(2008/06) June 2008

ya BM is better of cos
Me tried giving chloe earthbest pear puree and she love it and her poo poo also quite soft after taking tat so tink do help also bah.

Krispy, that's what I suggested to Shinely, but she's busy with her bb.. quite understandable. I'm quite busy finalising the home purchase also... someone just reminded me I need to buy home insurance! :p so many things to do. I'm not even thinking of renovations proper.
Cactus, paiseh. I really thought you all change houses. Actually, I think it'd be a great time to invest in property a year from now. The recession would have set in and prices would be at an all time low.
<font color="0077aa">cactus

i think it stil boils down to individual bb ba.. my side most of the ppl i noe gives Similac and no prob
Cactus, my baby on Similac since birth and so far, never had any constipation problems. Sometimes, stool is slightly harder like adult poo but that's it. Most times, it's soft and easy to come out.
But most colleagues said similac is quite "bu" cos more nutrients. so i tink is still quite good as long as no constipative probs.
Krispy, no pai seh lah...
I don't now if ppty is a good investment anytime. I'm very conservative. If I have extra cash, I will use it to pay off my loans, so that I can be debt free. I rather slog hard and long to earn money.. don't feel comfortable buying ppty for investment, then pay banks interest.. think - what if ppty pxs plunge.. banks may ask us to pay them the difference between outstanding loan amount and market value or force us to sell. If I had extra cash, I'd try to be debt free..
KrispyKreme, I dun work in HBF lar, I will going there on Friday for lunch thus thinking of asking you along. You let me know again, i will PM you my no k?

Shinely, in fact can just get contractor. If you want simply design, you can agar agar and tell contactor yourself. In fact, even if you get an ID, you will still need to choose your own tiles, lightings, toilet accessories, etc. Its only whether you go buy for them to fix for you, or they will bring you to the suppliers' places to choose and buy. You can just give them your concerns and a good ID will advice you.

Weiken is around my office area leh, very big wor.
Ellysia, Similac is quite high in DHA and AA. I've not figured out if GainIQ (step 3 after similac) or Mamil Gold step 3 is higher in DHA and AA. I was trying to read the nutritional contents, but the amount of milk powder is different on the label so cannot do an outright comparison - need a calculator or a smart mind - both of which I lack.

Oh, on the topic of ezcema, my hb just called me to say DesOwen cream is recommended by a dermatologist. anyone used it before? I'm planning to try this evening..
Cactus, you're right about the risk factor. It's important to buy when prices are low, but then again, how can we be sure it's at a low right? Hahaha... So, no matter what, there will always be a risk involved when we invest in property.

For me, I'm not just concerned about being debt free. I'm also concerned about future income and I'd like to build up a portfolio of passive income. I think property is a good way of doing that cos if one plans well for the long term, make room for the economic ups and downs and ensure there is enough cash to pay the monthly installments, the property price will go up eventually. And in the meantime, I can enjoy the monthly rent.

That's just my opinion on it lar. Would like to retire early so am saving hard now to build up my investments.
Agree with Veniz. If simple design, contractor can liao. I also got a contractor to do the painting, building extra warrdobe, window ledges etc. If keen, let me know, I can PM you my contractor's nbr.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">anyone using enfalac? does it cause phlegm in ur bb? mine once in a while while hear the muscus moving up and down.. but not sure whether it's the milk powder tt cause it.. but normally after i gve him "hou zao san" he will vomit out the muscus..</font></font>
Shinely, just to add to veniz's post, there are some contractors who may ask you to choose from their own range of tiles/materials. They may quote a certain amount for the package that you take up. If you want a different material, you may have to pay a premium. I think this is not as good as going to the shop to buy yourself or to buy with th e ID contractor. If you are not that cost conscious (I'm very kiam one.. haha!) or if you don't have time, then it's ok.

desowen cream was prescribed by (my previous) PD for rashes. pretty good for heat rashes..but it contains steroid.

btw my gal drinking mamil gold...so far so gd...
Krispy, yah.. who doesn't want to retire early?? It's also my dream and my hb's dream as well! But at least, for us, in our occupations, we rather choose a semi-easier lifestyle, for lower pay, in return, more time for Matthew and each other... My peers are now earning 30% more than me.. but they work till 10pm or beyond each day and start work at 9am. In contrast, I leave work at 530pm almost every day... I feel happier this way because I can see Matthew grow each day - I don't want to lose a day of his development, even if it means, I retire later than my peers. It's very enticing to buy ppty to rent out and get income... in land scarce Singapore, it seems to be the smart thing to do.. but I can' ttake the stress of knowing that I have a bank loan... and probably a big bank loan too. If I'm born very rich, can afford a home without loan (bank/parents/etc), can afford a car, have spare $ for Matthew's education, can retire at 50, I may buy another ppty.. but unfortunately,I'm not that lucky. :p
I almost bought Vicks and wanted to use it on my girl. Lucily I didnt. My mum was telling me that she uses vicks on us like anything when we were young and no problem at all. Nowadays, kids are so pampered.

I like ruyi oil too. Typical baby smell. We put a pillow on my bb's tummy when she sleeps and pillow will smell super nice. Hehe.
morraine, I'm very kiasi ... very very risk adverse. I'm so kiasi until hor... before I sign on any installment plan for purchases, I will make sure (1) it is interest free AND (2) the credit card is FOC for the entire duration of the installment repayment period cos I dun want to pay credit card annual fee incase the credit card company dun want to waive the annual fee for me! My parents always complain banks cannot earn my money.. my hb is not complaining though. haha!
Cactus, Yeah. I also took a pay cut in order to leave work at 6pm everyday. If I had wanted higher pay, I would have to work till 3-4am during peak. In the end, family will still be more important.

I also don't agree with a big bank loan, that's why saving like crazy now. Haha... Feeling the stress now, but if it means I can retire maybe 5 years earlier. Why not rite? For me, I don't need much to retire lar. I can live with just simple necessities.

ok. Going for lunch now. Chat later.
Krispy, yah... I know the "saving like crazy" mode.. hb and I were "saving like crazy" some time back cos we had no clue what type of housing we eventually wanted to buy (cos it depended whether we have kids and whether we needed a spare room for a set of parents)... it's hard work but a sense of satisfaction yah?!
ND's girl - When I was PG with #1 &amp; #2, I went to Taka (basement) to get my ginger crystals. Its ginger but coated with icing sugar...

Cactus - Same lah, me also like that...that's why my DH calls me "Ms kiam siap"
mor, dun know why ah, since Matthew was born, and now seeing Matthew grow every day, I start to treat myself better.. as in, take better care of my health and welfare.. cos it's like, Matthew depends on me now.. if I die, Matthew will be without a mother. Do you feel that way ah? I'm raising this cos you mentioned kiasi is human nature.. I think I'm perversely kiasi leh... or maybe I think too much....!
ginger crystals are yummy! Sweet, and hot and warm at the same time.... but hard to find good ones. Where do you get yours from, JP? Taka basement? mei wu is it? Or another shop?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">tks ice.. guess it's because i drink a lot of orange juice when pregnant.. but my boi jux once in a while.. not so bad lah.. but the caretaker post me this Q on milk powder so i jux chk..</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">ioio,
my sis take alot of orange when pregnant n her son really got alot of phlegm so is not advise to take orange when pregnant now her second pregnant she dare not take liao</font>
wow, thanks for finding me the link tread. will take a look later.

Does ur contract do the paquat revanashing? and done the whole kitchen and toilet too?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">shinely i am not sure whether i can help by getting a better quote.. if u want can send me ur detail quote from them..i try to see whether i can fetch a better price for you.. but no gurantee one lah..</font></font>
ioio, you have lobang on ID har?
I have one quotation from "3D Innovation" but not sure of their workmanship, that why still sourcing for another ID to give me quotation.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">shinely.. not really lah but the ID i mentioned, one of the boss is my bro good friend.. he give my bro face but not sure he will give me face..hee.. if u want i can chk after u got the quote from them..</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">stage 1 $33/tin (min 12tins) / $35 (min 6tins)
stage 2 $31/tin (min 12tins) / $33 (min 6tins)
stage 3 $49 1.8kg(min 6)</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">if not a better price then see whether he can arranged for a better woodcrafter..etc.. etc.. lah.. </font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ice.. tt's cheap lor though my husband got it at $35+ which is consider the cheapest that we can find.. i chk w him.. </font></font>
