(2008/05) May 2008

So I will take pix and email to everyone la. Then juz let me know which one u want then collect from me okie. Price juz pay me based on the price tag stated la.

those books I have bought are mostly lift-the-flap books but not 3D ones... I din get them cos' is huge =) Will email u too ya when i'm ready. no worries, so far can manage

haha ya lor... who moved my cheese is a good book. If u r book freak, u will go crazy seeing their book store, like border x 2!
u make me feel like calcutta is a great place to live in!
i love books!
i used to dream about opening a book shop
now, think i will collapse from all the international competition especially from India
Val- hw cm leh? u need choose date to hv no. 2 ah? hehe
I tink hor my chance also half half niah.. haha

Alice- thks again! =)
Thanks so much! *muacks*

Looking forward to ur return =)..hehe..By e way, when u coming bk? Now u in India?

half e chance? ur AF not yet reported?
used to be a book freak la. a few days can finish 1 book then go lib borrow again...but with damien i am no longer a book freak. hahaha.

ya. need to choose date. hahaha. my hubby will get a promotion in july so he will have alot of work committment for this 1yr. plus his studies, i dun wan to add on to his tight schedule + stress to have #2 during this period.

with daddy nt free, so this mummy here will have to fill in the gap for the daddy when he is away for damien mah.

so having #2 at this time is a no no..unless accident then LL lo. if nt we will stick to our schedule to try for one in june 2010.
peaceii ,

Sorry I will need to use the voucher as my hubby `s appt wz his frenz is cancelled .

And I have call them to book the slot .
ya lor, me like Hello kitty..hehe..

Tera they all are good lor, din see u post there liao wor...They are some mummies having their #2 lor =)..

Ops, tink i better stop posting these icons, if not other mummies going to scold me le..hee

where do u all bring ur kids for swim? I wanted to bring my ger for her 1st swim but duno go where..
Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm. - i've already booked my slots in advance. So please dun include me in the availability of slots and during booking.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri - 28062009 Sun 3pm
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm
Till now my girl still don't want to drink on her own ler. Cos all the while since young she don't like milk. So now only start train lor

Hope is b'cos of shoes.

U start train her rice liao ah?

I recently feel very frustrated to myself as i really don't hv time to do housework ler. Everytime when Shaine fall sleep and also want to sleep liao. B4 she sleep i can't really do much thing. May I know for those of you who had no maid and are working, how you all schedule the time for housework ah? Share with me ler.
I would wait for my ger to nap, then i will quickly do those more urgent need-to-do stuffs first. If she wakesup, i get my hb to entertain her first lor..But sometimes i will put her on her highchair, on tv and let her watch for maybe 30mins. 30 mins is really alot liao... =).

I hv frenz who engage part tiem cleaner to help them cleanup on wkends...
I will only do some urgent stuff after my ger sleeps at night eventhough I sometimes fall asleep while putting her to bed as well ;) For major cleaning, I get part time cleaner to come and do it.

Last time i used to clean the house with my hb during the weekends when my boy is asleep. But this is really very tiring . So in the end we got a part time cleaner to come every weekend to do it lor.
My problem is my mum and dad will be at my place to take care of my ger and they don't allow me to hire part time maid.

Yet they keep helping to do and sometime will nag at me said so many thing i didn't do lor. But don't know why i feel really very tired lor. I think i must split sometime to my husband. I do housework when he is back to take care my ger. Before he reach home i play with her.

Not yet. But I really very bo chap now cos currently my maid taking care of her fully. She okay with maid. So I let maid handle. Maybe wait till she has more teeth first. Cos now she having hard time with her teeth growing so not interested in porridge. But she loves all other junk food...including chips, ice-cream, yogurt, etc. Heehee

RE: #2
Who is trying for number 2 already? heehee


Thanks so much. My dear, u dun sleep much hor. 4am (SG time) can still post, then after that early morning can post again! Where are u? UK? Sorry I missed the part where u are now.
Ya loh...if cannot get part time maid then no choice loh, get hb to help play with your ger, but still will be very tiring loh.

I get part time maid on alternate weeks to do cleaning for me...as for the other chores as follow :

washing clothes : dump in washing machine while hb look after daryl
hanging clothes : either wait till daryl zz or get hb to look after him
folding of clothes : put daryl in his playpen in the room while both me and hb fold our clothes
washing of cups or plates : either wait till daryl zz or get hb to look after him
vacuum or mopping floor : usually hb will do it while i look after daryl

Hahaha. I dunno why i keep thinking you are in UK! Wah, I peifu that you do not have dark eye rings and can post in forum at 4am then!


Now i waiting patiently to go home and sleep. I very lack of sleep these days. So tired.
called and booked sun 28th jun 3pm slot for rachel n matthias liao.

aft work when i go hm before i fetch damien hm, i will prep his dinner, wash his clothes, bathe then while the food are being cook i will go fetch him.

then i will feed him dinner while i eat dinner also. then i will wash the dishes while he is in his high chair watching dvds. if he is gd n dun fuss, i can manage to wash another few pieces of clothes.

if not, i will wait till he slps then i wash the dishes and clothes. sometimes i also fell aslp with him but i do wake up in the middle of the nite knowing that things are not done then i will go and wash them. that is why sometimes u see me posting in the funi hrs of the nite coz aft doing hsework cant slp. hahaha.
i see..actually if get a part cleaner then will be good for all of you..But ur parents dun like e idea of getting one? u got ask them reason?

i tried calling Gymbroee to book for sat class but nobody pick up... =(.
Val ,

thank gal . I managed to book the slot at 11.15am for Jorel on sat too !!

Sorry gals cannot join you all on sunday as Jorel is starting his class wz kindermuskic this sunday onwards together wz buddy Rayden , Rachael .....YEAH !!!
Val and Diana,
From today onward, I will follow what you all did. Let see how lor.

seems what u are doing is also my headache. Washing cloth and iron cloth. If don't need to do this 2 things....phew...50% of the time can do housekeeping.

My parents rather i pay to them on the part time maid lor. They feel all the while they also don't need the maid.

Got part time maid come alternate week ah?

Actually i found if someone at home during day time, part time maid can't help. Cos it get messy and dust easily as compared to those nobody at home during day time.
Dolly & JO,
What the kindermuzik do to them ah? I went to GUG but seems not very attractive ler.

I thinking of start LNT.
Corynn ,

I went for the trial at GUG too but Jorel dun seem to show any interest .

As for kindermuzik he like cos Jorel like music and singing . Actually quite similar to Gymboree loh ...but hubby prefer kindermuzik than gymboree .

You may wanna to let Shaine to go for the trial and see how her reaction ???
I think Keon and Morgan are also in kindermuzik .
Wat time ur boy attending kindermusik class? 3pm? My ger is same class as adnes's ger..The 1pm class..

u can call kindermusik for a trial wor =)...

ya..they do..but nt thru agency one...heehee...for ironing which i hate most, i leave it to the maid too...but the bad side is tat they might burnt ur clothes lor...coz they did once lor....but heng the blouse is nt expensive lor...

my hse equally dusty even no one at hm in the day during weekday but mainly due to the contruction of some more HDB blks bside our blk lor...

i understand ur parent thinking...coz to them it is a waste of $$ lor....somemore...they might tink tat no matter how the maid clean it will nv be as good as own self do coz we will be more clean mah...coz our own hse mah...
Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm. - i've already booked my slots in advance. So please dun include me in the availability of slots and during booking.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial -28/06/09 Sun 3pm
6. chobits
7. peaceii
8. Cheri - 28062009 Sun 3pm
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm
kindermusik trial
if organising a trial, me interested. Last time brought Randall to one, he was so sticky and scare. Now thinking of trying second time and see what happens.
last time i also cannot cope. So my house like run away lidat....
den i got a part time maid, things are good now..i only need to concentrate on the laundry and keeping the place tidy etc...
when i shift house in august, will need to source for a new one again...and need to build trust again.
val, thanks so much!!
busy working these few days sian... and then came a email just now saying 1 manager who came and attend a manager's meeting on tuesday got H1N1, no wonder some of the big bosses left office after lunch today. think kena quarantined... sian.. i hope everything will be well..
Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm. - i've already booked my slots in advance. So please dun include me in the availability of slots and during booking.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial -28/06/09 Sun 3pm
6. chobits
7. peaceii - 28/06/09 Sun 3 pm
8. Cheri - 28062009 Sun 3pm
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm
hi feifei,

that is why we got portable dvd player for her,haha,like the queen

hi diana,

ur part time maid good?can email me the contact?
[email protected]

RE:housework chores

people tend to use the last generation's standard on us,my mil last time can do everything on her own,cook,mop,look after bb etc
jo, choc, dolly, i also feel like signing up the kindermusik one leh... cos that time that trial, matthias seems to like it.. and he likes music.. he will dance to the music. haha.. but got 1 concern, if say, u miss a class like he's sick, will there be a make up class?
if i remember correctly, you can do make up lesson for it, i think i enquiried from them before on this. Compared them with GUG, they are more flexible.
Let's go cheri!! Heheee... Raphael be so happy his same bday brother Matthias be in the same class together....

Yawn.... Good nite mummies...

Oh ya I went to get another tin of friso 2, free 900g again at cold storage... Lol
I really think if possible to convince my parents on part time maid then will b good. But i stay in woodlands. So i don't think anyone of you stay near me. How to ask for recommendation?
Val- tats gd =) promotion means more $$ means more spendin power! Heheh… nt easy le, to hv more wrk commitments n stil gt to study. Hw long is ur hb’s course?
Our plan is to try early nxt yr, hope can hv nxt dec bb! Hehhe..

Corynn- nvm, jus keep tryin! Aldan only recently thn wan to hold his botl n drink. I been tryin for so long thn finally the day came. Haha!

Ylyn- no lah, he follows our genes! haha… my hb is 1.84cm n I’m 1.67cm. tink nxt time he sure wil hit 1.8cm too. But too tall also no gd le!
Cheri, Dolly,
For Kindermusik, yes if child is sick, can have make up lesson

Speaking on H1N1, an employee in the same company as me based in ORQ oso gena! But apparently they disinfected the whole place...lucky I am not based in ORQ in the same office!

I just walked over to the HDB hub branch and inquired..hmmm..I m in dilemma whether to enrol her there..the class size sounds good, ranges between 4-6 chidren per class, but I m wondering if this type of teaching method is really good for all kids?? But I guess we wont know unless we try ba..oh yes, there is a waitlist for the clases, ard 6 mths..

Morgan Faith can concentrate? She wun try to snatch the flash cards??
hey ladies ,

LNT stand for ??

Evie ,

Morgen attended since she is 3 mths old leh , so i think she is really good leh . But i feel the Shicida method is still base in indivdual baby .Morgan is indeed impressive but my hubby`s son also in there but i dun feel that boy is impressive . But like what you say if want to try just need to pay $$$ to try on our boy or gal .

Val is also interested .....!!!

OMG!!! How can he do that... Aiyo! I have PM him ler... to take it off lor. How come never ask me first so piss!

At least the balloons lady asked me whether can take one of my pix on the helium balloons as sample pix. This guy din ask me lei, =(

actually i don mind that guy use the pics but must at least ask you first. That time i went to MKJ photography, the photographer let me sign an agreement whether if i allows the photos to be post online a not which i thinks its good.
