(2008/06) June 2008

Hi all,

Jus now after feeding my ger her cereal, i let her try try the mag mag cup stage 3 (with straw).

And she can actually suck water.. Haahaa.. She was surprised when suddenly got water inside her mouth n she got a 'yuck' look on her face.. Then she jus let the water flow out of her mouth.. Haahaa..

But after sucking few mouths of water, sh dun wan le.. She prefer the milk bottle.. Cos when i give her water in the milk bottle, she finish 30ml of water very fast.. Haahaa..

Think must let her practice drinking from the mag mag more liao.. So that she can adapt to drinking from cup..

I took 10 mths to conceive Lil ZuEn. Was on my 5th cycle of clomid. Almost gg to consider exploring IUI liao then conceived.

I seriously dun think I am that fertile lor. Hehe. Hb & I oso not very "hardworking". B4 preggy already not ovulating.

So fast ah. Lil ZuEn still prefers teats wor. I tried stage 2 bottle and water leaks everywhere. You got your carrier liao?
I also duno leh...hiaz, now monitoring...

I add pear puree to the brown rice or cereal lor =).

so cute leh..where u get the pic?

wow, ur ger so clever, can use no 3 liao?;p..hehe..
ya lor, she can finish de..i gave her those green pear..she loves it..me tinkin gof getting the jar prunes for her..

Where and which brand of prunes puree u bot? Wed I will be going PS so tinking of going carrefour to find the prune puree and bb yogurt for my ger lor..

Was tinking duno is it the FM lor...Cos now i switch her totally on Friso 2 liao..hmm..
zuen: me oso not fertile eh.. irregular period.. so me n hubby never take precaution.. hahahaha.. who knows God gives us a present (cos we were not trying to conceive).. i think i must work very hard for #2 le..

last week i tried giving stage 2 to her but she dun like the teat.. keep pushing the mag mag away..

yaya... i got pikkolo baby carrier, bought a 2nd hand one (lightly used) from a mummy at SMH cos her son dun like to use..
feifei: ya... i discovered by accident de.. i was drinking packet drink myself.. then my ger kept staring at me..

so i let her try (dun scold me) and she actually can suck my drink out.. i was surprised.. so i gave her mag mag stage 3 to try loh.. hahahaha.. n she actually can drink from the straw..

i give my boy the mag mag with sprout, he can't suck water out let. in the end i use milk bottle.


Only gerber has pure prune puree. Other brand has mixture. if u mix other fruits then not so effective for constipation.

I tink it shd be bec of the FM. FM and cereal are both constipative. tats why u need to give a lot of fruits and vegs. For the type of fruits n vegs make sure u give those tat can loosen the stools and avoid constipative types.

i give my ger stage 2, she suck suck then she will cry.. i oso not sure why she cry.. dun know its whether she can't suck water out or is it cos she dun like the feel of the sprout.. but she jus simply dun like..

but my ger not so good at sucking still.. she more interested at biting the straw rather than sucking.. hahhaha... i jus let her try to see whether she reali know how to suck from the straw not..

but will let her try more so tat she can practice..
Re: Carrier
anybody knows the name of the carrier that is carrying the bb by the side hips...I cannot remember the name.

Hiaz...i fed my girl those Delmonte banana a week ago...now got phlegm,....

so cute!!!...

you took only 10months consider not long liao. me took 5 years....lots of tears, heartache along the way too...
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn,
Actually in my friends and collegues group, got quite nbr of them are those hard to conceive type. And all of them was trying for yrs before goin to gynae. One of them just like you, almost booked for IUI appointment when she realised she's pregnant.
The baby really know how to save $$ for the parent! hehe....

Re: Semi solid
So many babies oredy on semi solid liao, mine still depend on ebm. Shall only start cereal next week when my ger is 6mths old. By then i can get many many tips from all the mummies here.</font>
Morning girls,
My girl woke up at 4.30am this morning!!! By the time she was ready to go back to dreamland, hb &amp; I are already leaving for work. -.o"

My girl oso on Friso 2 totally liao but ok leh. Maybe bcos she just take a little EBM and takes porridge in the afternoon. She started porridge shortly after her cereal, no 4-day rule cos my mum cooks porridge for my niece, so everybody eats together lor.

You tried your carrier liao? Recently my girl refused to sit in the carrier. I die, die keep trying. Not cheap investment mah. I think it is a matter of getting used to. Hehe. How much did you buy your carrier?

I tot most of teh carrier can carry baby at hip? I noe ergo &amp; beco both can, but I haven figure out how to do it on my ergo. Hohoho.
5 years!!!! I can imagine wat you have gone thru'. I 10 months already struggled like siao. Emotional rollercoaster with each failed cycle. So trying for a no. 2? Hehe.

My baby never help me save $$. I always say that she is an expensive baby. Before I managed to conceived her, I already spent thousands of $$ on scans and clomids and tests, etc. Then when conceived, got frequent gynae visits, medication and hormone jabs bcos of instability. -.o" Ask her to pay me back in teh future. Hohoho.
Morning ladies...

tks ya...I will go carrefour get the Gerber prune puree =)...Ya lor, now trying to give her pear, papaya lor..

hehe, sure can get lots of good advice from our mummies here =).

How come ur ger wakes up so early leh? Good hor, ur ger got take brown rice?

Ur ger recently dunw an sit in carrier? y leh? mayb she wan see ard and look look lor...thats y..

U are a strong and brave mummy!
I oso duno. Maybe it is bcos of teh too cold weather. She was flipping and flipping in her sleep. Then I tried to adjust her to a better sleeping position bcos she flipped until face down. -.o" After I adjusted her, she woke up and started playing. Sob.
Ya lor, recently she will struggle and struggle when I put her in teh carrier. But I dun care, must train her. Hohohoho.
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn,
Hehe...i din think of the expenses before conceive. Yalor, my collgue oso spend lots of $$ before that, but just lucky she hvnt spend on IUI else will be more.
Got another friend of mine, whom now is trying for #2 (her #1 oredy 3yrs old), she oredy spend thousand dollar on seeing gynae and now turning to sinseh. Heard that for sinseh consultation plus some medicine, need RM1k leh. Wah piang, real ex! </font>
My ger sleeping in aircon, can sweat lor..hiaz...recently she will wakeup from her sleep ard 9+pm, pat her won't sleep..then I carry her and pat her to sleep then put her on her mattress..

Tink she dun wan to be restricted lor..My ger, lucky best, kept on wan to bend backwards when we carry her, so dangerous rite? Kept on scolding her..then she walk ard in her walker, then wanted to pull e wires at my tv, haiz..
Yest hb and i were discussing whether to try for #2 next yr, but our studies and career is the main consideration for us ..Cos if I preggi, will hv to defer my studies then conti again..If we dun try for bb, then will hv to wait til 2.5yrs later, by the time we try will be Dragon Year liao...Duno y, dragon year very crowded all the time..

Somemore my hb going to change job liao, so its kind of a headache for us, studies 1st or try for bb 1st..
<font color="ff0000">MORNING LADIES

For baby have nose block, rub Vicks on bb sole and put on socks before go to bed...

hope dat helps

i tink the straw one stage 3 is for 9 mths right? Maybe i wait until 9 mths then let he try. me a bit lazy.


mine also like to bend backwards bec he want to see stuff then he look around so a lot of movement, then his back still not stable yet so sometimes will swing back.

Start slow cos BF babies tend to adapt slower to solid food as EBM is v easy to digest so they r v used to it.
Recently my bb take lesser milk again, i tink he finish his growth spurt liao.

then yest i check with MIL, realise tat she actually gave my boy around 4 tablespoon of cereal *shock* vs my mere 1.5 tablespoon cereal. no wonder my boy still want more cereal after i feed him last weekend. i scare he constipate so i dare not feed him so much.
<font color="aa00aa">leng Leng, yaya...Cornelius (hope i got the correct name.) was a few days older than my ger.

Ellysia, thanks. Now start cracking my head over what food to give as 1st try. I have bought the brown rice cereal which was supposed for 4mths - 6 mths, so maybe will start with it and give very very dilute as 1st try.</font>

I feed cereal for 1 week before i start on puree. First few tries i give very runny texture close to liquid. My boy manage to swallow some but a lot drip out. Then after awhile he sianz and look around. Later on, i try reducing the BM and he prefer the texture to be less runny i tink.

U dun need a lot of EBM amt. i usu use less than 10ml or around there, for 1-2 tablespoon of cereal amt. u pour a little bit, mix. see enuff or not, then pour again. dun pour too much or else u need to put in more cereal again so u waste cereal. i warm up EBM first in warmer around 15mins - 20mins then i pour into cereal (which is ored put inside bb dish).
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">janivy... heee. hee...
feifei.. tt's my boi pic...
zuen.. it's normal to take 18 months to conceive for most people.. i took 2 years leh... hee... </font></font>

I have ored pay u the spree amt some time ago when u first send me the email.. then i ask u whether can meet up at same place but u didn't reply.
<font color="aa00aa">hi ladies!

<font color="119911">i m back!!!</font>

too many archived mails, so gave up catching up on them liao after 2 pages long...any particular updates tat I need to note? kekeke...

Xmas Party tis coming Sat
is there a theme for the bbs for this coming sat's xmas party? can someone advice me? thanks!

on hindsight, it was fortunate that i didnt join u gers for the class cos my supposed rtn flight was 6.55am on sun but due to engine problem on rtn trip leading to delay in NYC &amp; subsequent snow in frankfurt, i rtn to SIN oni ard 10+am on sun, would had been very hard pressed for time if i bring gwen to gymboree.</font>


sorry for not turning up on sun class. felt ill. woke up with backache and headache and fever at 37.8 suddenly on sun am. now tonsils still painful and eyes teary. bb vomitted last night and i hope i have not spread my virus to him....


welcome back

danryan n lengleng,
really salute u ladies with 3 young kids...how to cope! me one monster at home almost drovw me nuts at times. guess its full hearty....hehe...
Angel, no prob. I can pass it to u on Sun. U can pay me cash then. $11.35 for 1 tin.

Zuen, it also took me 6&amp;half yrs b4 I got my monster. I even told my husband last yr that I'm going to try another 2yrs &amp; if still dun have then that's it, I'm just not fated to be a mum. I was so mad wif a couple of frens who just decided to abort as &amp; when they r pregnant, I even resorted to telling one of them that I'll adopt her baby since she dun want &amp; I'm desperate but in the end she still went ahead to abort. Some ppl just choose the easy way out of being "killers" b4 even finding out if the foetus is healthy or not.

Mummies who had a hard time conceiving: we shld all b glad that God is kind to let us experience all the joy &amp; tortures of being a mummy at least once in our lifetime. Dun worry too much abt No.2 ^_^
<font color="ff0000">Bonjovi

I am blessed wif 3 kids....2 boys and a gal...FULL-STOP.

once a while will
(mad explode) if my 2 boys keep fighting each other...
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, i was thinking to ask you about how to make cereal with ebm and saw ur post liao. hehe....many thanks.

crystal, welcome back!

bonjovi, take care!</font>
