(2008/05) May 2008

hahaha. i thot raffles place more centralise mah =P but comparing the dist....argh.. ahh...

Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby - meet @ jerry
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana - meet @ jerry
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc

the rest how ah? u all mgting directly @ jerry or???

if my hubby kena recalled for work then i will take mrt down...if nt we will drive dwn la...

dun leave me alone.... i'm also a road idiot leh... if really no choice, then will take a cab down le..

Oh yes, thank you thank you...my maid will be very happy..

remember to bring the cream too ok. Thanks for saving me the trouble to join the spree.
hmm..frm the map, i sld know hw to get to club street frm chinatown mrt....if frm raffles place mrt, duno will get lost somewhere in between nt. wahaahaha. i need to print out the map n bring on fri.
bb08...okok..will bring..hahaa... u wun regret using it...my fav cream...

val...remember to bring the cereal hor.. Raphael main food... (i added it to his milk..lol)
ant/jer...where u get ur jeans for Aldan/Keon ah? my hb asking me to go find similar one..coz he saw both Aldan n Keon wearing nice fitting jeans

heheee... let me know hor
choc, wow ur supply so much leh still got 900-1000ml so envy leh... last time e most i got per day is also less then 400ml and tat was e peak already haahaa muz teach how u got such good supply so next time my no. 2 will have more milk to drink.

dolly, i also like e family photo with rayden crawling in front
i like those shots on e rocking horse too well worth e $.
milo lor...i notice...today i drink milo...supply like increased abit more... tink i didnt drink much water past few days...
lots n lots of water!
I've already make my donation to charmaine. Hope everything goes well for her operation. Btw, her story was published in the chinese newspaper, wan bao 2 weeks ago... fandi ahmad and the soccer gang are also organising a charity soccer match for her to raise money for her operation... actually she touches my heart alot... will still occasionally weep abit when i see her photo...
same same, i will login and read her blog daily if i am free to find out on her updates.

I also overheard the friendly match on the radio to raise the funds for her, was still telling my hubby whether to go tampines stadium to watch the match and do the donation. Kill 2 birdss with 1 stone. Can donate for her and also watch my favourite stars, Fandi !
i very stupid... just read the blog and it says someone is willing to donate to a max of $10k for every dollar we donate, he will donate that amount... haiz...

this is the link http://ourfeistyprincess.blogspot.com/

please donate thru the hardware forum (i think) in order to let the anoym donate... thanks

extact from one of the forum:
"frankly speaking... from my point of view.. a neuroblastoma with stage 4, which means it includes distant metastasis.. to marrow and bone..
there's no better/nicer way to say this, there's not much hope for this poor girl..
no new york treatment or whatsoever can save her for good..
very soon it will spread to her lungs and thats abt it..
any drug or radiation therapy will only make her life more difficult
i really do sympathise her, especially when she has no idea what fatal disease she's up against..

i hope "miracle" can happen..
i'd help her if i could, but i'm merely a student.. ""

Really want to cry... sad
haha.. how many canvas printing are you going to purchase?

ya lo throw liao then demand to go out straight away. dunno is it because he is 2nd child, he is very demanding one. now he wakes up first thing he take to me is the tv controller to on tv then the scv controller to change channel to disney channel. if dun do it he early morning will start to scream.

is your 2nd boy more demanding then your elder one?

haha, kiern also shaved 2 times, for keon is i lazy la. haha.. but difinitely will shave for him again. at one time keon also like to walk backwards and side to side like a crab.

old navy lo. haha.. ya old navy/ gap jeans got better cutting as compare to keon levis jeans.

RE: donation to charmine
did you ladies went to the donation site and see? i not talking about the blog. actually i been thinking of one way to raise donation for them but never have the chance to bring it up on this thread. one of the way is photoshoot, http://ourfeistyprincess.com/fundraising_web.php, whereby they will provide a photographer and we all just donate an amount. i thinking for our zoo trip, maybe can use this chance as a funding raiser event too? maybe they can provide a photographer for the zoo trip and we all donate money? what you all thinks?
Hi Ladies... My visa from MIL this friday approved liao hehe! So Rachel won't be coming ler, and I will have 100% "Me" time all to myself wahaha! *bad Mummy*

So meet at Jerry? Think is along club street and somemore up the slope rite? Hmm... Me thinking shld I take cab or what lei...

Who is meeting at Jerry and Who is meeting at MRT???
morning ladies,

actually i hv a thot on the fundraising for the little gal....was tinking we can gather all the old clothes that we dun wan liao then sell and earn some money for her....but the ting is i nt sure if they wan us to gif them the old clothing then they sell or wat...tat we hv to ask and co-ordinate with them le...

also the venue to sell the clothes is another ting to tink abt...
chiam liao .. raphael has become a terror and he is damn cute, like scolding his daddy lor. OMG , time to discipline him.

i support the photography idea for the donation if our zoo trip is confirmed.
hi ladies,
ok. anyone got the latest list of ppl goin to zoo?
Then i will aliiance with ppl from Charmaine website and see how it goes.
hahaha. do pls extra panadol in case the 2 u took earlier fail to work. hehee.

hahahaha. damien nv walk side to side like a crab la only walk backwards.duno to stop him or let him be. in the end i just let him be and keep an eye on him n catch him in case he fall.
Re: old navy/gap
i feel gap's jeans v big still le. old navy still alright.
Re: donation
i am fine with ur suggestion =)

hahaha. w.o rachel ard u can eat the buffalo wings in peace =P

re: zoo trip
so hw? on or nt? can confirm? i am on for it.
do you happen to get the list of attendance for the zoo trip ? i tried to find back the archive files but dun have leh.

re : Kinderland
for mummies who are looking for cc or playground, can consider Kinderland. My colleague was sharing with me tt they also tied up with Kindermusik, so the lesson is inclusive in their syllabus, quite good. For 3hrs daily playgroup, after subsidy, she is only paying like $350 per month.
i dun have the list for the zoo. let me go find then i let u all know again.

wheres the location for kinderland?
this is the list i got frm the may 19 archive:

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Jo
4. Von
5. ting
6. Val
7. Diana
8. Poky
9. Choc
10. Jer
11. Alice
12. winnedy
13. Evie_82
14. bb08
15. bb08's maid

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Jo
3. Diana
4. Poky
5. winnedy
re: zoo trip
ladies, i can't make it to the zoo trip on 4th July cos i'm on duty that day...sad...

1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Jo
4. Von
5. ting
6. Val
7. Diana
8. Poky
9. Choc
10. Jer
11. Alice
12. winnedy
13. Evie_82

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Jo
3. Diana
4. Poky
5. winnedy
does anyone of you know how to speak spanish or know any good place to learn spanish??

My company are sponsoring me for the course... hee
1 day Zoo Trip @ 4/7/09 Saturday 10.00am.

List of participants
1. Corynn
2. Dolly23
3. Jo
4. Von
5. ting
6. Val
7. Diana
8. Poky
9. Choc
10. Jer
11. Alice
12. winnedy
13. Evie_82

List of mummies able to provide zoo card:
1. Corynn
2. Jo
3. Diana - (Unable to get the zoo card)
4. Poky
5. winnedy

u are back in sin till when?


so sianz....i be taking in additional workload wef 15th July.....i tink i would want to take a few day leave before 15th July and also before my coglis pop lor....
Val- I hv decided to join u all for lunch on fri! hehehe

Choc- the jeans was bot by my mum. Tat time duno wat sales she cheong n bot like 6 pairs of jeans. Hahahha… only 1 u saw tat day fitted him nicely. The rest too big, waitin for him to grow thn can wear. Hahahah
I drink milo everyday also nt incr in ss leh…. n lots of water also no use!!

Angela- me curious.. wats this panadol thingy abt? Hehhe

Jer- haha! talkin abt scv, this aldan duno hide the controller where!!! We searched the hse stil cannot find! V ma fan gt to do it manually
Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val + Hubby
2. Jo + Hubby - meet @ jerry
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice
7. Diana - meet @ jerry
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
10. Choc
11. ting + hb + aldan- meet @ jerry
ting..when angela get too excited during gossip...she get headaches..jhahahahahaaa

this is true..we not joking... hahaa

YEAH...u are coming to the jerry too!! Aldan be there ah...yippie
my company wants me to be in-charge of the south america region...so no choice gotta learn lor... but i'm also quite interested as spanish is the 2nd most spoken language after english...
Hi Ting

Cos always when i am to excited or happy, i will kana super mirgraine or headache. The last gathering at Marriott, i head almost crack and no one there and even hotel have panadols... End up i have to control my mood so that my headache will be bearable. Even since then they know i need panadols when is girls day out... haha!!
hahaha. gd to hear u can join us but make sure dun let ur lady boss spot u outside ho. hehehe. will call and reserve the seats later.

oh. okok. didnt know spanish is the 2nd most spoken language. hmm..gd exposore for u to learn another language...somemore foc. hahaha.
yes. better be gd and take leave better than mc le...in case ur boss spot u or ur colleague saw u...

ok. reservation make for fri lunch. total 14adults and 2babies =)

i have also called n reserved a slot for the gymboree class on 28th jun, sun 3pm for lucas.

didnt reserve a slot for u coz i am nt sure if u are using any voucher or nt.

rainy day..sleepy day..oh ya...yesterday i went to brow haus at raffles city to pluck pluck my eyebrow and also threading for my "moustage"....saw buttercup at the shop...

hahaa...if u gals interested can consider going to this shop...not bad...the service...and the end result i also find not bad
