(2008/05) May 2008

i mean looking forward to our may forum lunch...

actually, i'm not very good in office politics one... but i guess sometimes we need to be smart in the way we work...

i got a colleague..we had the same post... he's a very nice guy and he's 2 months earlier than me... he told me to go ahead with my leave as i already applied for it...but i still dun feel good..

cos there's another story behind it... SUPER SIANZ!!!


anyone got camera and coming to the lunch? later bring hor...coz i put mine in my mum's place...forget to bring out.. =)
oh yes. it caught me by surprise that MJ passed away due to heart failure. life is so unpredictable!

hmmm...cant decide for u le. u have to gauge for urself le coz it concern ur career too =)
me at hm cant bring cam out la...but heavy le =(

hahahaa. ask u take leave join us for lunch liao...=P
ya lo. out of the total num of reported cases, 5% are local reported cases...

re: cam
i will ask my hubby to carry. ahhaaha.
just back from my client's lunch... today so quiet...cos everyone go to jerry's for lunch...

so sad that i can't join you all...boohoo...

diana and choc
paisei ah... to let you carry my things there...waste of your efforts...

hi ladies,
have been very bz these few days..

the pedipeds are here..

quite a few options for collections..

pls let me know..

alternatively is i will bring to the zoo next sat
no worries, there is always next time der. Work more impt ya!

haha... so funni when i read yr post on "MJ passed away" i'm like huh?? why Mahjong passed away hehe...
Now MJ become more popular then ever ler. Every station on radio keep playing his songs -_-"

wah... 6 to 7 times Barney a day like over dose lei... haha! But i think quite good cos' this "Purple dinosaur" teaches kid good stuffz.

alamak... just realised jorel's bday present still with me, shld have pass it to u that day. Will remember to bring along the next round k
Hello May Mummies,

MIA very long liao... gog crazy i think....

my gal just started to walk on her own... and let me guess? all of your baby all have at leaast 1 tooth right? Mine is the slowest i think still gummy smile NO TOOTH at all at 14 mths... *jaw drop** faint...

my gal giving me a very hard time, really need to vent at some place where pple understand what i am gog thru...

she dun eat, dun drink milk, dun sleep... i am at my wits end, so fustrated and angry!! then i am all alone cos hubby working at another state in the US and only comes back on Thursday every week.

sometimes so envy u all who works... hai... how to say, think i am a little depressed cos it seems like i am such a failure that my girl turns out to be so difficult...

if you all remember last time i mentioned she dun drink from bottle one so i nurse her all the way even now i still nurse her abt twice a day morning and before bedtime (btw, she is nursed to sleep) i still dunno how to wean her off my breast... feel so pei chiek... if i wean her off totally then how she sleep leh? she really hor, tired already still dun sleep, so playful!!

You know what happen? she will at the moment before she dozing off, faster move about in my arms and force her already 3/4 closed eyes open so that she dun fall asleep and want to get off me and play... so terrible! that is her nap time... then at night... she dun follow her usual routine anymore, she can nurse for an hour and still dun want to sleep! put her in play yard she so happy but must be i near her then she will play, else she will just scream away...

but have to really control my emotions... that night i think i really very crazy, i got so angry, i let her cry in the play yard becuase she dun want to sleep, then after crying for some time, i fed her water (she always drink from those sports bottle) but i pour into her mouth,though already full, i still keep pouring until her blouse all wet... then i realise what i am doing and quickly stopped myself and walk away and started crying myself.... i just want to share how easily one can be affected by anger and lose control... i think all my patience is being peeled away by my gal... i dun think i wwant to have another baby already...

sorry for the long post and thanks for listening...
RE: Maid
send that crazy maid back liao then my new maid came for 2 days only, told us she dun want to work. She said she was forced to come to singapore to work and she got thyroid! dunno how she passed her medical checkup in philippine. haiz.. later my mil will bring her to agent and ask her to tell the agent herself.

i understand your frustration. i got thru a terrible 6 months when i look after my 2 boys alone. if you ask me how to train your gal to sleep, then first of all you must be hard-hearted. Dun give in to her cries. if you give in, she will know that she will get her ways just by crying. but take thing one at a time first. If i am you, i will train her to drink from bottle first. For keon, he was very lazy to hold the bottle initially, not that he dunno how to hold is he lazy so what i do is, i leave the bottle in front of him and told him that if he dun hold it himself nobody is going to help him. he cried but i ignore, i walked away from him but still make sure he is in my sight and he hold his own bottle. slowly he learnt that if he wants to drink water or milk, he has to hold the bottle if not he gets nothing. and once he hold the bottle i will clap my hands and said "good boy, clever boy" then slowly he also learn that if he do a right thing, that is how we praise him. so till now, like he learn a new thing, like throwing rubbish in the bin or taking tissue to wipe the floor when he spills the water, he will clap his own hands to show that he wants praises from us.
swifygal...no lar...u are not being impatient..u are all alone taking care of ur gal leh..not easy at all esp if she dun drink, dun sleep, dun eat....can understand how bek chek u feel one..

btw, when does ur gal start refusing milk? issit recently? if so maybe her gum swollen, so hard to suck milk, u can try spoon feed... see whether she wan? coz my boy also went thru a period whereby me and my mum got to spoonfeed him...realli till my patience nearly run out...

u check her gum see got red red anot...

and when does she start to reject food? could it be not to her liking? coz i tink most of the ladies noe my boy hate solid...i been trying for ard 6-8 months before he finally accepted solid...such ting realli need patience and alot of trial and error...

sleep wise... maybe u need to cultivate a "pattern" for her to sleep...such as lights off...keep the room as dark as possible..no tv etc... if cannot mayb can rock her... last time i used to rock my boy to sleep... now... when he is tired i will gently rock...else is he wan me to hug till he sleep...realli got to try and see wat pattern suits ur gal leh...

Jer...eeee..ur maid say got thyroid!!! wah..better send back..else medical fee be quite high leh
choc is right, u are not alone ... cos we r all humans and have our emotions. So at times, u will lost control. And its good that you realised and walked away. This will help you to cool down and back to yourself again.

it's like that. These few days, my boy is down with flu and cough, and again, he has been rejecting his milk which upsets me alot. Cos i have been thr the same as choc, i have been thr a stage whereby he totallly rejected milk and only drink via spoon. My mil and myself both have hard time as well. And just last 2 months, he got better and begin to drink alot and hold the bottle on his own. But who knows, now his pattern came back again .. so it was really nightmare to me.

So you just got to hang on there, it's their growing stage, and got alot of funny patterns.

For the solid food part, have you try different menu on your gal ?
winnedy... the lynn issit our lynn? hahahaaa
Hihi...i will collect my item and following mummies items:

2. dolly23
3. Jer
4. Jo
5. cheri
6. val
7. mummy_yan
8. ant_ting
9. lynn

can pack accordingly and can i collect at either ur place or ur mum's place at telok blangah today?

oh ya...let us know the breakdown of shipping fee so we can trf u ya.. thanks!!

Morning ladies,

see this is how swollen daryl face is after his fall last evening...

so angry with hubby over it. it happen wen we preparing to go out for dinner....then i was in the room changing while hubby went out after daryl then the nx ting, i heard bang sound follow by daryl loud cry.....ask hubby he juz say nothing lah daryl fall then wen i heard daryl still crying so loud, i rush out of the room lor...and i see daryl forehead swollen and cheek also swollen then i ask hubby ware and how did daryl fall...then he say he was taking someting and nt wen he went after daryl, daryl walk faster and he fall wen he trying to reach the dustin beside the shoe rack.

i was so piss wif hubby, y cant he juz take care of daryl carefully wen i hv told him repeatly tat since daryl walking we hv to be more caution lor...and somemore, hubby can say aiya..it is common tat kids fall easily wen they walking....yes, i told him, but we have to take care and ensure the fall is nt so severe lor...dun understand y cant he carry him first before taking his stuff lor...y men juz cant get their priority rite!

are u ok? will it be better for u to come back sin and let ur parent or in laws help u wif ur gal? i understand tat u muz be really stress out....but u hv to hang in there ok...do take deep breathe if ur gal get on ur nerve, coz it can really help to relax abit de...
choc & dolly,

i applied le....the 2 pics is i take down after his fall and after i juz applied zambak de...this morning nt so swollen le...thks
If possible, may b u try to come back to SIN for may b a month and see how? At least u hv ur parents here to help up. At the meanwhile, try to control and give ur kid a sleeping pattern.

beside zambak, hard boiled egg in hand towel can also help.
For slp time. My gal also refuse to slp n keep wantin to get up. my method is to stuff a pacfier, let her hug her blanket/toy, then keep huggin/restrictin her movement (most imptly, dun let her hands/legs move much.) Of cos, she will keep strugglin n cryin till v chiam... i dun let her go even when she cry til perspire alot. After some time (at times, the whole process take a full hr =p ), she get tired herself. n starts to lie quitely, then doze off to slp. After abt 2wks of such method, the time takes to make her slp get shorter (range from an hr to 30mins)... now depends on her "tired" level. if tired, v fast slp liao (5mins), if not, we stil use "huggin" method...

As for losin temper, dun overblame urself. We r all human with own temper/flare pt. Durin the period when i was home alone to take care of my gal for 3wks. I also lose my temper n did stuffs on my gal that i much regret later. My case, i only take care from morn til evenin (my hubby b back to take "baton" then), I alrdy goin bonkers... Ur case is 24/7, round the clock alone, even more jiatlat.... so juz try ur best is ok de. none of us never meant to intentionly to hurt our love ones.

From an article. best to leave the child alone when mommy is hvin a hard time. walk out of the room to cool down b4 goin back to attend the child. rather than build up the frustration when lookin at a cryin baby. but of cos la, make sure the kid will b safe alone in the room.. hahah

sayang daryl. But hor, his eye seem squinted at one side. mayb cos of the swell.. u might want to bring him c doc to play safe?
swifygal...recently i using the pouch sling to rock my boy...he loves it lar...maybe u can try?

sometimes at nite i too tired, he will take the sling and give to me...as if asking me to use it to rock him....

see...we full of ideas... =D
Mommies, takin off my name, as i do not want to complicate things.

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Jo
4. Von
5. ting
6. Val
7. Diana
8. Choc
9. Jer
10. Alice
11. winnedy
12. Evie_82

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Jo
3. Diana - (Unable to get the zoo card)
4. winnedy
*hugs* its nt easy taking care of a kid 24x7 w/o a break and another adult ard...esp when ur hubby is often away.
Re: slp
like the rest of the ladies mentioned, u need to set n follow the routine. for me, i will count 321, lights off then i off the lights and i will lie down besides my boy and tell him i am going to slp and ask him to lie down n slp. initially he will cont to play but aft a while he dun see any participation frm me then he will start to lie down n roll ard and then i nurse him to slp. so now he knows lights off = slpping.
Re: eating & drinking
u need to find out the root cause of why ur gal is not eating n drinking. like wat choc mention, go thro the chklist and slowly improve the situation from there. if u need any help/advises frm us,do let us know =)

wah! win liao lo. ur maid got thyroid still can pass the medical checkup and come to sg..is she trying to scare u into sending her back? gd thing u send her off too...really nt easy to get

yes. the lynn in batch 2 is our lynn. help her to collect too. thx!

aiyo...the swell on daryl looks really bad le...i think ur hubby also didnt wish daryl to fall till so badly la. mayb he is already feeling v guilty le.

Re: zoo trip
haiz...sat busy day, go zoo, go sim collect my hubby's stuffs then send damien to sch...i think by end of day i will be dead tired...

Aiyoh... Look bad ley.. Very heartpain!!! Might have blue black next few days. Megan injured her toe on sat too... open the door herself but dunno how to move her leg away. So kana her toe and her toe nail flip up. As usual kana f by hb but she sleeping in the room so dint know she woke up and walk out herself.

i noe hb also heartpain but to me is all can be prevent if he hv been more careful lor...coz he alway tink no lah daryl wont fall so he like to let daryl walk a distance away from him and stand still calling daryl to come back or tell daryl cant go there...and i hv tell him times again that daryl will nt listen coz he is too young to understand the danger ahead lor...

i juz hope hb will WAKE UP HIS IDEA and be more careful lor.


ouch, toe nail flip up....i tink it muz be beri painful...megan know how to open door by herself le huh...so smart...btw, did u apply oilment on her injure toe?
Poor Daryl! He must have cried alot and was in alot pain. Yes Zambuk is good for such bruises, do apply it on Daryl.

I understand your problem with ur maid. My ex indonesian maid threatened to quit when i gave birth, then that time we were quite stressed so we increased her salary. Again after chinese new year this yr, she threatened to quit again. This time we cannot tahan, so really sent her back and got a new Filippino maid. Much better now

Re Zoo trip:
I think I better not go as my hubby coming back from Switzerland on Friday, although Swit is not on the list on H1N1 countries, think I should not go just in case (touchwood) anything happens and there r so many babies:

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Jo
4. Von
5. ting
6. Val
7. Diana
8. Choc
9. Jer
10. Alice
11. winnedy

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Jo
3. Diana - (Unable to get the zoo card)
4. winnedy
Jer, your maid is really a timebomb.. must be damn sian for you to get another maid also got problem.. hopefully the next one will be ok.. how’s your new job getting along??

Swipygal, can understand fully how you feel.. must be damn tiring on you.. and when you feel really frustrated, you should take a break from your girl and cool it first.. it really takes a lot of patience to take care of kids.. I really wonder how my mum does it all the time.. haha..

Val, u really go check the logo ar? Haha..

Diana, daryl’s swell quite bad leh.. aiyo.. why you hubby so careless? Remember to take more photos and keep it.. and remind him every now and then to take care.. cos we can make big fall into small fall if we watch them well.. esp those sharp corners.. I always afraid Matthias will hit them too…

Choc, thanks for helping me collect..

Winnedy, please do let us know the shipping charges. Thanks.
Angela, hope u didn't kena from her daddy.. Poor Megan.. Must be very painful.. Have to really keep close watch on our kids at this time when they do funny things..
thks cheri,

i will keep reminding him to be more careful lor...u noe hor wen i heard hb say daryl fall and hear daryl crying so badly, i actually ran out of the room in my bra and panties lor...coz from his crying i noe it muz be rather serious type of fall and he muz hv hit someting le...
my company nw hving the hair for hope shaving at our lobby lor...juz come up after supporting our colgis lor...beri tempt to shave lor....mayb shld go down to novena on the 5th then shave together wif daryl....muahahhaha
ladies ,

I decided not to go zoo due to the H1N1 increase cases . Therefore hubby dun want to go liao .

Therefore i removed my name .

As for Val`s hubby is on duty !!Remove too

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Von
4. ting
5. Diana
6. Choc
7. Jer
8. Alice
9. winnedy

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Diana - (Unable to get the zoo card)
4. winnedy
yes. i understand. accidents can be avoided if adults are more careful la. Hope ur hubby will learn a lesson frm here lo.

hahaha. coz i was looking at their items then soon bian take a look lo =)

hat off u! u got the courage to shave bald! =)

Diana ,

Oh no .....the bruise on the face is bad ...please monitor him closely !!See liao very very heartpain .

Angela ,

Megan hurt her nail and came off ahhhhhhhh....OUCH !!!

Corynn ,

JG stand for Julia Gabriel
Sayang Megan *Hugz*
i can understand .. when things happen to our bb, we always kena from our hubby.

same here ... dun think i am gg to zoo liao. Rayden has not completely recovered. So i dun want to bring him out under the sun. Haiz, now he is sick, i dun even dare to go anywhere. Since i went back on last friday evening after our meet up, i didnt step out of the house till this morning. So chiam lor .. and a boring weekend

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Von
3. ting
4. Diana
5. Choc
6. Jer
7. Alice
8. winnedy

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Diana - (Unable to get the zoo card)
4. winnedy
Hi Val, Diana, Cheri, Jo

Dint came off but the corner flip up... so bleed abit... and YES.. i kana from tat MCP of mine of cos... Always saying the same irritating lines " 2 adults to a baby, you all also can let this happen " arghhhhhhhhh

Taking abt JG.. Wed megan going for her 1st lesson. My holiday ending soon. Wed and Fri burn.

Wow, Very pain ler...I can expect what u will tell us liao....kana butter again.

Since less and less ppl going Zoo. Then better stay at home liao la.

I went to Paragon to get somemore book for Shaine on Sunday. Ai yoh, this time round big hole again.
They really hv lots of book there and i like the pop up with flip up 3D picture.
