my hb also like to make fun of my belly button.. don understand why he like it so much.. he can even press in out! he say very soft... faint

Mine also. Until i told him painful then he stop doing it liao. Pengz.

Btw, i heard that carrying bb boys tend to have belly button protrude out. Dunno true or not.
that's what my grandma said too. my hb told me belly button protrudes out cos of pressure inside due to growing uterus. maybe cos boys tend to be bigger than gals? I"m trying to see some sense in both what hb and grandma said to me.. haha

hb also says my belly button very cute. tries to touch it too.
I think it looks quite ulgy though cos it is not protruding from one side.. not the whole thing popping out. I realise if I drink alot of water, it pops out more too.

I tink i know why. Cos boys tend to make the tummy look more protruding than rounded. Whereas gals will make tummy more rounded. As tummy protrude out more, belly button also protrude out.

yours may protude out fully in later stage. Mine also half protrude initally then now fully protrude liao.
huhuhu, my belly button is e protruding type even b4 pregy, now more obvious onli. but i expecting minnie wo... so e myth is not true.. tats y b4 we announce bb is minnie, most ppl thot its a boyboy. but my case proves e old folks wrong. oooops..

orh.. you also heard that? all my friends told me belly button protrude out mostly is boy boy... but i told them mine is confirm gal gal leh.. then my gynae said i'm skinny that why my stomach no more space for expand more so belly button will pop out..
