(2008/06) June 2008

Let me know if it works ya? Cos I also dunno if it is the method tt works or my gal's understanding of language improved.

So funny, I told her she is very talkative when she talked non-stop in the car in her language and she happily reply me "xie xie". My hb n I flipped when we heard her reply.

*Hugs* Hope u and your boy r feeling better now. When kids fall sick, our immunity also down cos nt enough rest. Must take care yeah. Take more yougurt n veges to help with the stomach flu.

I also started giving her Si Shen powder today. Nt sure if it's ok to mix with her med though. Sigh, 2 wks ah??? I wanna die after 1 wk liao. I told hb I m sending her to my ILs place on Fri cos I need my break.

Lately I had been flaring at her cos I'm so tired myself. I know she's exploring the environment but it really gets on my nerves when she gave me endless tasks of clearing up to do. And her temper is driving me crazy... Sigh, I feel tt I suck as a mum.

She messed up my plans for today until I have no time to go out n get the soup. Sian.

Yah, she's really sweet. Actually she stayed far from me but near to my mum's place, so I dun mind travelling cos can go my mum's place after tt. Most mummies in general will siam from me liao but she didn't and even offered remedy. I also feel ashamed by her action at the same time cos sometimes I also siam from kids with only running nose. Think it's time I need to learn to be more gracious and open-minded like her, being over protective doesn't do me much gd. She told me nt like my gal is coughing or anything, and anyway she's on e road to recovery. Wah, my heart melted when I heard tt. Both of us 1st time mummy but she really show me the difference in maturity.

I'm waiting for next wk before sending her to TCM again. Sigh. These few wks alone spent close to 400 just on doctors for me n my gal. I went 3 times TCM already gone 63*3 + those medicated plaster which I forgot how much liao, den my gal TCM is 42 and the recent PD costed 137+. Nt forgetting the transport n parking cost leh... Really Po Cai for this period of time.

Do we really have to give our kids anti-biotics at this stage? My PD said no unless it's very very serious but those GP always issue anti-biotics for every occasions of phelgm. I read tt our body can grow resistence to anti-biotics so tt's why I always throw away the anti-biotics when I reach home from the clinic. Do u all give anti-biotics when the doc issue?

And I'm nt sure if it's the medication or skin sensitive, my gal had very very tiny like pimples on her face today. Is tt normal?

hihi long time no log in... seems like alot of kids down wif flu, vommiting , cough etc isaiah also just recovered from fever n still having some blocked nose... hope all e kids recover soon

connie yes my mil cook dong cong cao soup for isaiah... they can eat now.. ive withdraw him for cc n likely brg him to dowell pg onl $100 per mth... is montessori good?
Hi ladies, I am on mc today lor cos mayb due
to not enuff rest n water.

I tink qingming starts last fri le. U got gv ur boy
gripwater? It helps alot. Mayb u wan to try?

tks ger. Char no more fever Liao but flu n cough
still there. We are also giving her e eys chen pi mo
to reduce her phelgm. Can feel she is better in breathing
Liao but still hv blocked nose. Haiz

how r u coping wif ur bb and boy?
I use slow cooker for morning porridge. Don think it take 2 hrs. my maid cook after 630am and son have bf around 8am.

Thought u wAN to try Zuen pg? I felt montissori is good to develop kids brain but $$$ also v high lor. If let him take now, it cost 240 n next yr will b 420 liao. more x than cc.

ur boy cannot get used to the cc?

I giving hua jiao this week and will switch to twice per week from next wk. As what mommies here doing, add a little dong chong chao in the soup. I tried put it yesterday but he didn't finish the soup.
I give antibiotic when pd subscrpt. they will recover faster with that. Got once the replacement pd didn't subscript and kept saying so young better don take, end up my son condition worsen and go back to see the pd after 2 days. I think they only give for certain illness.
My PD prescribe my gal some specialized medication n nt antibiotics. Nt those normal kinda cough syrup we get from GP. It seem to work but the med is damn ex, 1 small bottle cost 36 bucks. From SBCC also...

Ask u ah, u put hua jiao in your soup. Does it have any taste?

Today I went Hock HUa to get the cough tonic soup, nt sure is the same ingredients as the soup Ellysia was toking abt. And the person intro me to Hua Jiao, but after I heard him said it's from fish, I didn't get it cos I worried tt if I add into e soup, the soup becomes fishy taste n my gal will reject.
My son cough medi is singulair. It is in powder form. Not sure how much but the doc say x lor. The pd bill never indicate price one de.

Cough soup should be quite standardised. No matter which medical hall, they will have the same ingredient.

The ZTP told me to soak 1 slice of ginger with the hua jiao in the fridge overnight. That will reduce the fishy smell.

Mine from Fuhua, according to the staff, they are using diff fish thus no smell. My boy do drink the soup so I never taste it.

Although my boy cough recover but I still having bad cough. Hope it will not spread back to him.
hi last 2 days no time to login. thu night have a company event near the sea and i need to help out, stand for 4 hrs then catch cold due to strong wind, so took mc on fri. then fri my boy start full day. 6 plus i went to fetch him, his eyes r red when see me. then hb went to get car to fetch us so we waited outside sch door (at the outdoor area), a lot of mosquitoes. teacher report he has low grade fever 37.3. then went to visit my mil at hospital.

dunno is it due to his phobia of hosp or full day cc, he refuse to eat panadol. haiz now 37.7.. still havent feed panadol.
How abt adding to his milk?

Rem I was telling u gers how tough is it to feed charlotte med?We found a way liao, have to add into her milk though it will not be so effective or so fast as feed direct but at least she is eating the med with full amount lor..She has been sick for 1 wk le but still hv flu and cough with phelgm..hiaz..Will be bringing her to see SBCC tmr evening lor...

Anyone knows how to treat heat rash?Char has heat rash cos we dun on aircon for her now and weather these few days is terrible llor..hiaz...My mum kept askign me to bring char to cut until bery bery short hair but i dun wan lor..
yeah, the waiting time at KK can be quite bad. but this time round, we saw the doc very fast. i think its cos i mentioned that Lucas has been vomitting non-stop so they prob are worried of dehydration, so the dr saw us very fast.

yeah, as long as our babies are fine, its all worth it.

thanks babe. my boy is ok le except for running nose.

as for antibiotics, usu the pd will prescribe if it is serious or the illness too long le. so far my boy got it when he had fever and this recent round of stomach flu, he was also prescribed. my pd told me that antibiotics work only for bacteria infection, not virus.

hope your boy is ok now. are u feeding him calpol or liquid paracetemol? i find my boy ok with calpol but not ok with paracetemol prescribed by KK. i tried both and i find calpol sweeter maybe that's why.

good to hear that but just to share that some meds cannot add to milk, eg certain antibiotics cos the calcium will cancel out the med effects. best to check with pd. also, the problem with adding to milk is that must ensure they finish the milk lor. but i can understand your struggle..sigh. i am sooo glad he finishes his antibiotics today! yay!
Ya lor,dats y if she doesn't finish her milk, then the effect not there lor..really headache..Realised that SBCC dun open on wkends hor..So tmr morning will call them hopefully we can go in e evening cos tmr char will be going to her cc le so just wan to bring her see again cos see her so poor thing...Now she starting to hv heat rash cos we dun on naircon for her to sleep anymore..hiaz...

Hows ur boy?

You might wanna try my method for feeding medicine to my sil's daugther. Try to spoon feed your son a few spoons of his favorite drink, water or ribena/juice. Then using the syringe squirt a drop or 2 of the med into the spoon with the drink and slowly feed. At least the drink kind of dilute the taste of the medicine.
hi, u can buy flying man brand tapioca starch, dilute with some water and apply to heat rash with cotton buds. u can see the effect after few applications.
u can try applying "dou fen" (some used it for chicken pox)my boy the same as your girl.. Heat rash after taking medicine.. Dunno is it coz of aircon or rashes after med. But I always apply that and it works. Maybe u can give it a try? I got it from Chinese medical hall

your ah boy Lucas better le mah?
I managed to call SBCC just now and made an aptt of tonite 7.30pm with Dr Goh wor..I hope the wait is not too long cos today char just go bk to cc, so i guess she shd be tired by the evening lor =)...Does this Dr goh has a way with kids?cos hor, char always refused to let docs check her mouth le..hiaz...Ask u hor, are their charges ex?
tks ger..

For the brown rice hor, which brand u buy?Cos i buy the new rabbit brand frm ntuc, it states instant but I still boil it for awhile cos find that it dissolves better when boiled =)..
<font color="aa00aa">Connie,
I bought EYS brown rice. My MIL is expert in the cooking for EYS brown rice. I failed twice when try to cook , it got burnt. hehe...
I saw my MIL pour the brown rice into a pot, then add some warm water and stir it with a spoon, then boil it over the stove with low fire. Must continue to stir, then add water as necesary. It got burn very easily if did not take notice on the fire.
I got one friend, told me she make a burnt 'brown rice prata' for her ger from this EYS brown rice. haha...</font>
Aiyo. Thought only boil it will do. Thanks. will try out a bit these few days.

SIL bought it from medical hall. They grind it instantly for her.
Oic...hmm, or mayb u try out like wat felicia has mentioned... =).

Today is the 1st full day cc for charlotte. I just called the cc, was told that she is ok except bathing time, she refused to let teacher take off her top but after that was ok lor, ate her lunch and drank her milk. Now napping le =)...I hope she will be like that always...hehe...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi feifei,
I was rather busy at work oso, so only occassionally check in here. Yalor, have been very very quiet nowadays.
FB's photos? nowadays i was trying to record all my gers activities in the FB, coz i hv no time to do blog for them. Hope FB is always free. hehe....

Btw i realised Leng Leng is missing</font>
Morning ladies..

Tks ya... =)..Just brought char to SBCC to see Dr Goh , he is bery nice..and cos char scare docs putting on mask, he say its okie lor, then he dun put...then he try to coax char to open her mouth...Surprisingly, my ger really open her mouth big big...The nurses are very friendly too..

Do u rem the consultation charges of the first time when u went to SBCC? I just saw my bill and its $70 lor...Duno is it first time more ex hor..

Yes first time visit at SBCC is this range. 2nd n subsquent i tink is cheaper.

Did Char cry in the morn when u put her at sch?

I have a hard time feeding medicine to my boy tis weekend, previously he is ok one. I can't add to his milk bec' i still latching him at night. and i dunno if it be strange to add to breastmilk bah.

During the weekend his temp shot to 38.8 degrees on sat night, we give him Ibuprofen on top of panadol and he manage to recover on sun, but having flu since then, and yellowish bi shui, so i suspect is heatiness.

His appetite isn't good too, suddenly a lot of food reject.. porridge also dun want. then now start full day cc and my MIL resting at home after op, i have to cook his dinner.. by the time fetch him back, cook dinner etc, is ored v late at 8pm he is eating dinner lor.
long time nv post here. Last 3 days my ger got fits due to fever. Today she starts to cough mainly because of me. I see that u all have been talking about some tonic from medical hall. What is it? Get from any medical hall? Easy to prepare?
Thanks for teaching me how to deal with hua jiao. Haiz, my gal dun like the cough soup, 1st day I give she asked for more, 2nd day MIL house she cook n give, she said my gal never drink much, haiz, means my MIL drink liao lo. 3rd day I give, she drank 2 cups. But reach my mum place dun wanna drink. I'm thinking how to coax her to drink.

I went to SBCC Mt E, they state the price of each medication clearly. But I know some docs they never state out cos from wat I heard from my friend who works in a clinic before, she said some GP they will nt state e price cos it depends on WHO is seeing the doc, those can claim one, same med but different pricing...

I didnt know antibiotics is meant for bacteria n nt virus. Means e GP anyhow do one loh. Viral fever oso anti-biotics. Lucky I threw away all e anti-biotics so far.

SBCC 1st time is 70 bucks for consultation, subsequent is 50 for consultation. And the good thing is the 1st time consultation applies only 1 time, doesn't matter which clinic u go to later, it'll be 50 throughout after that.

How is your boy already? As long as he eats, dun need to worry abt the timing. My gal was like that last wk. Her bi shi all harden up n yellowish in colour. After I finished with the med from dr, I followed ur method to give the cough soup. It seems to help to clear the yellowish bi shi. Oh, on top of it, I also use the rice water from her porridge to make her milk. THe TCM person told me its gd to give rice water to our kids on a regular basis. Esp when they are sick.

How is your gal now? U need to monitor her fits n her frequency?

The soup we are toking about is call "Zi Ke Tang" that is available from ZTP and Hock Hua. You juz need to tell the person you are looking for the soup, den they'll pass u the ready package. But I didn't follow the instructions on they gave cos I find that after cooking for 30-40 mins under low fire, the soup still dried up. SO I added 1100ml of water instead of 600ml they stated. THe person told me it's fine to add the amount after I told them 600ml of water I left wif sticky ingredients in e pot only. Haha...

After cooking, put the soup in a thermal flask. Give it to your child throughout the day in small amount.
char din cry lor coz my mil sneak off
when she saw char playing
. But I called e
cc at noon, teacher told me char napping Liao.
She finish her lunch n fruits and also her milk.
Then during shower was ok cos she allow them
to wash her hair for her

Re: rejecting fd
rem wks ago I was so headache over char rejecting fd?
I tink she was having her last molar out. And plus she was
sick since last wk lor. Nw her appetite beta le. Mil told me
yest char was asking for fd when she was bk

Hmm or can u add e med to his favourite drink?
Sorry for late reply. Lucas is ok liao, left a bit of runny nose. Thanks dear!

Actually, today when i dropped him off in school, i stayed around a while to chat with his teacher and i noticed the kids there coughing and sneezing away. haiz, difficult not to fall sick lor.

I think the consultation charges is around there. But like what tinkerbelle mentioned, subsequent (hope not that frequent la) charges will be cheaper.

Great to hear that Char is coping well in cc. ;)
I think she throw pattern lah. At home she oso dun wanna eat porridge, but go my mum house my mum will force her n she can guai guai finish 1 bowl sometimes. My gal getting more n more difficult to handle nowadays. Everything wanna do herself. Diaper wanna wear herself, feed wanna feed herself and made a big mess sometimes n even feed her hair, den drink water insist on cup, n last nite even draw on e wall. Kanna jia liat jia liat from my hb, I also nt spared cos hb said I left e pen ard. Sigh. Sometimes 1 pair of eyes n hands really nt enough...
Haha. Same as my boy lor. Eat till hair also got rice. Monday nite, after he put his hand into his bowl of rice to play, we move him away from dinning table n he kept crying. End up HB bring him to bath. After that I feed him rice with soup, he want to feed himself. He accidently hit the bowl half way through the meal n his whole body soak with soup. Send him bathing again. After come out, I feed him the balance soup, he play with our chair and trip end up the soup hit his face n his body wet again. So 1 meal he went bathing 3x. Nowaday, so hard to feed him.

Whenever I remove his top, he will remove his bottom n diaper and go toilet to bath. REally can't stand him lor

Toilet training
My boy still not train yet. How? He not cooperating with me lor. poo without letting me know.
Anyone trained already? How you train?

I dun bother to toilet train him.. i tink it be easier when he is ready or show tat he is ready. Got a few times he will tell us tat he want to go pee. But poo poo he still dunno how to say yet.

ZTP told my colleague tat the cough soup is for 1 yr n above. Her boy is below 1 yr n ZTP recommend another for her.


Recently he dislike porridge again. Yest my first try on spaggetti for him, i put tomato sauce a little bit for taste.. didn't put any salt or soy sauce. But i over cook the meat and veg so he only like the noodles. haaa.

I also suspect it could be teething as he is digging his mouth many times since last week n it coincide with the appetite loss + fever.
Anyway his appetite in sch seems to have improve but at home he still dun want to eat much, i tink is bec of the food menu so i am revamping it atm.

The cough soup can use for running nose also? I only use for cough leh. Its slow but i see the igredients like tonic lah, not as harming as medicine lor.

His running nose i didn't see it yesterday night but got hear a bit of cough in the morn.. dunno is allergic or really cough. Must monitor and see how leh.
hi, my 16-mth old gal oso down with running nose, cough and phlegm just few days after recovered from fever. like to know how and if you suction out your bb's wet and dry mucus from nostrils. We've tried many times while she's asleep and awake but bb simply pushed us away. what would happen if we just leave the dried mucus alone in nostril? it sometimes make me wonder if we can leave the dried mucus alone and would bb be in danger of suffocate as a result or their body system will naturally purge out via sneezing???

I dun tink there is a problem to leave the dried mucus inside. We have bot a nose suction from mum n babe n try to use it but he doesn't like it, so we didn't manage to use it. So usually is wait for the mucus to dry up and then it will fall off. Won't block breathing cos my boy will use his mouth to breathe. But a lot of disruption in his sleep if blocked nose, so we got ask PD to give a nose drop which can melt the mucus and unblock temporary for relief.
Think mine also due to the menu thus always not eating much at home. Now still soup n rice lor. Meat still throw but he do eat vege.
My maid ask me to set menu for her. haha. Now coughing, no chicken no fish no egg no prawn. She don know wat to cook. Now, everyday is hua jiao soup with rice.
My spaggeti is plain one. No sauce at all. Got once I add light soya souce only. No meat etc since he throw all to my dogs.

Hand mouth disease
My son child care kanna 1 case. According to them, the child is resting at home upon detected. Hope my son will not kanna. haiz....
<font color="aa00aa">mornig ladies!

Leng Leng,
actually keep wanting to tell u, that u r a great organiser and a great mummy advisor too. Is very hard to please everyone. Some ppl just too demanding and inconsiderate. I met some mummies oso inconsiderate, just over a $2 item wanna me to met her at certain MRT station. She tot i dont ned transportation fee meh. Anyhow, just call off that deal, term and condition oredy stated so clearly. So, take it to heart.

It take almost 1 year for my #1 to get more immune to all the virus in the CC. I heard from some mummies at least 6mths onwards (from the time enrol to CC )only can see 'improvement' on our kid's health. Their frequency of fall sick will slowly reduce. But for my #1 is almost 1 year lor. Hygiene is very important. Teach him to always wash hand, i believe he'll loves it, coz can play with water. hahaha....</font>
Morning and Happy Belated Birthday! ;)

Thanks for sharing.
wah, 1 year. i hope i got enough leave to last me, hehe.

yeah, i guess with childcare, it really depends on the parents' to be socially responsible. like yest, i saw a baby in the infantcare having very green mucus. also, as i was writing the medication for my boy (must clarify tat he's already well but we are giving cos the pd said to give till end of this week, hehe), i noticed his classmate had to take like 5 different meds, one of which is calpol which means quite likely she was having fever. also dunno why the mother still let her go to school..i can understand some ppl have no one to help out at home but still not fair to other kids mah. haiz.

today i checked, no more calpol but still a lot of medication. i guess since i have decided to send to cc must be prepared for this.

thanks, i will remind helper/hb to get him to wash his hands more often. recently HFMD is spreading again.

btw, is ur perth trip is confirmed? when u are back, please give me your feedback ok? i'm thinking of going end of this year.
<font color="aa00aa">Tera,
Be prepared to see more uncomfortable case. hehe...
Last year, when it is also around HFMD peak period, my MIL told me she saw one Ah Ma brought her grandson to CC despite he's on low grade fever with blister on hands! The teacher dont allow him to enter the CC and when was asked why stil come to school, shld go to see doc. Guess what is the reply?
The Ah Ma said her grandchild insist want to come to school. *peng*

Yup, oredy confirm on the trip. Will go around end of May. Another month! hehe...
Now left with some itinenary not yet plan. Planning is really not easy lor especially travel with 2kids. And this is the 1st trip via plane with 2 kids! I'm kinda excited and worry as well.</font>
Need 1 yr. Oh dear. If I send them to playgroup, will I have the same issue?

He always bring disease back and both me n my ger will kanna. The medical bill is inclining for 3 of us. Wonder should I stop n change to playgroup but he sure miss his friend there lor.
yest nite ah boy start to have cough quite badly until he cannot sleep during the night n keep crying. so tis morn bring him to kkh cos suspect he is wheezing again. doc says it bronchitius again n given inhaler &amp; steriod med. but the last bronchitis is jus 2 mths ago, so doc arrange for follow-up visit w specialist 1 mth later.

i myself having body ache n last few days LS on and off so i took mc today n hb took leave n cancel his meeting.


why cough no fish n prawns? i tink shd be fine. but in cc he oso eat chicken when he is coughing, no choice cos cc menu is fixed.


aiyo 1 yr so long. yest my boss ask me my boy how come always sick.

since he attended cc he ored cough for 1mth plus then recover 2 weeks n brochitis again... sigh.
but hb say no choice has to put at cc now tat mil can't take care leh.
