(2008/05) May 2008

peace, they fixed the appt last year when i had the pap smear test..

val, push forward la.. go next week also lo then at least see 1 time can liao.. doesn't matter one.. no need to wait exactly 1 year.. somemore u abdominal pain, better see and check what it is.. don't drag.. maybe got baby..

ting, wow.. maybe aldan knocked himself in his dreams.. how come blue black suddenly appear one? or he fell in infant care, they don't dare tell u?

alice, 醉拳 = zui quan = Drunken Fist .. hahaha.. reminds me of drunken prawns though.. keke.. thanks for chionging to book store.. yeah..

hi shaine,

for photoshoot,u can try foto u,very nice

hi adnes,

can give me ur feedback of LNT vs shichida?
my email: [email protected]
thanks so much!

for the free flashcards,can any 1 enlighten me on how to download from the website?cos after i register,i do a search for flashcards and it say need to pay??

hi Alice
i m interested too, thks in advance.

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. [email protected]
hehe... u ladies r good in it, me return everything back to school days ler =)
Chiam... next time sure struggle to teach Rachel!
RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
Me also interested!
RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. [email protected]
18. ylyn - [email protected]
I also worry later her feet with fungus grow. I don't know why i found her leg is sweat if wearing shoes for long. Sometime will hv smelly leg ler. Don't know need to see doctor or not. So small already hv.
RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
19. ylyn - [email protected]
val- grrr.. I was reali pissed! Told him he wrk, I also hv to wrk. Come bk home no rest at all unlike him stil gt time to surf net n watch dvd!
Oh hahaha… I tot under 6 foc =P kkz, shall go n convince my hb to bring aldan b4 he turns 3 hehe

Alice- hahahah…. U gt the answer le =PP he reali looked like one le.. when he walks thn suddenly plonk unto the flr, like drunk. lolz

Cheri- cannot be cos aldan’s fav teacher wil tell me everythg! Hehe… maybe knock at home til I also duno. Haiz!
RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
19. ylyn - [email protected]
20. Jer - [email protected]

Ya true

Dolly, bb08, Diana,

I think we don't have spare player. So either we call it off, or else we can play 3 legs. haha I chin cai. Just let me know.
I dun mind 3 legs leh...
maybe i meet you all earlier to play 3 legs... then dolly come we play 4 legs... then when i go off at 6, you all can play 3 legs... woahaahaa...
Give them some fix routine tast to do lor. Like sterilize bottle, washing the bottle, prepare their meal and baby cloth washing.

My hb also like to surf net and play psp every night ler. But he can handle Shaine when my mum on leave. He will take bath, cook and feed her.

My hb also surf net and play PSP every nite too but that is after he put my boy to bed cos that is his job. So meanwhile i will shake leg and watch tv.. ha... ha...
I so worried le.. cos he dun even wan to say "mum mum" now... he only used his "a a a a" to tell mi he wan milk and poin to the place wher i put my bottles.. he recognise apple and will show mi when i say apples...
tat all le.. still cant call out any one of us..!as compare to his jie jie... he really slow le.. jie jie can call us when she is

I nv measure his height le..but his head can hit my dinning table liao.. should be quite tall alry hehehe .. he is 10kg now..he put on a bit of weight recently due to his gd appetite... he really dunno wat is "FULL". after porridge he still wan milk.. then wanna drink water.. !
Recently he learned how to kick a ball so funni like ah peh kick ball.. hahaha
I dunn like to read booK to him le.. cos he wan mi to read continusly to him.. wa kaoz.. so tired lo.. read again and again..once i stopped he will cry..y eh???
Alice :
so boring le.. read again and again.. sorry mi super impatient one.. so i aske my gal to read to him.. who nods she also cant tahan him..
hi ladies,
Pai seh for late reply as i was out for meeting earlier. I am fine with anythg lah, can even end at 6pm.

Faster come back, we need u and ur fingers . . . Hahahah
RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
19. ylyn - [email protected]
20. Jer - [email protected]
21. yanling [email protected]
Dolly.... no worries, coming back lo (*0*)

Re: Board Books

Ladies, today damn damn shiok lor!!!
Have not shop like that for so long liao wahaha! Guess what, today i went to another Book store called "Oxford Juniors" heard is the biggest kids book store in town. Not bad... found a lot more board books haha! Then I went crazy shopping and swipe out those realli good ones. Cos' i saw the list getting longer very scare not enough to share among all mummies.
Hmm..... so far I bought these many liao, keke!
Still have those very nice ones but think is better for them to like reading first... cos too high end for them =)

Maybe is to satisfy my craving in shopping bah wahaha! No GSS but i have GIS


Think me addicted in buying books ler, haha... look at Rachel's collection so far

btw, hubby nearly fainted when he saw what i'm buying hahaha!

Sori.. gal, my camera battery running low and me forgotten to bring charger along... so will try to capture more images on all the books then email to u gals ok. If not, then when i'm back then take pix liao.

Haha. I think at least you get to shop though it's on our behalf. Actually hor, I dunno where u are now leh. That time u were in India, now in UK huh?
Good Morning!

Whahaha... really looks like leilong leilong le... whahaha....

Guys are the same! My husband too! I also nag till I sian liao. SO now i will just tell him, "i not feeling well, i need to use the computer, i got something to gossip with xxx, i need to poo poo, i want to take a srub shower, so can you look after bb for a while???" whahaha... it works...
icebaby, bb08, dolly,

i tink we plan another day for mj ba....heehee


thks for taking the trouble to shop for us ya....hahaa...ur collection really quite alot lor...


no worries...daryl also the same wen we say the word clock, he will point, say fan, he point, ask him ware is daddy or mummy he will refuse to point....hmmm....guess they juz njoy teasing us ba....

wow lucas eat alot le....but how much porridge u gif him? is it those watery type? then after tat how much more milk u gif him?
Morning ladies..

Hi alice,
Hope u dun mind me adding to the list of boardbooks...hehe..tks..

Oh ya, do u happen to see any Lift-the-flap books or 3D books? I am looking for them wor...tks ya =).

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
19. ylyn - [email protected]
20. Jer - [email protected]
21. yanling [email protected]
22. feifei - [email protected]
Wow! Alice, that is really some shopping! Thanks for helping us shop!

Haha, actually I'm also interested to know how much porridge all the kids are taking and how thick/watery and how mashed? My girl should be the one taking the least. I hear all of you seem to feed at least one or two bowls
Mine only feeding half a bowl
hows ur ger now? Brought her to see another PD?

Wow, ur ger really enjoyed the trip alot..so u brought food jars along for ur ger during e trip?

Anyone else going for any trial class recently?
Oh yes, I have some Gain IQ sackets to give away. Please let me know if you are interested ya..tks
so far my ger has been taking 1 bowl, sometimes 1bowl+ for lunch. Not those watery type, those normal type like wat we eat wor..

Ur ger dun like porridge?
Wah..all babies here have good appetite. My girl will take around 45 mins to 1 hour to finish 1 bowl.
Sigh, i missed my bus. Thank goodness I have mobile broadband. If not, dunno how.

These few days my ah-girl dun want to eat porridge. But milk she wants. I think cos teething so it's uncomfortable.
the thread is so fast trying to catch up for the past 2 days.

haha.. good good.. help us buy

alice is still stuck in India.
Alice ,

hahahah .....wow sooo many books !!!

Books for Jorel normally bought by his Ye-Ye hahah...but most of it still in the drawer .
he dun eat watery porridge..he prefer thoes thicker ones and preferably softer rice... usually its half of our ricebowl.
Then half hr later he cry for milk.. he drank abt 250ml then after a while he drink from his water bottle.. then if i give him biscuits he still can eat..
i think its pass 1yr lo. coz i rem i saw him in june then now he fix july for me. hmm...mayb i fix 1st week of july my hubby sld be free. coz bringing damien along so john tee can see him mah. hahhaa. dun think got baby inside la but i wldnt say i am 100% sure =P

hahahaa. i think teaching rachel mandarin is ur job liao coz dun think ur hubby up to it rite? hehehe.

shaine so young got smelly feet? serious ah?

hmm..sometimes got to state wat u expect frm guys to them then they will do lo. last time my hubby also like tt then i told him i expect him to help me out coz aft work i rush hm to prep dinner all these and aft dinner i cant have my peace meh? so now we will take turns to feed damien, then while i wassh up the dishes n clothes he will play with him and we will rotate to bathe damien also.
hahahaha. i also using this to try n convince my hubby to bring damien to disneyland before 3 and i think airline children under 2 travels at discounted rate or free so i trying to convince him to bring damien take aeroplane b4 2! hahaha.

got 1 period of time my hubby will play with the dslr cam every nite and rea dthe manual all these till i fedup...my hubby can handle damien la, except latch and cook for him...see hw my hubby cook i can go bang wall. ahhahaa.

wahahah! u bought so much books! thanks alot le but will luggage be a prob for u?

Good that he can eat so much. =) Means he enjoy eating? Heehee


Yours smelly feet? Mine hor..all sweaty feet! Dunno get from who! Hence, only hope dun turn to smell feet.


Well, at least ur hubby attempts to cook. Heehee

daryl eat 1 full bowl of porridge for lunch and dinner (min. 4 hrs interval) and the porridge is those thick thick kind.

i tink for me it is rather easy to feed daryl porridge instead of milk coz he prefer porridge better. he is a rather fast eater and we can finish feeding him longest by 30min.

now during weekend morning, after gifing him milk (less abt 150ml) then we will feed him some kueh kueh wen we having our breakfast also....
hmm...could it be she dun like porridge?Is she takign watery porridge? or could it be there are some ingridient in the porridge which she dun like? mayb u can let her try macaroni?

agreed with u that man really cannot handle kids well de.. I see how my hb clean my ger's mouth also faintz. she drools alot due to teething, then my hb will take tissue paper to clean her mouth cos he said easier lor, no need to wash..Then he nv chnages diapers for my ger, when she poo, he will open the doors on all the fans cos he said bery smelly..hiaz..

Can share with me, wat type of kuehs or BF can our toddlers eat now cos i am running out of ideas wat to intro to my ger liao.. tks =)
envy envy...we dread every meal time as will need to see if she opens her mouth. Anyone adds soy sauce or salt to porridge yet?
ya..I think she doesn't like the porridge or maybe the meat that I normally add in and grind for her cause after grinding it is still grainy and like sand.

Haha..your hb so funny, open doors to solve problem. Mine will only change if I'm not at home..so no choice.
ya..he loves to eat...but can be quite fussy sometimes.. he dislike papaya.. and plain porridge... and even if the porridge i cook is too watery .. he wil refused to eat so usually i'll give him rice with soup!
We added alittle of light soya sauce to my ger's porridge since she turns 1 yrs old and the taste is really diff =).. WHen I steam codfish for my ger, i will put alittle of soya sauce and ginger and
argh..nt say man really cant handle kids well la. mayb some aspects la. like for instant cooking wise my hubby cant make it la but other aspects still ok. i think diff guys diff la. at least my hubby will help to change my boy's diaper when he poos. hehehe.

i havent add any salt or soy sauce to porridge...
board books: hey ladies...actualli no need to ask alice to buy lar...can go suntec one shop selling a wide range of boardbooks and those lift up books...and also charts like fruits/abc, number....

its near toy rus...can try go see...

alice...wats the price of ur books ah? ytd from that shop i c prices like 6.90 for those first words book...very cheap leh...

maybe u dun buy so much lar..luggage wait overload also no point mah...

i take out my name from your list lar, since getting so long... unless u got leftover then u msg me ya.. =)

paiseh..i kpo for alice..the list getting very long liao..we shall stop adding on ya... else her luggage overweight...end up the cost may be higher than getting the books locally..

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
16. beebee - [email protected]
17. Buttercup - will PM u my email
18. [email protected]
19. ylyn - [email protected]
20. Jer - [email protected]
21. yanling [email protected]
22. feifei - [email protected]

hmm, in this case, i tink its e meat wor..so far hor, after cooking e porridge with meat, i will shred it, meaning use my fingers to make the meat smaller pieces for my ger...sometimes she will also spilt out those meat cso i tink the meat abit tough..

my ger also dun liek papaya, duno y hor..she loves strawberries =)
