(2008/06) June 2008

Morning ladies..


u might want to consider sending her to tuina.
It can help to regain health. It is more to tiao sheng ti.

My boy mouth evolve a smell due to kidney. Now sending him twice per week.

Last time I also go TCM to tiao. My mensus used to be very irregular and thus not easy to conceive. NOw a mother of 2. hee hee

So hopefully it can help to fight the disease after he enter the CC.
CC reported that ah boy seems quite unhappy these 2 days and v clingy to teacher. Me and hb suspect is due to the trauma he faced at KKH when given inhaler. My boy keep saying 'scared scared' and 'dun want' in chinese when he is on inhaler at KKH. He cried until face all red and keep struggling. I see so heart pain that i cried. Maybe he is traumatised due to the incident.
True lah, provided our kiddos are willing to drink rice water when they having runs. Mine refused to, so bo bian, have to give diluted milk. Oh yah, u can give yakult or vitagen during gastric flu, they contain live cultures tt can help to ride out the bacteria in their guts.

You can refer to this link for food to give ur gal. http://stomachflusymptoms.net/food-you-should-eat-during-gastric-flu

Zu-en, Ellysia,
Serious ah, after 2 wks of PG they start to reject liao? Ask u gals something, do u bid your kids goodbye n say you'll come back for him/her later? I personally found this method works for my gal when I drop her at my MIL and my parents place. Only thing is she'll refuse to nap n juz kept waiting for us to pick her.

Which TCM u send your boy to? I also having irregular menses. Dunno to be thankful or nt, tt's how I got my gal by accident. LOL...

I m currently going to the Yu Guo at Kembangan. I find it effective for me but only thing is my pro will return when I stop going to TCM. Sigh, is tt normal?

Could be.

1 mummy taught me this method of talking to your child before he sleep and keep repeating so it gets into their sub conscious. She told me the teachers at Shichida told her to use this method one. I also tried tt method with my gal for her sleeping habit, seem to work after 2 nites of talking. U can tell your boy wat you hope to see in him, n juz keep repeating until your boy fall asleep. Maybe it might help him to ride out his fear.
happy new year all the mummies!!

kelcqi... 1 yr in advance ah? thks i didnt know... nowadays parents all super KS, i tried to register ariel for nanyang kindegarten, waitlist of 100plus already ... st james kindergarten pre nursery also full and ariel is only 2.5mths old now faintz

zu en.. hopefully got chance ah

connie, u sent ur boy to cc le ma? isaiah is starting tmr, duno how it will be like.... i'll see how long it takes for his pattern to appear
Hi girls,
Happie CNY!
Yawn, back at work.. Haiz..

My girl was happily skipping to school for 2 weeks and refused after that. I still cant figure out if she just got sick, cannot get used to 2 hour class (1 hr for the 1st 2 weeks) or just hate the teacher. Haha.

So late and haven sleep? Moo moo-ing?
Huh? She's on;y 2.5months and kindergarten got waitlist? Faintz.. I am trying to register Lil ZuEn for one of the church pre-nursery, either Jurong Christian Church, Jurong Calvary Church or New Life Center Church. Their registration only opens in Mar 10 wor.
The one I go is got 3 outlets. Their main biz is beauty and many ple go there for accupunture.

Enrol liao and suppose to start on 8 Feb but he was down with fever, cough n pheghm. Cough till vomit. End up I call cc to postpone to Mar. Have to see what date my leave approved.

ARe you gg in with your boy? Jaslyn say I can accompany for 1st day but haslina say better don't.

I also thinking of Jurong Calvary church. Saw that they have a school bus sending children back. I saw the bus downstair. If not, maybe I go for PAP. WAlking distance.
Where is new life center church?

Happy working. I start work this fri. Today gg mom place to bai nian.
I am here....

Sian hor, so fast got to come back to work. I feel more tired than rest. Hahaha.

Actually, I haven explore any of the churches. Hehe. I only saw their website niah. I noe their registration are all in Mar 10.
New life center church ah. Next to Gek Poh Shopping center.
Of course, she'slike having buffet. Then the adults kept stuffing sweets and chocolates to her. She happy like anything. I faint..
Helo Ladies,
CNY to all. Huat ah!

Wah, that's really very shocking leh. Singaporeans really very KS. I heard St James Kindergarten sch fees very ex wor...

Could it be she cannot get use to the routine? I think maybe little Zu-en is thinking how come suddenly need to go back to sch again where she is too young to understand tt she skipped sch becos she was sick.

My gal also happily helping herself to the food on the table. The keropoks, cookies etc, but I warned the adults nt to give her sweets. But I think too much rubbish in her tummy liao, she having diahoerra liao. Sianz....

I see.
yu zhe also helping himself to the goodies but he has limited choices due to his food allergy. end up have to repeat the food allergy story few times.. sianz. he took his first packed drink n sweets during visiting. then help himself to other people toys, cupboards/drawers etc..faintx.

tis morn i bring him to cc, he cry again n cling to me like koala bear. then i come out see his classmate also crying. teacher say its normal usually after long break.

afternoon pick him up he call me mama..hee.
Duno, she oso cannot tell us why. Just started crying and wanted to go home when just a few days ago she was dashing into the classroom.
Lil ZuEn eat CNY goodies until tummy wants to burst then reject main meal. -.o"
I brought her to extended family + friends' place, so abit pai seh to reject their offers to her lor. So she happily eat and eat.

My girl also cried when she went to PG this morning. Best thing is that the PG is having CNY celebration. So one teacher busy with taking photos while teh other teacher busied with posing with teh children. Nobody cared about my crying baby and so my mum took her home. I am so glad that I am changing her PG soon.
kelcqi.. $1k for 2.5mths, like childcare fees, i tink, duno got subsidy or not

zuen, yeah loh, so KS hor!! haiz im enrolling isaiah at st andrew kindergarten.. its an old kindergarten at blk 500plus... so far not much waitlist for that...

connie i brought him there n left within 15mins, he was ok initially then 2 hrs later started crying like mad.. tink tmr will be challenge to bring him there again
Morning girls.

St Andrew is an Anglican church? I used to and will be (when the maid comes) attend Faith Methodist at Commonwealth and actually tot of enrolling her there, but I think a little too far hor. Haiz..
Ariel is so smilely.
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 25 responses!! I am hoping to get 5 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
Hi Roxy,
wow, ur gal got so much hair. mine not much lor.
Where u buy tt band?

ARe u hiding somewhere nearby?
Scare if my boy cry, I will sin luan.

Wat time u fetch him hm on the first day?
Hi Mummies,

I had from Year 2008 April Mum. My son is having this persistent cough almost 1 month.
Does any mummies here knows of any good doctor that treats cough? Thank you.
I had brought him to see PD 4 times and to TCM(Yu Guo)but nothing works and now at my wits end.
Any kind mummies have any suggestion?
Erica oso helping herself to the cupboards n drawers after she saw my cousin taking toys out from the cupboard. So paiseh to bring them to visiting nowadays.

Good to know he is beginning to love school. Hope it stays this way.

Wow, that's very expensive wor, considering the distance somemore. Did u check out Nafa? I heard tt kindergarten is very popular also?

Wow, your gal is so sweet, can smile for the camera somemore. Melts my heart man. These are the moments I really longed for another baby.

During CNY, I was carrying my cousin's newborn also and saying how I missed my gal being a newborn then everyone started telling me to try for 1 more so my gal will have companion but the thought of sleepless nites, behaving like a cow and to juggle with my gal and a new baby, I just smile and said wait awhile first.
New ah? As in teh church or the kindergarten? Actually, I was eyeing Jurong Christina Church or Jurong Calvary Chrurch previously. Haven recee yet. Thinking of doing it in March itself when my maid is here cos I have to take leave to oriente my maid so must as well do some useful receeing. Hehe.

You are talking about the St. Andrew’s Cathedral Child Development Centre @ Jurong West St 52?
Haha, now I have one more to shortlist and recee. ;p
zuen, that's the one! its not within a church, its more like a normal hdb void deck kindergarten...we shortlist it mainly cause its near to my inlaw place...i tink its only 4hrs and the fees are very cheap.. only $100plus after subsidy

kelcqi, thanks! She loves to smile!! i thot st james fee was ok cause already paying $350 per mth now for childcare
nafa is popular ah? thanks i will go google it....
yeah loh, i really like those NB days when u can just carry them in cradle position n close to ur heart, but the sleepless nites and moo moo-ing is making me so tired!

thanks feifei! now suffering from lack of sleep ... luckily she only wakes up once or twice per nite to drink milk... if u miss means u are ready for no2? just like kelcqi?

connie, yes, she was born with alot of hair but all standing up de, so funny like porcupine... the hairband was bought from BP here... $10.90 and I find it very good as its very soft n elastic

thanks leng!
connie, his first day was ok, initially he played arts n craft then when he couldn get his way with the crayons colour he started to cry and couldnt stop.. today ie 2nd day was bad, the moment we step inside, he cling onto me and refuse to let go and keep crying haiz.. the teachers coax him to go change clothes and i slip away but i could hear him crying until the teacher brought him outside for a walk, i was hiding outside for 3 hrs before bringing him home and i tink he cried so long also.. very sad but no choice... got to give him some time to adapt, if he still cannot adapt maybe i will withdraw him
so u plan to let him attend 3hrs for how long?
The teacher told me its normal for bb to cry for
first few days lei. Not sure whether I can take it or not.

Think better don let daddy follow, else he sure ask to withdraw after 1 day.

Same as u, if he cannot adapt, will have to him him to pg which is 2 hrs.
Haha, no no, I'm nt ready for #2 yet. Let me try to forget my tramatic pregnancy n delivery by the next 2 yrs before I dare to plan. Anyway earliest I'll have #2 is Dragon baby, cos my hb pantang. Tiger bb nt gd for him, n rabbit bb nt gd for me. Only dragon n snake bb den good for us. So #2 plan is shelf for the moment. Hahaa...

Kindergarten is half day program but CC is full day program, tt's why I consider the cost expensive for St James, somemore the location is near CBD, plus the petrol cost to send her there, each mth will break down to an additional 200 plus for transport. Super ex for my case. Earlier on I was thinking of Chiltern House also, but considering the hrs, I think I'll juz send her to CC. Dun need to worry about the rest of the day where to desposit her.

Hi Cass,
Sorry to miss your post earlier. Sorry to hear abt your son. May I check with u which PD u had seen? Cos my gal's PD does specilized in these area and he is Dr Ong from SBCC TMC. Nt sure if U had seen him yet, another alternative PD tt specialize in this is Dr Ngiam from SBCC Gleneagles. My gal saw him when she had bronchitis in 2008.
Morning girls.

Thanks.. ahh.. I was thinking of finding a kindergarten within a church.

Shauna has been skipping school so very often. I am basically wasting my $$. -.o" This mornth, I think she went to school for barely 5 times. Pengz.. I hope things get better when I switched her to a new PG.

Hoping to find one with transport lor. then again, cannot be too far away. So young must take school bus like very poor thing hor. Getting the maid to send to &amp; fro wastes manpower and previous time. She will have to end up waiting a few hours for my girl outside the classroom, no point.
U can try Jurong Calvary lor. that day I saw the school bus at my void deck cos the grandpa pick the his grandchild.

My son saw Dr Anne Cheong at jurong East clinic on 9 Feb due to cough n phegm. Manage to recover before CNY. He vomit for 2-3 days.
Morning ladies..

Err, ready for #2? Hmm...for me not, can't hv #2 yet though i wan cos i still hv 1.5yrs more to complete my degree lor..hiaz...so meanwhile, can give all my love to charlotte..hee =)..

I guess our kids need sometime to adapt to cc lor..Char will be starting 1st of march..Went to buy her uniform and bedsheet yesterday lor...Feeling excited for her but at the sametime, lots of worries, worried duno if she will eat well, duno if she will get bullied since she is e youngest there, duno if teacher got take gd care of her etc...haiz...
Tmr we won't be going for the class cos need to go luohei with my parents and some other hse visitings lor...
I called before. Jurong Calvary only got nursery wor, so must wait until 4 YO before they can start.

I shared your anxieties. I was worried cos Lil ZuEn is the youngest in her PG and I think not good unless the teacher gives her special attention. Some of the older kids can express themselves properly already.
Hi all,
1st day of work after a super long holiday... =)

we wont be going for the class too. also going house visitings =))) cya soon!
hello ladies!

happy cny!

it's been a while since i posted cos lucas was still not well until these few days + bz with cny. brought him to pd last thurs and changed his med. he also threw up a couple of times. now finally better (fingers crossed)

wooh, so char will be starting cc in abt a week's time. soo fast, the other time we were just talking about it and it was like 2 month's later. dun worry too much (but i know sure will one la), just monitor and see how things go. keep us posted. ;) u'll be with her the first 2 days?

zuen, ellysia,
i also had problems bringing my boy to cc on wed after the long break. he just sat down on the floor outside my house and refused to move. sigh.

ariel's so adorable!
she's got a lot of hair as well, hehe. very cute!
hehe..no choice lor..really hv to elt go..

hehe..see u next wk =)..hows ur cny?

hihi..was tinking abt u this morning =)..

Ya lor, finally she is going to sch le..hee..Ya lor, i will be with her for the first 2 days, then 3rd day mayb my hb will go with her lor...DO u tink i shd hide in a corner on the 2nd day to see how she is coping?
charlotte got the dreamy look...shes like looking at the cam and asking "Yes mummy?" so sweet... =)

my CNY is good though tiring...left home early n return home late hehe
how about urs!
hehe, cos she falling asleep while waiting for us..haha...If onli next time she will really say Yes mummy..hehe..

Me too lor, everyday not enuff sleep...Now cny visiting more or less finishing, but i busy "cooking" at my facebook..even saw buttercup inside..hee
Soon she will say liao. hehehe.
When we went visiting, most of my relatives were asking if my boy starting talking yet... im also waiting. hehehe

facebook? is it cafe world? hehe =P
Oh, I see. When can enrol the nursery?
Ours is in June, so like very odd for their age. Pg is 2007/2008. SIL think too early for pg as my boy cannot talk yet. Many ple think I very kiasu lor if I sent him pg at this age. So CC is a good excuse to start wif since he is so naughty.

SAme as u. Too many worries abt the cc now.Food, sleep cry etc.. Also hope my boy won't get into fight in cc.

Just submitted leave form for March, once approved then will call the cc to arrange the date to start my boy there. Boss nvr come in today lor.

How is your boy today?

haiz, guess we hv to let go when its time lor =)...See tera's boy is doing well in CH now =)...I guess they just need time =D.
