(2008/05) May 2008

ask u hor...how u all teach ur boys/girls wat is rite or wrong?

i tink i gonna have big problem... my boy is horrible.. when we dun let him do wat he want..or stop him from doing something..he cry till like very cham...
make me at loss... then i tried to tame him...put him on sofa and say NO...guess wat..he cry till like so cham...then wan to vomit when crying...
i see liao..heart pain...let him be...then he smile when he get the stuff he want...

help help...realli need some advise..my terror now upgraded to MONSTER!!!! worried..issit too young to teach them now?

ok. the expiry of the HB brown rice is till nov 6, 2009

Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc
choc- same here =( aldan also lidat when dun gv him wat he wan. n he can reali cry til wan to vomit. thn my hb n i see liao, jus gv him n he wil stil sob abit b4 stoppin. haiz. HOW!!
ting...come lar...ahhaaaaa... then we can chat n chat..hahaaa... Luke is the baby luke rite? hahaaa... got a cute baby there...

i tell u hor..i wun bring raphael along...coz recently he become a terror king...very jialat...if i bring..i dun tink i can stay there over 1 hour..haha

so means aldan also like tt...weird... how to train..i see some kids..very well mannered...very good... wonder how to train... HELP!!!!!!!!

hold bottle: i never expect my boy to hold bottle lar..to me he drink i very happy liao.. but recently he got the intention to hold...

val..thanks!!! running out of HB..sob...
my girls are like raphael too... but only to me and granny...

my husband got the power to make them stop crying if they throw tantrums... they will cry then my husband wil scold them, dun care abt them.. then they really stopped crying and find other toys to play... think they can understand now leh... but if me and granny around, my husband's power will be lost.... haa...
actually my boy also the hair not so black. There are even portions that is brown. Think white hair may inherit coz my hubby inherit his dad white hair and have to dye very often. maybe grow up can let them eat black sesame lor, it helps.
hmm....i tink our kids are so smart these days tat they noe who they can bully lor....heehee

daryl at times when he lie down he will refused to get up on his own and wanted us to go carry him....but normally i will refused and told hb nt to carry him and let him cry....then nx moment wen he realised we all bo chap...he kuai kuai get up by himself. so far these few days...he nv do tat again le...

choc & ting,

i nt sure how to advise u all on 'teaching' ur boys...coz for me daryl did nt cried so hard till wan to vomit....thus i can be more 'harsh and firm' on him lor...but hor...daryl will 'quarrel' wif me at times wen i say no to him lor...
diana /ylyn ,

hahah ...i think we being stress taking care of them .

Bb08 / choc ,

Jorel behaves the same way loh , whenever we dun give in he will cry but without tears hahaha !!

Hubby never give in to him ...so only my hubby able to tame him down . As for PIL and me forever give in to him . Ended up all of us kenna scolding from hubby sigh !!!
Me too! Whahaha... But i only play during the weekends and weekdays i slept early... keke...

Think gold is a sign of turning to white, right??? My husband also got lots of white hair so I am abit worried too...

eat black sesame will help??? Really??? Can start eating now?
hahha... but if i gg on fri, aldan n my hb wil cm along...

choc- gd mah he wan to hold the botl himself =) nw i feel like gt 1 less job to do. hahah... cos can jus put aldan dwn to bed n he wil drnk himself. when gg out, he can lie on his stroller n feed himself too...
u sms ask cheri if she got extra HB br since she occassionally org the spree to get.

Re: discipling kids
somemore certain things i will give in certain things i will nt la. like if he plays with the fan or electric plug or he plays with anything dangerous we will say nono to him then smack his palm lightly. 2nd time 3rd time then abit harder. and each time we will carry him away or the things away. if he cry till v cham we let him be lo but he nv cry till the extend of wanting to vomit la. aft awhile he knows he wldnt get wat he wans then he will come n hug us wan us to sayang him then he will stop n we will distract him with his toys...

hopefully the zoo trip is still on. =P
hahhaa. u go decide then let me know if u joining us on fri la. need to make reservation tml =)

i agreed tat it is so much easier nw when they can and willing to hold the bottle to drink their milk...nw, the moment daryl saw me holding his milk, he will lie back automatically and wait for me to pass him his milk to drink le...heehee


black sesame help meh...then for us if we start eating nw will help bo? i only heard abt the chinese herb he shou wu for hair nia...and if i remember correctly, indias will used olive oil to apply on their hair to maintian a smooth and black hair lor...but so far i hv tried nothing but colouring my hair nia...heehee
no, cannot start eating now la... i mean when they grow up ya... =)

My hubby eats black sesame seed every day for the past month and seems like the hair wont white so easily leh. but its very heaty.
Shaine also like that. She will cry till she get what she want. My hb long ago already called her MONSTER & Destroyer liao.
Val- I was lookin at the calendar n realise nxt week is jul le!!
Wil go bk ask my hb n let u noe by tmr for the lunch =)

Diana- yalor, I wait this day for so long! Saves time cos as they drink, we can do stuff at the same time. Hehe

Corynn- hahha.. another destroyer!!!
Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc

What time is the lunch? So those without transport will meet at Raffles Place MRT right, what time?
Re: meal @ jerry

wat time u all knock off if on half day? if can meet earlier we meet earlier la if nt we meet 1.30pm @ raffles place lo coz some may only knock off at 1pm then travel dwn to town rite?
ya... me can only go off 1.30pm tmr...but i tried to 'run' at about 1.15 lor... i'm in city hall... should be able to make it on time..hee..
thanks, val.
nt tml la. is fri. hehehe.

ok. then 1.30pm we meet at raffles place la. if can reach earlier then even better we can have lunch earlier. hehehe.

if nt, those who can knock off earlier or reach earlier can go shopping first. hehehe.

from what i read from the websites, they all say the same thing. It's the curvuature of the eye.

I remember when I wore contact lens, my lens has to worn a certain way, once it moves to another position, everything goes blurry. So another words, the shape of our eyes are different. It's different from degrees.

Astigmatism from what my hubby says it's the brightness that a person can see. Hence maybe that's what the optician is trying to say?
hold bottle...wat i meant was as long as they drink...they hold or dun hold doesnt matter to me... hahaaa... most impt is they drink... oh ya... my boy now partially on friso 2...YEAH!!so i also stocking up on friso 2...Cold storage got the 1.8+900g free promo... =)
mayb thats wat the optician meant ba. i still having astigmatism frm pri 6 till now but its getting better over the yrs when i reduce my sports or wear sunglasses.

hahaha. so ur dream of stopping pumping will realise soon? now i give damien mamil gold every nite but he still needs to latch on to fall aslp.
val...i pump 3 times per day lor..without much problem...but abit sian...coz supply drop alot... sob sob....now a day can pump ard 900-1litre bm...=(

so raphael will drink FM when he aslp..then awake i will mixed 140mlBM+60mlFM....so... not so bad lar... supply still there...but i telling my mum the tap running dry soon..hahahaaa

wah,....damien michael jackson dance?

i taking half day on friday!! yeah...can GOSSIP GOSSIP n GOSSIP!!
Val- u hv the link to the restau? Shall meet u all str there if I’m gg =)
Try givin botl to damien n make him slp? I replc the nite latch b4 slp w botl n slowly let aldan get used to it… even the mornin latch, I slowly weanin off too…..

Icebaby- I also hv Astigmatism plus 1000 degrees of myopia so u can imagine I’m like blind w/o specs! In the nite when I take out my specs, all I see on the road r huge lights all starin bk at me!

Choc- tat cld be a sign tat u can stop ur pt job soon. heheh…
i taking full day...gng for facial at carpenter street first before i go mit you ladies...so i tink i likely will juz mit u all at the resturant ba....

bb08, i will try to remember to bring the purple glass ok...

ur supply ware got drop alot...900 to 1000ml per is still alot....last time mine nv even go above 400ml per day lor....hahahaha
wah! 3x per day still can get 900-1l is alot for most of us liao lo.
duno wats my damien up to la. keep walking backwards so dangerous...coz he duno hw to chk blind spots. hahaha.
another stunt he did was, he put his foot into the dump truck of the megga bloks then like machim skating like tt..so dangerous lo! end up fall down...dun dare try liao. hahaha.

here's the link: http://www.jerrybbq.com.sg/clubstreet.htm
i give him fm for nite feed before he slps la but he will only drink abit then will come n look for me le. he refuse to drink frm bottle to fall aslp le. even my hubby feed him he also dun wan. so long as he dun see me he cry n cry till v badly...so end up...i latch him to slp still..

wah! shiook go facial. ok. see u there directly.

duno where is the cheapest but KP having 20% discount for card holder on regular priced items.

RE: taka sales
there will be 10% additional discount for taka card holders from this thurs till sun
i am clearing my last 0.5 day leave so most likely i will be gg from office. As i think i still need to bring my laptop along, in case i need to access.

u damn KS ... 900ml - 1L still said dropped, Piangz !
LOL....val be lost... errr...if cheri got ferry me then i meet u all straight at jerry too.. wahhahaaaaa *wink wink cheri*
ya la! i am a lost sheep le!! coz i am used to flagging cab or been ferried ard. whahaha.

if ur hubby drive us over then have to meet elsewhere coz i think during lunch time there is ERP in cbd area le.
Val- keep trying! Aldan used to cry too n my hb wil say ‘aiya, jus latch him!’ but I refused! Wil jus pat him… thn he like slowly noe no more latch liao. he wil nt slp immed aft the botl. Wil stil toss n turn n do funny pattern til he finds the most comfy position thn KO.
So gt 2 hbs gg for the lunch?? Urs n jo rite….
