(2008/06) June 2008

ioio, hehehe....yes, I am back!
We went back to my hometown last friday and I already packed things for 2 weeks of stay, but then last minute plan changed because my sister is coming to spore next weekend. Want to bring her go shopping so come back earlier than plan.

that is so sweet!
i am still waiting for my boy to look at me and call me "mama". similar to june, he will call "ma" when he wants me to carry, "mum mum" when hungry and papa, gerger for fun. he also likes to scream. :p

lucas likes the discovery table quite a bit. he's been standing and playing with the toys on it.
in fact i just bought a 2nd-hand laugh and learn table as i intend to put the discovery table at my ILs place. now thinking if i shld get the ball house, seems fun. maybe wait till next week, quite broke this mth. :p

take care! drink more water!
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">huggy.. so u sucessfully hide away from the celebration.. ;p ha ha..</font></font>
btw, my girl has surprised us lately by holding the phone to her ear... she does this to our HPs, our home phone and her toy phones...

we never knew she wld know how to do it.

she has also mastered doing the flying kiss... =)

yummy pie,
which part of kl do u stay now?

the playskool 2in1 walker won't be a white elephant. It can become a car for your son to ride on, isn't it?

the push walker that I bought is quite sturdy, my ger can hold onto it and stand although it has 4 wheels too. Maybe its surface is bigger than the plaskool one.

Your boy very handsome and looks like a big boy already
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Adelinecheng/angel_z/Ellysia,

Thanks Mummies!Seems like your babies scratched their ear maybe because of their hair , but my Jared is still botak, so i wonder why</font></font>
Your ger so cute and so clever!

BTW, after meeting you and your ger at the kindermusik, we came home and kept talking about how your ger clap her hand so accurately and bla bla bla in front of my ger (not purposely one, just a conversation between me and my hubby). Then suddenly, forgot the same day or the next day, my ger know how to clap her hand accurately on command liao, before that she just simply swing her arms around or grab her fingers or just ignore us when we ask her to clap her hand.

Now, she is unstoppable, clap her hand as and when she likes without us guiding her, yesterday even hear ger say pai pai" when she cap her hands on her own again. Also, grab my hand to do the pai pai shou together with her.

BUT, I tried to teach her the flying kiss for very long time already, she just refuse to do it. Maybe I shd let her see how your ger do it again then only she wants to do bah

Oh, but when we say kiss, she will move her face forward and open her mouth to kiss us mouth to mouth. Just couldn't pick up the concept of flying kiss
did u mean the mothers' day celebration?

I let my hubby celebrate with his mom, while i went home following my sister's car to celebrate with our mother. Yes, I did it
After the changed of plan, I went to their house on sun evening to follow my hubby's car back to spore. All my SIL's show black face, only my MIL try to act supper nice - call me to eat dinner, fruits and etc. So, I know my MIL must have bad mouth me behind my back again. But I have no fear of the black face anymore, I just ignore whoever trying to ignore me. Only talk when someone talk to me or I will just keep looking and talking to my ger.

I was there for only 1 and half hour, but it felt like ages. Just kept wondering when my hubby will start his car and leave the house, but have to act calm on the surface. Phew, so tiring!

last time, when my boy started pulling and scratching back of his ear, i thought he's feeling v warm... then the back of his ear started to tear... it got pretty bad and we brought him to doc's. doc said it's mild eczema. so u might wanna keep a lookout...
soyabean: your ger reali smart eh.. i so envy.. that time met her at bpp can see that she knows how to do many things liao.. my ger older but still dun know loh..

btw how is the kindermusik class ah?

huggy: your whole family go malaysia for trip or all your parents in malaysia n u go there to visit? if i were u, i would jus avoid going to your ILs man.. heehee..
Yes, all our parents are in msia. Mine in Selangor, hubby's at Johor. My sister also stays in Johor, just nearby my ILs house actually.

Yalor, that was my initial plan, will stay at my parents' house for a week or 2, and wait until my hubby is free to come fetch us home. This way I can avoid to see their face totally. I am so glad that i had such a great plan at 1st. But too bad, has to change plan for my sister lor, haiz...

Never mind, from now on I will let them know that I am not someone that they can mess with, arrgghhhh........ I am a tiger after all, cannot be bully by all the rabbit, cow and rooster bah, wahahaha......
huggy: icic.. oops.. u tiger ah? been reading your postings n i think u have been too nice to them aledi when its so clear that they are being so unreasonable..

can't tell that u tiger from those postings eh.. cos u are so accommodating to them.. =P

ya loh.. you should stand up for yourself next time.. give sacrastic remarks n death stares more often.. hahahaha..
re: kindermusik

It was fun for the babies. But to me, was a bit surprise that the floor mat looked very dirty, and the class a bit too simple and short. I actually expected something better than that, for eg. more music instruments for the babies to try and play on.
Heard some of the mummies say that the tanglin mall one much better.

ZRY's mummy,
Sorry, didn't recognise you at the class, because you have too little photo on the FB lar. But I kept feeling that your ger's name looks very familiar so came home and checked then only I realised that the cute pink family is you

I was attracted by the look of your princess, which is the exact photocopy of your hubby, and she has very nice hair too, so envy, envy, and envy......

yah yu zhe also got play a bit. so the laugh and learn is better or discovery table is better? I oso tinking to buy another one, or to get a grand piano. Just dig out some AP money which given to bb during 1st mth, i tot can use tat to buy toys for him.


Yu Zhe got scratch his ears till bleed before too, i tink is eczema.


which walker u have? can let me know. i tinking to consider another one.
Yes, you are right, I am a very nice tiger, wahahaha......

I dunno why, the rabbit (1st SIL) looks and acts more like a tiger than me. You will surprise if you see her action, really a cha zar bor. She even dare to bring all her sisters to her aunties home (father's sisters) and scold them when she is younger. Then for a pathetic single pack of fish ball that her mother bought in Giant turn bad, she also led her sisters to the Giant and request for refund. The staff told her that opened pack cannot get refund, she scold the staff and request to meet the manager of the store and they ended up let her exchange for other things. I knew because I happened to be in the same store with my sister. I overheard a bit of the quarrel and felt so embarrass and quickly siam, don't want ppl to know I have any relationship with them. They created quite a scene there. How? pei fu bah!
huggy: then cannot continue like that.. must live up to the reputation of a tiger, ok? cannot let them bully you la.. esp when it comes to things regarding your ger ger, that doesn't even concern them loh..

i always think limit contact then will have less conflicts.. heehee..
it is not a branded one, only cost 36+.
the name is LATIDO, with a logo of a sheep. If not sure what it is, i can post its photo for u. But the box we threw away already.
ellysia: last weekend i went carrefour n saw fisher price walker got offer at $39.90 which i bought for my ger.. now she is having fun cruising around the house with the walker
a bit regret to come back so soon, my hubby still working now, not home yet. Haiz...although expected but didn't expect to be this late.
Can see that it has a bigger base and big surface that can become a mini activity table too.

My hubby just came back not long ago.

Crystalz, thanks for your words of encouragement. That is why I always say the biggest problem that I have is my hubby who is 100% loyal to his family, from the inner heart to the outer mouth. He won't bad mouth his sis a tiny bit, not even behind their back lor.

They loves to demand him this and that, and he loves to obey them, even he felt a it inconvenient sometimes he still silently do whatever he was asked to without complaining. Whereas, I do not have this type of treatment at all. Very double standard.

You see, even the ox (hubby) don't afraid of the tiger.
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean, ur ger so cute! Btw, your ger oso botak on the front? My YuJie oso leh.

Btw, my ger still din know how to crawl the correct way but she can 'swim' from one corner to another corner. haha....</font>

see? all babies are smart! they pick up things very fast now. so load them with the tricks.
aiyoh.... she knows how to kiss arh? so sweet leh...

keke.... huggy has spoken her piece abt the kindermusik...

yah lor... botak in the front... actuali not reali botak... jus not alot of hair... and very fine, and all stand up one... keke...
morning ladies...

went toysrus ydae, they are still selling the laugh n learn discovery table at 119.90 and grand piano at 139.90... fyi in case anyone interested... we bought a battery powered operated truck for isaiah, wait till he's older, can cruise around house himself in his own car.. having promo now, usual price 199.95, now only 139.95
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!
*muack* - i good mood today cos tomolo last day at wk then i go for my long looooonnnngggg wkend liao...kekekekee....

no worries. btw, dun need to take from u the chinese medi liao cos the TMC at changi work wonders for gwen, not oni is she more than ok now, she is even feeding more than previously, i so happy....hope she put back wtg soon...

u still in m'sia? missed seeing u ard. but last wk keep bumping into yur hb instead...LOL hope u r much better now &amp; is recovering...

RE: Our Babies
All of them grown up liao. time reai flies. to think tat when we 1st start chatting here, we were oni in 1st trim. now our joys are oreadi coming to a yr old if not a yr old liao....must reai treasure tis time wif them, once they more independent, they prob run off on their own &amp; dun need us tis much liao....

My Gwen knows a couple of pronoucation from spellings.
spell for her "B-A-N-A-N-A" - she will reply "Na Na"
spell for her "A-P-P-L-E" - she will reply "A-fur"
she can point to the correct fruits but she can't pronouce the correct intonation for the words...

then she also go onto pretence play. she has tis fav bb tweety bird wif open beak. she will purposedly put her finger into the beak, then look at us &amp; go "ouccchhhh", then pat herself on the chest area as if to say "scare scare".

then if my MIL hit her hands in the day for being noti, when hb &amp; me come home, she will keep tapping her palm wif another hand, then look at us - frown, then pretend to cry a bit. so we know MIL must ve beat her in the day. my MIL gave up, saying my ger knows how to complain if bullied or beaten.... muahahhahahhaa.....</font>
Morning ladies...

Wow, ur ger so clever leh...hehe..at least she knows how to tell u wor..so cute leh.. =)...

All going for e blash this wkend,
Enjoy urselves ya.. =).
<font color="aa00aa">Crystal,

I'm bak to work yest liao! Super sian after such a long 'break'. Yup, hubby does told me that he bumped into you. Thanks for ur well wishes. In fact i'm 'hiding' at home most of the times coz of my ugly armpit, plus i need to work from home.
Now wound is quite okliao, juz occasionally feel bit pain nia.

Btw, where r u going? For a holidays?</font>
Morning Ladies,

I got walker for Lucas. It have a lock so that Parents can lock wheels for baby to learn standing up. Three learning modes teach babies colors, numbers, animals and sounds as they sit, stand or even get up and go.
Lucas use to swim around the house too. When I bring him for class, all mothers will say that he's swimming instread of crawling. I kept thinking is due to my slippery floor. But recently, he jus crawl in the right way without anyone teaching. Kid are really clever.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">huggy.. yes.. i was quite annoyed that i am being forced to go and hv to cancel my impt appt as they changed from noon to even.. go there.. my "tiger empress" give a unwelcome feeling when she sees me.. i hv to act cool for that 1.5hr buffet session lstening to her loud hokkien.. it's like ages and the food like tasteless no matter how nice it is.. ;p </font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">morning mummies...

crystal.. gwen is so clever.. you gg for holiday?

felicia, what happened to you?</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Kris,
Is was fun to see them 'swimming' instead of crawling, rite? i think i'm a crazy mom! hehe...
In fact i'm not worry at all if my ger din know how to crawl coz my #1 oso nvr crawl. Now my ger can stand quite steady with support, so just wait for the day she take her 1st step. hehe....

Re: Calling Ma Ma Or Pa Pa
Few weeks back, my ger start calling but not 'Ma Ma' , not 'Pa Pa' but 'Jie Jie'. My gosh, she really loves my #1. Initially we tot we heard wronly but on a few occassion we really heard she calling 'jie jie' when my #1 is around. She juz refused to call "ma ma". *sigh*</font>
Mothers day - my MIL is away for holiday so didn't makan with her. Then my own mum, we ored eat out one week ago. So on Mother day only my son eat with me lor heee. Or rather, he see me eat at KFC. poor baby, he can't eat KFC yet.


My house flooing also slippery type but my bb also crawl on fours, not the swimming type.

oic, so yr walker can lock wheels? so good... maybe i shd get another one. i planning to buy another walker cos the play skool one not so ideal.


wow yr bb learning fast.
i didn't teach my boy English yet. Maybe shd start.

Recently i just teach him how to "hi fi", cos realise many bb seems to know how to do.. then when strangers hi-fi with my boy, he dunno wat to react. He only know how to bye bye and clap on demand. Can say "nai nai" or "mum mum" if he hungry. Can understand sleeping in chinese.

Now seems ideal stage for them to start learning words.

Maybe she is calling her own name?

Cos my boy used to call "jie jie" too.. but he has no sister mah.. later we realise he is calling his own name, which sound similar.


for the battery operated car, when can bb sit on it? 1.5 yrs old?
I agree, we always laugh over how he "swim". Lucas have took his first few steps. But he is down with flu and cough these few days. The med make him too drowsy, so he refuse to walk these days. But my boy is very impatient. If you temp him with toys, he'l try to walk a few steps, then find that its too slow and decided to crawl instead.

thks for the pix.. looks more sturdy to me. looks like must find a walker tat has a more stable base.


the walker is which model? i dunno is it the same one i saw at NTUC extra, $79.
Which carefour u go? Suntec one?
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
kekeke, tat's y my MIL been telling everyone tat my ger complain queen. of cos lar. complain abt ah mah wah...LOL...clever i say, so ah mah cannot anyhow beat her behind my back.

it was quite funni cos a couple of days in a row, i go wk, he goes back. i come back, he goes wk - we seem to keep going in opposite directions...kekekek...
good lar yur #2 luv #1, good sibling bond. so how does your #1 reacts when #2 calls her? must be heartwarming to see it....

feli / ioio,
nah, no holis for me.
cos thur is my ger's exact bday, so taking the day off to bring her out for the day. then lazy to come back to office on fri, so take tat day off as well. now my oni prob is my hb, he had been running a fever up to 39.4 since sun evening. hope his fever break soon so i dun ve to cnxl my outing for my ger...keeping my fingers crossed real tight....

i didnt teach her on purpose. i suppose she luv to eat these 2 fruits, then i was telling her the names of these fruits + spell it out to her, the next thing i know was tat she starts to pronouce the words once i spell them.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">felicia.. hope the wound get heal soon.. ;p

crystal.. thought u gg on holiday..hee.. oooh this thurs..mine is 2 weeks away for lunar celebration.. at actual day i am oso taking leave to co. him.. this has being a very special day to both of us.. last year they jux came out from our tummy.. time really flies...</font></font>
I know exactly how you feel *pat pat*

Glad to hear that Gwen is recovering

Wow, your Gwen so clever, she is ahead of everyone, now can even understand pronunciation of fruits, pei fu, pei fu &amp; so envy too

My ger still haven't pick up all the basic tricks yet, so I didn't teach her the more difficult one which is english words. She can't recog any fruits because she doesn't eat them at all.

Mine is opposite, the 1st trick my ger mastered was the hi-fi, but yet now still can't do a good bye-bye wave.

Our ger the same, botak in front. But Soyabean's ger's hair quite long actually, at least longer than my ger's. Just that they are very fine and standing up

Wow, finally your ger start "swimming" ah, remember that u used to complain that she didn't want to crawl at all, only standing up
Swimming is another form of crawling too. It looks very cute, but my ger skip that stage, she can't do proper swimming before, only turn in circle and move backward, all in a very slow motion. Then, dunno when she start the crawling by herself, I also didn't notice exactly when she mastered that skill.
Hope you enjoy your rest at home.
I am also waiting for the day to see my ger complain to me. When she fell or knock her head a bit here and there, I always ask her: where pain pain, show mama where pain pain (broken english
But she just cry, can't understand me.

But your ger can pick up all the tricks very fast. My ger is a slow learner, these days I keep teaching her to touch her tummy after her milk to show "tummy full full". She just ignore me. Haiz....
The flying kiss actually got a bit of progress, she put her palm on my mouth instead when I ask her to do it. Or she will just start licking her palm or fingers in the mouth, haiz....

The kissing on the mouth, hubby and I do this every morning for kissing goodbye. When my hubby want to kiss her too, she normally will turn her head away, but one day hubby and I purposely show her how we do it and then hubby ask her to kiss him also, she copy us lor, hahaha...we were surprise when she did it also.
<font color="aa00aa">Crystal,
Haha... my hubby oso told me that. He oso mentioned that kinda funny lor.
My #1 super 'hao lian' when she heard YuJie called her and keep saying, 'mei mei love me leh'.
Ur hubby high fever? Better take care!

ioio, thanks!</font>

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">huggy... so cute.. i normally pat pat my son's back and say sayang sayang and some time he oso does the same to me... ;p

but hor these days he likes to do the very naughty face tt is to bite his upper lip... </font></font>
