(2008/05) May 2008

Re : MJ
I can make it at Diana's place, but cannot be so early leh... how ? or any player who can start early with you gals ?

is ur meeting cancelled ?
i was still complaining to my husband last nite that i'm not earning enough money... i want to earn MORE!!!! so i'm contemplating of whether to sacrifice my babies' time to work more or just remain as where i am....

its very irony actually.... i want to work more so that i can give a better life to my children in future...but that means i dun have time to play/ teach and interact with them... is this really a better life for them??? is this what they really want????

Man are greedy... Woman are greedy too...i should really be contented with what i have...cynthia is right... a mother would rather sacrifice her life and happiness and endure the pain and suffering on behalf of her children...

re:MJ on friday at diana's place
anyone who can make it earlier or later also can? if earlier, can play with me, diana and icebaby.
if later can play with dolly, diana and icebaby.

if no one, then must ask diana and icebaby to buy the 'stop itch' powder. haa...

It's really a choice. We are all human, in life we have to make choices. Sometimes, as long as the choice we are happy and people around us support that choice, that's more impt.

I have reach to a stage that I do not bother what others think. I am like a mother of 3 but dun act like one cos I very bo chap about my kids (those who dun know me thinks I really dun care. Ma cham like "pig" ordered to deliver kids and do nothing later). Those who know me well enough, understands why I bo chap. I feel sad sometimes that I am the way I am but then again, I really dun have much choice. So my focus was on career most of the time. Now...erm...taking a lazy step to just earn money and make sure that everyone is happy. However, having mid-career crisis now. (But that's a different story).

Haha. If no one, then we either dun play or just play at 2/3pm lor. Then if u really need to leave, then leave. Dun really have to finish 2 rounds bah. What time u have to go?
nice pics of daryl. =) is he trying to balance himself?

no la. daryl and rachel also diff gender but so much similiaries le. hehehe.

tired...can be preg too. hahaha. j kidding. drink more bu.

ya. the lunch is on 26th june. can u make it?

PM u my email addr le. thanks =)

me ok de...nt hand nt tat itchy hahaha...icebaby hand is itchy lah....

yes, i do agreed to wat cynthia say...coz in a way some of us here are also doing it but of course nt as jialat as her case lor...


i tink i noe y u bochap coz somehow i do recall some of the tings u mention before in the past....


he is actually walking and shaking his hand machiam dancing like tat...coz tink he was happy with some prop he saw ba....heehee
hahaha. think daryl really did enjoy himself at the PS since he is walking n shaking his hands =) how he is officially walking w/o supports for a few steps le?

Re: Meal @ Jerry
26th June (Fri) Lunch:
1. Val
2. Jo + Hubby + Jorel
3. Dolly23
4. bb08
5. Cheri
6. Alice + Rachel
7. Diana
8. Angela

Meet 1.30pm at raffles place mrt.
wow so many posts

sugar, can send me e photos u took of eudora during e gymboree trial last saturday? thanks [email protected]

angela, very nice clippies u intending to sell? i'm like e one with strawberry haahaa...

alice, i'm also interested in e books too especially those which flip or peek-a-boo...

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
Diana/ Alice:

Lucas started working without support a day before his 1st birthday..basically now he roamed around e house touching all untouchable..

But he he dun talk much le,, only nod "mamamama" (nt calling mi la just baby talk) and "eeeahahaha". Have daryl and Rachel started calling u??

so Lucas is the no. 1 to start walking...but if i recall correctly, Lucas is born hours earlier than Daryl and Rachel rite?

no...Daryl refused to call me or my hb...the words he say beside those eee...arh arh...which we can heard much clearer are ball ball, but (bus without the s) cart (car), pao pao (ask us to carry him), kok (clock) and most impt mum mum (ask for food) etc...
alice, i'm also interested in e books too especially those which flip or peek-a-boo...

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
Once they can stand up by their own without hold up any support, will be the time they can walk steadily and run liao.

My mum told me this is the indication they consider know how to walk if they can do it without support to stand up.
hahhahaa. its always like tt de. come back frm holiday no mood to work one. hehehee.

hahahaha. now u guys follow him behind. soon will be u guys running aft him liao, lagi more tired! ya. cant leave them alone for a sec u nv knows wat happen ho. btw, once they know hw to walk, do close the bedroom door at nite in case he gets up early w.o u knowing n wonder off elsewhere in the hse..
Hmm my ger can stand up by her own and walk walk walk, but somehow I dun find that she is very steady in her walking lei..she will use her 2 hands to balance (her 2 hands will be stretched outwards and she looks like a bird. Dan hor, if I am naughty and stretch out my legs when she is walking, she will sure fall down. She never check blind spot wan!
no le...actually i have been checking out any ps lately coz since now we got the dslr, my hubby dun wan me to sign up any ps...but then i tell him the results come out v diff le. hehehe.

wah! u v bad le, wnana trip ur gal. hehehe. j kidding. my boy also dun check blind spot of if he can he will try to walk over the toys or my legs la...only chairs, tables, big toys then he will go ard them...

Ya. When come back to work, erm...can be damn sleepy and lazy. Normal. hehee


Haha. It's their learning stage. They have to learn falling is painful. Dun protect them too much (of course, not like escalator or stairs hor). But can imagine how she stands...looks cute.

Mine is actively climbing our staircase (masionette house) everyday. But still cannot walk. Maid cut her fringe yesterday, now very uneven. Never ask me b4 cut. But then again, she really needs her fringe to be cut. Block her vision. Heehee
realise one of my girl can stand up on her own and walk liao...but she always tiptoe...thats the downside of putting her in a walker.

sorry dunno much of your story... maybe you can repeat again if we had mj....haa....
Wow Shaine so cute, put hands behind her
She looks sooooo happie in the HK pictures! She's a really pretty gal.

Hehe fun mah, see her trip and give me angry face, dan get up walk walk again. heehee..

Yep yep must let them learn the hard way!
True, She is really very very happy lor.....everyday still hv her 2 nap as usual...but once wake up...wow she cheong liao.

She very excited that we take solo photo for her. Cos she feel like model ler...everybody look at her and we keep do funny face to ensure she laugh.
Now she had learned how to do diff post liao.

To all,
Anyone of you use dermalogical product? Got thing to buy now having 30% disc.

Now realize for my number of post reach 500, had changed from junior member to member. Can start sell away my stuff liao.

So now they start walking, u intend to sell away the walker? I feel my storeroom full of their toy box ler....must sell some liao.

My story boring lah. =P




For me, I just will go for my trip regardless. But then again, my kids are older (cos I dun bring my girl). So ya, abit limited, locations. Everywhere now affected. Malaysia..I think still okay unless they didn't report anything?
I thought is eric reply so he might not know me that's y address me as Shaine.

i had pm ur hubby liao. Must wait for me oh, i want to order. But still don't hv nice picture of Shaine yet. Now looking for photo shot.
thanks corynn

has the bp seller get back to you regarding the Kate spade spree...

my cousin told me her colleague is in US now... so she can help me to get it leh...so i might want to drop out from the spree... pai sei ah...
and also i'm not buying so much liao... after reading diana's recommended story and my husband disapproval... haa...think i buy 3 will do..
hahahaha. u say fun. for me i so worried lo. everytime see him fall my heart will skip a beat...so worried he will hurt his gums or watever.

hahha. now everyone start calling u shaine liao =P

msia got 1 human to human infections liao.
Alice- thks in advance for helpin to get the books!
Aldan, rayden n tim thou born on same day but all diff leh! haha

RE: Board books
Name and Email Address (or PM me yr email)
1. Jaime and [email protected]
2. Diana and [email protected]
3. choc and [email protected]
4. Corynn - [email protected]
5. von and [email protected]
6. peaceii and [email protected]
7. bb08 - [email protected]
8. dolly - [email protected]
9. Adnes - [email protected]
10. Val - will PM u my email addr...
11. Jo [email protected]
12. [email protected]
13. annabelle - [email protected]
14. Evie_82 - will PM u my email
15. ting - [email protected]
Re: walking..
Aldan walks like a drunkard leh.. he can walk sideways n suddenly peng san on the flr. The teacher was sayin ask me cook frog legs for him to strengthen his legs!

Val- talkin abt gums.. jus ytd aldan was walkin ard n fell onto the teacher’s back n hurt his gums n bled! I gt a shock when he came dwn n saw hw cm his teeth red red n realise bleedin so badly. Immed put sugar n was beta n this boy enjoyed lickin the sugar!
Me Me.... But mine still full... keke...where is the discount coming from? Website?

I will email you by tonight. Thanks alot!
I change back again lor. I not as small as shaine....

what is ur recommedation story ler? Seems like i missed out something ler.

which spree u join? I very regret i not getting the Gucci or Lv in HK. I want to get another one coach but look at all the BP so many post I also faint liao, cos don't know which model they hv ler.

I do remember someone using....it's u. There is someone in msn also using and i had asked whether she want to combine or not. But i already hv about $100 liao. It's free shipping for domestic.

It's from the web. I will be order. Last day is 20th.
