(2008/06) June 2008

COOL!!! You got strong arm power!

Adult food, tasty mah... got MSG!!! hehehe...

I place the hard-boiled eggyolk in a small bowl,
add a little water, mix & feed.

I believe your arm power is quite strong also

Yesterday went to tao payoh central, I had to carry her with my left arm while my right hand had to push the stroller that she refused to sit in.
She is getting very naughty now, put her in the stroller or high chair or potty she will go like: WUAAAAAA WUAAAAA WUAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I done some collages using picasa, for my bb 1st bday celebration. Manage to get some more fotos from my hb's sis camera.


But it is the mummy that wanted to go out, not the BB, so "no stroller = no go out" method cannot be used, wuahahaha......

Yes, I think I must find the sling out and start slinging her again. If not very siong for me. Initially she can sit now guai guai in the stroller every time we go out one. So I didn't use the sling much since she was 4 mths old.

But a bit worry that her big fat leg and thigh will have blood circulation issue if I using the sling to carry her???
Thanks for all advices.

Anyone can share her baby's daily schedule? I want to study n make some adjustment for my baby.

my baby laifu is very naughty too, he can escape from the highchair even i fasten all 5 point harness. sign.... sometimes I am wondering where his energy comes from as he drink so less milk.
My ger not on BM for half yr but she's heavy... 10kg++ I think got 11kg. But her meat feeling is softer compared those drinking BM.

My ger same. Sit stroller awhile then cry to carry. She also refuse to sleep in it. Whenever I put her down she start to cry. Don't know how to make her guai guai sit/sleep in it. Haiz... So now when bring her out I will bring along the carrier.

You might want to try to sling her on the hip?

Sharing my schedule
7.30am - 150ML FM
9.00am - 1/2 bowl cereal, Bath
10.30am - 150ML FM, Nap
12.30pm - 1 bowl Porridge and fruits
3.30pm - Snacks, 150ML FM, Nap
7.30pm - 1 bowl porridge
8.30pm - bath
10.00pm - 150ML FM, Sleep.

my schedule is

6am - latch on
9am - 3/4 bowl of cereal + fruit puree
10.30/11am - Milk 150 - 170ml
1pm - lunch (1 bowl of porridge/macoroni/mee suah)
3pm - Milk 150ml
5pm - Dinner (1 bowl of porridge/macoroni/mee suah)
6.30pm - Milk 90ml
9pm - Latch on
Heehee. thanks for sharing.

Leng Leng,

yes, I am very stress now.

how much water do you give your baby?


Wah, you still BF your baby! So good.
morning mummies....

the weekend is over... and so is Eve's party...

the party went great! now looking forward to spending her actual bdae tmr with my hb and the kids tmr...

btw, i hv loaded the pics into my FB, so u can go there and view... dun wan to post them here...
Morning ladies....
Hows all your wkends? For me, I went shopping, tinking of getting a swimsuit for myself but end up getting things for my ger isntead..hehe =).Went robinson last fri, bot a shopping cart frm Little Tikes for my ger, we saw this small little boy, pushing the cart ard, looking so cute =)..End up we carry the bulky box to take mrt ;p..

Lots of sales going these days =)...

Anyone went to the motherhood fair? Bot stuffs?
good morning!
I have a question regarding pee at night. My son didn't pee last night leh, about 10 hours. is that normal?? but he did urine in the morning after he woke up.
Gd morning all!!

Sat went to Robinson for a shopping spree.. at last, shopping for my things instead for Floyce..

HB went off to Korea/Taiwan for biz trip ydd night ard 9pm.. only be back on Sat.. Will be alone w Floyce for the next few days.. HB is suggesting to quarantine himself when he's back. Anyone got gd suggestions where to quarantine?? Not gg back to parents' hse though..
hi ya...how are u today?

sometimes my ger also dun pee throughout e nite de...if she drinks alot of water b4 she sleeps, then her diaper will be full in e morning..

hehe..wow...me wanted to get soem clothings but can't...Gucci and prada also having sales leh =)..

As for quarantine hor, hmm..i am not sure leh...
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, anyone had any idea about the shop/ factory at AMK, tat is doing the curtain at factory price? It was aired in the King of Thrift Smart 省钱王 show before. I know it was very long times ago, but anyone had any idea what is the address?</font>
OIC. 1st time my son didn't pee at night so i got very worried. usually his diaper will have moderate amount in the morning de
Yah good weight... But she's no longer as 'ba ba' as before lor. Now not nice to bite.

Your schedule nearly same as mine.

1 day 120ML water. Sometimes only 100ml. Don't know enough anot.
I never schedule timing for water. So drink bit by bit. Eating porridge drink, wake up, play etc... I saw your schedule got water in it. To me i would rather feed her with Milk or cereal.. These 2 is more important compared with water.

I might be wrong... Maybe other mummies can advise?
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies,
I found the curtain shop liao!

My aim now is my gers is healthy, dont always fall sick will do liao. 'ba ba' or not is not important liao. But of course, ppl is greedy one, if can choose, i would want both, 'ba ba' and healthy. hehehe...
I think my ger only 9kgs nia. And she still very short lor. Btw, she finally know how to crawl liao. Oth june babies is starting to walk liao and mine juz start to crawl. hahaha...</font>
Hi Felicia...the curtain shop is jus outside my office leh...heheh..went to peep once..lotsa textile..but don see any people leh...heheh
My gal oni 8kg..she has run down lotsa..due to mild chest infection...lotsa of medication and inhaler puff...heartpain..my gal oso start crawlin not long..can stand for 1min...cant walk oso..but can climb for the car seat to sofa...faint!!! she turned 1 yesterday...everione says she small..

i wonder how can help to boost immune hor....?!!!
I just started giving Childlife calcium. Reckon he need extra calcium bec he not taking any dairy pdts and his source of calcium is from BM and green vegs.


My boy dun drink a lot of water. Maybe only 30ml nia. But maybe bec he drink breastmilk so dun need so much water.


Give Vits to boost immunity. If diet is not balanced, can give childlife vits. But if want diet balanced, can give fruits everyday.
Ellysia,feifei...was a terrible week for me and my girl..2 days after her bro got fever..then she got it..then startd the runny nose and cough...then fever go up and down...2nd day went to 2 PD at Yishun..1 is close another PD not in..so cant wait..went to Spore BB &amp; child clinic at AMK..was rejected...cos dey don entertain walk in...last choice went to THE CHILDRENS CLINIC at Toa Payoh..PD said..oh she has lotsa phlegm at the lungs
..gaf me 2 choices..either admit or gif her antibiotic jabs for 3 days...i spent abt $600 for tis 3 days..and she was so traumatised by all the neubilser and jabs....
...2nd day PD says oh she is definetely better..3rd day..she say ..its gettin worst..and nd to use inhaler..every 3hrly ..ask me to see her the next morning..
i went office and ask for some advice frm some mummies ..they say better seek 2nd opinion...
so i kept her at home frm Fri - Sunday..she seems better..little cough...tonite i will bring her to another PD for 2nd opinion to see how..
p/s : the clinic is Damn super EX... :X
feifei, teach yr gal to use Floyce's method (backside down) to get down from any heights.. will not have baruku anymore..

Floyce is using the backside method even on the single mattress lied on the floor.. **faint**

Is Charlotte OK now??
Rizty.. sincerely hope yr gal is getting much better.. we all understand the pain and suffering the little gal and mummy had to go through.. Take care..
ya cos she was climbing down frm her mattress, just a small height, then my mil said she saw char siting down liao, then duno y, she lean backwards and went pong...then my ger screaming out loud lor..tink she got a shock...but aft that she was ok le..hiaz..

oh dear...hope ur ger is recovering well le...Poor ger... the chest infection hor, it started with her coughing?
Warrior..thks for ur well wishes...2 wks of sleepless nites...enuf to make me a panda... hehe...but tats part of motherhood lor...

Fei..usualli its cough &amp; flu...then lotsa phlegm...bb too young to dispell out phlegms &amp; nose mucus..hence it flows backwards to te lungs lor..if infected then fever lor..fever goes up and down for few days ....nite time can reach 40degree..prob is PD says it cld be inheritance..cos i hv sensitive nose...both kids hv sensitive airways..easily get flu...

now nd to tink of how to build immmune..anyway i am givin her goats milk startin tis wk..my boy take it when he turns 1...it does help ...
how r u? better or not? btw, we managed to pin up the birthdya banner using blu-tack! keke... and didnt use the standby 1st birthday banner at all...

Singapore baby &amp; child do not accept walk-in. When my boy had fever last mth, we also not accepted in the clinic. We end up going to GP nearby. Esp with the recent h1 scare, clinic is now more strict and esp with fever cases.

My boy also have sensitive airway. Both me and hb also sensitive nose, plus my hb had childhood asthma last time. so the more we r worried.
hi ritzy
Hope ur gal is getting better... if she doesnt recover, try going to Nam Seng at bt timah, works wonders for my boy...

Its ok.. isaiah is only 9kg now also and he's coming to 13 mths and a boy.. we kinda give up on his weight le..

hi iamsnow
How are u today? Everything ok so far?

Hi mummies
Ive been having losa fun doing up an online photobook 100pages for isaiah first yr.. plus print n ship the book is less than S$100.. maybe u all can go n try too... to print 20pages potobook is only abt s$20
<font color="aa00aa">Riz,

It must be so tough for u during this period. My YuJie till now oso hvin phelgm. In fact a week ago, i decided to change to 'hou ning san' for her and she took for 3 days, seems ok, so i stop, but who know it came back. Then suddenly her hand and behind her ear, face came out some scratch like spot. Brought her to see doc, doc said either is chicken pox or skin sensitive, but high chance is skin prob. Gave her some bath liquid to wash nia, coz if apply cream apply she'll lick on it. Doc oso give her antibiotic, so now i dare not give any hou ning san, coz mixture of chinese and western medicine is not advisable.
So this few days can heard she coughing with sound of phelgm.
Do take care of yourself too,ok!</font>
Ellyisa..i was tinking if realli the bb is havg super high fever then how???oso don accept seein the baby?? sighhhh...
You know the bb clinic i went at TP...i hope i won go there again...can go bankrupt...&amp; worst..i was told by alot of colleagues tat the antibiotic jab is high dosage..above tat oso gif oral antibiotic..

Roxy, where is the exact location for NAM SENG??

Felicia, my boy oso can't take hou ning..small dots will appear after eating...some ppl say try the EYS Bao Yin Dan...aiyo..too many recommendations..headache!!!but western med makes te body weak lor...tot of seeing chinese doc to 'tiao' back the health...
<font color="aa00aa">Riz, taking hou ning will have tat small dots? I was only suspecting but this is not the 1st time my ger is taking leh. Now she's taking antibiotic, will need to let her finish, only can start oth medicine. She cough more 'jialat' when taking Muscolvan. The last round, i let her 'suffer' for 3-4days taking muscolvan, but no improvement at all, tats why i changed to hou ning.
Chinese med wont make the body weak, but took longer time to 'tiao' lor. Really headache!</font>

Yah i dunno why tat clinic give jab. Tat time my boy only took oral antibiotic which i ored worry tat it may be too strong.

Me also tink why the clinic cannot accept, cos high fever leh. Tat time i also v upset, cos my boy got high fever of 39 degrees lor.

Me oso worried lor, dunno how to increase his immunity leh.
For cough medicine, the GP told us tat children below 2 yrs cannot give cough medicine as its too strong. so they can also give medicine to reduce phlemg or those to free the airway.
Felicia..i brought son to doc cos of the dots..doc say cld be some allergy..or some herbs he cant take in hou ning...so i stop...u know some told me tat certain phlegm medicine will make bb cough out the phlegm..duno how true.
sighh..kids nowadays so prone to phlegm and runny nose ...almost all the kids in the clinic all hv to kana neubilise ..so scary..
Hi Mummies!

Jus went motherhood fair last weekend. Its actually slightly better than the past years motherhood fair i think.. More brands..

Burnt a small hole in my pocket.. bought wet wipes, avent bpa free 260ml milk bottles, nestle cereal, gerber fruit juice, gripe water and sign 1 year motherhood mag..
good afternoon ladies!

thanks for the water-rise recommendation!
had very favourable reviews on their food and deco from my frens. i opted to have additional laksa and it was delicious!
gave them thumbs-up for their deco, really really nice.

i'm keen in the photobook! any contacts?

rizty, felicia,
my boy's cough is also taking a long time to heal, close to 3 weeks now. the pd did warn me that kids generally take longer to recover. but as long as they are active and eating well, they are fine. the other night he coughed so bad that i brought him down to KKH, hoping that they can help to extract his phelgm cos i could hear it when he cough but he doesn't know how to cough it out.
but the KK hosp told me his chest is clear so only gave him another med. i'm also thinking of switching to TCM. western medicine seems to make them weak and lose appetitie.

hope your darlings will get well soon.
ZRY's mummy,

you here?

i jus called cheong choon, they selling the play yards at this price: 4 panels at $140 and 6 panels at $210 and they got free delivery...

should be cheaper than KP right? but the BP still cheapest..

Hi Tera.. ya i heard TCM medicines are not too strong..many recommendations to try..i tink when my girl is better..i will bring her to TCM...
Kids sick ..parents oso headache...
As long as chest clear..not too worried lor...but the way they cough see liao heartpain...
