(2008/06) June 2008

For TCM most impt is reliable sources. cos some sources not reliable and we not sure the impact on bb. Otherwise it is good. When i was small i oso took TCM cos always fever and see Gp no use. I still remember my mum will brew the medicine over pot. But nowadays TCM medicine no need to brew so ley chey.

tera, rizty, felicia...
my gal oso has been having phelgm for the longest of time, almost 2 mths. and strangely, i noticed that the phelgm started when i started giving her FM (similac).

so 2 weeks back, when i brgt her to the PD, i asked if the milk powder cld be the reason. PD said it might be. she mentioned it cld be something in the similac which i cant rembr wat she said. she said i cld consider switching her to Nan or Enfa, cos this milk powders are hypoallegenic. but i hvnt switch yet.

wats med is lucas taking now? eve was given prospan for the cough and phelgm. we hv tried muscovolan, oso no use.
<font color="aa00aa">Riz/ Tera/ soyabean,
the muscolvan was supposed to let the babies managed to cough out the phelgm. My ger did cough out (maybe i shld said vomit out) the phelgm together with the milk she took. Normally when she took the muscolvan, she was coughing so badly, till she vomitted out the milk with sticky (phelgm) she took before that. But no matter how many times she vomit out the phelgm, it keep coming back. No end lor.
Then i find after she took hou ning, her phelgm seem to get lesser.
Hi Ritzy
Name Seng is at 144 Upper Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 588177
Contact : 64682824
timing 9 - 12, 2 - 4 or 8 - 10.. i ever see him till 11plus at night also... recommended is u call at 9 first thing in morning to get number for night clinic, the first number they give is no 10 for night clinic which is abt 845 - 9pm... so u reach abt that time.. if not, most of the time, can easily wait 2 - 3hrs just to see him...
I highly recommend u to see him, that time when isaiah had bout of cough n flu for few mths, see different pd also cannot recover, each time spent 100plus, i see him 1 time spent 50+ and recovered le...he's a normal GP. A tip is that if bb/child is having high fever n u dun want to wait, u can explain the situation to the next in line person n if the person is kind enough to allow u to go in with him, u can skip q and see doctor immediately. The doctor n nurses close 1 eye for kids/babies with high fever de...Hope she will get well soon

Hi Tera
wats ur email? I forward u the link.. dat time i did 100pg only cost me S$32 plus printing n shipping.. was promo.. when u sign up, will get 3 free 8 by 8inch photobooks and 600 free 4r prints...
yess, very heartpain to hear them cough. esp when they cough until whole face red and then very pek-chek themselves cos dunno how to expel the phelgm..all i can do is to pat pat his chest and back.

he's been on mucosol, then rhinathiol (spelling?) and then now chloromine.

also, ventolin (for night) to prevent bronchitis.

oh yes, lucas has thrown up his milk a few times ever since he was coughing, phelgm being the culprit. the other time on the way to KK, he threw up in the car and quite alot of the phelgm came out. think he felt better after that.

hehe, yah wat's hou ning?
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean/ Tera,
Hou Ning San is a kind of chinese medicine which can help to dispel the phelgm. I got it from EYS. Normal chinese medicine hall oso got sold, but i think they called it Hou Zhao San. Is the same thing.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tera,
YuJie throw up once on me and another time on my MIL. Can feel the stickiness. Yes, can feel after the throw up, they feel better, but the phelgm came back quite fast oso.</font>
hi feifei
Heee, the photobook was recommended to me by MM, she knows im very bored at home... u upload ur potos into the website then they have alot templates that u can design your photo album in a magazine style. They will print the album exactly how u designed, except front n back is hard cover.. there's 8 by 8 inch book, 10 by 10 and 12 by 12... when u sign up, u will get free 600 4r prints, only need to pay shipping which is abt S$8-9 per 100 pieces and once u pay for your first book, u will get 3 of 8 by 8, 20 pages photobooks free, only need to pay shipping of abt $15... its highly addictive... let me have ur email n i forward u the one i did for isaiah, so u'll know wat it looks like
felicia, tera...
yes... eve too... can hear that its clearer after she vomit... but the phelgm will come back again after a short while...

i see.... we hv given eve ventolin b4 too....
hi tera, felicia and feifei... sent u all the link le... take a look, if keen to do a book n need help, msn me
Seems like Ventolin is the common med for airways...my gal got it too..then the next day doc say didnt help nd to use the inhale ting...
Good tat can vomit out ..but its true somehow the phlegm comes back fast..doc oso say try diluting the milk abit...
hee tera, something to occupy time with, im planning to do a simple one for his photoshoot then print out a few canvas print.. so much cheaper than doing in sing... add me at msn [email protected] n let me know if need help regarding the book, im no expert but agar agar know how it works...
<font color="aa00aa">Roxy,
At office cannot use msn now, can advise how shld we start? I have register, then upload all the pics first, then only start doing the book?</font>
Hi war... sent link to your hotmail le

Hi soyabean
Sent to you le... oh btw tink you sent me an email wrongly.. i got an email from u ydae with 2 pictures inside
Sure, pls add me into msn...

remember to download microsoft silverlight first, then can view n do your own template

hi felicia
First, upload the potos into an album.. if u have many potos, recommended to separate ur potos into a few albums, so when u paste ur potos into the templates that time.. u dun need to search like mad... u can upload many potos at one time, just upload all, leave pc on and go to sleep... the potos will be displayed in ur album in the order it was uploaded...

Then u choose ur product, under "create your own stuff" eg 8 by 8 inch 20 pages photopage, and click create it... then u will see a 20 page layout where u can do page by page... remember to save always....

Before starting on your album, u can go to shared gallery to look at other people album to take inspiration/ideas from them... and also go to kits. Download the kits that you find nice, there's free ones, for paid ones, need to pay the amt in us$.. u can use the kits as your background pictures/format or add the words, embellishments to your pictures/photos..
Btw, after the album is finished n u want to enjoy special promotions, free photobooks, u need to use the "code" and key it in...u can find your free 8 by 8 20 pages photobook code under members area, credit &amp; discount.. if not, can also see under sale for sale items code... there are also people sharing codes under forum... rem to key in the code at point of checkout to enjoy the special offer/freebie...
Certain codes have expiry dates.. so do remember to use them fast
<font color="aa00aa">roxy,

Okok. Thanks. Roughly know wat is it about liao. Shall try when i'm free. But need to upload all photos 1st. Hopefully i can complete it by this week. hehe...

Btw, you got the book already? Hows the quality?</font>
hee soya, its ok

hi felicia
Let me know if u need help... i havent receive my book yet.. tink it takes abt 1 - 2 wks... my friend did 2 albums there.. paper n colour quality is good...
I rushed to do my book then as the coupon code was ending, thus if u see my book, first few pages write alot, by the last few pages, no words le, cause i peng san by then :p
hope eve gets better soon.
Have u changed her formula yet? I actually switched lucas from friso to enfagrow. i think enfa is not bad.

can't wait to go home and check out the photobook! still at work..
thanks... we started the gradual switch yest. going to switch over to Gain iq. we bgt a few tins already... so we dun wanna waste it... will switch over and see how she is taking it. if prob persists, then we will switch her to Nan.
<font color="aa00aa">Roxy, need help!
I create the album and save with my girl's name. But when i search under My Saved Designs, there's no any folder for my uncompleted design leh. Hw to find my uncompleted masterpiece?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean, my #2 is taking Gain IQ. Last time she used to take Wyeth and seems very heaty, tats why decided to change to Gain IQ. </font>
how is Yujie taking to Gain? i hv spoken to a couple of pple, who oso told me their babies had probs of phelgm when taking similac...
<font color="aa00aa">Soyabean,

You reminded me that her phelgm might be due to this FM. I'm not too sure if this is the result that her phelgm cannot clear or wat, but i think this is the longest period which her phelgm cannot be clear, but might due to weather as well.
But one thing i notice is that she's not so heaty compare the time she's taking wyeth. </font>
Morning Felicia &amp; Mumss..

Yesterdady brought Andrea to the GP near my place..to make sure she is fine...cos goin genting on Fri...Doc says Lungs r clear &amp; she seems ok liao..told doc she was given the antibiotic jabs(rocephine) by PD..doc was abit shocked &amp; says..'oh..abit strong u know?!!)
Anyway...te GP says if i nd inhaler,medicines for the neubilser...i can get it from him...shld b cheaper then PD...(lucki found a cheaper source)..heheh

Roxy..thks for the Addy for Nam Seng..many recommendations on this clinic...

Soyabean..my gal was given Prospan oso...taste like honey...

Felicia...bb ok ler?still phlegm?
<font color="aa00aa">Riz, good to heard tat Andrea is fine now.
Which GP you go?
My Ger still had bit of phelgm. She's now on antibiotic due to the dots, so i'll wait till she finish her antibiotic, only start again with hou ning. But now my worry is whether she's allergy to hou ning? Shall do a testing.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Roxy,
I saw my saved design liao. So funny, yest nite cannot see but today it was all there. Ended up i have many many uncompleted design in my folder. haha....
Btw, the free shipping is free international shipping?</font>
Hi Felicia..last time i use to bring my kids to Joy Clinic..but now they don hv nite clinic..so i bring them to Roy's Family Clinic..next to the cofy shop at MacDonalds..he is reasonable in charges, detail..and soft spoken doc..can ask him many questions ..he is ok..so far both kids see him and was ok..unless realli bad then i send to Ooi Clinic lor...Btw.Ooi clinic is closed from 1-10 Jun .

I am tinkg of seein EYS..TCM...but still tinkg when lor...
morning ladies...

saw tat u guys mentioning phelgm in your bb's due to FM.

i realised my gal kena diarrhoea when taking this current FM...been to GP was told to dilute the milk as prob the milk causes wind in the stomach resulting in LS. but previously she was all right.

any mummmies can advise?
morning ladies!

I'm feeling much better nowadays. Hee...

blue tac can hold the banner ar? good woh. hee.... got pic to share?
<font color="aa00aa">Riz,
I normally see the GP at BLK604 as nearer to my house plus dont hv to wait unless serious case, will send my kids to KKH. As for Dr Ooi, twice we saw his wife, no good impression, so we din go there anymore, unless no choice.
Btw, there's this doc, i think called Dr Weng (cant remember the clinic name, next to the stationary shop which open by Indian lady). Quite good, but the Q is super lor. Need to wait at least more than an hour.

shycloud, Wat FM Jade is taking now? When i change my ger from wyeth to Gain, she oso hvin slight diarhoe, but her poo poo back to normal within a week.</font>

she's taking mamil gold..was ok all along until recently 1 mth. i was thinking of switching to similac or enfa...
