(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Just back from my lunch!

Bought one avocado and one peach to make puree for my YuJie. Can any mummies advise me whether the peach puree ok to keep in freezer? Will it turn black?

ioio, U make me scratching my head thinking why plum got hair? muahaha.....
And at tat point i tot i bought a plum i/o peach.</font>
ND's girl, how are you feeling now? Are you still with previous gynea? I rem that time your gynea was recommended by your mil rite? Sorry if I am wrong.

Then ginger one is good for me coz i ate it when I wanted to vomit during preggie.
Jan, saw it liao. I like the cow boy one leh, but pre-bought a lot of dresses and clothes for my gal already, so have to stop now. Thanks for sharing.
<font color="blue">hey shinely,
if u want..i can recommend my ID to you..i find him gd lah..very responsible..cos dat time when i do reno he everyday go down to my house to check the progress n update me on the progress regularly..n prices is reasonable as well..</font>
Hee, was like ??? when you suddenly ask this. Why, you bored huh, want to jio for la kopi isit? hee. I used to work in AMK for a brief period around 8 years ago. Now they added the hub, change a bit here and there till I go there blur liao.
i'm having terrible MS now. Yes i went back to the same gynae cos i more comfortable with him. No lah my gynae i find myself
ND's girl, sorry to hear about your MS..but I remmeber being told that terrible MS means your pregnancy is very stable and your baby is growing well. Not sure if that's great consolation to you, but being a mother is a great sacrifice yah? Hang in there! 2nd trimester will be here soon!
peach wont turn black.. yummy! yd i bought 1 box too.. yd puree it and will bring over to my in law plc tonite..
ND gal, Oh dear, it must be bad then. You do take care hor. Hee, i thought that time was your mil recommend you a gynae, or I got it wron, nvm then. :p
Back from lunch.

Cactus. Yup. I know what you mean. Definitely satisfied when I see the amount slowly growing. At least there's an objective to all that saving.

I'm also eating healthier now and getting more exercise. But I also find that I'm working harder or should I say, saving harder for my girl's future. I'm not really kiasi cos death had never bothered me before. But, I'd like to be assured that my girl's needs will be provided for if and when I leave.

Felicia, peach is fine to keep in freezer. I made a batch for my girl last weekend. Till now, the colour is still ok.
Felicia, some fruit may change in colour but if it's from oxidation, it's okay. For example, banana changes in colour when exposed to air, but I find that the taste remains the same. I alway taste the food before serving to my baby just in case.. it's not fool proof but it sets my heart more at ease..
Krispy, the thought of dying just came to my mind again when I read about the kidney transplant that Mr Tang had.. possibly from "one-eye dragon", Tan Chor Jin. I was wondering what Mr Tan must have felt before he was hung...
Then I started thinking about death. I remeber asking my mom if she was going to die soon... as a child lah. She said she wno't die until I was grown up and have my own family .I wonder what went through my mom's mind when I asked her that. I wonder what will go throuhg my mind when Matthew asks me that in the future.
ND's girl - Ya, but its fantastic for MS for me lah. Hang in there. Oh, I remember my MS for #2 was so bad that I loss so much weight that my obgyn threatened me that if I don't try to put on weight, he will admit me to the hospital. Only in my 2nd and 3rd trimester that I managed to gain weight. Hang in there, ya! Jia Yu!
ND's girl, ya lor, hehee, paiseh siah.

JP, sama sama. Only that my gynae never threatened me, but when I asked for MC to rest at home due to the shift to new office and mighty workload, he happily obliged, asking me, 'how many days you want? 1 week enough?' hee, i told him only two days will do.
Re: Holiday in Malaysia
Wah, so shoik...you guys are going to Malacca and Penang. Both are food heaven. Aiyoh, wish I can go to Malacca now...cannot tahan....popiah, chicken rice balls....salivate, salivate, salivate
Cactus, sigh. The thought of my parents having to pass away some day also scares me. I'm an only child as well, and till now, thinking of that depresses me. I used to be extremely worried about my parents safety. Especially when I was in my teens. I can't sleep at night if my parents were late in coming back. I'd sit by the window and wait to see if their car was entering the car park. Silly huh?

If my girl were to ask me that in the future, I wouldn't know how to react as well. I think I'd try to reassure her that no matter what, we'll meet again in heaven someday. But because of what I felt in my childhood, I'd want at least 1 more sibling for my girl. Someone to share her ups and downs, responsibilities, burdens etc.
<font color="0077aa">cactus &amp; krispy

yesh i feel the same way too towards death of parents.. i lost my dad when i was 21 and the most saddening thing was i was not able to be at his bed side when he had his last breathe.. my biggest regret so far
Krispy, not silly at all. I used to worry that something bad happened to my dad each time he returned home late from work... I also dun want matthew to be the only child..I feel it's very lonely. I was very close to my cousins when growing up.. but I feel that I can't expect Matthew to be equally close to his cousins because with the quickening pace of life, and no longer extended families under 1 roof, it's hard to grow up close.
KrispyKreme &amp; Cactus - So am I, an only child. However, my parents are quite different. They sent me away (boarding school) to study. So, my teenhood is more like alone with friends and a guardian which my parents forced me to stay with.
For me, I will never ever put my kids through this ever..
my MS not so serious until must admit hospital lah, but i feel nauseaous all day long. Thanks for encouragement!

hehe :p

I cannot take my gynae's MC even if he offered cos my company dun recognise gynae MC, only company registered doctor MC.

i make peach puree and freeze it, colour is unchange.

the only one tat change colour so far is sweet potato puree. when i make is orange colour, after freeze become a bit reddish.

apple will be a bit brownish orange after freeze.
pear puree colour is unchanged.
cauliflower puree colour is unchanged too.
mor, sorry...

speaking about parents, I don't know if it's correct of me to think this way - I would want to always be by my parents' side.. to live with them.. whether in their home or in my home. I would want to give them emotional support till they leave me. In contrast, I cannot bear to always be by my ILs' side.. partly because I find that they are unreasonable and we are very different. My hb doesn't get along with his parents, in fact, I'm nicer to his parents than he is (and I'm not talking about putting up a show to impress his parents), and I feel terrible sometimes, cos I'm secretly glad he doesn't like his parents because that means I can put my whole heart towards my parents as my hb would never be there emotionally for his parents. bad hor.. double standards right?
<font color="aa00aa">babycupid, one box? I dare not buy too many coz in case my girl dont like then wasted. Plus is super ex leh. One cost me $2.

cactus/ krispy,
Thanks for the advise. Me not a fruits lover, so din even try peach before, so din know it'll turn black or not. I only likes durian and watermelon. hehe...</font>
<font color="0077aa">cactus

things are jus so irony at times... its also partly coz i was not able to be with my dad during his last moments that i chose to have a ground job prior to my ex job when i plan to start my own family.. i want to be ard for my loved ones when they need me..</font>
Morr, don't sad. I'm sure your father understood. Hugs.

Cactus, nowadays, life is so much faster and people migrating all over the place. I used to be very close to my cousins as well, but now, hardly see them except during Cny. They are mostly in KL while I'm in Sg. Even my close friends, 1 in Australia, 1 in UK, some in US. Can only stay in touch via email.

Met up with a close friend of mine last week (20 year friendship) after 3 years, and it was still as crazy as ever. Both of us had so much to tell each other that we had to constantly tell the other to shut up and not interrupt so we can finish our story. Hilarious! Hahaha.. good times.

JP, so sad to hear that. Nvm, can start anew and build a bond with your kid. What's past is past, can only strive for the future.
Krispy, yah.. fast pace of life.. that's why we must treasure our loved ones and relations more than ever before. What can we bring with us to our graves? Nothing material. but we would wnat to be remembered fondly.

Yet, in society, esp. if we do business, we need to keep up a certain "image" like a branded watch, pen, car, nice home. All these need alot of $.. and how to get $? slog and slog and slog (for the normal folk lah). and slogging takes away time from our loved ones.
KrispyKreme - No worries, I am way pass that. I was not to happy when I was in boarding school but my friends &amp; cousins so wanted to go to boarding schools. Guess grass is greener on the other side...Ha!Ha!
<font color="0077aa">krispy

thanks for the hug

close frens~

oh well.. wat to do without these ppl ard us.. they are there to be listeners when we need them.. they are there when we have things to talk abt and we cannot tel others.. </font>
Ellysia, I rem seeing your reno-blog in renotalk that time. So I guess we got our flats around same time. Rem Redtail who got his flat in Redhill, the one who always got harassed by 'Rabbit'? I went to view his flat before with 'Xiang'.
Morr, Cactus,
Sorry yah. A bit off topic here. Sometimes, not easy to do the things we want. For me, I had a decision to either come over to Sg for further studies or stay in Pg. If I leave Pg, I would leave my parents behind as well. But, opportunities would be better in Sg and I'd have a brighter future. So I chose that.

Till now, I'm still trying to persuade my parents to come over but they're not willing. I can see where they're coming from as well. All their friends are in Pg and they have lots of freedom there. Each of them owns a car and they have a house with a big garden. What can I offer them here rite? Only a small hdb, a small room of their own. And when they exchange RM to SGD, eveyrthing is so expensive.

I can't go back to Pg to work as well. My husband's in the Sg army and that would mean living apart from him. Haha... like no win situation here.

That's why I decide I shall work hard, save more, then maybe buy a bigger apmt then can ask my parents to come over. Maybe by then I can even buy them a small car and give them more allowance so they'd have more freedom to enjoy their retirement. So, even though I really want to be there for them, due to circumstances, it's just not possible at this point in time. I can only hope that there'd be time to do that in future.
