(2008/06) June 2008


allergy to plum is very rare, can it be due to other reasons?

Just on Monday my boy develop sudden rashes all over his face. Yesterday have already subside, but still a bit itchy. Saturday i intro barley cereal and he is still eating it. Since the rashes only occur on 1 day (and after 2 days of barley), i reckon it is not due to barley so will be intro new food again today.

Krispykreme, but i seldom dabao from there, the zhichar food not so nice, the rice stall i will try next time, since you recommended it, hee. They playground is it the one around my house? There are a lot of kids playing there on weekends now. My Vivi, got pple said she not pretty leh, got lou han fish head, pouty lips & flat nose with big nostrils. She not fair lar, darker than her gor gor. The latest pics are all in facebook, dunno if you have seen them yet or not.

JP, my gal also dunno how to appreciate taggies, thus I am trying to get her into liking it as in always offer it to her.
Hi Cactus,

That time i did read that you are moving to ur new hse soon. Like to check any reno done at ur hse. As i am sourcing for a good reno conctrator. Anybody have any good recommendation?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ruyi oil is good oso, we normally rub it on his foot after bathe even if not blocked nose.. good for blood circulation i guess..

baby vick.. ermn.. i dun rem got cheery flavour.. rarely use.. but i oni apply on chest oso not on nose.. so think it's ok.. ;p </font></font>
<font color="0077aa">ioio

ruyi oil yeah lor.. for me i love the smell so i wil apply on kai every time.. haha

which ID u used in Weiken?</font>
Wah, I didn't know Vicks was dangerous. Good thing you posted the article. I was still thinking of going out to buy some Vicks for her just in case her current running nose turns into stuffed nose.

Cactus, maybe need to wait a couple more days for the plum to be entirely flushed from his system. I'll cross my fingers and toes that it goes away as well.

Felicia, Yeah, I'm Malaysian. From Penang as you can tell. The food is fantastic. Penang is famous for her food anyway.
Everytime I go back, sure gain weight. This time round, must discipline myself else I'll never lose my pregnancy weight.
morraine, sometimes got some leftover ruyi oil on hands, I will like put my hands on gal's head. Then later her hair will have very nice woody smell.
Ellysia, yah, plum is recommended for weaning. I also dun know why. I can only think of plum being the allergenic factor. Was looking through my records loh. I can't think of any other reason. My maid and dad feed Matthew lunch. They are very careful to clean his cheeks after every mouthful if food lands there inadvertently. I feed breakfast and dinner, with my dad's help. I'm also very careful. We use clean cotton and clean water to clean his face.. we used to use face towel, but stopped using that since the eczema appeared in case it is allergy to detergent,etc. We also ruled out dirty pillow cos the redness is not near the ear but nearer the mouth.. and not on the usual side that he sleeps on. Erm, if not, then I cannot explain the ezcema loh. no family history leh....

hi shinely, no, I'm not getting a contractor cos not doing major reno. just painting, and polishing the floor. I've not contacted any painter/floor person. Only contacted the home movers. Do you need a recommendation for this? I'm using K Ong's contact.
<font color="0077aa">ioio

not really considered under Weiken coz wat happens is my ID joined them and thereafter i did some stuffs with them and my close frens mostly all oso reno under him


hee nice nice smell rite!!</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cactus.. could be be some leftover "hair" on the plum cos i rem u nv peel?</font></font>
JP, i just pop a sweet whenever i feel an urge. wat is crystal ginger?

Mummies, want to check with you all where you bought your teething gel?
Morr, Got Vicks in capsule form for infants? I go find later. Can buy off the shelf or must ask from the pharmacy?

Veniz. I agree. The zhichar not nice and expensive too. There's a good zhichar place near Queenstown called Two Chefs. Very nice and not too exp as well. We'll go to the playground near your place. A lot of kids running around and playing nowadays. We were there yesterday as well cos my girl got running nose and cough, so she didn't go to the infant care centre.

Which one are you in facebook? I'm also there.. but dunno who is who. Hahaha...

Everybody changing house in this recession time ah? First Cactus, then Shinely. Read in last weeks ST that hdb and private property prices all falling. Wish I have the money to change also.
ioio, it's nectarines and peaches that I don't peel! :p I've been giving nectarines and peaches with no prob since Dec.. it's only plums that I intro.. and I peeled the skin of the plums... recommended to peel by a mummy here.. when I complained that the plums are sour!
Ah mor, ya, very nice smell leh, sandalwood smell, just wat i like very much.

krispykreme, you still working in habourfront area? wanna join for quick lunch on Friday? I will be there. I am Venisa Sze in facebook. In fact, from my living room's window, I can see the playground, hee.

Shinely, ok, good lar, but resale flat reno will be a bit exp than new flat. Anyway, I am sure you will like to have your own place.
<font color="0077aa">krispy

got! can find in unity or guardian, the packaging is slim box in blue and its in capsule form the vicks
we adults oso can use!


i suppose it boils down to wat u intend to reno ba.. if u have loads of built in stuffs, the quote wil definitely b higher ba</font>
Re: constipation and water

Prunes and peaches are natural laxative. If i give prune puree, usu bb will poo after 2 days.

water, i dun give a lot. around 20ml. my boy dun like to drink a lot of water. after awhile he get impatient.

Re: diluting FM

recently heard from a fren of my hb. his bb have diarroea. then wife go to forum and some forummer suggest to dilute the FM. end up keep vomitting the FM and have to see pd. pd says cannot feed bb water and dilute FM is not good too.

so sometimes, its better to read up more than to rely on one or two people suggestions.
<font color="0077aa">ellysia

hmm jus to rationalise but i dun see the connection in btw diluting FM and it causing the bb to vomit wor.. </font>
Shinely, actually, if you have some time, and not in a rush to do reno, it may be cost-saving to take charge of the reno yourself. about 7 years ago, my mom and I oversaw the reno work for their HDB flat. We saved alot of money that way. What we did was to design the home ourselves, contacted the separate people ourselves, and bought the stuff ourselves. We bought toilet stuff from Nam Wah at Tenah Merah, floor tiles and lightings from Balastiar area, etc. my parents changed the layout of their home by knocking down walls, putting up walls, revamped the whole unit by tearing down the old kitchen and toilets, extend the living room to belcony and changed all the furniture.repainted, added cornices, changed window grills, all the doors and gate. all in all, cost $60k. After the work, they have laminated flooring, a walk in wardrobe which is 2/3 size of a HDB flat bedroom, country style kitchen with new cooker and hob, built in furniture and new curtains for all windows. We obtained quotes from ID firms - they quoted us cheapest $120k for the same work!
Hi Krispy,

No lah, have bought the flat before pregnant, as during to prenancy, so all thing was delay till now than decided to move in..haha.
Krispy, I'm not changing home in recession time. I'm finally buying my own home with my hb lah... We're currently staying with my parents. :p
Ellysia, re: diluting FM, I remember reading somewhere which says that it is not advisable to give FM in a different dilution. But I'm not sure if it is safety concerns or if it is because the FM producers want to make more money... :p

mor, maybe the bb vomit FM cos too full? drink too much? just thinking about it too...

krispy, the rash is not on the chin, but it is on the cheek... just a bove the mouth. small patch.
Me always diluate chloe's milk cos tis will make her poo poo sofer and no problem to tat too. Tink will not make bb vomit 1 bah cos me been doing tis since she 1 mth old till now.
wow cactus, i don't think i have that time to do all the follow-up and take charge of the reno. As now looking after baby already make me lost all my time in working. So i will like to get a good ID to settle all the things for me instead.Haha..me too lazy lah
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cactus.. i am thinking of peaches when i wrote plum.. ooh plum where got hairs.. ?? ha ha..

weiken price quite reasonable.. expensive or not will depends on what you want.. of cos some material will be more ex lor..

weiken.com gots another co. name that starts with "f" but cant recall right now..</font></font>

i oso dun see the connection.. facts not clear.

so far i read articles all suggest to minimise water feeding to only 20-30ml only.
Shinely, if you don't have time to do buy the materials yourself, you can still save money by shortlisting your favourite ID company, ask them for a breakdown of their quotation (specify the materials hor).. then take their quotation (in table form) and ask 2 or 3 other recommended ID companies for their quotes on the same items. Always ask for breakdown. Of course, don't let the ID companies know you are doing cost comparison. ALso , pls make sure your selected ID company is HDB approved cos you need their help to get permission to renovate.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

heh coz my PD did advised before to me to dilute the FM if necessary and I have been practising since my #1 days.. yeah i oso tot might be jus timely the bb was too full or coughed too hard til vomit or etc reasons...


soon yr boy will get out of bogeh club liao cos me also feel the sharp sharp tooth coming out of Chloe's and abt few days later the tooth appear liao so wait a few more days and chloe tends to drool more also and loves to suck her thumb/fingers also.
Veniz, you're working at hbf as well? Wow. We stay near each other, then to find that we also work near each other. What a coincidence. Hahaha...

I can't confirm for this Friday. Might be out of office. Must wait for further instructions from my boss. Usually her instructions are very last minute so better not confirm with you first.

Shinely, if your reno includes lots of built in cabinets etc, will be more expensive cos workmanship for carpentry is very exp.
actually i oso got dilute FM before. 1st 2 weeks i am on partial and give similac milk, i got dilute a tiny bit cos heard from colleagues similac is quite constipative.
I tink is bec the bb is ored diarroe liao. then still go and dilute the milk. then vomit?

anyway the fren blame on the wife for believing forummers advice.
Ellysia, I thought Similac is advertised to be less constipative than other FMs? Gosh... I didn't know. Abbott sent me a booklet after Matthew was born, and there was this advertisement about the constitency of a similac fed bb's stool being similar to a BM fed bb's stool.
busy morning...

when u say dilute...how? teach me leh i also wanna dilute cos sometimes she dun finish the milk...as compared to BM

which FM chloe's drinking?
hi all !!!

Cactus : glad to see you posting

do take care and we can meet up when u feel better

ND's girl : Detinol or Detinx (spelling ??!!) from most pharmacies - ask and the staff can show it to you
maybe vomitted cos of wind in tummy or other reasons. Cos my nanny give chloe lots of water also cos formula milk sometimes is heaty so need more fluid and ok for her lah *touch wood* hehhehe.

me not giving FM since bb is 2 weeks old. am on total bf since 2 weeks old. but when i wean off tat time, will give similac again..

however i may also need to consider to give a hypoallergic formula instead... anyway few mths later then see how. still want to give BM.
Shinely, another way to save is to do the ID yourself, then employ a main contractor to do the reno. You can buy magazines and see what type of designs you'd like for your place.

The main contractor will then copy the design and carry out the reno. He will also liaise with the electrician, carpenters etc to get everything done. Some main contractors will even have discounts on fixtures etc. You also buy the lights etc and he'll fix it up for you. A bit more work, but you save on the commission you need to pay the ID and also on the ID costs.

K Ong, hi hi! I'm sorry for the string of sms-es I sent you on Monday. Just felt sad. But I'm feeling better now. I'm happier when I have other things to focus on and happier to be back at work.
