(2008/06) June 2008

Felicia..i tink its the life clinic..Dr Woon.. ya long queue and certain nites will be relieved doc..
now fingers crossed..hope our kids will be ok asap hor..

<font color="aa00aa">shycloud, my #1 is taking mamil gold, she's ok and her poo poo is soft not like last time when she's taking wyeth. In fact we quite satisfied with this FM. I think diff kid will suit differently. Need to try and see which one suit Jade.

ya, ya! is Dr Woon.
Really no see doc is the best!</font>
thanks for the info. i do like mamil gold but i realised she's getting more LS than ever..i hope its not due to the FM. will monitor and see how.

yes another thing, my GP did mentioned that mamil gold FM is sthg like a slimming FM cos it uses skimmed milk which is low in fat. wonder how true is tat..
ur ger taking mamil gold huh?

so Gain IQ will cause pehlgm? cos I am tinking of maybe either switchign my ger to enfa or gain iq le...
mamil gold is using skimmed milk? My ger is drinking mamil gold too..she doesnt drink much ever since 4/5 mth, we figured she's sick of it, and poos once/twice per day
zry mummy,
not too sure if its true but was told by my GP. i may change FM cos she's not gaining much weight and yes she also dun drink alot-150ML niah.
<font color="aa00aa">shycloud, wah! Tats a new surprised for me. Kid's FM oso got slimming type.
My #1 was at 14-14.5kgs since she was sick few mths back. Then almost every mth she'll fall sick once, so her weight was within this range for very very long period.
But i find this mamil gold, very 'powdery' compare to oth FM. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">zry, wat is ur ger weight now?
Any more mummies's baby is taking mamil gold, can share their weight?</font>
morning all mummies!

Sorry felicia, now then i log in...glad to know u found ur design.. yes its inclusive of free international shipping but as its usps and not fedex will take 1-2 weeks to come... the photobook very fun and addictive hor? :p im still thinking wat album to do next keke

hi ritzy
Yes, me and hubby both saw him when we were little kids.. so u can imagine how old this doctor is... glad to hear she is better now...

iamsnow, glad to hear that... the visit went well?

hi huggy, chloemummy n candy.. sent u all the link le, pls take a look
hi feifei, shycloud
All along isaiah was on isomil cause taking enfa n similac caused him to have very bad phlegm, but as isomil stopped at 1 yr old, we have switched him to enfagrow for a few weeks le... initially have loose green stools but now ok, best part is that so far, he has no phlegm *keeping fingers crossed* so maybe u all might want to try enfa...
felicia, yes!! Only the front n back cover is hard cover, the rest is normal Fuji photopaper...printed on both sides..
My GP has also mentioned that pediasure can be given to those with low weight concerns...it apparantly boost his daughter's weight up!
can email me the link too? Have pm u my email as well. thanks

mine drinks between 130-150ml per feed and she has 3 milk feeds per day..we r going to change her to step 3, dunno will be better or not. if not maybe will consider to change to another brand. what will u be changing to?

my ger 2 weeks ago is 8.3kg and 73cm in length..And yours?
i have another fren's ger taking mamil gold too and she's not too meaty as well..but her parents are quite slim built loh..actually this fren's gynae recommended mamil gold to them and i reckon since doc recommend, shouldnt be that bad bah?
zry's mummy,
i bought a no. of tins for step 3 haizz but i thinking of changing leh...perhaps to similac (it causes phelgm?)/enfa/pediasure.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi roxy...can email me the link for the photobook.. [email protected] ;p same as facebook... actually i got the pages ready liao but looking for a nice printer..etc.. but want to see how it looks to make into a book, looks better than album rite? hee...</font></font>
btw JTS,
my gal had her 1st BD party last sat. everything turn out well. there was so much fun and laughter. my guests enjoy themselves very much esp my gal, pretty rewarding!

but was upset over PG cos they made a minor blunder...they FORGOT to place SS toppers on the cake! so i asked for refund...
<font color="aa00aa">shycloud,
Pediasure is highly recommended to those kid with low weight, but price wise quite ex.

Not too sure of my ger's weight but i think is around 9kg or less a bit coz more than a mth ago, she was 8.6kg. Height short short loh, around 70cm. But she's on gain iq. Is my #1 on mamil gold. Her weight nvr increase since taking mamil gold, but might due to her keep falling sick every mth oso. One thing i like is she no longer complain pain when poo poo.
hi shycloud
Yes, pediasure is for those with weight problems n whose bb refuse to take normal meals, cause its super fortied with vitamins and instead of taking 0.5scoop to make 1 ounce milk, u need 0.85 scoop.. which means its even more double dosage n u use finish very fast so very exp... i tink should only let ur bb take pediasure unless ur PD recommend, if not its too strong for our lil ones... i din know and let isaiah take, within a few days, his lips become super dry n stools hard.. too heaty for him le, we ask pd after that, she said shouldnt let him take, so switch to enfa and ok le...

hi feifei
enfapro is for 6 mths to 1 yr and enfagrow is for 1 -3 yrs...so far he take is ok... no phlegm

hi zry's mummy, email u the link and wat i did for isaiah le

ioio n yummy.. will share with u the links and the album i did.. its quite fun .. yes, u can compile everything into a book/magazine stle album,put your own words etc, very fun

hee felicia, u addicted le hor? but after i finish the 100pg, i duno wat to do next, suddenly so sian :p no motivation to do wedding potos also cause so long ago le!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Roxy,
Yest nite i was aiming at 100pages, but today i think i better start slowly with 20pages. Not sure can complete or not.</font>
thanks zry... after u done urs already, rem to share with us too.. we can share ideas from each other

felicia... hee, i did the 100pg within 1 day as there was promo, by last few pages, no more words le as rushing to submit the book... as there's no time deadline for the 20pg.. so take ur time to do... but must let u know, if u choose 20 pg format already, cannot change to 100pg format.. so u cannot decide to extend ur no of pg after finishing 20 pg n u find its not enough, unless u dun mind pay us$0.50 per add'l page.. and u cannot cut n paste pages between projects.. so u must decide upfront how many pg u want ur project to be... actually 20pg is good also.. short n sweet.. u can go to the photobook gallery, there's some nice 20pg projects on baby first yr also.. can also use their ideas..
your book is very nicely done up!
photos all very nice. now i regret not taking enough nice pics of lucas, haha.

re milk powder
my boy's on enfa. he likes it but i think its giving him constipation. ;(

mummies giving mamil (zry, shycloud?),
any constipation problems?
no constipation so far. my gal's poos are always soft and mustard colour.

just curious, friso is not bad, y u wanna switch to enfa?
Ya...was abt to share Sambucol with the rest after reading that so many babies suffering from flu since March. I going to start to give reanne liao since she has already turned 1 year old. It is said that Sambucol will shorten the duration of flu symptoms, however it does not work as a preventive measure.
tera, i giving my boy mamil oso... i changed to step 3 (mamil's step 2 is up till 12mths) and it's giving him constipation. i checked with doc (cos bb hvg running nose), she says dunt change so fast yet. maybe give bb a bit more time before switching.
I am givign my ger Friso 3 now..but find that its more dilute than Friso 2 lor and I suspect my ger doesn't like it...cos recently ever since we swtiched, she has been drinking lesser...frm 240ml to about 140ml-180ml...
shycloud, ya he's been constipating for a couple days... doc told me to switch back. my MIL was brave enough to poke poke his backside to get the poo poo out.. cos he gek sai until face red red and crying and fussy.
sorry, just to add, maybe u can do the switch over v slowly...

give her 1 feed of step 3 and the rest remains unchanged? after a couple of weeks then gradually increase to 2 feeds of step 3 etc...

just suggesting la.
Hi ladies,

Haven't chat in here for a long long time.
Saw posts on Mamil gold...my boy also taking Mamil gold from stage 1 to now stage 3. Wt is about 9kg now at 12.5mths. No constipation at any stage, poo at least once a day.
maybe u can increase the no. of scoops but same amt of water?

thanks for the note, i will be careful when i switch over. wah ur MIL good leh...dig his shit out.
babies w/ constipation, maybe not enuff fruits? my mom always make sure my boy has fruits everyday...apple, pear, grapes, papaya...

funny, my boy poo v. well if he has eaten cauliflower. couple of times, he didn't poo for a day, next day my mom adds cauliflower in his porridge and he sure poo on that day. Dunno if it's coincidence..
shycloud, bleh and zry,
thanks for feedback on mamil. it seems that its dependent on individual babies cos travis kanna constipated but jade and ruiyue are ok. i have a fren whose dd is very badly constipated in gain IQ and when switched to mamil had no problems at all.

*sayang* travis. mine also gek recently. then today's poo was very hard. when we gave him sweet potato on sat and sun, he was able to pass motion very easily. but yest no give then become constipated liao.

why i switch huh? *tera face turning red* erm....cos i read that enfa has 4xDHA, kiasu mummy lah. whereas friso 3 like not so popular leh.
shycloud, all bbs are diff. u just monitor closely lor.

ya i oso peifu her for doing it. bb's tummy flattened a lot after all the poo comes out. *PHEW*

fei, my mamil step 3 is also more diluted than step 1. i guess, the formula's less concentrated as bbs grow older. just try to follow wat has been instructed on the new formula.
tera, thanks for the concern... i oso contemplated with changing to a more popular brand (mamil like not v pop oso) but hb thinks it's safer to stick to the same brand since bb's has no issues with it. maybe have to wait up a few more weeks before giving him step 3 to let his digestive system matures further, reducing constipation incidences. this is wat i think la... u decide carefully.
MG has immunofortis which improves the guts, tat prob constitute to low constipation rate in bb's i supposed.

Re constipation

I give my boy 40ml-50ml of fruit puree each day.

i tink the best is prunes/peach for constipation. whenever he didnt poo, my MIL will give prune puree (gerber). Sometimes i oso make peach puree or mixture of fruits puree (which contains peach) for regular motion. My MIL also cook brown rice (using raw brown rice to cook in slow cooker for 4 hrs) which she said the fibre is good for bowels.
