(2008/05) May 2008

paisay, forgot to reply u.

hahaha. ya. at least my hubby attempted to cook. his best dish - maggi mee with egg. whahahah.

he still owes me a plate of fried rice and american bfast =P

haha..my ger also very fussy one. Same thing that I cook, one day she likes, the next day she doesn't. Always wondering what is different this time.

I also haven't add, tried a bit of bovril, but only a little better..haha..still eat very slowly. That's why thinking if to try to add some soy sauce

i gif him zui kueh, chee cheong fan (but he dun really like), pancake, wanton, bao etc...planning to do scramble egg or bread with cheese spread etc to him...and i tink my nanny gif him biscuit those round type of biscuit ware last time ah pek or ah ma will used it to dip wif kopi de...


i start to add soy sauce le....juz a litte bit...and i purposely buy sheng chow type of soy sauce which is say to be of better grade and nt so salty to add into his porridge...

You can let ur child try anything. Doesn't matter what. Just make sure it is small piece enough for them to chew/swollow. So far my girl, I let her try every thing...including goreng pisang, durian, kueh lapis, etc. Whatever we eat, if she is interested, we let her try.


Some kids dun like porridge with meat cos hard to chew and become tasteless after cooking. So maybe that's the reason. Maybe u can try just salmon/cod fish/other fish + lots of carrot (for sweetness) + potatoes? Or dun like fish also?

You can put soya sauce/ginger. It's okay one. Just dun put too much. Cos once kids used to it, it's hard to change back to plain food. =P


Hahaha. It's okay. forget to reply it's alright cos got too many msgs here.

Mine hor, he will just buy food. I rather he buy than cook.

**I might not reply for the next few hours cos I will be stuck in meeting. Depends whether boss and big boss going to sit beside me anot. *Sigh.
Choc ,

you are right !! Actually in Singapore can get books not expensive .

Alice ,

too much of trouble drop my name too

thank you gal !!

Diana ,

Me too gave my boy Chee cheong fun last weekend with abit of the soy sauce too . He is oki not really very liked it .
alice, thanks for the info :) ya ! wiould like to meet u and rachel too :)

val, yes, i can make it next friday for lunch, i will put my name down so easier to count the heads :)
Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val
2. Jo + Hubby + Jorel
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice + Rachel
7. Diana
8. Angela
9. Gina + Luke
Hahaha agreed with Choc, thinking back, i think i better get from Singapore, if not i wonder how Alice is gg to bring back ... pai seh.

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. Adnes - [email protected]
9. Val - will PM u my email addr...
10. [email protected]
11. annabelle - [email protected]
12. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
13. ting - [email protected]
14. beebee - [email protected]
15. Buttercup - will PM u my email
16. [email protected]
17. ylyn - [email protected]
18. Jer - [email protected]
19. yanling [email protected]
20. feifei - [email protected]

me too, if too heavy drop my name too ok...


but some food like those sticky sticky type better dun let them eat coz worry tat they might choke lor...like tang yuan etc...


ya lor..tat wat happen to daryl lor...and wen we gif him zui kueh, he like it and ask for more lor..
I'm wondering will everyone be paisei and drop the name from the list then in the end you get stuck with all the books..haa...

but dun worry lah, we will definitely help you to clear stock... just let us know... I also volunteer to drop my name out of the mailing list to give others more choices.

maybe you can consider of running a spree on this.

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. Adnes - [email protected]
8. Val - will PM u my email addr...
9. [email protected]
10. annabelle - [email protected]
11. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
12. ting - [email protected]
13. beebee - [email protected]
14. Buttercup - will PM u my email
15. [email protected]
16. ylyn - [email protected]
17. Jer - [email protected]
18. yanling [email protected]
19. feifei - [email protected]
i saw the line of books you bought!
i can imagine the expression on your hubby face when he saw that manz!
thanks for going through all the trouble for us...
but den, how you gonna bring back? they are not light leh....

feifei, Von,
u all still interested in the positive focus trial class for babies? if yes, den i will call up to enquire soon....will be on a saturday from 3.00 to 3.45pm

sianz, i think i lose my free trial voucher for the gymboree....
that week i was in KL, i went to their mall, Poney, kiko, Miki all having 50% to 70% discount...me went crazy manz.....
but sianz, bought a shirt from KIKO that's too small, so Randall can only wear for a few times before it will be too tight....
wow, steady wor...hehe..I tempted to let my ger try bread with jam and other food stuffs =)..

If the books are too heavy, you can remove my name frm the list too..no prob =)...tks ya..
oh dear..u try to find again lor, then can bring our kids for gymbroee trial together..Where will the positive focus trial class be?

Those ladies having the gymbroee trial vouchers,
When will u be going to the trial?was tinking maybe we all can go together...=)..Wan to meet up with u all also..so far onli see Evie, chobits before onli =)..
I am so excited to see so many book also.

I didn’t bring any food jar. She don’t like it. I feed her with the porridge from restaurant and also the cereal I brought.

U must train ur girl to finish the porridge fast lor. If not very champ ler. May b on DVD for them. Shaine finished 1 big bowl within 5 to 10 min.

Sometime try to change the ingredient. May b they will eat.

I don’t know Is b’cos of the shoes or what? Last time won’t hv ler. What u do to stop ur hubby from playing the cam.

I don’t hv this problem unless I keep wear the same pair of cover shoes without sock. If I change shoes it won’t happen.

I not add soy sauce or salt. But sometime I put bovil or cheese.

I also can volunteer to drop if too heavy for u. Let me know if u hv extra.

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1.Jaime and [email protected]
2.Diana and [email protected]
3.von and [email protected]
4.peaceii and [email protected]
5.Adnes - [email protected]
6.Val - will PM u my email addr...
[email protected]
8.annabelle - [email protected]
9.Evie_82 - will PM u my email
10.ting - [email protected]
11.beebee - [email protected]
12.Buttercup - will PM u my email
[email protected]
14. ylyn - [email protected]
15.Jer - [email protected]
16.yanling [email protected]
17.feifei - [email protected]
i see..ur ger eats bery fast wor..good leh...
Now i having difficulties to train my ger to hold her own bottle lor...

How to get rid of baruku after our bbs knock their heads?Haiz, yest my ger knock her head against the table, got 1 baruku on her forehead.

If it is too heavy then count me out as well, but if you have extra, let me know

Ya, I have been wanting her to eat fast as by the time she finishes, her food is all cold. But sometimes she just refuse to open a her mouth, that's why I'm still looking for means and ways to tempt her to eat food
Trying all methods. She normally watches her DVDs when eating.
i will hv this prob too if I on the DVDs for my ger to watch during mealtimes..she will be too engorsed and shut her mouth lor..sometimes i just try to force open abit, then i give up and switch off the show. My ger will be screaming away and we will use other things to distract her lor... so now when we feed her, no tv. after she finish then on her favourite Barney...

Wat show do u let ur kids watch?
alice, wow shiok shopping rite heehee thanks for helping us get e books

ylyn, dun worry my gal also eating half bowl of porridge only takes abt 1hr or more haiz... so urs not e worst. sometimes she dun feel like eating will boo everything out even worse. dun worry i believe they will start eating more sooner or later bah so long as they still taking enough milk or other food. i onli worry when she doesnt want porridge & milk.
think there are still a couple of us who haven't gone for the trial. But we are having the free trial voucher that we got when we had our may babies birthday bash there

I may have lost my voucher...will go back and search for it...if not, got to pay...sianz

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08
2. alice
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
My ger's favourite DVDs are YBCR series, Baby Einstien and Banana in Pyjamas. Now she starting wheels on the bus.
If I don't on the DVD, she will want to get out of the chair every few mins...haha..even more difficult to manage.

^5 our girls just like to take their time...luckily she doesn't boo. Ya agreed..she still likes her milk so at least she still have some food. Just want to make sure she has a balanced diet.
Tks for the infor..hope u can find e voucher then we can go together, i dun hv to pay cos evie is giving me her voucher lor =)..hehe...

Thanks alot ya =).

Shall we decide a date for the trial?mayb we can indicate the date we are available for the trial?

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08
2. alice
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09
I ahve e same questions as Buttercup..hee..

My ger likes Brainy baby, barney and wheels on the bus. She doesn't seems to like Leapfrog series, bb can read or Mickey clubhouse wor..
He doesnt like to watch cartoons le..., i show him baby Einstien, barney..he nt intested le... only occassionally some songs just catches his attention esp advertisments,he will watch... if nt whole dae he wil roam around e house touching things...
hi feifei,

my girl is also like that,no tv,then she dun eat :< wonder next time grow up how,my mum even asked me to buy a portable 1,so that when we go out,she can eat
Duno y kids like advertisments wor..my ger also leh...but if the ad is on those old songs album, she will really cry for that few mins leh..when the next ad comes, she ok liao...i also duno y leh..

hmm..like that hor, if no tv, dun eat then if go wedding dinners how huh...
Re: gymboree

27th Jun (Sat), 1PM left 3 slots

28th Jun (Sun), 3pm left 4 slots.

Can only utilise the vouchers @ Habourfront.
Corynn- his routine is playin w aldan n makin milk n wkends help bathe him. hahah… last time used to feed him too but nw tat aldan can drink on his own, he’s spare of this.

Ylyn- my boy’s takin normal porridge alrdy n can eat up to 2 bowls n barely 2 hrs, drink milk again!

Jovial- wow 250ml aft porridge! Tats a lot le!

Val! U gt gd news for us ah! hehehe
Actuali nw he’s beta le cos last time he jus wan to play w him only! Nw at least wil help to chg n bathe him n feed him smtimes but all this is when I nag at him thn he do. Haha
Let’s hope our hbs wil be convinced to bring our boys to disneyland! hehe

re: tv
seems most of the bbs enjoy watchin tv.. mine dun like leh. cannot sit stil to watch! he prefers to roam ard the hse =_=
Shall we decide a date for the trial?mayb we can indicate the date we are available for the trial?

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09
mayb its the shoes la. u got air the shoes aft each wear?

i nagged at my hubby lo. told him if his cam is more impt than damien then u go ahead and play with ur cam instead of looking aft ur son. hahaha.

no gd news la. menses just came *phew* this yr till next yr mar is really nt a gd time for us to have #2 =)

ya. i think for guys. they need us to tell them wat to do when it comes to kids la.if nt they will assume we can handle.

hahaha. i think my chances of convincing him is 50-50 le.
Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09
Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm

Wah can reach rice and soup. Hmmm...I wonder when mine can. heehee


Can still give sticky stuff but must be very very small piece. That's what I do, make sure it's very small. But of course, i give like less than 5 small pieces, it's just for them to "know" got different texture of food and taste. =)


I been thru 2 other kids. My 1st, every thing also scare give him (my in-laws)...end up hor...he only stop eating porridge when he was almost 4 yrs old, when my younger son start eating rice and soup(i.e. he prefer porridge than rice). So I learn to let them try early.


Actually now I do not bother about her porridge whether she eat or not cos she still drinking alot of milk. Now I waiting for more teeth sprouting, then maybe get my mum to teach the maid to cook soup, then can try taking soup and rice which will be better. =)
tks for the ifor...

Guess we will miss e chance to meetup cos sun my ger has kindermusik at 1pm, dun wan to overload her lor,...sad to miss the chance to meetup with u all liao..
I've called up gymboree to secure the slots a few weeks ago liao. So mine is confirmed on 28 Jun 3pm.

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm Slots booked.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm
i also secured a slot this coming saturday, but i can't seem to find the voucher! darn
den i call them to see if dun have voucher how much to pay...they say $40! shacks manz
i beta ask my dog to spit out all contents that he may have swallowed manz
Re: Board Books

haha... Ladies, dun be paisei lar, No Worries. If I'm not confident in baggage I won't be buying so many lor, wahaha! Yr must know what line my hb is, won't be tax der. More over me and hb baggage entitlement is alot so every trip back, our luggage is only 10% filled. So bringing back this books so far is not an issue
BOOK so cheap here, dun buy damn wasted ah somemore mostly from UK.
Hubby also went crazy on Adult's book like "Who move my cheese"... Sg also so exp, here so cheap $4.50 nia hehe.

haha... not Ms. Nice lar... is juz that when i saw good books and especially rachel enjoy it so much, think i should share with other toddlers too, good thing must share mah hehe!

Hmm... I have seen board books in Sg lor, even those selling at book fair, some r cheap lar, but can never match the price here lar. Price here are like from $2 - $10 nia. hehe... SO CHEAP... dun share like very wrong wor, lol... juz like yr milk powder promotion remember haha!So i dun mind help getting if i can manage, if cannot will let your know dun worry =)

calculated ler... shld be ok la. Mostly are Mugs mah, so hand carry. the rest juz check in lor =)
Re: gymboree

27th Jun (Sat), 1PM left 3 slots

28th Jun (Sun), 3pm left 4 slots.

Can only utilise the vouchers @ Habourfront.

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm. - i've already booked my slots in advance. So please dun include me in the availability of slots and during booking.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm
Re: gymboree trial

sun 28th june 3pm left 3 slots

who moved my cheese is a nice book =)
ok. since i added my name to the list and u buy the books liao i cfm will get frm u de =)

no prob. i didnt add ur headcount in coz i know u booked liao =)

tks ya...Can I trouble u to help me buy some lift-the-flap books or those 3D one if you see ya..tks alot..But i reall worried ur luagage for u leh..
