(2008/05) May 2008

u still have the link to bunbun ladies' outfit spree... i lost her link again.. wondering have she sent out our stuffs yet???

raphael so cute hor...(to me cute, to you horror...haa)

you definitely can be a 'gorilla' mom...ah phael so handsome and photogenic...but you must also groom and seek opportunities for him lah.. btw, the songs at ur blog quite nice ley... where u get the cd from or did you download? my girls have been hearing the same ONE CD since birth and they are bored with it liao...need to get another piece...
haha... Thought I saw Rachel in the video! Hiaz, think most of them will add like that lor. Worst ah, Rachel will do the scolding with her two little fist close up and tight -_-"

Great! U're joining... See ya

Ya lar, Buffalo wings sound so yummy!
Somehow my link stop sending to my email. Will read again.

too bad my meeting on Friday is at 2pm onwards. If not, i sure pop by to have lunch with everyone.
Sorry for late reply. It's ok to leave me out for the Gymboree trial. I do not have any voucher, besides we are also attending a friend's bb's shower that same afternoon. Thanks.

looking forward to the facial or lunch? hehehe. if only today is fri, tml dun need to work! hehehe.
hahahaa. hw cum? coz this week abit lazy week? me nt sure if the zoo trip is on or nt le. i am on for it la.

ahhahaa. thot of wat to eat liao nt? can on see their menu online =) i think we can order their buffalo wings to try...but u dun really take spicy food izit?

ur memory so good...remember i dun really take spicy food de....so touch...actually i hv nt tink of wat to eat yet...muahaha....maybe later i go their web to look see look see..
Cant join u all for lunch tmr le =( last min gt meetin in the afternoon. BLEH

ytd aldan was dancin away as he watched wheels on the bus. hahahah. darn funny. duno y recently show interest in the show. previously showed him, he watched awhile n wan to go elsewhere but nw can guai guai sit n listen to the wheels on the bus song til it's finished while dancin away. hahahha
no la. nt gd memory. i roughly u mentioned it before =) hahaha. nvm. they have buffalo wings that arent so spicy or nt even spicy at all. so will order tt for u. hehehe.

oh...then u gonna cancel ur leave?
Thank You so much,..have to note down the date and time.. I haf been super super forgetful nowadaes.. tink i'm getting old.. haix..
hi ladies,
haiz.. me these 2 days very stress becos of my maid. sigh.. i found out she like to take our food, packet drink, use house phone at my parents place etc. so yesterday i told her i very tired of her lies and what she do, told her not to do it again. then i walked to the living room and then walk back to kitchen again, she was holding a knife and want to cut a wrist! its like WTF! haiz.. i got a timebomb in my house! she said she want to kill herself becos i said i tired of her and thinking if she die we must send and give money to her family. really feel like slapping her yet cant do it. hopefully the agent can take her today.
The story seems exactly the same when i heard from my colleauge. Her maid also use this trick ler. You called the agent to bring her back liao?
ya, actually we had chose a new maid about 2 weeks ago to replace her cos she like to lie a lot so my mil said change. so new maid should be here today. your colleague maid is indo? i realised indo maid like to lies a lot and do all this stupid trick. my mil said no more indo maid for us.
glad that u going to change a new maid. like u mentioned, she is really a timebomb...this time rd she may point the knife at her own wrist who knows next time who she may point the knife at.

so u getting a philippino maid? are they more demanding in terms of welfare?
jer...change the maid ah...wait she ki siao...go child abuse ur 2 cute little boys....

think all of us will go hum-tum her...

scary....such pple....bian tai
Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby - meet @ jerry
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana - meet @ jerry
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc
11. ting + hb + aldan- meet @ jerry

i will be there around 1 - 130 pm, luckily ting is bringing aldan along if not only Luke , he will be bored..

bb08, you can try http://www.laslilasschool.com/
i wanted to learn spanish there too but dilly dally till now havent enrolled yet...
Jer ,

wow ...your maid very scary leh . MY GOD !!!

thought you told two weeks ago that the agent going to bring her away but why till now she is still at your place ??
u want to join me and learn together? Most probably i'll be enrolling in Cambridge Languages at the penisular plaza..
sorry. ting n her hubby n aldan nt joining us anymore.

Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby - meet @ jerry
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana - meet @ jerry
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc

u be there meaning at the restuarant or ???
jer- wah piang. ur crazy maid!! god noes wat she wil do nxt. nwadays v difficult to get a gd maid..

lukemummy- sighz... i cant join u all tmr =(

i am not sure when i can enrol for the spanish course coz need to check the date and timing...wanted to learn since 2 years ago till now...wahaha!!

ting, so bad you cant join..my mom going out too , cannot look after Luke so have to bring the terror along

val, yes, i will be you ladies at the restaurant around 1 - 130 pm..
hello mummies, been busy recently.. i'll be picking up choc from her workplace. who needs a lift, can sms me hor.. anywhere in the east or anyone taking mrt to raffles place, i can pick u up tomorrow..

btw, my boy's upper tooth is out but not sure if it's 1 or 2.. refused to let us see or touch.. but it feels abit swollen.
Cheri... U try to tickle matthias make him laugh n u will see how many this is how I count leh

thanks for the lift ah see u tml
My sis used to have indo maid when my niece and nephew are young. It realli depends on luck lor... but yr maid damn scary to do that!! Luckily the agent can pick her up immediately if not, dunno what she is doing next? Cos' she knows she failed the attempt sure kanna scolding or punishment from Agency. Phew...!! so yr next maid is philippino?
Actually my hb's boss in CCU bought over their Philpinno maid to India then due to visa issue she has to go back so no choice have to give her up to some other employer. I personally feel that she is very experience and got good initiative. She saw me carry Rachel will come and help so we can have our coffee and conversation. Damn goood lor, and the way she handled baby also not bad. Me so tempted to hire her... but I know visa issue going to be the same so also cannot take her, hiaz! If u said earlier I can ask her she wants to work for u but she juz found a employer ler -_-"

Re: Meal @ Jerry
See u gals tml....

too bad i'm not bringing rachel if not, they can play together... but dun worry we will take turns to carry so u can makan okie =)

glad that Aldan likes Wheel on the bus vcd. The songs have been playing in my mind for days after I played it for rachel for almost a month haha!
I'm trying to introduce Barney to Rachel ler. Cos' she saw it once on tv and seems to like it lei. Think then the song "I luv u, u luv me..." will be part of my life liao hahaha!
morning ladies,

see u ladies later for the lunch =)

RE: gymboree class with voucher
ladies, rem its this sun 3pm. rem to bring along the trial voucher AND a pair of socks =)
Good morning.

Diana and choc
pls remember to bring the purple glass and destini cream... thanks ya...

Re: Lunch
anyone meeting at the Raffles MRT? I'll be there ...hope i'm not alone....'scare scare'...

i dun have ur hp no. leh... if ur car still got space, then u lonbang me lah...hee
can u meet @ chinatown mrt instead?

can u meet @ chinatown mrt also?

unless both u ladies wanna tongpang cheri's lift =P
ok =) see u later

if u wan i can still meet u @ chinatown mrt if nt i meet u @ the restaurant direct. let me know =)
U all heard the news? Michael jackson passed away…..

Alice- nw when he fuss, we wil on the dvd for him n he wil quietly sit there n watch n shake his body as the song is being sung. Hahahhaha… u noe the lyrics to the whole song ah? I only noe the frnt 2 lines. heheh
My fren’s gal luv barney. Everyday watched at least 6-7 times =_= til she can memorize all the single details of the show. Hahahha

Enjoy ur lunch later! =)

i was just told to have lunch with one of our clients from Dubai this afternoon...sianz...

how ah? Boss and most of my colleagues will be going...i'm looking forward for our lunch for so long liao...

Although i already took leave, i'm still under probation period leh...and i believe this is a good opportunity for me to learn from my boss and colleagues...

can help me to decide?? HELP!!!
