(2008/05) May 2008

his phlegm and cough is better today. At least better then the weekend. i can really hear his phlegm even when breathing, so scary. I just called back to my mil, he is slowly drinking his milk but needs alot of patiences to coax him.

Anyway i have made appt with Dr Ong, in event if he havent recover by then, i will bring him down for a thorough check.

Ooh i am at work today, doing my handover for this week. No, Liying is not my lunch kakis leh and usually we will drive out to eat, me and colleagues are lazy, we dun walk to Atrium to eat... hehehe

Harlo mummies! So hw was the lunch on fri? hehe

Swipygal- I agree w the suggestion to move bk spore w ur parents if possible. At least they can help u abit in the nite so u r nt faced w ur gal 24/7. no joke to take care of a kid round the clock. We also need our break!

Diana- hope daryl is beta le. is he stil as active?

Angela- OUCH! Tat must hurt big time!!!

Dolly- talk abt boring wkend.. mine was like a massive cleanin up at home! We did renov last mon n finally was completed ytd afternn n rush like mad to clean up the hse so tat we dun hv to stay over at mil’s plc anymore. This mornin I took leave jus to clean up the last few bits… super shagged!!! hope rayden is beta le! me gt phobia when hear gt phlegm.....

Choc- thks for helpin to collect the shoes =)

Re: zoo
Ya, jus call off the trip bah….. nxt time thn =)
diana, ouch tats muz be very painful... how's daryl now? hope there isnt any blue black... my hb too same as urs my gal also fell and hit her head when hb looking after her still can tell me its ok didnt knock very hard
my gal crying until so cham. dunno wat are they thinking?

angela, how's megan now? her nail came off? tats very very painful leh got see doc?
Hi annabelle

No all came off... just the corner.. nvr see doctor cos i am the doctor... did a small surgery for her.. hahahahaha!!! Ok la... she is fine now.
re: advise needed on overseas spree

Hi mummies. Do u tink will incurred gst if i combined 2 parcels total exceed SGD400 but less than SGD400 per parcel. Is it advisable to ship individual parcel or combine both to save shipping fees?
Thks in advance.. Hee
ouch. so megan cant wear any shoes for the time being liao lo?
Re: JG
art & craft @ JG can get abit messy. rem to bring extra clothings for urself beside the extra set for megan. hehehe. lobo for 2mths liao now u have to resume ur work. hahaa. let me know if megan enjoys =)

ya. if these 2 days nt any better just go see dr ong again. kids cough can be v jialat. rayden taken the pneumoccal jab already? no choice la. rayden nt well sure dun wanna drink much, have to really spend time just to make them drink abit.
hehehe. i thot Liying also part of ur lunch kakis. hahaha. driving out more convenient rite? heehe.

hahaha. lunch was gd. =)
u wear expensive clothes sure kena big time lo! that time i just wore normal priced clothes and I became damien art paper liao...hahaha. till date, the paint cant wash off completely. better dun wear light colors le.

unlike GUG, they dun provide any bibs/apron during the art n craft. so mayb u wld like to consider bringing a full length one...anyway u got to stripe megan down to her diapers...even so, still v messy!
Val , Corynn

That day Saturday i went to the Sebawang for this child care centre openhouse call Star Learner .

I was impress with the centre cos the place sooo big loh ....two semi-D combine together .
The branch at Sebawang is their fourth branch and the biggest and newest which opened 2 years ago .

And they have gym , music , spreed and drama and abacus classes for 2 years and above . But is a full day childcare....

I still thinking to put him there as hubby like the place too ...but i scare i very heartpain to put him there for the whole day

When Jorel was there ...he was so happy playing and walking around .

And their ration 5 kids : 1 teacher plus a assiant . And their rates are very attractive loh .

Hubby and I are still discussing to put him there 18mths or 2 years old .

We are still looking around and short-listing some other centres .

If we decided to put him in fullday.I dun want to stress him up by putting him in class for JG or weekend class liao ....cos since the school got all the various activities and weekend we want to spend time wif him .
this is the one u n eric mentioned behind SSC?

ya...if jorel attending full time cc then no point sending him for enrichment class if nt mon to fri attend sch weekends still need to go class.
hahahaa. jorel dun need gym liao. he is already v active. hahahaa.

i like speech and drama and abacus =) how much for each of the extra activity?
val ,

But i`m interested in Gym for him ahahah ...The gym is like 45 to 60 dollars for a mth .

Not too sure abt the speech and drama / abacus .

Haven really find out on those yet .
ahaahhaa. scally he even more active aft attending the gym then u really jialat big time. hehehe.

45-60 a mth is quite reasonable le. how often per week? or everyday?
Would like to check with you whether your toddlers have start to speak clearly yet? My ger recently has been babbing alot... and sometimes I can only make out certain words...Any way to improve their speech or how shd I teach them?
angela, haha.. re: JG.. at least got something to entertain megan liao.. and u won't be that bored also mah..

jo, i read many good comments about star learners in sembawang... if i stay near there, think i will put matthias there also lo. haha.. i went to see other branches in eunos but it's damn old.. the one in simei also not very attractive.. but their fees quite attractive.. haha.. i'm putting matthias in full day childcare for sure cos my mother is going to take care of my niece and don't want my boy to learn bahasa indonesia.. lol. btw, what's the Gym u mentioned? i'm interested in gym for matthias too..

val, what's the speech and drama?

faye77, i think if 2 parcels combined exceed S$400 in CGW or BDL, sure kena GST but for vpost if different merchants, won't kena.

feifei, my boy can say some words quite clearly.. but most of the time, just babbling.. i think it's normal, just let them take their pace..
cheri ,

hahah really huh i actually never heard abt this childcare centre until my gal frez told me about it .

The gym classes i haven really find out more yet ....maybe you want to check wif the simei branch .
Val ,

Is once a week nia leh ....and if we did not enrol the extra activity .

They will only teach them normal and basic only . But of course i KS if i am in i will let him join the music , gym and speech & drama
Jo was saying there are extra activities @ Star Learner like gym, speech n drama, abacus etc.

I used to join Act3 when I was in pri sch. So i wans Damien to take up drama n speech as well. I think speech n drama is gd for kids to expressive themselves better =)

Act3, JG and Star Learner has got speech n dramas so next time i wld like to enrol damien to try lo. hehehe.

HAHAHAHA. u really KS ho! wan him to join gym, music, speech n drama. argh, i think if me, i will also put him in more than 1 activity la. whahaha.

ok. when my hubby is "release" then will arrange weekend to go see. =)

besides cc, do they have playgrd ah?
Val ,

they dun have playgroup leh is either half day or full day childcare .

But the rates are similar loh for working mum after the subsidy .
cheri ,

Where did you read the comments about star learner huh ?? Cos i try to search cannot find much informations .

Val ,

I haven yet to find out another one which is opposite Star Learn call Perform @junior which my gal frez enrolled her gal there cos their speech and drama is good which i heard .
I think i know which one u mentioned. It's near the low rise condo right?

I brought Shaine to LNT last sunday. Hmmm, i register for the trial. Will see how lor.
Corynn ,

hmmm i only know is opposite Sebangwa Shopping centre loh .

Which LNT you enrol ? Let me know the feedback .

Thank you .

I was quite interested in Igenius too !!
ladies ,

My colleague just told me the little Charmaine is actually her not so close cousin`s daughter .

When she knew about it she is so sad ....!!
Hmm... like what most of the mummies said, u r not alone lor. Dun worry abt venting yr anger here. We are here to listen and read abt each other problems and try helping one another.
I can understand how u feel especially when all yr close friends and families are not there with u... is never easy to take care of bb all by yrself. But, u must hang on there cos' after a while u will get used to it and be more independent ler. For me, I went thru a few months of bb blue too... when I first bought Rachel over all by myself to join my Hb in India. No MIL, No Mum to help me. So when hb went to work... I have to take care all by myself as well. I also felt the same way once and went a bit crazy, when she juz couldn't stop crying and refuse to sleepz. ALWAYS Try to calm yrself down and think of those happy moments when that happen.
As for the not eating, drinking and slping... try finding out what is the cause first... there must be a reason for them to reject der. Example, Like teething, dun like that particular food or she felt insecure when she fall asleep?
Juz share with us each time u encounter problem, we are here to help okie... We mummies here know yr problem best cos' we have been thru it too =)
Hmm... also juz chking is yr hb schedule a permanent ones or juz temp only? Cos' u must let him know u realli need his support and help too. Afterall, he should play his part as a father too, this is what i think lor. If realli due to work committment cannot change the schedule then is best u seek help in SG first. When yr gal is must older than go back, is juz a suggestion to help u out =)

Aiyo!! *Sayang* Daryl... Must be very painful! Is he better now? Dun worry la, maybe after this time, yr hb will be more careful ler.

huh? like that also can... nowadays realli diff to hire a normal maid liao.

ouch! flip ah... is it bleeding then? poor gal!! Chiamz... like that also kanna f =p
Megan play u out again haha!

Hope Rayden is much better ler.

Re: Zoo Trip
Agreed lor, let's call off this time cos' increase of H1N1 and also the weather is damn hot, can't imagine me with rachel under that hot sun!! sweating away, how to enjoy??

ah... that means is yr colleague's niece lor? So poor thing... I'm thinking of donating some $$, although can't help alot but at least make me feel abit better.

Re: Robinson sales at Expo
Today, cheong Expo Robinson's sales and found out they have Fox sales there. Not much nice design left
must be all gone by then liao haha. But still managed to grab a mini skirt and Fox Sweater for Rachel. For me, I grab a Winter Vest Jacket and a top nia. Thought Monday nobody but still alot of Aunties lei... Especially the hourly special call came from the bedsheet section... wah all cheong there like spotted honey keke!
dear all,

thank you for all your advice... really feel so much better knowing that i am not alone with these crazy emotions...

i think partly is because i PMS too... all the hormones getting into me, normally i am not so impatient and I am so glad my menses came today... now i know why i am so horrible already...

Dolly and Poky, both of you are right, after i realise what i am doing... i know i got to stop and walk away... better to leave her there crying safely then me trying to vent my anger by being near her... so i quickly walk away to keep cool and to let out my fustration by crying... after that feel better and i can go back carry her and hug her and try to put her to sleep again...though i feel very guilty after the whole episode... really feel very depressed... is like i really love my gal, she is my life but why i have no patience for her leh... you know that kind of thinking... and my imagination can really run wild being all alone...

Diana, Corynn & Alice, my hubby job here is permanent, we are in the process of getting green card, so gog back SG is not an option for now..... and gog back SG may be another problem too cos we have no house no car etc and we practically have no baby stuff back in sg so gog back will be more logistically headache, plus my mum is now caring for my 3 mth old nephew.. .think if go back stay with her i also more headahche another little baby... my hubby is very helpful, after i told him what happen, he din get angry for what i did, and when he is back, he will help me do housework, clean the dishes after i cook, bathe and play with Elysia... only when he is away at work, got no choice loh...

val, thanks for the hug... need lot of it... :p

RE:Sleeping, actually my gal follow a sleep routine at night one and normally concuss at 10.30pm, and it is quite ok, just dunno why last week just go hay wire, dun follow, want to play until 12 - 1 am then tired herself out then sleep

choc, i dun rock my gal to sleep one, she normally after bath, play, read book, sing song then lie down nurse to sleep... dunno why dun follow last week... i did try rocking her to sleep when she cranky last week, instead of sleeping she find it so fun... giggle and laugh... think her energy really very high... but afternoon she also dun sleep long at most 1hr only.. dunno why so much energy

RE: Eating and drinking milk...

Jer, bottle i gave up training long ago, last time let her cry and go hungry for 2 weeks also dun work, she super stubborn one. now using sippy cup (i have to remove the non-drip valve)to feed whole milk, cos she hates formula... but she still wont drink like 4 oz in one go, i can only manage to give to her during meals time, but recently she during meals time also reject, only want to drink water... then solid, ai yo, try so many differnet stuff, ang mo type instant mac&cheese, pasta, chinese type, rice with fish, chicken, beef, egg... she eat a little bit then dun wan liao... I think maybe it's really because teething.. cos her gum aare all swollen and can see the white white teeth inside her gums but nothing coming out leh... is teething like this??? she also nvr really drool or keep looking for things to chew or bite... now her favourite is kid's golden graham breakfast cereal.... and yoghurt... i really hope her teeth faster come out and let this phase pass...

BTW, how much you all feed them now? like if give rice how much by teaspoon? milk shd be drinking how much now?

ok on happier stuff now... i am feeling much better...

show you all a video of my gal dancing
argh..... i now very frustrated with the agent! The stupid agent keeping saying that the maid lied about her condition and want us to pay if we want a replacement! My mum works as a clinic assistant, she was the one that noticed why this maid eyeball is protuding out, so she asked the maid. My mum was the one who told me about the maid condition. My mum checked her eye and also realised there is something growing under her eyelid. Then the agent go and tell my mil said maybe maid lying becos she went thru medical checkup and its fine. BUT the thing is medical checkup only check for pregnancy, tb and hiv which i thinks the agency should be jolly aware of it!
Jer ,
Oh dear ...maid problem again . Send away one another one problem sigh ...!!

Swifygal ,

I used the Gain IQ milk powder scoop ....rice about each 4 scoops of the rice .

Alice ,

Ya my colleague`s niece .... she even know is a big new until yesterday !! Sigh but she is not really close wif that cousin but she felt sad for the little gal .
I actually plan to enrol her at Toa Payoh branch but seems they don't hv the time slot i want. So end up i choose Jurong East on Sunday morning 1030am.

The trial cost $150 for 3 class. Actually i got to know some of the branch having promo for trial $100 for 3 class.
Morning... ytd was on leave coz hb birthday...went to watch transformer..nice show!! hehehee... then Raphael gave my hb a birthday present..he was playing on those cars and suddenly slip and hit his lips...so bleeding lor... scared me so much...

hai.... oh ya...i collected the pediped shoes from Winnedy liao... i tink in a months time my boy can wear liao...coz he wearing size 5 now...so the one i buy onli slightly bigger... yeah!!!

thanks winnedy....remember to let us know the shipping charges ah...else we "run away" liao ah
Corynn ,

Oh I see !! No problem let us know whether how the trial ??? Whether Shaine likes it anot !!
Thank alot !!!

Choc ,

Thank so much !! Muack muack you are great :p
choc- u gt gv ur hb any present? hehe
i also wana watch transformers! hee... so long nvr go movie le. aldan fell ytd too... haiz... his forehead gt a bah lu ku n abit of scratch near his nose there =( he was tryin to climb up this metal trolley n the whole thing fell on him!
choc / ting ,

Aiya sama sama lah . Jorel also hit and fell on his head twice during weekend when he try to climb up a stool . Cried like 3 seconds then he will continue with his mischievous !!!
morning ladies,

I guess nw is the most tiring stage for us coz with the ever mobile kid moving here and there, the rate of them fall down is higher so we are more busy trying to keep up with them ba...


there is a kind of powder to apply to stop bleeding de rite? did u apply tat?


u got use zambak for the bah lu ku? the scratches no bleeding de rite? juz po pi nia rite...tink u can apply moisturizer de...


can file your case wif small claim court bo?


glad to noe u are feeling better nw...since u are nt able to come back to sin, then u gif urself some time to get used to the change in ur lifestyle ok....ya, i tink ur gal is teething thus she also cranky lor....coz she might be feeling pain due to teething thus resulted she dun wan to eat and may be dun wan to zzz also...once the tooth are out i tink she will be back to normal again ba....


thks, daryl is better le....less swollen le....coz my nanny also help to ruo his bah lu ku yesterday when daryl is wif her lor...so in the evening time wen we go pick up daryl, he is so much better le...phewz...heng for me, coz i got a nice nanny to help out this helpless and inexperience mother (me) heehee


so ur coglis is relative of charmaine...

btw, ladies,

I have ask Charlene about the funraising on collecting and selling of old clothes. She have replied that they will prefer us to sell coz they resources is overstrench. Below is the email with her.

Are you all keen and ok on the funraising? then the next move will to be collecting clothes and finding a venue to sell le...


Hi Diana,

As much as we hope we cancollect and sell, our resources are overly stretched for the emails queries.

Will it be ok if you help us on the selling too?

Regards, Charlene

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Goh Diana <[email protected]> wrote:


With regards to the funraising, we are thinking of gathering old clothes to sell and give the earning to Charmaine. However, we would like to find out is that if you rather we collect all the old clothes and give it to you all to sell or we do the selling on our own.

Thks &amp; Rgds,

sian hor...one fall after another... sob....

hai...and it all happen during weekend...kana buaaa butter by my parents..LOL...so got to say its not me..is raphael...else...kana big time..hahahaaaaa

ting...OH NO...urs more violent
jo- they reali fearless one. aldan was cryin so hard aft the fall thn when he had calmed dwn, tried to climb it again!! =_= so the teachers removed the trolley

diana- the scratches no bleedin.. hengz... but reali xin tong. duno whether the fall hit the back of his head anot. ytd nite he was cryin so badly aft dinner, i tot the pain came bk cos he was literally screamin n cryin v loudly non-stop thn realise he pooed n his birdie area red red. aiyoh... chg him n he was ok le...almost wanted to send him to a&amp;e cos head injuries dun wan to play play!

ya, i understand....tat y i question hb abt how daryl fall and ware he hit until hb pek chey wif m too lor....but no choice coz our bao bei cannot talk and tell us ware pain yet....haiz....


my daryl fall on his own, i also kena from my parent lor...the moment i tell my mum dary fall at abt 8 plus, they come over at abt 9pm leh...then they start to repeat 'see tat y we say hv to be careful once they start walking...coz they can be so fast tat u cant catch them on time so hv to follow them ware ever they went. also cannot run after them behind them coz they will think u can playing and chasing them so they will ran faster'

see juz how bao bei daryl is to my parent...esp my dad...who seem more heart pain than us the parent lor....muahahha
Aiyoh Choc.. Kana lips?? Tats the most painful fall lor. Sighz... Megan always kana her head now till she seldom cry anymore... unless reali hard.
thx for collecting the shoes =) dun confiscate ho. hehee. so wat present u gave ur hubby?
aiyo.sayang raphael..so who kena when raphael hurt his lips yest?

aiyo! aldan so notti climb trolley!? trolley v dangerous le.

Re: kids falling
as they get older n more mobile, they get more n more notti le. damien slipped in the toilet yest. and today while trying down frm bed halfway he fell -_-'' heng both times he nv cried..means nt tt painful..

grandkids are always bao bei to our parents de. they can be stern with us but its diff with our kids.
wahahah. then ben must be thinking heng ah, its his big day u cant scold him =X hhehhehee.

Tell u ho, damien has a new "toy" - "roller skate" -_-'''

he will step on his fire engine then the other leg on the flr then zoom zoom "skate" off...

i havent eat le...

i tink u shld 'close up' the kitchen and toilet from damien...coz in there too much dangerous stuff le....

ya lor all grandparent the same...but i will tell my parent off also if they over do it lor...
i was washing his butt when he slip n fall. i already close my kitchen n common toilet door le...if nt lagi worst.
val.... i was about to tell u all my boy new toy..the monkey...hahhaa now become his buddy cum bao bei...need to sayang sayang...

errm..this is the one

and some playground picts...

Indian dance
hahahhaa. its a bag ah?

whahaha. rachel n raphael can do indian dance together in future =P

he looks more meaty in the indian dance pics.

now i siao on buying mega bloks...that day saw a super BIG truck...double the size...double the price...
val... is sort of a bag and they carry rite...we got a string one...to limit where they go lor...

yeah... next time R&amp;R can dance together...

meaty meh? maybe is angle ba....

WAH...u buy so many mega blocks for wat? oh ya...last time raphael throw items out rite
now he try to keep all the stuff into the truck of the mega blocks.. LOL
Val , choc ,

Jorel got the same one ...hahah but dunno where my mil put it ....prevent us from using on him
actually it is very useful to us now !!

Handsome Rachael !!
Take care! Mummies are the best!

I have also signed up trial class for LNT at Safra Jurong - opp. Jurong Point. Keke... Class starting 12 July.

oh. okk. the concept is like walking wings? ya. mayb angle la. looks meaty. whahaha.

hehehe. now he got the fire engine, boat, helicopter n the truck. He still like to dump everything out of the truck la. but when i sing the "toys away" song he will put in again. hehehe.

i buy coz Damien likes mah. he so happily playing with it so just buy la. hehehe. and since now got disctn! =P
