(2008/06) June 2008

Tera, Connie,

Now i understand why old folks kept asking us to give birth while young.. sigh.. really old le. no wonder many stop at 1. now fully understand le. hehe. energy drained...

does your kiddos know how to jump?! my boy still cant lift himself off the ground leh. always tell him to jump..but then i see his legs still stay rooted to the floor loh. haha

My boy will dance by marching his legs on the same position. tink he learn frm CC.

Last weekend he learn to call me mummy to ask for my help. Last time he will only call on random or no reason. i tink he learning to call me for better purpose hee.

During an outing around CNY with frens, i was toking to a fren and he will touch me and call for attention & smile at me when i look at him.

My boy also like to play peek a boo with blanket and he like to hide under, then we go hide around the house and he will look for us. Hide & seek basically.
I go back n try himo n the jump. nvr ask him to jump before.

Yours still know how to play peek a boo. I hide and if he can't find, will sit there n cry. Sometimes, I hide and the dog come looking for me, so he can easily spot me since the dog is standing infront of me.

Frisco cream cerel
Anyone give their child? I tried for a few can and he was down with cough n phegm a few times. Now I stop, no more issue. Not sure is due to frisco or coincident.
Morning ladies..

taklignm abt jump, i see charlotte jump so funny, like a little elephant lifting off e ground but she bery happy to be able to jump..faitnz..Yest she was trying to jump frm the sofa to e ground, i saw it and told her cannot but she still try to do it. I smack her tigh, then she told me "NO!", then beat my hand. I told her cannot beat mummy becos u are in the wrong, then I beat her hand. She use her hand and sayang her own head, i guess it means she wants me to sayang her back cos I smack her..then she came and hug me...faintz... Sign of terrible 2 lor.

I also minimise to give yakult cos its bery sweet and char can finish 1 bottle bery bery fast lor...

This friso cream is it a cereal?

Anyway, anyone staying in Sk wants to take over a box of Nestle Gold cereal? Please PM me ya..
hehe... now entering terrible 2 stage leh...Wow, nice name leh...Having a #2 is not easy hor, alot of finances and help needed hor..
yes, must pay for the yakult. i also subscribe cos i scared my boy will be gian when he see others drinking, haha. it's $30.60 for 3 months. for the days that he's not drinking, the teacher will pass the tube of yakult to me at the end of the week.

i dun think my boy can jump yet. he's always very amused when he sees ppl jump tho'.

hey, char starting cc in 2 days' time!
yes, frico cream cereal. The orange can.

The teacher nvr ask me. Maybe I go ask them today, not sure are there any pg taking.

Yesterday, when I fetch my son, I saw a boy pulling his leg and not willing to let go. The teacher say that boy go water my son mattress so the booster and bedsheet all wet. But that boy look v quiet lor. Not sure they are frien or enermy. haiz
<font color="aa00aa">Crystal,
I really have problem in pronuncing ur #2's name leh. U r really good in giving unique name.
Btw, why now din see on Thurs? I always try to see if u r around. haha....

My ger also like to hide in the play tent and let my MIL looking for her high and low. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Btw, anyone interested in aigo digital photo frame? Brand new. Is a 17" TFT color LCD.
I'm going to post in WTS thread. If any mummies here interested, PM me, k? </font>
Ya lor...Realised her bag might be too small to put all the stuffs..hehe...then still hv her chouchou also lor..

oic..i let char ate before when she was about 6mths old wor..now no more leh..

<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
Yes, agreed, lots of planning around finances and resources with an additional kid, so will close shop after tis liao…

Felicia ger,
U teasing me huh?

Genevieve is a French name while Gwendolyn is Welsh. Can call GG for short for the two of them lar… :p
Cos nothing much to get from mkt or basically too lazy to walk over, so haven’t really been popping over on thurs.
Perhaps next thurs? &amp; I be keeping a lookout for you too…miss seeing YuJie &amp; her cheerful smile.</font>

I only hide in the 2 other bedrooms, so he dun have to hunt too long to find me. Also if he search too long he will give up and be distracted. But sometimes he has so much fun tat he keep asking me to do it again.. so tiring!


I previously bot a cute school bag then later realise can't pack in all the stuff, haa end up bot a bigger version. I bot the chuggington bag, my boy fav cartoon.
<font color="aa00aa">crystal, not teasing u lah. U really
very creative in looking for name lor. Last time i also wanna find an english name for my #1, but in the end give up, coz couldnt find unique one lor. Shld know u earlier, then can ask u for some idea.
too late now, close shop liao.!</font>
u there? can i ask u about hou ning powder? how much do we need to give to our kiddos? Is 1 tube enough? Also, can mix with milk and give?
<font color="aa00aa">Tera,

so sorry just saw ur post. Not sure if u found the answer or not. Anyhow, i remember the last round YuJie taking the hou ning is one tube each day and continuosly taking for 6 days.
Can mix with milk but wud be more effective if they can just take w/o mix with oth food lor.
I use syringe to feed my ger. Dont mix with too much water. One shot in! hehe...
But why u r asking?What happen to Lucas? </font>
Is hou ning meant for cough?

So cute, he can enjoy. Mine, I don think so. Now everyday after CC will cry at home. Not sure y. A little bit also cry as he gg to tear down the house. haiz. Wonder when can stop.

Crystal, Felicia,
You close stop at how many?
Morning ladies..

that time char coughing away with phelgm, i went eys told e person there, they recommend me another type of med call e chen pi mo suitable for cold cough and its cheaper than hou ning lor...Hou ning stronger leh..maybe u wan to go eys and ask the person for advice?

The last time when yu zhe have cough, i bought the tonic soup for cough from ZTP. Then brew for around 1 week to reduce the phelgm. The soup is sweet so he like it.

Recently i giving him cordycep powder from ZTP in capsule form. Hopefully can build up his immunity.

Btw my colleague says her kid refuse to take Hou ning bec' its bitter. Maybe u want to try the tonic soup instead, its cheaper at $3 per packet.


How big is yr CC class?

I tink bec my boy is the only kid at home and he is v used to 1:1 attention, its easier for him to adapt to a small class. I oso told the teacher he need longer time to learn to mix around bec' he is so used to 1:1 attention and he doesn't know how to socialise with his peers. Teacher feedback tat he is improving but i tink he still longer time to be able to 'perform' same standards as his classmates. Cos some of his classmates are in the same school since infant care so they r 'well trained'.

Like for example one of his classmate after go toilet will take the tissue and clean, then throw in rubbish bin. When teacher call him to carry his bag, he will carry his bag. Ask him to stack the toys, he will stack it nicely. Though i oso see him throw tantrum when he doesn't want to eat lunch. Then other classmates can follow instructions better, and they will gather and concentrate on activities.

My boy likes to wander around, distracted and will sweep toys around, whack books etc. After 2 months at CC, i tink he is better in sense he doesn't sweep the toys or whack the book in class. But still not so good at concentrating on activities.

Tis morn dunno why, he cling to me and want to be carried when i drop him at CC. Then he look at me like 'bu se de' when teacher put him on bumbo seat. So i give him a kiss and he seems happier.
<font color="aa00aa">Connie,
Yes, hou ning is for cough and phelgm. But as for my ger i dont think this hou ning works miracle on her. But do heard the effectiveness on some oth kids lah.

Stop at 2. Me got 2 princess. Crystal same as me,the difference is her #2 still comfortably inside her womb. hehe...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
Just fyi,if kid is hvin coughing and phelgm is advise not to be given cordycep 1st. Wait till much better only start to give coz cordycep is quite heaty.

For me i'll still weekly boiled the 'hua jiau' soup for my gers. Before they drink it, i'll add little bit of cordycep powder inside. After mths of drinking this soup, i found that they are much healthy, thou sometimes still got cough or phelgm, but recover much faster compare to previously. I think for chinese medicine, will need to take for longer time to see the effectiveness lor.</font>
What is "hua jiau" soup meant for? You buy from medical hall or they have the packet type.

Kids can take the cough soup? How much are you giving? 1 packet per day or u split?
Mine having slight cough since yesterday.
<font color="aa00aa">Connie,
'hua jiau' is non fried version of fish maw. Is for build up the lung system, to prevent cough and phelgm. No packet one. You'll need to buy the hua jiau and soak for at least 2 hours, then boiled (me use slow cooker) for at least another 2 hrs. I add slices of pork meat and 'gou qi zi'.
very very fishy smell.
This must take for long term to see the effect.</font>

The soup can be taken for kids above 1 years old.
Very easy to cook, just throw the packet &amp; brew on slow fire for 2 hrs or use slow cooker. No need to add any other ingredients. One packet is for 1 day but the amt is quite a lot so my MIL split into 2 serving over 2 days for 1 packet.

ZTP sell at $3 per packet. I tink EYS sell $8.
My boy took when he finish his western medicine but still got phelgm. So he took the soup and it reduce the phelgm. I find cos its natural ingredients, not so harming on body like western medicine.
where did u buy the hua jiau? I think it is the one My MIL ask my BIL to buy in M'sia. I think S'pore should have too.

Can he take concurrently with the western medicine? Just seem the pd last nite n he vomite twice after the medicine. He had being taking bao ying dan for cont. 3 nites but the cough worsen yesterday. The pd ask me to put half day CC or withdraw. comment can teach at home. Faintz.
There are 11 children to 2 teacher in the CC. According to them, there are 2 other teacher around the place and help to look after the pg.

The CC increase fee from 1 May'10. Now after subsidy need to pay $400/mth. If not putting CC then will send pg and go for enrichment program.
Lucas has been coughing very long liao. Initially, it was very phelgmy kind and he would throw up almost every night after his milk feed and we can see its the phelgm causing it. After i let him sleep in non air-con as advised by the pd, it improved a bit but became dry cough instead. Just abt 2 days back, it became phelgmy again.
visited the pd on monday and she gave him flumicil which is supposed to clear the phelgm but it seems that everytime we stop that, the phelgm comes back. so i am turning to TCM lor.

Thanks for the info on hou ning. ;) But 5 days of hou ning is going to cost a lot.
i was shocked at the price of one tube. Oh and u mentioned hou ning didn't work for your girls right? I just took 1 tube yest cos i've been coughing for very long liao with lots of phelgm. Hmm, it seems to have worked, today like not much phelgm.

Thanks for the recommendation on chen pi mo.
i did go EYS and the person recommended hou ning but that's for me. i asked if children can take, she said can. ok, maybe i check out chen pi mo. my biggest headache with TCM is how to feed him, cos he hated the previous powder and threw up after taking it.

today's char's 1st day yeah? keep us posted!

thanks for the recom too. the sweet soup is a small bowl? ur boy will just drink it? hmm, actually sweet is good cos my boy loves the flumicil drink which is like orange juice.

seems like i need to pay another trip to EYS.

so ur boy is crying after school? how abt going to school? he's happy?

hmm, ur pd told u to consider withdrawing? is your boy's cough very bad? my pd only warned me that 1st 6 mths they will fall sick frequently (that was when i visited her prior to starting my boy on cc) and she told me to stand-by the common medication and self-medicate when its not too serious.
<font color="aa00aa">Connie,
I brought from ZTP in singapore. Ever brought from malaysia oso. In ZTP, it was sold in cube form. The price range is from $30, $45, $55 per liang. Now ZTP sold 2 liang FOC 1 liang.
In malaysia, they sold in one whole piece. You have to ask them to cut for you else very hard to cut, unless u wanna soak the whole piece for whole family to drink. tell you, very very fishy, i dont dare to drink, but my girls loves it so.
Btw, is high in collage, good for skin too. hehe..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tera,
yes the hou ning from EYS really cost a bomb. Last round YuJie had a very very bad cough, so i no choice even big big bomb oso must buy and try. But ended up not much effect on her. The lady in EYS said 1-2tubes normally wont work well, must finish 2 course which is 6 tubes. Sigh! still no better. Thats why i said, some ppl can 'absorb' the hou ning well, but no my ger lor.

prolong cough is no good for small kid, and i find if keep giving them western medicine seems like they r more weak (my opinion lah), so i oso more prone to TCM. Normally i'll try western med 1st but if within certain period still not getting better, i'll switch to TCM oso. TCM bit slow in the effectiveness lah but so far dont see any side effect lor.</font>
did u try bringing Lucas to regular massage at yuguo? thot i mentioned u brought him there before? do u see any improvement for your boy?

do your kids have watery stools? my boy has been pooing few times a day for the last 5 days liao. dunno what happened to him. should i stop giving him dairy products? give more diluted milk?
but hes still active though grouchy recently.
can we cook "hua jiao" for normal days? is it used to "lun fei"?
they say drink white fungus is good? but i dont dare to feed my boy with that yet.
He seem to enjoy school now. MIL say he will wave bye bye and walk with maid to school. When maid peep in after walking out of the classroom, he can make funny face to her lor.
but don know why when I fetch him, he is like kaola bear lei. Reach home put him down will cry lor. So now everyday after school will cry at home.

Maybe the pd think that I have MIL and maid around, should not send him to CC at this age. She comment nonthing much to learn in school at this age lei.

Last time my maid complaint my boy poo is a bit watery but I simply ignore end up become diarreheo. PD expect it is from CC.

Will pop by to buy from ZTP. Will ask them on the cooking method... cordycep powder from ZTP too? can put into porridge or not?
Can I give him the cough soup in the day time? I giving him the cough medi from PD at nite. I have 1 pack at home which was bought in Jan.
<font color="aa00aa">Eve/ Connie,
Yes, is for 'lun fei'.
Initially i give daily for one week, then reduced to 3 times a week, then 2 times a week. Only recently reduced to 1 time a week. But occassionally my MIL will add few pieces into my ger's porridge. I treat it as 'maintenance'.
For the cordycep last time i brought from EYS when they have 20% discount. They helped me to grind into powder. Only ned to add very very small amt in to the soup. Only add in after the soup is ready to drink.

As far as i know western med and chinese med shld only be taken 4 hrs apart. For 'hua jiau' it does not help to stop the cough immediately. As what i mentioned before, this ned to take long term to see the effectiveness.

last time my gers always cough and phelgm, ended up with fever, always ned to go KKH. It happen every month, but now so far she's been quite ok. Recently she got bit cough but was recover much faster than last times.

But is better u buy some amt 1st and try, coz very fishy, not sure if ur kid willing to take or not</font>
yea, i also agree that western medicine tends to make the child weak. that's why i am turning to TCM, but if only TCM is easier to take, hehe.

ur 2 girls so guai, happily drinking the hua jiao.

i only went to yuguo once. Lucas enjoyed the tuina a lot but then the medicine was quite horrible. too strong le, even i feel scared of taking it. so i am not sure if massage without medicine will work.

Is the watery stools only once a day? or several times a day? i think try to cut down on dairy prdts. any new food he ate? maybe can give the lacteal fort? u know its those satchet kind which is supposed to be effective for diarrhea?

hmm, strange hor, ur son is crying after school. sounds like he misses u since he clings to u tightly. maybe u can ask ur maid to telh him in the morning that when school ends, mummy will be picking him up and playing with him? give it some time, kids are creatures of routine, when he gets used to seeing u in the evenings, things may get better.

as for learning in cc, yah, i think they are still too young to learn the academic things but in terms of discipine and interaction, i think its good. but i think they do pick up some things like my boy learns how to do the elephant nose and fish action using his hands. he only did these after going cc.
CAn put ginger to lessen the fishy smell?

watery stools 3x a day loh..umm must i change to soy bean milk? we really hate going to pd leh. unless no choice. so try to get something off the shelves 1st.
lacteal fort the orange sachet? how much to give my boy leh?
what did the pd give for diarrhea? izit lacteal fort as what tera mentioned? those good bacteria powder or drink thingy (like yakult)?
re : Cough

tcm mentioned not to drink barley. but pd says barley is good as it is supp to reduce phelgm. but i choose to listen to tcm, the last time my boy having cough for 2 weeks. with terrible phelgm and vommit too. almost going to visit eu yan sang to get hou ning also. but too pricey so waited few more days to see if my boy recovers on his own. also doc mentioned try not to finish the whole dose of medicine when u feel your kid's going to recover.this is to build up his immune system.
Hihi..Charlotte first day was great! No crying, no stickyness...All went well but soem kids were having flu and cough..hiaz..i guess soon will be char's turn..So far so good lor..at least char will engage in activities which the teachers hv for her.So seeing that she is ok, i left the room and hide behind the door when she was not looking..She was ok, din look for me at all..then onli when lunch time, they came out to the dinning area, saw me, say hi to me and joined the crowd =)....But hor, i feel the cc is more to taking care of kids rather than in academic wise lor..mayb my expectation is too high..hehe..

I brought her bk when time for them to nap cos they off all e lights in e center and char began to cry, din wan her milk, din wan to lie down so no choice, i brought her bk...I am thinking to leave her in the PG class on mon while i go off lor..duno is it adviseable anot..hehe =)..She was really busy playing e whole morning, puzzlez, colouring, stacking of toys etc lor...Hope she will be ok when i am not with her...
i just checked through lucas' medicine. ok, the instruction was to dissolve 1 satchet of lacteol fort in water. take 2 times a day, with or without food.

as for soy milk, yes i think it is recommended. i recalled my pd said to switch after 3 days if still LS. but..the other time, we went to buy 1 tin for lucas and he refused to take it. so may not be so easy to switch.

the yugo yishi also told me no barley. she told me if want, can add to milk. also, she told me milk powder is very heaty so she said best is dun give full scoop so now instead of 3 full scoop, we give 2.5 sometimes.

Btw, i'll PM you my PD's details for reference? so far, her medicine has been effective except this long bout of coughing. she's at east shore which i thought will be convenient for you. usu mornings are quite crowded but if can wait, go at around 2pm (walk-in), quite fast.

wah, char is coping well eh! ;) good start! keep us posted on her progress. haha, yes cc at this stage is still very much like taking care cos they are still young. once older, will be more academic liao.
as expected, char will be able to adapt fast in cc. Hee. Finally mummy is happy to send char there for better discipline huh.. Hee

thanks! Will go pharmacy to get it.

appreciate if u can pm me the pd contacts. Just in case. thanks again!
hehe...tks ger..I hope she resally can cope well lor..really worried she might be bullied there cos she doesn't know how to talk lor...Another worrying thing is, she still refuse to take milk..hiaz...

=)..hehe...ya lor, monday i shall ask e cc teacher to bath for her and i shd hide in a corner when time for their nap lor..I scare i xin ruan, see her cry onli wan to go hug her..hehe..

that time 2nd day, did u stay with ur boy throughout e day?
yes, lacteal for minor case. My gal given this but my boy given something else. Will ceck and let u know

ZTP said tt the huao jiao can put 1 slice of ginger to soak with it to remove the fishy smell. Normally soak overnight in the fridge. True? I bought it from fuhua n the gal saY THEIR IS DIFF FISH N NOt that fishy. got 35% discount since I'm member. Bought cordycep from ZTP topday at 148. The ZTP gal say can put paosheng with the huao jiao, not sure good or bad cos she like only interested to make sales. kept asking to buy this n tt. not cheap lor. 55/liang. 4 liang 4 free. Are u keen,, can share. hee hee . I broke liao.

I told my son I will fetch him in the evening but that was when he was sleeping in the morning. sometimes, he will just smile. In the evening when he saw me, will run to me in the CC then kaola bear liao. Once I put him down at hm, episode start.

Wow,ur gal v independent lei. so envy.

My pd say pediasure is ok for LS cos no lactose. So during the diarreheo, I stop gain iq n give BM n pediasure.

anyone stay wif ur kids for intial start in the CC? My friend commented that they only sing n dance so not much activities. Wonder true or not.
mean I shld stop the medicine now since he is recovering. He vomit on first day, 2nd day onwards is recovering.

Not sure good or bad lor, whenever he fall sick I kanna. He LS , I mc for 3 days. Now he cough I also kanna. Anyone same faith?

si sen brown rice i used to give. u can buy at EYS. ntuc also have under cereal section, rabbit brand.

at tis age, the cc mostly is singing n dancing. learn to self-feed, learn to pack toys etc.

u can see some pixs of the activites my boy attend.



the soup is quite good, also not ex and sweet.


i got give white fungus b4 but my boy dun like it much.


looks like she will adapt quite fast

wat u describe is similar to how my boy is during the 2 days trial. he adapted after 3 weeks.
