(2008/05) May 2008

hahaha tell him that we are gg to charge him for the copyrights .... no, we cannot remove on our own, only the moderator can do that.

wah lau, your family photo is also on it ! Somemore your hubby was focusing on the camera, how is his reaction when he saw it ?
alice ,

I just happen to browse the thread then realise how come our group is on it
haha haha.

Ya at least ask loh even thought he have the right to post online :p . My photographer also did ask whether she can post Jorel `s Photo on her website . Nevermind at least you agreed to take it off
no worries lah
LNT stands for Little Neuro Tree. oh will tt the bp money and send the pics to you tmr. sorry for the delay

ya, cannot delete ourselves. we can only edit our posts in 20 mins time after which have to get the moderator to edit or delete.
Jer, Jo, Choc, dolly,

Hmm.... next time i know ler, b4 taking PS will ask the photographer to sign the agreement or at least confirm with them must ask permission from us b4 using it as advertising material =p
Cos' I realised David from Foto-u also like that! That's one somemore is topless pix of my gal *_* hb see liao sure fainted, haha! haven't told him yet thou...

Let's monitor see whether it has been removed or not...
so w/o the trial voucher u paying for the trial class isit? let me know coz i need to let the staffs @ gymboree knows if we are using voucher or otherwise. thx.

whahaha. he got more spending power nt me le. hehehe. altho i think its gd as ultimately damien n myself will benefit from it. hahhaha. hmmm..he is taking part time course so minimum 3yrs i think. hahaa. gd luck to ur baby trying early next yr. i am hoping for a mar 2011 baby =P

did u watch the 10min video @ shichida? i think u sld try and enrol ur gal in it to know whether it works on her nt. Coz i feel just by attending trial u will nt see the result in ur gal whether its gd or nt coz first trial is only 1time experience, ur gal may nt have warm up to the method so its nt fair to say whether she is benefiting from it or nt altho some kids may show interests. and for some kids, it may take a longer time to show the results while on other kids it may take a shorter time so ultimately also depends on individual kids. anyway shichida also dun offer trial class. i may be going dwn HDB hub next weekend to see how it is.

wah! how did u came across that bp with our photos in it? caught me by surprise le.

wah! he nv ask then just post like tt ah? nt v nice le...

ya. some ps will ask u to sign such agreement but some will auto take it as its their property lo.
nt sure how much is the trial class w/o voucher. which day u wanna join?

mayb u can call n ask the branch @ habourfront 62711545.
RE:gymboree trial
These few days stay at my mum place and have no internet connection. it Seems like sun class slot all being chopped up. I try to call to see if i can get on the sat class. =)

Re: Gymboree Trial
1. bb08 - 28/06/09 Sun 3pm. - i've already booked my slots in advance. So please dun include me in the availability of slots and during booking.
2. alice - Sunday 28th Jun
3. Jo / I might let go for interested party !!!
4. Val - 28/0609 sun 3pm
5. jovial -28/06/09 Sun 3pm
6. chobits- maybe on sat
7. peaceii - 28/06/09 Sun 3 pm
8. Cheri - 28062009 Sun 3pm
9. feifei - I am ok with 27/06/09, 1pm

Morgan Faith in LNT? are the lessons good? coz me also considering up my boy for it. Thanks
Morgan is ok with the flashcard maybe she is used to it already as im practising it at home everyday. Bt if 1 kid make noise, the class will be making noise. Most of the kids will move ard and make noise at this age cos no break. Tat is very common. I agree wit Val you have to try then you will know. If you are looking at result in a short period of time, I have to tell you it take time, even the teachers will tell u this.

In shichida, parents involvement is very impt. We need to coach them everyday.

My ger is attending shichida now for 6 month liao. Before tat she was attending LNT since she was 5month.

My ger is attending shichida now. Lessons good anot i reali got no comment on this as it reali depend on individual.
Jo, Val, Adnes,
Thanks for the comments on Shichida.Think I will let her try it out but not sure when I will be starting though..

I din see the 10min video, I only spoke to a man at the counter. Do lemme know your thoughts on Shichida after u visit the place ok?
Nice to see you today =)..Morgan is really pretty today =)..

I was enquiring abt the sun 3pm class, but was told no more vacancy liao so i sticking with the 1pm class =).

come join me for sat's class at Gymbroee lor =).

how much is shicida's classses?
Hi Mummies,

Juz wanna share. Today went shopping and bought a pair of Crocs (Disney kids) for Rachel. I realise it is so much easier to walk with it cos' is realli light and not adding weight to their tiny feet! I think is realli worth getting one for them =)

I wanted the pink one but OOS so got this purple one instead. Hb said this colour looks like clown -_-" then he suggest taking the red one... OMG, dun u think it will look more like Ronald Macdonald, wahahaha!

2 thumbs up for Crocs!
same same, me also siao over Crocs, the last sales in Singapore Expo, i bought more than 10over pairs, some for myself, rayden, mil, mum, hubby ....

currently Rayden has got 4 pairs of Crocs

See his latest collection :
dolly / Jer / choc ,

Jorel really enjoy himself yesterday at his first lesson . He KO at 9 till 10pm woke up drink milk and KO back hahahah :p

Wow good ...like that I can have more rest at least on sunday and still watch some drama online :p
I saw one mary jane design for baby croc in HK. But too bad shaine feet very thick and small can't fit this design.

I agree with icebaby, croc is a bit bulky and need some time for them to get use. Shaine can run very fast in shoo shoos but once i put on croc, she walk step by step like the duck. May the size C4/5 is still big for her.

Rayden looks smart. How is the photo shot? Worth to take?

nice pic of rayden =) nice outfit and he is smiling =)

ask u ah, those musical instruments u all use in class can it be purchased over the counter?
Val ,

hmmm actually i dunno leh .

But Jorel did received birthday present from Lynn ...hahah alot of musical instrument and time to time he like to play . Which is under Braun Toy Rus got sell now got promotion going on .
ok. thx. will go check out toyrus. hehehe. coz i am thinking of buying musical instruments similiar to those in the kindermusik class for damien to play at hm =)
Msg from Rayden ...
Thanks all aunties !

all photos will be returned back in low res, so i need to top up additional $50 to get back all high res instead.

it's worth, cos i only paid $38 for the promo, inclusive of 1 x 8R and 1 x 5R printout ... and top up $50 for all high res shots

actually rayden was having slight fever on Friday night at 38.3degree. Den i quickly gv him medicine and sponge him throughout the night. Hengz on Sat, his fever has subsided, but only abit cranky. Actually he didnt really smile alot on tt day, and i was quite surprised tt Wai Peng was fast enough to capture his smile. I will upload the rest of the photos into FB.

Re :Crocs
actually so far, rayden has not wear to wear with it, he only wear for nice nia, so i cannot comment much
Val ,

But that Braun is plastic kinda not wooden kind . But i think is better cos is light !!

If not you can check this shop learning for fun at paragon , raffles city, united square . have that shop and they have discount now . They having 50 to 70 percent discount cos last week I was there bought him some toy too . ?If i`m not wrong they have wooden kinda and plastic kinds
oh. how is rayden now? fever already subsided? in this case, waipeng nt bad le. can really capture a smiling rayden even tho he seldom smile that gd. how is waipeng service? gd?

plastic is light. gd. esp nowadays damien like to carry things n walk everywhere. so got once he carried the magic cube and he dropped it onto his feet n he cry coz heavy...

learning for fun sounds familiar...nt sure if there is 1 branch @ suntec. will go toy shopping this sat. heehee. thx! i will call KP later then let u know abt the vcds.
Val- hehe.. true lah but u n damien wil also benefit! I also wish my hb earns more thn maybe I can be sahm again. Wahahha

Alice/dolly- crocs nt slippery?? I gt 1 pair n realise the friction nt reali gd. Tot of getting for aldan but my hb also agreed tat it’s nt reali safe

Dolly- nice pic of rayden!! U temptin me to go for another PS le..
true la. he earns more then there is a higher chance of him nodding to the jap trip. whahaha! my hubby v smart le...he says if i dun work i can dun think of sending damien to gd nurseries or kindergarden....

actually i also tempted by the ps but if i do sign up for another must be those promo ps if nt my hubby will nag n says got cam liao still go studio...
haha....i always complaint my hubby can't took the nice picture as studio. So he bo pian ler.

I just post to foto U. Hope can go for PS this week.
Corynn ,

They still having promotion ?? How is it ...was telling hubby i want to bring Jorel for another photo shoot since he is One liao hahah :p

Can advise how much is their promotion rate now ?
hahaha. ya lo. i told my hubby his skills nt there yet so must go ps...he says that is why must give him more practise then can reach there mah -_-'''

for the outdoor ps, if buy back all the photos hw much ah?
Ytd is father’s day but ma chiam grandfather’s day to aldan! haha… we were at swensons n I gv fries to aldan, he took a bite n noe wat! thn passed to my dad to eat n when my dad gv to him,he took another bite! So sweet lor! My hb so jealous. hahah
huh, alot of girls will fall for him, like tt cannot lah, he must learn to be faithful leh ... haha but this KS mummy is always looking out for girlfriends for him.

thanks ... this was meant to be his 1st yr old birthday suit

u funny huh, u sure they are white hair ?
btw u got see his GAP jeans in the photo bo, this is the one tt i told u .... the waist is just nice, but u see the length, 3/4 liao. This is usually the case, waist just nice, but length too short. If buy bigger ones, then the waist will be very loose.
